Travelled to:
1 × Greece
1 × Ireland
1 × Spain
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.C.Lethbridge R.J.LeBlanc S.Campbell T.B.Hilburn J.B.Thompson R.Duley G.W.Hislop J.M.Atlee K.Abernethy J.C.Kelly J.D.Kiper J.D.Powell S.B.Seidman J.Mason D.J.Bagert J.F.Naveda D.J.Frailey A.S.Parrish M.Ben-Menachem S.A.Mengel J.L.Díaz-Herrera
Talks about:
softwar (10) engin (8) comput (4) ieee (4) program (3) volum (3) acm (3) undergradu (2) curriculum (2) curricula (2)
Person: Ann E. Kelley Sobel
DBLP: Sobel:Ann_E=_Kelley
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- CSEET-2007-SobelC #analysis #design #formal method
- Supporting the Formal Analysis of Software Designs (AEKS, SC), pp. 123–132.
- ICSE-2005-AtleeLLST #guidelines #re-engineering #source code
- Software engineering 2004: ACM/IEEE-CS guidelines for undergraduate programs in software engineering (JMA, RJL, TCL, AEKS, JBT), pp. 623–624.
- CSEET-2004-LeBlancLS #education #generative #re-engineering #source code #using
- Generating Undergraduate Software Engineering Courses/Programs Using the Computing Curricula Software Engineering Volume (RJL, TCL, AEKS), pp. 167–168.
- CSEET-2003-DuleyHHS #education #re-engineering
- Engineering an Introductory Software Engineering Curriculum (RD, GWH, TBH, AEKS), pp. 99–106.
- CSEET-2003-LeBlancBHMLTSD04 #education #re-engineering
- IEEE-CS/ACM Computing Curriculum Software Engineering Volume Project (RJL, MBM, TBH, SAM, TCL, JBT, AEKS, JLDH), p. 333–?.
- CSEET-2003-SeidmanMBNSFP #certification
- Certification for Software Professionals: The IEEE Computer Society?s CSDP Program (SBS, JM, DJB, JFN, AEKS, DJF, ASP), p. 323–?.
- ITiCSE-2003-SobelL #education #re-engineering
- IEEE-CS/ACM computing curricula: software engineering volume (AEKS, TCL), pp. 217–218.
- CSEET-2000-AbernethyKSKP #formal method #specification
- Technology Transfer Issues for Formal Methods of Software Specification (KA, JCK, AEKS, JDK, JDP), pp. 23–31.