64 papers:
CHI-2015-FukahoriSI #gesture- Exploring Subtle Foot Plantar-based Gestures with Sock-placed Pressure Sensors (KF, DS, TI), pp. 3019–3028.
CHI-2015-KendallMT #health #metric- Blood Pressure Beyond the Clinic: Rethinking a Health Metric for Everyone (LK, DM, DST), pp. 1679–1688.
DHM-EH-2015-LimaAIA #mobile- Mobile Application to Aid in the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers (AGL, LA, ICI, LVA), pp. 465–473.
HIMI-IKD-2015-IchiharaHIK #behaviour #metric- Presentation Method of Walking Sensation Based on Walking Behavior Measurement with Inertial Sensors and Pressure Sensors (KI, KH, YI, MK), pp. 374–385.
SIGIR-2015-Crescenzi #information management- Time Pressure in Information Search (AC), p. 1055.
SIGIR-2015-CrescenziKA #information management- Time Pressure and System Delays in Information Search (AC, DK, LA), pp. 767–770.
SOSP-2015-FangNXDL #memory management #scalability #source code- Interruptible tasks: treating memory pressure as interrupts for highly scalable data-parallel programs (LF, KN, G(X, BD, SL), pp. 394–409.
CHI-2014-HernandezPRC- Under pressure: sensing stress of computer users (JH, PP, AR, MC), pp. 51–60.
CHI-2014-McLachlanBB #interactive- Transient and transitional states: pressure as an auxiliary input modality for bimanual interaction (RM, DB, SAB), pp. 401–410.
CHI-2014-RendlGPBH #gesture #multi #named- Presstures: exploring pressure-sensitive multi-touch gestures on trackpads (CR, PG, KP, MB, MH), pp. 431–434.
HIMI-AS-2014-SakataS- Effects of Peer Pressure on Laughter (MS, NS), pp. 479–488.
ICPR-2014-AlathariNB #segmentation #using- Femur Bone Segmentation Using a Pressure Analogy (TSA, MSN, MTB), pp. 972–977.
OOPSLA-2014-DavidTLM #profiling- Continuously measuring critical section pressure with the free-lunch profiler (FD, GT, JL, GM), pp. 291–307.
SAC-2014-KawsarAL #detection #multimodal #process #smarttech #using- Smartphone based multimodal activity detection system using plantar pressure sensors (FAK, SIA, RL), pp. 468–469.
ICSE-2014-MantylaPLL #bibliography #development #empirical #perspective #requirements #testing- Time pressure: a controlled experiment of test case development and requirements review (MM, KP, TOAL, CL), pp. 83–94.
CHI-2013-BranzelHHSKLM0B13a #named #smarttech #using- GravitySpace: tracking users and their poses in a smart room using a pressure-sensing floor (AB, CH, DH, DS, MK, PL, RM, SR, PB), pp. 725–734.
DHM-SET-2013-ChiLC #analysis- The Causal Analysis of Requested Alterations for Pressure Garments (CFC, CHL, HWC), pp. 173–182.
DHM-SET-2013-LungLJ- Plantar Pressure Gradient Angles to Evaluate Risk of Diabetic Foot Ulcer (CWL, BYL, YKJ), pp. 240–247.
DHM-SET-2013-MurataKEH #behaviour #metric #predict #using- Prediction of Drowsy Driving Using Behavioral Measures of Drivers — Change of Neck Bending Angle and Sitting Pressure Distribution (AM, TK, TE, TH), pp. 78–87.
HCI-AS-2013-EshraghiERYEMH #case study- Study on Relationship between Foot Pressure Pattern and Hallux Valgus (HV) Progression (SE, IIE, PR, MY, ME, AM, SH), pp. 76–83.
CASE-2012-WuHYC #component #integration- Pressure-drop studies of resistance components for integration into a SFM-based fluidic circuit (CHW, YFH, ASY, PHC), pp. 896–899.
CHI-2012-MasliT #community #online- Evaluating compliance-without-pressure techniques for increasing participation in online communities (MM, LGT), pp. 2915–2924.
CHI-2012-XinBR #empirical- Natural use profiles for the pen: an empirical exploration of pressure, tilt, and azimuth (YX, XB, XR), pp. 801–804.
ICPR-2012-FengLSPZG #monitoring #robust #statistics- Artifact correction with robust statistics for non-stationary intracranial pressure signal monitoring (MF, LYL, KS, CP, FZ, CG), pp. 557–560.
ICPR-2012-ShibataK #modelling #recognition #using- Emotion recognition modeling of sitting postures by using pressure sensors and accelerometers (TS, YK), pp. 1124–1127.
CHI-2011-LeitnerH #design #image #interactive #named- Geckos: combining magnets and pressure images to enable new tangible-object design and interaction (JL, MH), pp. 2985–2994.
DUXU-v2-2011-ChaeKN #experience #using- Measuring Drivers’ Dynamic Seating Experience Using Pressure Mats (SC, GK, KN), pp. 368–375.
DATE-2010-LoHCHC #flexibility #multi- A portable multi-pitch e-drum based on printed flexible pressure sensors (CML, TCH, CYC, JH, KTC), pp. 1082–1087.
CHI-2010-StewartRKE #mobile- Characteristics of pressure-based input for mobile devices (CDS, MR, SGK, GE), pp. 801–810.
ICPR-2010-BoughorbelBB #classification- Baby-Posture Classification from Pressure-Sensor Data (SB, FB, JB), pp. 556–559.
KMIS-2010-BachlechnerKMW #information management- Taking Pressure off Knowledge Workers with the Help of Situational Applications — Improving Time-to-proficiency in Knowledge Work Settings (DB, MK, RM, GW), pp. 378–381.
REFSQ-2010-BrillSK #case study #question #requirements- Videos vs. Use Cases: Can Videos Capture More Requirements under Time Pressure? (OB, KS, EK), pp. 30–44.
CHI-2008-KimKLNL #feedback- Inflatable mouse: volume-adjustable mouse with air-pressure-sensitive input and haptic feedback (SK, HK, BL, TJN, WL), pp. 211–224.
CHI-2008-ShiIGS #named- PressureFish: a method to improve control of discrete pressure-based input (KS, PI, SG, SS), pp. 1295–1298.
CASE-2007-AllwardtWHST #integration #throughput- Enhancing the Throughput of Catalyst Screening Labs by Integration of a High Pressure Microplate Reactor (AA, CW, SHL, NS, KT), pp. 381–385.
CHI-2007-CechanowiczIS- Augmenting the mouse with pressure sensitive input (JC, PI, SS), pp. 1385–1394.
CHI-2007-RamosB- Pressure marks (GAR, RB), pp. 1375–1384.
DHM-2007-LiWW- The Effects of the False Vocal Fold Gaps in a Model of the Larynx on Pressures Distributions and Flows (SL, MW, SW), pp. 147–156.
LCTES-2007-XuT #named- Tetris: a new register pressure control technique for VLIW processors (WX, RT), pp. 113–122.
ITiCSE-2006-Bibby #exclamation #feedback- Getting feedback: no pressure! (PB), p. 346.
CASE-2005-ZhuZL #adaptation- An adaptive PI controller for regulation of pressure of hypertension patients (KZ, HZ, JL), pp. 67–72.
ICEIS-v2-2005-MiT #recognition- Improvement on the Individual Recognition System with Writing Pressure based on RBF (LM, FT), pp. 157–162.
DATE-2005-KirsteinSSHVH04 #monitoring- A CMOS-Based Tactile Sensor for Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring (KUK, JS, TS, CH, TV, AH), pp. 210–214.
HT-2004-Kolb #hypermedia- Twin media: hypertext structure under pressure (DK), pp. 26–27.
CHI-2004-RamosBB- Pressure widgets (GR, MB, RB), pp. 487–494.
OSDI-2004-WangPCZW #automation- Automatic Misconfiguration Troubleshooting with PeerPressure (HJW, JCP, YC, RZ, YMW), pp. 245–258.
CC-2003-TouatiE #pipes and filters- Early Control of Register Pressure for Software Pipelined Loops (SAAT, CE), pp. 17–32.
ICPR-v2-2002-Abd-AlmageedS #modelling #statistics- Mixture Models for Dynamic Statistical Pressure Snakes (WAA, CES), pp. 721–724.
ICPR-v3-2002-NakaiSSS #independence #online #recognition- Pen Pressure Features for Writer-Independent On-Line Handwriting Recognition Based on Substroke HMM (MN, TS, HS, SS), pp. 220–223.
ICPR-v3-2002-QiP #classification- Context-Sensitive Bayesian Classifiers and Application to Mouse Pressure Pattern Classification (Y(Q, RWP), pp. 448–451.
ICDAR-2001-KikuchiA #development #identification- Development of Speedy and High Sensitive Pen System for Writing Pressure and Writer Identification (MK, NA), pp. 1040–1044.
ICDAR-2001-TanabeYKMOI #automation #verification- Automatic Signature Verification Based on the Dynamic Feature of Pressure (KT, MY, HK, SM, SO, TI), pp. 1045–1049.
SAC-2001-AltemoseN #pipes and filters- Register pressure responsive software pipelining (GA, CN), pp. 626–631.
CSEET-2000-WilliamsK #education #re-engineering- The Effects of “Pair-Pressure” and “Pair-Learning” on Software Engineering Education (LAW, RRK), pp. 59–65.
ICPR-v4-2000-OhishiKM #online #using #verification- On-Line Signature Verification Using Pen-Position, Pen-Pressure and Pen-Inclination Trajectories (TO, YK, TM), pp. 4547–4550.
ICPR-v4-2000-ShimadaOI #image #metric #video- Human Body Posture Measurement by Matching Foot Pressure Distribution to Video Images (SS, SO, KI), pp. 4188–4191.
SAC-2000-ShrewsburyN #impact analysis- Reducing the Impact of Software Prefetching on Register Pressure (DWS, CN), pp. 767–773.
ICDAR-1999-YamazakiMK- Extraction of Personal Features from Stroke Shape, Writing Pressure and Pen Inclination in Ordinary Characters (YY, YM, NK), pp. 426–429.
CC-1999-GuptaB- Register Pressure Sensitive Redundancy Elimination (RG, RB), pp. 107–121.
CHI-1997-BellottiR #multi #web- From Web Press to Web Pressure: Multimedia Representations and Multimedia Publishing (VB, YR), pp. 279–286.
HCI-CC-1997-KazumaSNGOS #analysis #evaluation #process- Evaluation of Mental Stress During Tracking Tasks Based on the Analysis of Electrodermal Activity, Blinks and Blood Pressure (HK, MS, YN, HG, YO, MS), pp. 567–570.
HPCA-1995-LlosaVA- Non-Consistent Dual Register Files to Reduce Register Pressure (JL, MV, EA), pp. 22–31.
ICSE-1992-Leveson- High-Pressure Steam Engines and Computer Software (NGL), pp. 2–14.
CSCW-1988-EngestromES #health #process- Computerized Medical Records, Production Pressure and Compartmentalization in the Work Activity of Health Center Physicians (YE, RE, OS), pp. 65–84.