47 papers:
DAC-2015-YangCK #design- Virtual flash chips: rethinking the layer design of flash devices to improve data recoverability (MCY, YHC, TWK), p. 6.
SIGMOD-2015-NothaftMDZLYKAH #data-driven #scalability #using- Rethinking Data-Intensive Science Using Scalable Analytics Systems (FAN, MM, TD, ZZ, UL, CY, JK, AA, JH, ML, MJF, ADJ, DAP), pp. 631–646.
SIGMOD-2015-PolychroniouRR #database #in memory- Rethinking SIMD Vectorization for In-Memory Databases (OP, AR, KAR), pp. 1493–1508.
VLDB-2015-FaleiroA #concurrent #multi- Rethinking serializable multiversion concurrency control (JMF, DJA), pp. 1190–1201.
ICPC-2015-BeckDVWP #feature model #user interface- Rethinking user interfaces for feature location (FB, BD, JVM, DW, DP), pp. 151–162.
CHI-2015-CordeiroBCF #lightweight #mobile- Rethinking the Mobile Food Journal: Exploring Opportunities for Lightweight Photo-Based Capture (FC, EB, EC, JF), pp. 3207–3216.
CHI-2015-KendallMT #health #metric- Blood Pressure Beyond the Clinic: Rethinking a Health Metric for Everyone (LK, DM, DST), pp. 1679–1688.
LCT-2015-SalinasQS #assessment- Math and Motion: A (Coursera) MOOC to Rethink Math Assessment (PS, EQ, XS), pp. 313–324.
CHI-2014-BellottiCHSHHC #peer-to-peer #towards- Towards community-centered support for peer-to-peer service exchange: rethinking the timebanking metaphor (VB, SC, KH, PCS, LRH, KH, JMC), pp. 2975–2984.
CHI-2014-KnowlesBCL #human-computer- Rethinking plan A for sustainable HCI (BK, LB, PC, ML), pp. 3593–3596.
CHI-2014-SpindlerSMD #mobile- Pinch-drag-flick vs. spatial input: rethinking zoom & pan on mobile displays (MS, MS, MM, RD), pp. 1113–1122.
SAC-2014-WayuaWS #modelling- Rethinking agribusiness models in Africa (CW, KW, OS), pp. 1174–1175.
SIGMOD-2013-BernsteinD #consistency- Rethinking eventual consistency (PAB, SD), pp. 923–928.
ITiCSE-2013-JuliaL- Rethinking the collaboration-cheating border (JMJ, DL), p. 352.
CIKM-2013-McDowellA #classification #network- Labels or attributes?: rethinking the neighbors for collective classification in sparsely-labeled networks (LM, DWA), pp. 847–852.
CHI-2012-KapteinR #analysis #statistics- Rethinking statistical analysis methods for CHI (MK, JR), pp. 1105–1114.
ICML-2012-SatoN- Rethinking Collapsed Variational Bayes Inference for LDA (IS, HN), p. 101.
SEKE-2012-CookN #aspect-oriented #concept #programming #towards- Towards More Generic Aspect-Oriented Programming: Rethinking the AOP Joinpoint Concept (JC, AN), pp. 154–157.
LCTES-2012-AslamBQUFTSH #design #embedded #java #stack- Rethinking Java call stack design for tiny embedded devices (FA, GB, MAQ, ZAU, LF, PT, CS, EH), pp. 1–10.
DAC-2011-Li #memory management- Rethinking memory redundancy: optimal bit cell repair for maximum-information storage (XL0), pp. 316–321.
VLDB-2011-NandiJ #interactive #paradigm- Guided Interaction: Rethinking the Query-Result Paradigm (AN, HVJ), pp. 1466–1469.
ITiCSE-2011-Connolly11a #component #education #social- Beyond good and evil impacts: rethinking the social issues components in our computing curricula (RWC), pp. 228–232.
PLDI-2011-GarciaJLT #manycore #named- Kremlin: rethinking and rebooting gprof for the multicore age (SG, DJ, CML, MBT), pp. 458–469.
CHI-2011-MarshallMRKD #approach #how #interface #multi- Rethinking “multi-user”: an in-the-wild study of how groups approach a walk-up-and-use tabletop interface (PM, RM, YR, SK, MD), pp. 3033–3042.
RecSys-2011-EkstrandLKR #ecosystem #recommendation #research- Rethinking the recommender research ecosystem: reproducibility, openness, and LensKit (MDE, ML, JAK, JR), pp. 133–140.
ESEC-FSE-2011-ApelLBLK- Semistructured merge: rethinking merge in revision control systems (SA, JL, BB, CL, CK), pp. 190–200.
SLE-2011-ErwigW #design #exclamation #process #semantics- Semantics First! — Rethinking the Language Design Process (ME, EW), pp. 243–262.
ASPLOS-2011-PorterBHOH #library #top-down- Rethinking the library OS from the top down (DEP, SBW, JH, RO, GCH), pp. 291–304.
HPCA-2011-OuyangNWFP- Beyond block I/O: Rethinking traditional storage primitives (XO, DWN, RW, DF, DKP), pp. 301–311.
DATE-2010-Horowitz #design #why- Why design must change: Rethinking digital design (MH), p. 791.
ICFP-2010-Mitchell #supercompilation- Rethinking supercompilation (NM), pp. 309–320.
CHI-2010-MarquardtTVG #interactive- Rethinking RFID: awareness and control for interaction with RFID systems (NM, AST, NV, SG), pp. 2307–2316.
ICPR-2010-StadelmannWSEF #algorithm #design #development #speech- Rethinking Algorithm Design and Development in Speech Processing (TS, YW, MS, RE, BF), pp. 4476–4479.
ICSE-2010-BragdonRZKCKCAL #development #ide #paradigm #user interface- Code bubbles: rethinking the user interface paradigm of integrated development environments (AB, SPR, RCZ, SK, WC, JK, CC, FA, JJLJ), pp. 455–464.
SIGMOD-2009-Chaudhuri #contract #query #question- Query optimizers: time to rethink the contract? (SC), pp. 961–968.
HCI-NT-2009-Chi #design #human-computer #interactive- A Position Paper on “Living Laboratories”: Rethinking Ecological Designs and Experimentation in Human-Computer Interaction (EHC), pp. 597–605.
QoSA-2008-ArdagnaGM #architecture #modelling- Rethinking the Use of Models in Software Architecture (DA, CG, RM), pp. 1–27.
VLDB-2008-HoseKMS #question- When is it time to rethink the aggregate configuration of your OLAP server? (KH, DK, MM, KUS), pp. 1492–1495.
STOC-2008-Rexford #internet- Rethinking internet routing (JR), pp. 55–56.
OSDI-2006-NightingaleVCF #exclamation- Rethink the Sync (Awarded Best Paper!) (EBN, KV, PMC, JF), pp. 1–14.
ITiCSE-2005-BiancoT #process #question #why- Why are children left out of the CS rethinking process? (GMB, ST), p. 352.
HT-2004-NurnbergWH- Rethinking structural computing infrastructures (PJN, UKW, DLH), pp. 239–246.
ICEIS-2002-Heng- Rethinking the Strategy of Amazon.com (MSHH), pp. 915–921.
RE-2001-Lawrence #requirements- Rethinking Requirements (BL), p. 273.
VLDB-2000-ChaudhuriW #architecture #database #self #towards- Rethinking Database System Architecture: Towards a Self-Tuning RISC-Style Database System (SC, GW), pp. 1–10.
KDD-1996-Musick #learning #network- Rethinking the Learning of Belief Network Probabilities (RM), pp. 120–125.
ICSE-1989-YoungT #detection #fault #taxonomy- Rethinking the Taxonomy of Fault Detection Techniques (MY, RNT), pp. 53–62.