Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Greece
1 × Hungary
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
2 × Canada
2 × Estonia
2 × Italy
2 × Spain
2 × United Kingdom
3 × France
3 × Germany
Collaborated with:
∅ E.Zambon A.H.Ghamarian G.Täntzer M.d.Mol P.V.Gorp A.Kleppe M.v.d.Bijl J.Tretmans J.Kuperus I.Boneva R.Nederpel R.Gorrieri F.Hermann G.Delzanno R.Traverso J.J.Hunt A.Jalali M.Semenyak C.Soltenborn H.Wehrheim A.Habel K.Pennemann V.Jones E.Brinksma Á.Schmidt D.Varró P.M.Kwantes J.Kleijn C.M.Poskitt M.Dodds R.F.Paige J.Bauer M.E.Kurbán H.Kastenberg I.Galvão L.Wevers M.Akşit A.Anjorin A.Cunha H.Giese A.Schürr M.Hülsbusch B.König G.Engels R.K.0012 S.Schivo E.Ruijters B.M.Yildiz D.Huistra J.Brandt M.Stoelinga A.Dotor C.Ermel S.Jurack O.Kniemeyer J.d.Lara S.Maier T.Staijen A.Zündorf
Talks about:
graph (23) transform (14) model (8) base (7) toward (4) tool (4) composit (3) abstract (3) analysi (3) semant (3)
Person: Arend Rensink
DBLP: Rensink:Arend
Facilitated 8 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 36 papers:
- ICGT-2015-KwantesGKR #modelling #process #towards #verification
- Towards Compliance Verification Between Global and Local Process Models (PMK, PVG, JK, AR), pp. 221–236.
- AMT-2014-PoskittDPR #bidirectional #model transformation #towards
- Towards Rigorously Faking Bidirectional Model Transformations (CMP, MD, RFP, AR), pp. 70–75.
- BX-2014-AnjorinCG0RS
- BenchmarX (AA, AC, HG, FH, AR, AS), pp. 82–86.
- GRAPHITE-2014-DelzannoRT #analysis #protocol
- Graph- versus Vector-Based Analysis of a Consensus Protocol (GD, AR, RT), pp. 44–57.
- GT-VMT-2014-ZambonR #problem #towards
- Solving the N-Queens Problem with GROOVE — Towards a Compendium of Best Practices (EZ, AR).
- FASE-2012-MolRH #graph #java
- Graph Transforming Java Data (MdM, AR, JJH), pp. 209–223.
- GRAPHITE-2012-ZambonR #graph
- Graph Subsumption in Abstract State Space Exploration (EZ, AR), pp. 35–49.
- GT-VMT-2012-GhamarianR #graph transformation
- Graph Passing in Graph Transformation (AHG, AR).
- GT-VMT-2012-JalaliRG #incremental #pattern matching #regular expression
- Incremental Pattern Matching for Regular Expressions (AJ, AR, AHG).
- ICGT-2012-GhamarianR #composition #graph transformation
- Generalised Compositionality in Graph Transformation (AHG, AR), pp. 234–248.
- ICGT-2012-RensinkZ #abstraction #graph
- Pattern-Based Graph Abstraction (AR, EZ), pp. 66–80.
- AGTIVE-2011-GalvaoZRWA #analysis #graph #knowledge-based
- Knowledge-Based Graph Exploration Analysis (IG, EZ, AR, LW, MA), pp. 105–120.
- GT-VMT-2010-MolR #graph #on the #order
- On A Graph Formalism for Ordered Edges (MdM, AR).
- ICALP-v2-2010-Rensink #composition #graph transformation
- Compositionality in Graph Transformation (AR), pp. 309–320.
- IFM-2010-HulsbuschKRSSW #comparison #model transformation #semantics
- Showing Full Semantics Preservation in Model Transformation — A Comparison of Techniques (MH, BK, AR, MS, CS, HW), pp. 183–198.
- GT-VMT-2009-RensinkK #graph transformation
- Repotting the Geraniums: On Nested Graph Transformation Rules (AR, JHK), pp. 23–37.
- ECMDA-FA-2008-EngelsKRSSW #behaviour #model transformation #process #towards #uml
- From UML Activities to TAAL — Towards Behaviour-Preserving Model Transformations (GE, AK, AR, MS, CS, HW), pp. 94–109.
- GT-VMT-2008-RensinkK #diagrams #graph #on the #semantics #uml
- On a Graph-Based Semantics for UML Class and Object Diagrams (AR, AK).
- ICGT-2008-BauerBKR #abstraction #graph
- A Modal-Logic Based Graph Abstraction (JB, IB, MEK, AR), pp. 321–335.
- ICGT-2008-RensinkG #contest #graph #tool support
- Graph-Based Tools: The Contest (AR, PVG), pp. 463–466.
- AGTIVE-2007-RensinkDEJKLMSZ #case study #graph transformation #named #tool support
- Ludo: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools (AR, AD, CE, SJ, OK, JdL, SM, TS, AZ), pp. 493–513.
- AGTIVE-2007-RensinkT #contest #graph transformation
- AGTIVE 2007 Graph Transformation Tool Contest (AR, GT), pp. 487–492.
- GT-VMT-2007-BonevaHKR #graph transformation #multi #simulation #using
- Simulating Multigraph Transformations Using Simple Graphs (IB, FH, HK, AR).
- GT-VMT-2006-RensinkN08 #graph transformation #qvt #semantics
- Graph Transformation Semantics for a QVT Language (AR, RN), pp. 51–62.
- ICGT-2006-HabelPR #source code
- Weakest Preconditions for High-Level Programs (AH, KHP, AR), pp. 445–460.
- ICGT-2006-Rensink #graph transformation #quantifier
- Nested Quantification in Graph Transformation Rules (AR), pp. 1–13.
- EDOC-2005-JonesRB #enterprise #health #mobile #modelling
- Modelling mobile health systems: an application of augmented MDA for the extended healthcare enterprise. (VJ, AR, EB), pp. 58–69.
- FASE-2005-TaentzerR #constraints #graph #inheritance #modelling
- Ensuring Structural Constraints in Graph-Based Models with Type Inheritance (GT, AR), pp. 64–79.
- TestCom-2005-BijlRT #consistency #refinement #testing
- Action Refinement in Conformance Testing (MvdB, AR, JT), pp. 81–96.
- ESOP-2004-Rensink #canonical #graph
- Canonical Graph Shapes (AR), pp. 401–415.
- ICGT-2004-Rensink #first-order #graph #logic #representation #using
- Representing First-Order Logic Using Graphs (AR), pp. 319–335.
- ICGT-2004-RensinkSV #comparison #graph transformation #model checking
- Model Checking Graph Transformations: A Comparison of Two Approaches (AR, ÁS, DV), pp. 226–241.
- AGTIVE-2003-Rensink #generative
- The GROOVE Simulator: A Tool for State Space Generation (AR), pp. 479–485.
- FATES-2003-BijlRT #composition #testing
- Compositional Testing with ioco (MvdB, AR, JT), pp. 86–100.
- TAPSOFT-1997-RensinkG #implementation #refinement
- Action Refinement as an Implementation Relations (AR, RG), pp. 772–786.
- FASE-2018-0012SRYHBRS #analysis #approach #effectiveness #modelling
- Effective Analysis of Attack Trees: A Model-Driven Approach (RK0, SS, ER, BMY, DH, JB, AR, MS), pp. 56–73.