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238 papers:

DATEDATE-2015-HoqueMS #analysis #approach #maintenance #model checking #probability #reliability #towards
Towards an accurate reliability, availability and maintainability analysis approach for satellite systems based on probabilistic model checking (KAH, OAM, YS), pp. 1635–1640.
ICSMEICSME-2015-SzokeNHFG #automation #case study #industrial #maintenance #refactoring
Do automatic refactorings improve maintainability? An industrial case study (GS, CN, PH, RF, TG), pp. 429–438.
SCAMSCAM-2015-FaragoHF #cumulative #maintenance
Cumulative code churn: Impact on maintainability (CF, PH, RF), pp. 141–150.
STOCSTOC-2015-BhattacharyaHNT #algorithm #maintenance
Space- and Time-Efficient Algorithm for Maintaining Dense Subgraphs on One-Pass Dynamic Streams (SB, MH, DN, CET), pp. 173–182.
ICALPICALP-v2-2015-BhattacharyaHHK #maintenance
Maintaining Near-Popular Matchings (SB, MH, CCH, TK, LW), pp. 504–515.
CSCWCSCW-2015-LiuIP #comprehension #how #maintenance #quote
“I’m Not Like My Friends”: Understanding How Children with a Chronic Illness Use Technology to Maintain Normalcy (LSL, KMI, WP), pp. 1527–1539.
SPLCSPLC-2015-JiBAC #embedded #maintenance #traceability
Maintaining feature traceability with embedded annotations (WJ, TB, MA, KC), pp. 61–70.
CASECASE-2014-NodaMNKOI #behaviour #maintenance #online #predict
Online maintaining behavior of high-load and unstable postures based on whole-body load balancing strategy with thermal prediction (SN, MM, SN, YK, KO, MI), pp. 1166–1171.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-ClaesMG #maintenance #on the
On the maintainability of CRAN packages (MC, TM, PG), pp. 308–312.
ICPCICPC-2014-HossenKP #maintenance #source code
Amalgamating source code authors, maintainers, and change proneness to triage change requests (KH, HHK, DP), pp. 130–141.
ICPCICPC-2014-SteidlE #fault #maintenance #recommendation #refactoring
Prioritizing maintainability defects based on refactoring recommendations (DS, SE), pp. 168–176.
ICSMEICSME-2014-ClaesMG #maintenance #named
maintaineR: A Web-Based Dashboard for Maintainers of CRAN Packages (MC, TM, PG), pp. 597–600.
ICALPICALP-v1-2014-BaswanaK #algorithm #graph #incremental #maintenance
Incremental Algorithm for Maintaining DFS Tree for Undirected Graphs (SB, SK), pp. 138–149.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2014-SilvaLS #clustering #integration #maintenance #semantics
A Proposal to Maintain the Semantic Balance in Cluster-based Data Integration Systems (ERdS, BFL, ACS), pp. 90–98.
KEODKEOD-2014-GonenFEBWZP #how #maintenance #modelling #ontology #question
Maintaining SOA Systems of the Future — How Can Ontological Modeling Help? (BG, XF, EES, SB, NW, AZ, IP), pp. 376–381.
RERE-2014-GartnerRBSJ #maintenance #requirements #security
Maintaining requirements for long-living software systems by incorporating security knowledge (SG, TR, JB, KS, JJ), pp. 103–112.
ICSEICSE-2014-CachoCFSCSGBG #c# #empirical #evolution #maintenance #robust #source code
Trading robustness for maintainability: an empirical study of evolving c# programs (NC, TC, TF, ES, AC, RS, IG, EAB, AG), pp. 584–595.
ECSAECSA-2013-DimechB #approach #architecture #consistency #development #maintenance
Maintaining Architectural Conformance during Software Development: A Practical Approach (CD, DB), pp. 208–223.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2013-DeshpandeLTDSRHD #knowledge base #maintenance #using
Building, maintaining, and using knowledge bases: a report from the trenches (OD, DSL, MT, SD, SS, AR, VH, AD), pp. 1209–1220.
CSMRCSMR-2013-AsgharMSS #metric #requirements #traceability #using
Maintainability-Based Requirements Prioritization by Using Artifacts Traceability and Code Metrics (MWA, AM, AS, GS), pp. 417–420.
ICSMEICSM-2013-CastrejonVCL #maintenance #named #persistent
ExSchema: Discovering and Maintaining Schemas from Polyglot Persistence Applications (JCC, GVS, CC, RL), pp. 496–499.
ICSMEICSM-2013-Hegedus #maintenance
Revealing the Effect of Coding Practices on Software Maintainability (PH), pp. 578–581.
ICSMEICSM-2013-Yamashita #case study #comparative #how #maintenance #smell
How Good Are Code Smells for Evaluating Software Maintainability? Results from a Comparative Case Study (AY), pp. 566–571.
ICSMEICSM-2013-ZhangMZKH #how #maintenance #metric #question
How Does Context Affect the Distribution of Software Maintainability Metrics? (FZ, AM, YZ, FK, AEH), pp. 350–359.
WCREWCRE-2013-ChatterjiCKH #case study #developer #maintenance
Effects of cloned code on software maintainability: A replicated developer study (DC, JCC, NAK, JH), pp. 112–121.
STOCSTOC-2013-Bernstein #graph #maintenance
Maintaining shortest paths under deletions in weighted directed graphs: [extended abstract] (AB), pp. 725–734.
STOCSTOC-2013-GuGK #maintenance #online #power of
The power of deferral: maintaining a constant-competitive steiner tree online (AG, AG, AK), pp. 525–534.
CIKMCIKM-2013-CraneTO #maintenance
Maintaining discriminatory power in quantized indexes (MC, AT, RAO), pp. 1221–1224.
ICSEICSE-2013-Saraiva #maintenance #metric #roadmap
A roadmap for software maintainability measurement (JS), pp. 1453–1455.
ICSEICSE-2013-YamashitaM #empirical #maintenance #smell
Exploring the impact of inter-smell relations on software maintainability: an empirical study (AFY, LM), pp. 682–691.
WICSA-ECSAWICSA-ECSA-2012-MiesbauerW #architecture #information management #maintenance #using
Capturing and Maintaining Architectural Knowledge Using Context Information (CM, RW), pp. 206–210.
ASEASE-2012-Meananeatra #identification #maintenance #refactoring #sequence
Identifying refactoring sequences for improving software maintainability (PM), pp. 406–409.
DRRDRR-2012-GaoZN #complexity #online #recognition #reduction
Complexity reduction with recognition rate maintained for online handwritten Japanese text recognition (JG, BZ, MN).
PODSPODS-2012-GrossiO #maintenance #sequence #string
The wavelet trie: maintaining an indexed sequence of strings in compressed space (RG, GO), pp. 203–214.
CSMRCSMR-2012-BurgerH #maintenance #metric
Applying Maintainability Oriented Software Metrics to Cabin Software of a Commercial Airliner (SB, OH), pp. 457–460.
CSMRCSMR-2012-CastrejonLV #architecture #maintenance #named #verification #web
Web2MexADL: Discovery and Maintainability Verification of Software Systems Architecture (JCC, RL, GVS), pp. 531–534.
CSMRCSMR-2012-HurdugaciZ #developer #maintenance #testing
Aiding Software Developers to Maintain Developer Tests (VH, AZ), pp. 11–20.
CSMRCSMR-2012-YoshidaKI #approach #functional #maintenance #metric #source code
A Cohesion Metric Approach to Dividing Source Code into Functional Segments to Improve Maintainability (NY, MK, HI), pp. 365–370.
ICPCICPC-2012-KleinschmagerHRS #empirical #maintenance #static typing #type system
Do static type systems improve the maintainability of software systems? An empirical study (SK, SH, RR, ÉT, AS), pp. 153–162.
ICSMEICSM-2012-BakotaHLKFG #cost analysis #maintenance #modelling
A cost model based on software maintainability (TB, PH, GL, PK, RF, TG), pp. 316–325.
ICSMEICSM-2012-YamashitaM #aspect-oriented #maintenance #question #smell
Do code smells reflect important maintainability aspects? (AFY, LM), pp. 306–315.
KDIRKDIR-2012-LindnerH #constraints #learning #maintenance #parsing #random
Parsing and Maintaining Bibliographic References — Semi-supervised Learning of Conditional Random Fields with Constraints (SL, WH), pp. 233–238.
KEODKEOD-2012-DogmusGPE #maintenance #ontology
Developing and Maintaining an Ontology for Rehabilitation Robotics (ZD, GG, VP, EE), pp. 389–395.
ICSEICSE-2012-YuLHHKM #bidirectional #invariant #maintenance #traceability
Maintaining invariant traceability through bidirectional transformations (YY, YL, ZH, SH, HK, LM), pp. 540–550.
ISSTAISSTA-2012-FryLW #maintenance
A human study of patch maintainability (ZPF, BL, WW), pp. 177–187.
ASEASE-2011-RobinsonEPAL #automation #generative #scalability #source code #testing
Scaling up automated test generation: Automatically generating maintainable regression unit tests for programs (BR, MDE, JHP, VA, NL), pp. 23–32.
ICDARICDAR-2011-Saund #approach #graph #image #maintenance
A Graph Lattice Approach to Maintaining Dense Collections of Subgraphs as Image Features (ES), pp. 1069–1074.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-ZhouFSTHILS #declarative #distributed #framework #maintenance #named #query
NetTrails: a declarative platform for maintaining and querying provenance in distributed systems (WZ, QF, SS, TT, AH, ZGI, BTL, MS), pp. 1323–1326.
VLDBVLDB-2011-KocR #classification #incremental #maintenance #using
Incrementally maintaining classification using an RDBMS (MLK, CR), pp. 302–313.
CSMRCSMR-2011-LeottaRRA #architecture #maintenance
Comparing the Maintainability of Two Alternative Architectures of a Postal System: SOA vs. Non-SOA (ML, FR, GR, EA), pp. 317–320.
ICSMEICSM-2011-CorreiaF #maintenance #spreadsheet
Measuring maintainability of spreadsheets in the wild (JPC, MAF), pp. 516–519.
KEODKEOD-2011-LepperT #2d #authoring #documentation #maintenance #named #prototype #robust #xml
D2d — A Robust Front-end for Prototyping, Authoring and Maintaining XML Encoded Documents by Domain Experts (ML, BTyW), pp. 449–456.
SEKESEKE-2011-RiazMT #bibliography #maintenance #predict #relational
Maintainability Predictors for Relational Database-Driven Software Applications: Results from a Survey (MR, EM, EDT), pp. 420–425.
ECOOPECOOP-2011-BaltopoulosBG #database #maintenance #refinement
Maintaining Database Integrity with Refinement Types (IGB, JB, ADG), pp. 484–509.
GPCEGPCE-2011-RibeiroQBTBS #dependence #maintenance #on the #product line
On the impact of feature dependencies when maintaining preprocessor-based software product lines (MR, FQ, PB, TT, CB, SS), pp. 23–32.
PPDPPPDP-2011-NigamJLS #distributed #incremental #logic programming #maintenance #source code
Maintaining distributed logic programs incrementally (VN, LJ, BTL, AS), pp. 125–136.
SACSAC-2011-SantosaMK #approach #named #programming #search-based
HMXT-GP: an information-theoretic approach to genetic programming that maintains diversity (HS, JM, PJK), pp. 1070–1075.
ICSEICSE-2011-Dantas #composition #maintenance #reuse
Reuse vs. maintainability: revealing the impact of composition code properties (FD), pp. 1082–1085.
QoSAQoSA-2010-KapovaGBH #maintenance #metric #model transformation
Evaluating Maintainability with Code Metrics for Model-to-Model Transformations (LK, TG, SB, JH), pp. 151–166.
CSMRCSMR-2010-KarusD #design #xml
Designing Maintainable XML Transformations (SK, MD), pp. 137–145.
ICSMEICSM-2010-Alves #assessment #maintenance
Assessment of product maintainability for two space domain simulators (TLA), pp. 1–7.
STOCSTOC-2010-OnakR #maintenance #scalability
Maintaining a large matching and a small vertex cover (KO, RR), pp. 457–464.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2010-ParninGR #interactive #maintenance #named #programming
CodePad: interactive spaces for maintaining concentration in programming environments (CP, CG, SR), pp. 15–24.
SEKESEKE-2010-AbranAC #maintenance #metric #requirements
Measurement Model of Software Requirements Derived from System Maintainability Requirements (AA, KTAS, JJCG), pp. 153–158.
SEKESEKE-2010-PatelGS #effectiveness #maintenance #named #testing #web
TestDrive — A Cost Effective Way to Create and Maintain Test Scripts for Web Applications (SP, PG, PS), pp. 474–476.
SACSAC-2010-Pamies-JuarezL #maintenance #reliability
Maintaining data reliability without availability in P2P storage systems (LPJ, PGL), pp. 684–688.
LDTALDTA-2010-KlintSV #domain-specific language #implementation #maintenance #on the #tool support
On the impact of DSL tools on the maintainability of language implementations (PK, TvdS, JJV), p. 10.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2010-AhmadV #maintenance #optimisation
Joint optimization of idle and cooling power in data centers while maintaining response time (FA, TNV), pp. 243–256.
CSMRCSMR-2009-AckermannLD #case study #flexibility #maintenance
Redesign for Flexibility and Maintainability: A Case Study (CA, ML, GD), pp. 259–262.
CSMRCSMR-2009-EkstedtFJLSUB #analysis #architecture #enterprise #maintenance
A Tool for Enterprise Architecture Analysis of Maintainability (ME, UF, PJ, RL, TS, JU, MB), pp. 327–328.
CSMRCSMR-2009-ElishE #case study #comparative #maintenance #object-oriented #predict
Application of TreeNet in Predicting Object-Oriented Software Maintainability: A Comparative Study (MOE, KOE), pp. 69–78.
ICPCICPC-2009-Bartho #maintenance
Creating and maintaining tutorials with DEFT (AB), pp. 309–310.
ICPCICPC-2009-TorchianoS #agile #comprehension #developer #development #maintenance #testing
TDD = too dumb developers? Implications of Test-Driven Development on maintainability and comprehension of software (MT, AS), pp. 280–282.
ICSMEICSM-2009-CorreiaKV #maintenance
A survey-based study of the mapping of system properties to ISO/IEC 9126 maintainability characteristics (JPC, YK, JV), pp. 61–70.
ICSMEICSM-2009-NigulM #maintenance
Software maintainability benefits from annotation-driven code (LN, EM), pp. 417–421.
SCAMSCAM-2009-Prause #fine-grained #maintenance #metadata
Maintaining Fine-Grained Code Metadata Regardless of Moving, Copying and Merging (CP), pp. 109–118.
CHICHI-2009-ZhouAZ #maintenance #why
I just don’t know why it’s gone: maintaining informal information use in inpatient care (XZ, MSA, KZ), pp. 2061–2070.
ECIRECIR-2009-LungleyK #automation
Automatically Maintained Domain Knowledge: Initial Findings (DL, UK), pp. 739–743.
KEODKEOD-2009-SassiJG #approach #how #maintenance #ontology
How to Evolve Ontology and Maintain Its Coherence — A Corrective Operations-based Approach (NS, WJ, FG), pp. 384–387.
KEODKEOD-2009-SassiJG09a #consistency #formal method #maintenance #ontology
Z-based Formalization of Kits of Changes to Maintain Ontology Consistency (NS, WJ, FG), pp. 388–391.
SEKESEKE-2009-LounisAS #approach #impact analysis #maintenance #predict
Predicting Maintainability expressed as Change Impact: A Machine-learning-based Approach (HL, MKA, HAS), pp. 122–128.
ICSEICSE-2009-GrechanikXF #evolution #maintenance #testing
Maintaining and evolving GUI-directed test scripts (MG, QX, CF), pp. 408–418.
HPDCHPDC-2009-SaballusF #distributed #graph #maintenance
Maintaining reference graphs of globally accessible objects in fully decentralized distributed systems (BS, TF), pp. 59–60.
VLDBVLDB-2008-RoitmanCY #maintenance #web
Maintaining dynamic channel profiles on the web (HR, DC, EYT), pp. 151–162.
CSMRCSMR-2008-AldekoaTMD #maintenance #product line
Quantifying Maintainability in Feature Oriented Product Lines (GA, ST, GSM, OD), pp. 243–247.
CSMRCSMR-2008-FigueiredoSGBCM #aspect-oriented #framework #maintenance #metric #on the
On the Maintainability of Aspect-Oriented Software: A Concern-Oriented Measurement Framework (EF, CS, AG, TTB, WC, AM), pp. 183–192.
CSMRCSMR-2008-KanellopoulosTHV #clustering #maintenance #source code
Interpretation of Source Code Clusters in Terms of the ISO/IEC-9126 Maintainability Characteristics (YK, CT, IH, JV), pp. 63–72.
CSMRCSMR-2008-LagerstromJ #architecture #enterprise #maintenance #modelling #predict #using
Using Architectural Models to Predict the Maintainability of Enterprise Systems (RL, PJ), pp. 248–252.
CSMRCSMR-2008-SneedO #maintenance
Training and Certifying Software Maintainers (HMS, SO), pp. 113–122.
ICSMEICSM-2008-JiangZZZ #industrial #maintenance #product line
Maintaining software product lines — an industrial practice (MJ, JZ, HZ, YZ), pp. 444–447.
ICSMEICSM-2008-ZhuLKM #design #maintenance
Characterizing maintainability concerns in autonomic element design (QZ, LL, HMK, HAM), pp. 197–206.
GT-VMTGT-VMT-2006-BottoniPPT08 #distributed #eclipse #maintenance #modelling
Maintaining Coherence Between Models With Distributed Rules: From Theory to Eclipse (PB, FPP, SP, GT), pp. 87–98.
CHICHI-2008-ShklovskiKC #maintenance
Keeping in touch by technology: maintaining friendships after a residential move (IS, REK, JNC), pp. 807–816.
CAiSECAiSE-2008-AnHS #concept #maintenance
Round-Trip Engineering for Maintaining Conceptual-Relational Mappings (YA, XH, IYS), pp. 296–311.
ICSEICSE-2008-GoldschmidtRW #case study #evaluation #maintenance #performance
A case study evaluation of maintainability and performance of persistency techniques (TG, RR, JW), pp. 401–410.
PODSPODS-2007-GemullaLH #evolution #maintenance #multi
Maintaining bernoulli samples over evolving multisets (RG, WL, PJH), pp. 93–102.
CSEETCSEET-2007-Burge #education #maintenance #multi #reliability
Exploiting Multiplicity to Teach Reliability and Maintainability in a Capstone Project (JEB), pp. 29–36.
CSEETCSEET-2007-RoutS #maintenance #process #student
Maintaining High Process Capability in a Student Project Course (TPR, JS), pp. 37–44.
FASEFASE-2007-PadbergHEMBE #ad hoc #architecture #consistency #maintenance #mobile #network
Maintaining Consistency in Layered Architectures of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (JP, KH, HE, TM, EB, CE), pp. 383–397.
CSMRCSMR-2007-AversanoCP #empirical #how
How Clones are Maintained: An Empirical Study (LA, LC, MDP), pp. 81–90.
ICSMEICSM-2007-Anda #maintenance #metric #using
Assessing Software System Maintainability using Structural Measures and Expert Assessments (BA), pp. 204–213.
ICSMEICSM-2007-ArchuletaTF #architecture #composition #performance #sequence
A Maintainable Software Architecture for Fast and Modular Bioinformatics Sequence Search (JSA, ET, WcF), pp. 144–153.
ICSMEICSM-2007-DeissenboeckWPTG #maintenance #quality
An Activity-Based Quality Model for Maintainability (FD, SW, MP, ST, JFG), pp. 184–193.
ICSMEICSM-2007-ZhengC #maintenance #multi #web
Maintaining Multi-Tier Web Applications (XZ, MHC), pp. 355–364.
WCREWCRE-2007-SelbyRGG #maintenance
Examining the Effects of Global Data Usage on Software Maintainability (JWAS, FPR, MG, MWG), pp. 60–69.
ICALPICALP-2007-Elkin #algorithm #maintenance #streaming
Streaming and Fully Dynamic Centralized Algorithms for Constructing and Maintaining Sparse Spanners (ME), pp. 716–727.
ICSEICSE-2007-NgCCY #design pattern #effectiveness #maintenance #question
Do Maintainers Utilize Deployed Design Patterns Effectively? (THN, SCC, WKC, YTY), pp. 168–177.
VMCAIVMCAI-2007-CheremR #analysis #invariant #maintenance #reasoning
Maintaining Doubly-Linked List Invariants in Shape Analysis with Local Reasoning (SC, RR), pp. 234–250.
DACDAC-2006-BruceHNBRL #consistency #design #maintenance
Maintaining consistency between systemC and RTL system designs (ACB, MMKH, AN, SB, NR, CKL), pp. 85–89.
VLDBVLDB-2006-AugstenBG #approximate #incremental
An Incrementally Maintainable Index for Approximate Lookups in Hierarchical Data (NA, MHB, JG), pp. 247–258.
VLDBVLDB-2006-GemullaLH #dataset #evolution #maintenance
A Dip in the Reservoir: Maintaining Sample Synopses of Evolving Datasets (RG, WL, PJH), pp. 595–606.
VLDBVLDB-2006-SawiresTPAAC #maintenance #xpath
Maintaining XPath Views In Loosely Coupled Systems (AS, JT, OP, DA, AEA, KSC), pp. 583–594.
ICSMEICSM-2006-Alexander #challenge #maintenance #on the #scalability
On the Challenges of Maintaining Large-Scale Software Systems at Lockheed Martin (LDA), p. 2.
ICSMEICSM-2006-OsterlieW #ambiguity #framework #integration #maintenance
Establishing Maintainability in Systems Integration: Ambiguity, Negotiations, and Infrastructure (, AIW), pp. 186–196.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2006-Leukel #classification #library #maintenance
Maintaining Property Libraries in Product Classification Schemes (JL), pp. 3–10.
SACSAC-2006-AsplundN #consistency #maintenance #protocol
Post-partition reconciliation protocols for maintaining consistency (MA, SNT), pp. 710–717.
ICSEICSE-2006-LaTozaVD #case study #developer #maintenance #modelling
Maintaining mental models: a study of developer work habits (TDL, GV, RD), pp. 492–501.
ICSEICSE-2006-NguyenBV #maintenance #outsourcing #trust
Critical factors in establishing and maintaining trust in software outsourcing relationships (PTN, MAB, JMV), pp. 624–627.
DocEngDocEng-2005-LiuHT #dependence #documentation #maintenance #xml
An environment for maintaining computation dependency in XML documents (DL, ZH, MT), pp. 42–51.
FASEFASE-2005-EgyedSW #maintenance #refinement #uml
Maintaining Life Perspectives During the Refinement of UML Class Structures (AE, WS, KW), pp. 310–325.
CSMRCSMR-2005-CarballeiraPRV #empirical #maintenance #modelling #process
Maintainability of Software Process Models: An Empirical Study (FG, MP, FR, CAV), pp. 246–255.
ICSMEICSM-2005-Bollin #composition #maintenance #scalability #specification
Maintaining Formal Specifications — Decomposition of Large Z-Specifications (AB), pp. 443–452.
ICSMEICSM-2005-HayesZ #analysis #evolution #maintenance #metric #predict
Maintainability Prediction: A Regression Analysis of Measures of Evolving Systems (JHH, LZ), pp. 601–604.
ICSMEICSM-2005-PilskalnsWA #component #design
Defining Maintainable Components in the Design Phase (OP, DW, AAA), pp. 49–58.
ICSMEICSM-2005-SubramanianPC #case study #comparative #evaluation #maintenance
A Comparative Evaluation of Maintainability: A Study of Engineering Department’s Website Maintainability (NS, RP, LC), pp. 669–672.
CHICHI-2005-CosleyFKTR #community #how
How oversight improves member-maintained communities (DC, DF, SBK, LGT, JR), pp. 11–20.
GPCEGPCE-2005-JunJ #framework #generative #maintenance
Applying a Generative Technique for Enhanced Genericity and Maintainability on the J2EE Platform (YJ, SJ), pp. 237–255.
POPLPOPL-2005-FieldV #consistency #distributed #maintenance #named #programming
Transactors: a programming model for maintaining globally consistent distributed state in unreliable environments (JF, CAV), pp. 195–208.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2005-HordijkW #design #maintenance #research
Surveying the factors that influence maintainability: research design (WH, RW), pp. 385–388.
CGOCGO-2005-BrueningA #bound #capacity #consistency #maintenance
Maintaining Consistency and Bounding Capacity of Software Code Caches (DB, SPA), pp. 74–85.
WICSAWICSA-2004-Matinlassi #architecture #case study #maintenance #product line
Evaluating the Portability and Maintainability of Software Product Family Architecture: Terminal Software Case Study (MM), pp. 295–300.
HTHT-2004-Burrow #maintenance #taxonomy #wiki
Negotiating access within Wiki: a system to construct and maintain a taxonomy of access rules (ALB), pp. 77–86.
VLDBVLDB-2004-ChoiFJK #maintenance #xml
A Uniform System for Publishing and Maintaining XML Data (BC, WF, XJ, AK), pp. 1301–1304.
CSMRCSMR-2004-LuccaFTV #maintenance #towards #web
Towards the Definition of a Maintainability Model for Web Applications (GADL, ARF, PT, CAV), pp. 279–287.
CSMRCSMR-2004-RamosOA #evaluation #legacy #maintenance #outsourcing
Legacy Software Evaluation Model for Outsourced Maintainer (CSR, KMdO, NA), pp. 48–57.
CSCWCSCW-2004-Tjora #coordination #maintenance
Maintaining redundancy in the coordination of medical emergencies (AT), pp. 132–141.
KRKR-2004-BaralE #algorithm #policy #polynomial
A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Constructing k-Maintainable Policies (CB, TE), pp. 720–730.
SACSAC-2004-MameiZ #coordination #distributed #network #self #tuple
Self-maintained distributed tuples for field-based coordination in dynamic networks (MM, FZ), pp. 479–486.
PODSPODS-2003-BabcockDMO #data type #maintenance
Maintaining variance and k-medians over data stream windows (BB, MD, RM, LO), pp. 234–243.
PODSPODS-2003-CohenS #maintenance
Maintaining time-decaying stream aggregates (EC, MS), pp. 223–233.
CSMRCSMR-2003-LundBS #assessment #maintenance #security
Maintaining Results from Security Assessment (MSL, FdB, KS), pp. 341–350.
CSMRCSMR-2003-WuO #component #evolution #maintenance #uml
Maintaining Evolving Component-Based Software with UML (YW, JO), pp. 133–142.
ICSMEICSM-2003-Howell #assurance #maintenance
The Case For Maintaining Assurance Cases (CH), p. 127–?.
WCREWCRE-2003-DagpinarJ #comparison #empirical #maintenance #metric #object-oriented #predict
Predicting Maintainability with Object-Oriented Metrics — An Empirical Comparison (MD, JHJ), pp. 155–164.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2003-AraqueS #consistency #maintenance
Data Warehouse Refreshment Maintaining Temporal Consistency (FA, JS), pp. 252–259.
CIKMCIKM-2003-JinQSYZ #data type #maintenance
Dynamically maintaining frequent items over a data stream (CJ, WQ, CS, JXY, AZ), pp. 287–294.
SEKESEKE-2003-ThwinQ #maintenance #metric #network #object-oriented #using
Application of Neural Networks for Estimating Software Maintainability Using Object-Oriented Metrics (MMTT, TSQ), pp. 69–73.
UMLUML-2003-StraetenMSJ #consistency #logic #maintenance #modelling #uml #using
Using Description Logic to Maintain Consistency between UML Models (RVDS, TM, JS, VJ), pp. 326–340.
VLDBVLDB-2002-RizviH #maintenance #mining #privacy
Maintaining Data Privacy in Association Rule Mining (SR, JRH), pp. 682–693.
VLDBVLDB-2002-ShahRS #maintenance #repository
Maintaining Coherency of Dynamic Data in Cooperating Repositories (SS, KR, PJS), pp. 526–537.
ICSMEICSM-2002-ArsanjaniAZ #architecture #component #configuration management #maintenance
Externalizing Component Manners to Achieve Greater Maintainability through a Highly Re-Configurable Architectural Style (AA, JJA, HZ), pp. 628–637.
ICSMEICSM-2002-JiwnaniZ #maintenance #perspective #security
Maintaining Software with a Security Perspective (KJ, MVZ), pp. 194–203.
ICSMEICSM-2002-KataokaIAF #evaluation #maintenance #refactoring
A Quantitative Evaluation of Maintainability Enhancement by Refactoring (YK, TI, HA, TF), pp. 576–585.
ICSMEICSM-2002-Seaman #information management #maintenance
The Information Gathering Strategies of Software Maintainers (CBS), pp. 141–149.
WCREWCRE-2002-TahvildariK #graph #maintenance #using
A Methodology for Developing Transformations Using the Maintainability Soft-Goal Graph (LT, KK), p. 77–?.
STOCSTOC-2002-BaswanaHS #algorithm #maintenance #transitive
Improved decremental algorithms for maintaining transitive closure and all-pairs shortest paths (SB, RH, SS), pp. 117–123.
ICEISICEIS-2002-Kadri-DahmaniO #consistency #database #how #maintenance #question
Updating Data in GIS: How to Maintain Database Consistency? (HKD, AO), pp. 587–593.
SEKESEKE-2002-Albalooshi #automation #consistency #database #representation
A database representation that improves automation and maintains consistency in a mulitple view environment (FA), pp. 281–288.
SEKESEKE-2002-MensMW #maintenance #source code
Maintaining software through intentional source-code views (KM, TM, MW), pp. 289–296.
SACSAC-2002-SchmidtK #documentation #maintenance #xml
Bulkloading and maintaining XML documents (AS, MLK), pp. 407–412.
CSMRCSMR-2001-BoschB #architecture #maintenance
Assessing Optimal Software Architecture Maintainability (JB, PB), pp. 168–175.
CSMRCSMR-2001-CagninPMM #case study #comparison #maintenance #re-engineering #segmentation
Comparison of Maintainability Improvement by Segmentation and Reengineering — A Case Study (MIC, RP, PCM, JCM), pp. 158–167.
ICSMEICSM-2001-Schneidewind #maintenance #reliability #requirements
Investigation of the Risk to Software Reliability and Maintainability of Requirements Changes (NFS), p. 127–?.
ICSMEICSM-2001-ZelkowitzR #independence #maintenance #safety #validation #verification
The Role of Independent Verification and Validation in Maintaining a Safety Critical Evolutionary Software in a Complex Environment: The NASA Space Shuttle Program (MVZ, IR), pp. 118–126.
WCREWCRE-2001-BoldyreffK #reverse engineering
Reverse Engineering to Achieve Maintainable WWW Sites (CB, RK), p. 249–?.
CAiSECAiSE-2001-GeneroOPR #information management #maintenance #metric #object-oriented #predict #using
Using Metrics to Predict OO Information Systems Maintainability (MG, JAO, MP, FPR), pp. 388–401.
SEKESEKE-2001-GeneroOPR #diagrams #information management #maintenance #predict
Knowledge Discovery For Predicting Entity Relationship Diagram Maintainability (MG, JAO, MP, FPR), pp. 203–211.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2001-AlagarLO #assessment #maintenance #object-oriented
Assessment of Maintainability in Object-Oriented Software (VSA, QL, OO), pp. 194–206.
ICSEICSE-2001-Kajko-MattssonFO #education #maintenance #maturity
Corrective Maintenance Maturity Model (CM3): Maintainer’s Education and Training (MKM, SF, UHO), pp. 610–619.
ICSTSAT-2001-BruniS #maintenance #satisfiability
Restoring Satisfiability or Maintaining Unsatisfiability by finding small Unsatisfiable Subformulae (RB, AS), pp. 162–173.
CSMRCSMR-2000-JorgensenSK #maintenance #predict
The Prediction Ability of Experienced Software Maintainers (MJ, DIKS, GK), pp. 93–100.
ICSMEICSM-2000-WuPC #component #evolution #maintenance
Techniques of Maintaining Evolving Component-based Software (YW, DP, MHC), pp. 236–246.
WCREWCRE-2000-MuthannaKPS #design #industrial #maintenance #metric #using
A Maintainability Model for Industrial Software Systems using Design Level Metrics (SM, KK, KP, BS), p. 248–?.
CIKMCIKM-2000-LiuVM #database #maintenance
Maintaining Views in Object-relational Databases (JL, MWV, MKM), pp. 102–109.
VLDBVLDB-1999-PacittMS #algorithm #consistency #database #lazy evaluation #maintenance #performance
Fast Algorithms for Maintaining Replica Consistency in Lazy Master Replicated Databases (EP, PM, ES), pp. 126–137.
CSMRCSMR-1999-CarriereKW #architecture #maintenance #quality
Assessing and Maintaining Architectural Quality (SJC, RK, SGW), pp. 22–30.
CSMRCSMR-1999-PenteadoMC #empirical #legacy #maintenance #segmentation
An Experiment of Legacy Code Segmentation to Improve Maintainability (RP, PCM, MIC), pp. 111–121.
ICSMEICSM-1999-AntoniolCL #case study #evolution #maintenance #object-oriented #traceability
Maintaining Traceability During Object-Oriented Software Evolution: A Case Study (GA, GC, ADL), pp. 211–219.
STOCSTOC-1999-KingS #algorithm #maintenance #transitive
A Fully Dynamic Algorithm for Maintaining the Transitive Closure (VK, GS), pp. 492–498.
ICALPICALP-1999-GrossiI #data type #linked data #maintenance #multi #open data #performance
Efficient Techniques for Maintaining Multidimensional Keys in Linked Data Structures (RG, GFI), pp. 372–381.
CAiSECAiSE-1999-DiazP #database #maintenance #metric
Metrics for Active Database Maintainability (OD, MP), pp. 472–476.
CAiSECAiSE-1999-Wedemeijer #concept #design #flexibility #maintenance
Design the Flexibility, Maintain the Stability of Conceptual Schemas (LW), pp. 467–471.
ICSMEICSM-1998-CherinkaOR #maintenance #off the shelf #programming #question #static analysis
Maintaining a COTS Integrated Solution — Are Traditional Static Analysis Techniques Sufficient for this New Programming Methodology? (RC, CMO, JR), pp. 160–169.
ICSMEICSM-1998-RamageB #maintenance
Maintaining Maintainability (MR, KHB), p. 275–?.
ICSMEICSM-1998-Schneidewind #maintenance #off the shelf #reliability
Methods for Assessing COTS Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (NFS), p. 224–?.
ICSMEICSM-1998-VigderD #off the shelf
Building Maintainable COTS Based Systems (MRV, JCD), pp. 132–138.
IWPCIWPC-1998-SimCH #bibliography #code search #developer #maintenance #source code
Archetypal Source Code Searches: A Survey of Software Developers and Maintainers (SES, CLAC, RCH), pp. 180–187.
SACSAC-1998-SiLY #html #maintenance
Maintaining page coherence for dynamic HTML pages (AS, HVL, SMTY), pp. 767–773.
ICDARICDAR-1997-BuddrusB #documentation #maintenance
Surfing an ODBMS (Maintaining WWW Documents with O2) (FB, MB), pp. 827–830.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1997-AdelbergGW #maintenance
The STRIP Rule System For Efficiently Maintaining Derived Data (BA, HGM, JW), pp. 147–158.
CSEETCSEET-1997-AmmannO #maintenance
Maintaining Knowledge Currency in the 21st Century (PA, JO), pp. 161–173.
ICSMEICSM-1997-BriandBDD #comparison #design #documentation #maintenance #object-oriented
An Experimental Comparison of the Maintainability of Object-Oriented and Structured Design Documents (LCB, CB, JWD, CD), p. 130–?.
ICSMEICSM-1997-KiranHJ #maintenance #object-oriented
Effect of Object Orientation on Maintainability of Software (GAK, SH, PJ), pp. 114–121.
ICSMEICSM-2000-Han #design #maintenance
Designing for Increased Software Maintainability (JH), pp. 278–286.
ICSMEICSM-2000-IioFA #analysis #maintenance #process
Experimental Analysis of the Cognitive Processes of Program Maintainers during Software Maintenance (KI, TF, YA), pp. 242–249.
ICSMEICSM-2000-PearseO #case study #experience #maintenance #multi
Experiences Developing and Maintaining Software in a Multi-Platform Environment (TTP, PWO), pp. 270–277.
ICALPICALP-1997-HenzingerK #graph #maintenance
Maintaining Minimum Spanning Trees in Dynamic Graphs (MRH, VK), pp. 594–604.
CHICHI-1997-CobleKK #development #maintenance #requirements
Maintaining a Focus on User Requirements Throughout the Development of Clinical Workstation Software (JMC, JK, MGK), pp. 170–177.
CIKMCIKM-1997-AbdelmotyJ #consistency #database #maintenance #towards
Towards Maintaining Consistency of Spatial Databases (AIA, CBJ), pp. 293–300.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1997-Mezini #consistency #evolution #library #maintenance
Maintaining the Consistency of Class Libraries During Their Evolution (MM), pp. 1–21.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1996-MorpainCFP #consistency #database #dependence #maintenance #multi
Maintaining Database Consistency in Presence of Value Dependencies in Multidatabase Systems (CM, MC, JF, JFP), pp. 459–468.
ICSMEICSM-1996-GarciaA #case study #maintenance
Maintainability as a key factor in maintenance productivity: a case study (MJBG, JCGA), p. 87–?.
WPCWPC-1996-BoldyreffBHMY #comprehension #maintenance #traceability
Greater Understanding Through Maintainer Driven Traceability (CB, EB, RMH, MM, EJY), p. 100–?.
SACSAC-1996-PowellFK #approach #documentation #maintenance
A systematic approach to creating and maintaining software documentation (ALP, JCF, JCK), pp. 201–208.
CCCC-1996-Salomon #maintenance #partial evaluation #reuse #using
Using Partial Evaluation in Support of Portability, Reusability, and Maintainability (DJS), pp. 208–222.
ICSMEICSM-1995-AvrilionisC #maintenance #modelling #petri net #process #using
Using views to maintain Petri-net-based process models (DA, PYC), pp. 318–326.
ICSMEICSM-1995-DalyBMRW #empirical #inheritance #maintenance #object-oriented
The effect of inheritance on the maintainability of object-oriented software: an empirical study (JWD, AB, JM, MR, MW), p. 20–?.
ICSMEICSM-1995-HsiaGKPL #architecture #case study #maintenance #object-oriented
A study on the effect of architecture on maintainability of object-oriented systems (PH, AG, DCK, JP, SL), pp. 4–11.
ICSMEICSM-1995-PearseO #industrial #maintenance #metric #process #source code
Maintainability measurements on industrial source code maintenance activities (TTP, PWO), pp. 295–303.
ICSMEICSM-1994-AshAOL #health #maintenance #modelling #using
Using Software Maintainability Models to Track Code Health (DA, JA, PWO, BL), pp. 154–160.
ICALPICALP-1994-ItalianoR #maintenance
Maintaining Spanning Trees of Small Diameter (GFI, RR), pp. 227–238.
POPLPOPL-1994-RamalingamR #algorithm #incremental #maintenance
An Incremental Algorithm for Maintaining the Dominator Tree of a Reducible Flowgraph (GR, TWR), pp. 287–296.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1993-GuptaMS #incremental #maintenance
Maintaining Views Incrementally (AG, ISM, VSS), pp. 157–166.
ICSMECSM-1993-BriandMB #design #maintenance
Measuring and Assessing Maintainability at the End of High Level Design (LCB, SM, VRB), pp. 88–97.
ICSMECSM-1993-CherinkaOS #maintenance #perspective
Building An Integrated Software Maintenance Environment — From a Maintainer’s Perspective (RC, CMO, RS), pp. 31–40.
ICSMECSM-1993-NewtonB #case study #design #maintenance
Designing Systems for Future Maintainability: A Case Study (JN, KHB), pp. 272–280.
ICALPICALP-1993-HagerupMM #maintenance #probability
Maintaining Discrete Probability Distributions Optimally (TH, KM, JIM), pp. 253–264.
FMFME-1993-RossL #consistency #maintenance #specification
Maintaining Consistency Under Changes to Formal Specifications (KJR, PAL), pp. 558–577.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1993-GodinM #maintenance #using
Building and Maintaining Analysis-Level Class Hierarchies Using Galois Lattices (RG, HM), pp. 394–410.
DACDAC-1992-HefferanS #maintenance #state of the art
Acquiring and Maintaining State-of-the-Art DA Systems (PMH, SS), pp. 387–392.
SEKESEKE-1992-LanubileV #maintenance #metric #modelling
Maintainability via Structure Models and Software Metrics (FL, GV), pp. 590–599.
HPDCHPDC-1992-NgM #array #maintenance #performance
Maintaining Good Performance In Disk Arrays During Failure via Uniform Parity Group Distribution (SWN, RLM), pp. 260–269.
ICALPICALP-1991-GalilI #component #graph #maintenance
Maintaining Biconnected Components of Dynamic Planar Graphs (ZG, GFI), pp. 339–350.
CAiSECAiSE-1991-JarzabekT #automation #towards
Towards Automating Software Maintainance (SJ, KT), pp. 336–355.
VLDBVLDB-1990-CeriW #constraints
Deriving Production Rules for Constraint Maintainance (SC, JW), pp. 566–577.
VLDBVLDB-1990-KempRS #information management #maintenance #multi
Right-, left- and multi-linear rule transformations that maintain context information (DBK, KR, ZS), pp. 380–391.
VLDBVLDB-1990-WilkinsonN #consistency #maintenance
Maintaining Consistency of Client-Cached Data (WKW, MAN), pp. 122–133.
ICLPNACLP-1990-OhwadaM #approach #consistency #constraints #design #interface #logic programming #maintenance
A Constraint Logic Programming Approach for Maintaining Consistency in User-Interface Design (HO, FM), pp. 139–153.
PODSPODS-1989-Wang #maintenance #question
Can Constant-time Maintainability Be More Practical? (KW), pp. 120–127.
PODSPODS-1987-ChanH #bound #database #dependence #design #functional #on the
On Designing Database Schemes Bounded or Constant-time-maintainable with respect to Functional Dependencies (EPFC, HJH), pp. 48–57.
STOCSTOC-1987-DietzS #algorithm #maintenance #order
Two Algorithms for Maintaining Order in a List (PFD, DDS), pp. 365–372.
STOCSTOC-1984-Manber #concurrent #information management #maintenance #on the
On Maintaining Dynamic Information in a Concurrent Environment (Preliminary Version) (UM), pp. 273–278.
STOCSTOC-1982-Dietz #maintenance #order
Maintaining Order in a Linked List (PFD), pp. 122–127.
STOCSTOC-1982-Willard #maintenance
Maintaining Dense Sequential Files in a Dynamic Environment (Extended Abstract) (DEW), pp. 114–121.
STOCSTOC-1980-OvermarsV #maintenance
Dynamically Maintaining Configurations in the Plane (Detailed Abstract) (MHO, JvL), pp. 135–145.
SOSPSOSP-1979-Paxton #maintenance #transaction
A Client-Based Transaction System to Maintain Data Integrity (WHP), pp. 18–23.
DACDAC-1978-Baer #maintenance
Maintaining integrity in complex shape definitions (AB), pp. 9–15.
STOCSTOC-1977-Tarjan #maintenance #set
Reference Machines Require Non-linear Time to Maintain Disjoint Sets (RET), pp. 18–29.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.