Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Cyprus
1 × Estonia
1 × France
1 × New Zealand
1 × Spain
2 × Germany
2 × Hungary
2 × Portugal
2 × The Netherlands
3 × United Kingdom
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Ehrig G.Täntzer K.Ehrig E.Biermann F.Hermann J.Padberg R.Bardohl M.Gajewsky O.Runge U.Prange S.Gottmann N.Nachtigall M.Maximova K.Gabriel P.Lingnau I.Weinhold B.Braatz T.Engel T.Arendt R.Heckel F.Orejas J.Gall L.Lambers U.Golas P.Langer M.Wimmer J.Hurrelmann A.Crema R.Schmutzler S.Hänsgen A.Bucchiarone P.Pelliccione C.Köhler F.H.0001 T.E.0001 K.Hoffmann T.Modica G.Morelli A.Pierre A.Rensink A.Dotor S.Jurack O.Kniemeyer J.d.Lara S.Maier T.Staijen A.Zündorf
Talks about:
model (20) transform (16) graph (12) base (12) visual (6) rule (5) preserv (4) grammar (4) generat (4) system (4)
♀ Person: Claudia Ermel
DBLP: Ermel:Claudia
Facilitated 7 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 33 papers:
- ICMT-2014-HermannGNEBMPEE #graph grammar #in the large
- Triple Graph Grammars in the Large for Translating Satellite Procedures (FH, SG, NN, HE, BB, GM, AP, TE, CE), pp. 122–137.
- AMT-2013-Gottmann0NBEEE #concurrent #correctness #graph grammar
- Correctness and Completeness of Generalised Concurrent Model Synchronisation Based on Triple Graph Grammars (SG, FH, NN, BB, CE, HE, TE), pp. 62–71.
- GT-VMT-2013-MaximovaEE #analysis #graph transformation
- Analysis of Hypergraph Transformation Systems in AGG based on M-Functors (MM, HE, CE).
- AMT-2012-TaentzerAEH #model transformation #refactoring #rule-based #towards
- Towards refactoring of rule-based, in-place model transformation systems (GT, TA, CE, RH), pp. 41–46.
- FASE-2012-HermannEEO #concurrent #graph grammar
- Concurrent Model Synchronization with Conflict Resolution Based on Triple Graph Grammars (FH, HE, CE, FO), pp. 178–193.
- GT-VMT-2012-GabrielLE #algebra #approach #petri net
- Algebraic Approach to Timed Petri Nets (KG, PL, CE).
- AGTIVE-2011-RungeET #algebra #graph transformation #specification
- AGG 2.0 — New Features for Specifying and Analyzing Algebraic Graph Transformations (OR, CE, GT), pp. 81–88.
- FASE-2011-EhrigET #graph #using #version control
- A Formal Resolution Strategy for Operation-Based Conflicts in Model Versioning Using Graph Modifications (HE, CE, GT), pp. 202–216.
- FASE-2011-ErmelGLT #behaviour #consistency #control flow #functional #modelling
- Modeling with Plausibility Checking: Inspecting Favorable and Critical Signs for Consistency between Control Flow and Functional Behavior (CE, JG, LL, GT), pp. 156–170.
- FASE-2010-EhrigERBP #analysis #formal method #self #verification
- Formal Analysis and Verification of Self-Healing Systems (HE, CE, OR, AB, PP), pp. 139–153.
- GCM-2010-GolasBEE11 #graph transformation #interpreter #semantics #visual notation
- A Visual Interpreter Semantics for Statecharts Based on Amalgamated Graph Transformation (UG, EB, HE, CE).
- ICGT-2010-TaentzerELW #detection #graph #version control
- Conflict Detection for Model Versioning Based on Graph Modifications (GT, CE, PL, MW), pp. 171–186.
- ASE-2009-BiermannEEH #eclipse #framework #generative #modelling #simulation
- Generation of Simulation Views for Domain Specific Modeling Languages Based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EB, KE, CE, JH), pp. 625–629.
- FASE-2009-HermannEE #graph #inheritance #network #security
- Transformation of Type Graphs with Inheritance for Ensuring Security in E-Government Networks (FH, HE, CE), pp. 325–339.
- GT-VMT-2009-EhrigEE #model transformation #refactoring
- Refactoring of Model Transformations (HE, KE, CE), pp. 128–146.
- MoDELS-2009-EhrigEHP #correctness #graph grammar #model transformation #on the fly
- On-the-Fly Construction, Correctness and Completeness of Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars (HE, CE, FH, UP), pp. 241–255.
- FASE-2008-EhrigEEP #consistency #integration #modelling #visual notation
- Consistent Integration of Models Based on Views of Visual Languages (HE, KE, CE, UP), pp. 62–76.
- ICGT-2008-EhrigE #correctness #graph #model transformation #semantics #using
- Semantical Correctness and Completeness of Model Transformations Using Graph and Rule Transformation (HE, CE), pp. 194–210.
- MoDELS-2008-BiermannET #emf #graph transformation #model transformation #precise #semantics
- Precise Semantics of EMF Model Transformations by Graph Transformation (EB, CE, GT), pp. 53–67.
- AGTIVE-2007-BiermannEEKT #emf #framework #model transformation
- The EMF Model Transformation Framework (EB, KE, CE, CK, GT), pp. 566–567.
- AGTIVE-2007-BiermannEET #eclipse #editing #generative #plugin #using
- Generating Eclipse Editor Plug-Ins Using Tiger (EB, KE, CE, GT), pp. 583–584.
- AGTIVE-2007-ErmelE #analysis #configuration management #simulation #visualisation
- Visualization, Simulation and Analysis of Reconfigurable Systems (CE, KE), pp. 265–280.
- AGTIVE-2007-RensinkDEJKLMSZ #case study #graph transformation #named #tool support
- Ludo: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools (AR, AD, CE, SJ, OK, JdL, SM, TS, AZ), pp. 493–513.
- AGTIVE-2007-TaentzerCSE #editing #generative
- Generating Domain-Specific Model Editors with Complex Editing Commands (GT, AC, RS, CE), pp. 98–103.
- FASE-2007-EhrigEEHT #bidirectional #model transformation
- Information Preserving Bidirectional Model Transformations (HE, KE, CE, FH, GT), pp. 72–86.
- FASE-2007-PadbergHEMBE #ad hoc #architecture #consistency #maintenance #mobile #network
- Maintaining Consistency in Layered Architectures of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (JP, KH, HE, TM, EB, CE), pp. 383–397.
- GT-VC-2007-ErmelE08 #animation #behaviour
- Behavior-Preserving Simulation-to-Animation Model and Rule Transformations (CE, HE), pp. 55–74.
- ASE-2005-EhrigEHT #eclipse #editing #generative #plugin #visual notation
- Generation of visual editors as eclipse plug-ins (KE, CE, SH, GT), pp. 134–143.
- AGTIVE-2003-BardohlEW #modelling #named #visual notation
- GenGED — A Visual Definition Tool for Visual Modeling Environments (RB, CE, IW), pp. 413–419.
- ICGT-2002-BardohlEP #architecture #specification
- Transforming Specification Architectures by GenGED (RB, CE, JP), pp. 30–44.
- FASE-1998-PadbergGE #refinement #rule-based #safety
- Rule-Based Refinement of High-Level Nets Preserving Safety Properties (JP, MG, CE), pp. 221–238.
- FASE-J-1998-PadbergGE01 #refinement #rule-based #safety
- Rule-based refinement of high-level nets preserving safety properties (JP, MG, CE), pp. 97–118.
- BX-2016-GottmannNE0E #modelling #multi #towards
- Towards the Propagation of Model Updates along different Views in Multi-View Models (SG, NN, CE, FH0, TE0), pp. 45–60.