Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Software Maintenance
ICSM, 1995.
@proceedings{ICSM-1995, address = "Nice), France", publisher = "{IEEE Computer Society}", title = "{Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Software Maintenance}", year = 1995, }
Contents (37 items)
- ICSM-1995-HsiaGKPL #architecture #case study #maintenance #object-oriented
- A study on the effect of architecture on maintainability of object-oriented systems (PH, AG, DCK, JP, SL), pp. 4–11.
- ICSM-1995-NakanishiAI #interface #library #metric
- A metric for evaluating class library interfaces and its application to library upgrades (KN, TA, MI), pp. 12–19.
- ICSM-1995-DalyBMRW #empirical #inheritance #maintenance #object-oriented
- The effect of inheritance on the maintainability of object-oriented software: an empirical study (JWD, AB, JM, MR, MW), p. 20–?.
- ICSM-1995-WeddeSN #case study #maintenance
- A case study of a maintenance support system (KJW, TS, IN), pp. 32–41.
- ICSM-1995-BarrosBEQV #automation #impact analysis
- Supporting impact analysis: a semi-automated technique and associated tool (SB, TB, AE, JPQ, JFV), pp. 42–51.
- ICSM-1995-Tilley #modelling #reverse engineering
- Domain-retargetable reverse engineering. III. Layered modeling (SRT), p. 52–?.
- ICSM-1995-ChenFKW #documentation #named #repository #visual notation
- Ciao: a graphical navigator for software and document repositories (YFC, GSF, EK, RSW), pp. 66–75.
- ICSM-1995-AntoniolFMT #c++ #migration #user interface #visual notation
- Application and user interface migration from BASIC to Visual C++ (GA, RF, EM, PT), p. 76–?.
- ICSM-1995-Yip #maintenance
- Software maintenance in Hong Kong (SWLY), pp. 88–97.
- ICSM-1995-NyaryS #maintenance
- Software maintenance offloading at the Union Bank of Switzerland (EN, HMS), pp. 98–108.
- ICSM-1995-Williams #analysis #case study #design #experience #object-oriented #using
- Using object oriented analysis and design in a non-object oriented environment experience report (KW), p. 109–?.
- ICSM-1995-YangB #data-driven #modelling
- Acquisition of ERA models from data intensive code (HY, KHB), pp. 116–123.
- ICSM-1995-CimitileLM #case study #identification #reuse #slicing #specification #using
- Identifying reusable functions using specification driven program slicing: a case study (AC, ADL, MM), pp. 124–133.
- ICSM-1995-CarmichaelTH #architecture #design #interactive #maintenance
- Design maintenance: unexpected architectural interactions (IC, VT, RCH), p. 134–?.
- ICSM-1995-LanubileV #maintenance #re-engineering
- Iterative reengineering to compensate for quick-fix maintenance (FL, GV), pp. 140–146.
- ICSM-1995-CanforaFT #process #re-engineering #reuse #towards
- Towards reengineering in reuse reengineering processes (GC, ARF, MT), pp. 147–156.
- ICSM-1995-CanforaC #algorithm #dependence #graph
- Algorithms for program dependence graph production (GC, AC), p. 157–?.
- ICSM-1995-Sneed #cost analysis #maintenance
- Estimating the costs of software maintenance tasks (HMS), pp. 168–181.
- ICSM-1995-BoldyreffBHMMY #approach #case study #comprehension
- The AMES approach to application understanding: a case study (CB, EB, RMH, REM, MM, EJY), pp. 182–191.
- ICSM-1995-BuckleyC
- Discovering relationships between service and customer satisfaction (MB, RC), p. 192–?.
- ICSM-1995-DeBaudR #domain model #modelling #re-engineering #using
- A software re-engineering method using domain models (JMD, SR), pp. 204–213.
- ICSM-1995-ShimomuraOCO #independence
- An independent software-modification method (TS, YO, TC, TO), pp. 214–221.
- ICSM-1995-KamkarK #distributed #slicing #source code
- Dynamic slicing of distributed programs (MK, PK), p. 222–?.
- ICSM-1995-AbdullahKW #integration #testing
- Correcting for unreliable regression integration testing (KA, JEKJ, LJW), pp. 232–241.
- ICSM-1995-KhoshgoftaarSV #detection #testing
- Detecting program modules with low testability (TMK, RMS, JMV), pp. 242–250.
- ICSM-1995-Binkley #cost analysis #semantics #testing
- Reducing the cost of regression testing by semantics guided test case selection (DB), p. 251–?.
- ICSM-1995-RugaberSW #detection
- Detecting interleaving (SR, KS, LMW), pp. 265–274.
- ICSM-1995-StoreyM #using
- Manipulating and documenting software structures using SHriMP views (MADS, HAM), p. 275–?.
- ICSM-1995-AbranM #adaptation #maintenance
- A sizing measure for adaptive maintenance work products (AA, MM), pp. 286–294.
- ICSM-1995-PearseO #industrial #maintenance #metric #process #source code
- Maintainability measurements on industrial source code maintenance activities (TTP, PWO), pp. 295–303.
- ICSM-1995-Schneberger #complexity #component #distributed #maintenance
- Software maintenance in distributed computer environments: system complexity versus component simplicity (SLS), pp. 304–317.
- ICSM-1995-AvrilionisC #maintenance #modelling #petri net #process #using
- Using views to maintain Petri-net-based process models (DA, PYC), pp. 318–326.
- ICSM-1995-TaramaaMK #framework #process
- Improving application management process through qualitative framework (JT, MM, TK), pp. 327–336.
- ICSM-1995-French #case study #experience #legacy #maintenance #process #re-engineering
- Applying software engineering and process improvement to legacy defence system maintenance: an experience report (VAF), p. 337–?.
- ICSM-1995-GuptaS #data flow #testing
- Priority based data flow testing (RG, MLS), pp. 348–357.
- ICSM-1995-BullYBL #named #reverse engineering #safety
- Bylands: reverse engineering safety-critical systems (TMB, EJY, KHB, ZL), pp. 358–366.
- ICSM-1995-SmithBB #evolution #maintenance #question
- Is maintenance ready for evolution? (SS, KHB, CB), p. 367–?.
14 ×#maintenance
7 ×#case study
5 ×#process
5 ×#using
4 ×#modelling
4 ×#re-engineering
4 ×#testing
3 ×#experience
3 ×#object-oriented
2 ×#architecture
7 ×#case study
5 ×#process
5 ×#using
4 ×#modelling
4 ×#re-engineering
4 ×#testing
3 ×#experience
3 ×#object-oriented
2 ×#architecture