126 papers:
CASE-2015-SenfeldsVMB #approach #industrial- Power smoothing approach within industrial DC microgrid with supercapacitor storage for robotic manufacturing application (AS, MV, DM, OB), pp. 1333–1338.
PODS-2015-Kapralov #complexity #nearest neighbour #query #trade-off- Smooth Tradeoffs between Insert and Query Complexity in Nearest Neighbor Search (MK), pp. 329–342.
SIGMOD-2015-YangM #migration- Smooth Task Migration in Apache Storm (MY, RTBM), pp. 2067–2068.
ICALP-v1-2015-KunnemannM #approximate #comprehension #heuristic #towards- Towards Understanding the Smoothed Approximation Ratio of the 2-Opt Heuristic (MK, BM), pp. 859–871.
ECIR-2015-ValcarcePB #case study #modelling #recommendation- A Study of Smoothing Methods for Relevance-Based Language Modelling of Recommender Systems (DV, JP, AB), pp. 346–351.
HPCA-2015-LengZR #architecture #gpu- GPU voltage noise: Characterization and hierarchical smoothing of spatial and temporal voltage noise interference in GPU architectures (JL, YZ, VJR), pp. 161–173.
CASE-2014-SachsMTS #energy #hybrid- Filter-based PV power smoothing control for island hybrid energy systems with high PV penetration (JS, BM, KT, OS), pp. 872–877.
STOC-2014-BhaskaraCMV #analysis- Smoothed analysis of tensor decompositions (AB, MC, AM, AV), pp. 594–603.
ICALP-v1-2014-KolMSY #approximate #bound #rank- Approximate Nonnegative Rank Is Equivalent to the Smooth Rectangle Bound (GK, SM, AS, AY), pp. 701–712.
ICML-c1-2014-LiuYF #algorithm #constraints- Forward-Backward Greedy Algorithms for General Convex Smooth Functions over A Cardinality Constraint (JL, JY, RF), pp. 503–511.
ICML-c1-2014-RamdasP #kernel- Margins, Kernels and Non-linear Smoothed Perceptrons (AR, JP), pp. 244–252.
ICML-c2-2014-FangCL #graph #learning- Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning: Realizing Pointwise Smoothness Probabilistically (YF, KCCC, HWL), pp. 406–414.
ICML-c2-2014-ValkoMKK #graph- Spectral Bandits for Smooth Graph Functions (MV, RM, BK, TK), pp. 46–54.
ICPR-2014-HuynhR #image- Recovery of Spectral Sensitivity Functions from a Colour Chart Image under Unknown Spectrally Smooth Illumination (CPH, ARK), pp. 708–713.
ICPR-2014-Kobayashi #named #pattern matching- S3CCA: Smoothly Structured Sparse CCA for Partial Pattern Matching (TK), pp. 1981–1986.
ICPR-2014-LetchfordGZ #security- Smoothing Security Prices (AL, JG, LZ), pp. 1037–1042.
POPL-2014-ChaudhuriCS #proving #synthesis #using- Bridging boolean and quantitative synthesis using smoothed proof search (SC, MC, ASL), pp. 207–220.
ICDAR-2013-ShiraiEKIKBWN #documentation- Character Shape Restoration of Binarized Historical Documents by Smoothing via Geodesic Morphology (KS, YE, AK, SI, NK, HB, AW, MN), pp. 1285–1289.
ICDAR-2013-ZhangL #polynomial- Locally Smoothed Modified Quadratic Discriminant Function (XYZ, CLL), pp. 8–12.
VLDB-2013-KellarisP #difference #privacy- Practical Differential Privacy via Grouping and Smoothing (GK, SP), pp. 301–312.
ICML-c1-2013-Shamir0 #convergence #optimisation #probability- Stochastic Gradient Descent for Non-smooth Optimization: Convergence Results and Optimal Averaging Schemes (OS, TZ), pp. 71–79.
ICML-c3-2013-BalasubramanianYL #learning- Smooth Sparse Coding via Marginal Regression for Learning Sparse Representations (KB, KY, GL), pp. 289–297.
ICML-c3-2013-GrunewalderAS- Smooth Operators (SG, AG, JST), pp. 1184–1192.
ICML-c3-2013-ZhangYJH #optimisation #probability- O(logT) Projections for Stochastic Optimization of Smooth and Strongly Convex Functions (LZ, TY, RJ, XH), pp. 1121–1129.
SIGIR-2013-GangulyLJ #case study #documentation #retrieval- An LDA-smoothed relevance model for document expansion: a case study for spoken document retrieval (DG, JL, GJFJ), pp. 1057–1060.
STOC-2012-BrunschR #analysis #multi #optimisation- Improved smoothed analysis of multiobjective optimization (TB, HR), pp. 407–426.
ECIR-2012-MantrachR12a #multi #query #using- A Mailbox Search Engine Using Query Multi-modal Expansion and Community-Based Smoothing (AM, JMR), pp. 576–577.
ECIR-2012-Robertson #on the #precise- On Smoothing Average Precision (SR), pp. 158–169.
ICML-2012-OuyangG #probability- Stochastic Smoothing for Nonsmooth Minimizations: Accelerating SGD by Exploiting Structure (HO, AGG), p. 198.
ICML-2012-YackleyL #learning- Smoothness and Structure Learning by Proxy (BY, TL), p. 57.
ICPR-2012-ChangDZDW #representation #sketching #synthesis #using- Smoothness-constrained face photo-sketch synthesis using sparse representation (LC, XD, MZ, FD, ZW), pp. 3025–3029.
ICPR-2012-FerrazB #3d #estimation #performance #robust- Fast and robust monocular 3D deformable shape estimation for inextensible and smooth surfaces (LF, XB), pp. 2104–2107.
ICPR-2012-ShiraiOI #component #composition #image- Color-line vector field and local color component decomposition for smoothing and denoising of color images (KS, MO, MI), pp. 3050–3053.
ICPR-2012-VacavantAMS #performance- Fast smoothed shock filtering (AV, AAK, PYM, JS), pp. 182–185.
ICPR-2012-WangCCLP #video- Video stabilization based on high degree B-spline smoothing (YW, RC, TWC, KL, NTP), pp. 3152–3155.
KDD-2012-BhalgatFM #online- Online allocation of display ads with smooth delivery (AB, JF, VSM), pp. 1213–1221.
SIGIR-2012-NunzioS #classification #data analysis #naive bayes #visual notation- A visual tool for bayesian data analysis: the impact of smoothing on naive bayes text classifiers (GMDN, AS), p. 1002.
SAC-2012-KimWLLL #component #migration #multi- HW resource componentizing for smooth migration from single-function ECU to multi-function ECU (JCK, KSW, CGL, KJL, YSL), pp. 1821–1828.
ICPC-2011-LuciaPOPP #traceability #using- Improving IR-based Traceability Recovery Using Smoothing Filters (ADL, MDP, RO, AP, SP), pp. 21–30.
STOC-2011-MoitraO- Pareto optimal solutions for smoothed analysts (AM, RO), pp. 225–234.
ICALP-v1-2011-BorosEFGMM #analysis #approximate #game studies #probability- Stochastic Mean Payoff Games: Smoothed Analysis and Approximation Schemes (EB, KME, MF, VG, KM, BM), pp. 147–158.
HCI-ITE-2011-TakahashiK- Eye-Movement-Based Instantaneous Cognition Model for Non-verbal Smooth Closed Figures (YT, SK), pp. 314–322.
CIKM-2011-CroceMB #dependence #kernel #semantics- Semantic convolution kernels over dependency trees: smoothed partial tree kernel (DC, AM, RB), pp. 2013–2016.
CIKM-2011-KustarevULGSS #metric #using- Smoothing NDCG metrics using tied scores (AK, YU, YL, EG, IS, PS), pp. 2053–2056.
ECIR-2011-DuanZ #concurrent #modelling #retrieval #thread- Exploiting Thread Structures to Improve Smoothing of Language Models for Forum Post Retrieval (HD, CZ), pp. 350–361.
ECIR-2011-SeoCKL- Smoothing Click Counts for Aggregated Vertical Search (JS, WBC, KHK, JHL), pp. 387–398.
KDD-2011-KotaA #multi- Temporal multi-hierarchy smoothing for estimating rates of rare events (NK, DA), pp. 1361–1369.
KDD-2011-LinSM #adaptation #modelling #online #topic #twitter- Smoothing techniques for adaptive online language models: topic tracking in tweet streams (JL, RS, WM), pp. 422–429.
KDIR-2011-MohammadzadehGSN #documentation #web- Extracting the Main Content of Web Documents based on a Naive Smoothing Method (HM, TG, FS, GN), pp. 470–475.
MLDM-2011-LiuM #multi #naive bayes- Smoothing Multinomial Naïve Bayes in the Presence of Imbalance (AL, CEM), pp. 46–59.
CAV-2011-ChaudhuriS #robust- Smoothing a Program Soundly and Robustly (SC, ASL), pp. 277–292.
PLDI-2010-ChaudhuriS- Smooth interpretation (SC, ASL), pp. 279–291.
STOC-2010-BurgisserC #equation #polynomial #problem- Solving polynomial equations in smoothed polynomial time and a near solution to smale’s 17th problem (PB, FC), pp. 503–512.
ECIR-2010-TuHCLZ #approach #information retrieval #modelling #semantics- Wikipedia-Based Semantic Smoothing for the Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval (XT, TH, LC, JL, MZ), pp. 370–381.
ICPR-2010-EzojiF #invariant #recognition- Diffusion-Based Face Selective Smoothing in DCT Domain to Illumination Invariant Face Recognition (ME, KF), pp. 1164–1167.
ICPR-2010-JakkojuKJ #classification #performance #using- Fast and Spatially-Smooth Terrain Classification Using Monocular Camera (CJ, KMK, CVJ), pp. 4060–4063.
ICPR-2010-PanMSHN #adaptation #estimation #using #video- A Dual Pass Video Stabilization System Using Iterative Motion Estimation and Adaptive Motion Smoothing (PP, AM, JS, YH, SN), pp. 2298–2301.
SIGIR-2010-Keikha #retrieval- Investigation on smoothing and aggregation methods in blog retrieval (MK), p. 923.
SIGIR-2010-SeoC10a #estimation #parametricity- Unsupervised estimation of dirichlet smoothing parameters (JS, WBC), pp. 759–760.
SAC-2010-HoL #algorithm #constraints- Simulated annealing based algorithm for smooth robot path planning with different kinematic constraints (YJH, JSL), pp. 1277–1281.
ICALP-v2-2009-FriedrichSV #analysis #network- Smoothed Analysis of Balancing Networks (TF, TS, DV), pp. 472–483.
FM-2009-SeidlVV #alias #analysis #linear #polynomial- A Smooth Combination of Linear and Herbrand Equalities for Polynomial Time Must-Alias Analysis (HS, VV, VV), pp. 644–659.
CIKM-2009-HuangSN #documentation #graph #word- Smoothing document language model with local word graph (YH, LS, JYN), pp. 1943–1946.
CIKM-2009-WuCZZ #approach #definite clause grammar #learning #novel #rank #using- Smoothing DCG for learning to rank: a novel approach using smoothed hinge functions (MW, YC, ZZ, HZ), pp. 1923–1926.
SIGIR-2009-GaoYLDN #ranking #web- Smoothing clickthrough data for web search ranking (JG, WY, XL, KD, JYN), pp. 355–362.
SIGIR-2009-SunQTW #learning #metric #rank #ranking #robust- Robust sparse rank learning for non-smooth ranking measures (ZS, TQ, QT, JW), pp. 259–266.
DAC-2008-MoffittPLA #optimisation- Path smoothing via discrete optimization (MDM, DAP, ZL, CJA), pp. 724–727.
ICALP-A-2008-AndoniK #complexity #distance #edit distance- The Smoothed Complexity of Edit Distance (AA, RK), pp. 357–369.
ICML-2008-YuVGS #approach #optimisation- A quasi-Newton approach to non-smooth convex optimization (JY, SVNV, SG, NNS), pp. 1216–1223.
ICPR-2008-WetzkerPKBAM #detection #generative #probability #roadmap #social #using- Detecting trends in social bookmarking systems using a probabilistic generative model and smoothing (RW, TP, AK, CB, TA, FM), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-ChakrabartiKSB #learning #ranking- Structured learning for non-smooth ranking losses (SC, RK, US, CB), pp. 88–96.
SIGIR-2008-Kurland #approach #clustering #documentation #ranking- The opposite of smoothing: a language model approach to ranking query-specific document clusters (OK), pp. 171–178.
SIGIR-2008-MeiZZ #framework #graph #modelling #optimisation- A general optimization framework for smoothing language models on graph structures (QM, DZ, CZ), pp. 611–618.
DATE-2007-DestroFP #refinement #thread- A smooth refinement flow for co-designing HW and SW threads (PD, FF, GP), pp. 105–110.
STOC-2007-NissimRS #data analysis- Smooth sensitivity and sampling in private data analysis (KN, SR, AS), pp. 75–84.
ECIR-2007-HeD #classification #naive bayes #using- Improving Naive Bayes Text Classifier Using Smoothing Methods (FH, XD), pp. 703–707.
KDD-2007-ChiSZHT #clustering- Evolutionary spectral clustering by incorporating temporal smoothness (YC, XS, DZ, KH, BLT), pp. 153–162.
SEKE-2007-FengLK #adaptation #aspect-oriented #component #integration #product line #quality- Smooth Quality Oriented Component Integration through Product Line Based Aspect-Oriented Component Adaptation (YF, XL, JMK), pp. 71–76.
SIGIR-2007-Metzler #modelling #parametricity #using- Using gradient descent to optimize language modeling smoothing parameters (DM), pp. 687–688.
FoSSaCS-2006-LaneveP- Smooth Orchestrators (CL, LP), pp. 32–46.
ICML-2006-KlaasBFDML #performance- Fast particle smoothing: if I had a million particles (MK, MB, NdF, AD, SM, DL), pp. 481–488.
ICPR-v2-2006-RooverCM #approach #multi #set- Smoothing with Active Surfaces: A Multiphase Level Set Approach (CDR, JC, BMM), pp. 243–246.
ICPR-v3-2006-DoshiB- Structural flow smoothing for shape interpolation (AD, AGB), pp. 11–14.
ICPR-v3-2006-MalmW #image #reduction #sequence- Motion Dependent Spatiotemporal Smoothing for Noise Reduction in Very Dim Light Image Sequences (HM, EW), pp. 954–959.
ICPR-v3-2006-ShanZSCG #image- A Riemannian Weighted Filter for Edge-sensitive Image Smoothing (SS, WZ, YS, XC, WG), pp. 590–593.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhangH #image- A Riemannian Weighted Filter for Edge-sensitive Image Smoothing (FZ, ERH), pp. 594–598.
SIGIR-2006-SmuckerA06a #documentation #modelling #retrieval- Lightening the load of document smoothing for better language modeling retrieval (MDS, JA), pp. 699–700.
SIGIR-2006-ZhouHZLS #approach #information retrieval #modelling #semantics- Context-sensitive semantic smoothing for the language modeling approach to genomic IR (XZ, XH, XZ, XL, IYS), pp. 170–177.
ICML-2005-JinZ #algorithm #probability #using- A smoothed boosting algorithm using probabilistic output codes (RJ, JZ), pp. 361–368.
SIGIR-2005-XueLYXZYC #clustering #collaboration #scalability #using- Scalable collaborative filtering using cluster-based smoothing (GRX, CL, QY, WX, HJZ, YY, ZC), pp. 114–121.
SAC-2005-DanielOS #algorithm #multi #search-based- Airspace congestion smoothing by multi-objective genetic algorithm (DD, SO, SP), pp. 907–912.
SAC-2005-QianZQ #classification #image- Spatial contextual noise removal for post classification smoothing of remotely sensed images (YQ, KZ, FQ), pp. 524–528.
SPLC-2005-Trew #architecture #embedded #integration #product line- Enabling the Smooth Integration of Core Assets: Defining and Packaging Architectural Rules for a Family of Embedded Products (TT), pp. 137–149.
SAT-2005-Prestwich #random- Random Walk with Continuously Smoothed Variable Weights (SDP), pp. 203–215.
CHI-2004-McCarthySM #video- Sharp or smooth?: comparing the effects of quantization vs. frame rate for streamed video (JDM, MAS, DM), pp. 535–542.
ICPR-v2-2004-Robles-KellyH- Vector Field Smoothing Via Heat Flow (ARK, ERH), pp. 94–97.
ICSE-2004-HasselbringRJSTK #case study #design pattern #experience #information management #migration- The Dublo Architecture Pattern for Smooth Migration of Business Information Systems: An Experience Report (WH, RR, HJ, JS, TT, SK), pp. 117–126.
ECIR-2003-DejunM #categorisation- Chinese Text Categorization Based on the Binary Weighting Model with Non-binary Smoothing (XD, MS), pp. 408–419.
ICML-2002-DietterichBMS #learning #probability #refinement- Action Refinement in Reinforcement Learning by Probability Smoothing (TGD, DB, RLdM, CS), pp. 107–114.
ICML-2002-TeowLNY #approach #fault #feature model- Refining the Wrapper Approach — Smoothed Error Estimates for Feature Selection (LNT, HL, HTN, EY), pp. 626–633.
ICPR-v1-2002-SuriWGSL #comparison #image #state of the art- A Comparison of State-of-the-Art Diffusion Imaging Techniques for Smoothing Medical/Non-Medical Image Data (JSS, DW, JG, SS, SL), p. 508–?.
KDD-2002-ChungC #clustering #cvs #information retrieval #named- CVS: a Correlation-Verification based Smoothing technique on information retrieval and term clustering (CYC, BC), pp. 469–474.
SIGIR-2002-Hiemstra #approach #information retrieval #modelling #query- Term-specific smoothing for the language modeling approach to information retrieval: the importance of a query term (DH), pp. 35–41.
SAC-2002-KangY #layout #multi- Smoothed fetching: bridging the data layout and transmission schemes in multimedia servers (SK, HYY), pp. 755–760.
VLDB-2001-KoschBBHHLRT #database #distributed #multi #named- SMOOTH — A Distributed Multimedia Database System (HK, LB, AB, CH, CH, ML, CR, RT), pp. 713–714.
STOC-2001-SpielmanT #algorithm #analysis #polynomial #why- Smoothed analysis of algorithms: why the simplex algorithm usually takes polynomial time (DAS, SHT), pp. 296–305.
ICML-2001-ShakhnarovichEB #classification #evaluation #statistics- Smoothed Bootstrap and Statistical Data Cloning for Classifier Evaluation (GS, REY, YB), pp. 521–528.
SIGIR-2001-ZhaiL #ad hoc #case study #information retrieval #modelling- A Study of Smoothing Methods for Language Models Applied to Ad Hoc Information Retrieval (CZ, JDL), pp. 334–342.
STOC-2000-Boneh #integer #using- Finding smooth integers in short intervals using CRT decoding (DB), pp. 265–272.
STOC-2000-EdelsbrunnerLMSTTUW- Smoothing and cleaning up slivers (HE, XYL, GLM, AS, DT, SHT, AÜ, NW), pp. 273–277.
ICPR-v2-2000-FredL #clustering #difference- Clustering Under a Hypothesis of Smooth Dissimilarity Increments (ALNF, JMNL), pp. 2190–2194.
ICPR-v2-2000-PerantonisPV #analysis #classification #component #paradigm #using- Supervised Principal Component Analysis Using a Smooth Classifier Paradigm (SJP, SP, VV), pp. 2109–2112.
ICPR-v3-2000-Ghosal #algebra #on the- On Algebraic Smoothing: Theory and Results (SG), pp. 3021–3024.
ICPR-v3-2000-SmolkaW #image #random- Edge Preserving Image Smoothing Based on Self Avoiding Random Walk (BS, KWW), pp. 3668–3671.
ECOOP-2000-AnconaLZ #java #mixin #named- Jam — A Smooth Extension of Java with Mixins (DA, GL, EZ), pp. 154–178.
ICDAR-1999-FangWLTKTW #approach #verification- A Smoothness Index based Approach for Off-line Signature Verification (BF, YYW, CHL, YYT, PCKK, KWT, YKW), pp. 785–787.
ICPR-1998-MottlKK #image- Edge-preserving in generalized smoothing of signals and images (VM, AK, AK), pp. 1579–1581.
ICPR-1998-ZhangB98a #adaptation #performance #representation- An efficient surface mesh representation adaptive to local smoothness (ZZ, MB), pp. 1555–1557.
HCI-SEC-1997-Niwano #named #navigation #towards- HyperBBS: Towards Smooth Navigation (EN), pp. 739–742.
ICPR-1996-AstromH96a #analysis #probability- Stochastic analysis of scale-space smoothing (KÅ, AH), pp. 305–309.
ICPR-1996-Baratoff #metric- Ordinal and metric structure of smooth surfaces from parallax (GB), pp. 275–279.
ICPR-1996-YuY #algorithm #image #performance- An efficient algorithm for smoothing binary image contours (DY, HY), pp. 403–407.
SAC-1996-DoroodchiR #clustering #fuzzy- Nonlinear smoothing of signals by applying fuzzy clustering to local points (MD, AMR), pp. 595–599.
SAC-1994-MahoneyLW #exponential #network- Construction of an artificial neural network for simple exponential smoothing in forecasting (DWM, RPL, SIW), pp. 308–312.
CHI-1991-MackinlayRC- The perspective wall: detail and context smoothly integrated (JDM, GGR, SKC), pp. 173–176.
STOC-1988-AdlemanK #parallel #using- Using Smoothness to Achieve Parallelism (Abstract) (LMA, KK), pp. 528–538.