Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Ireland
1 × Italy
1 × Singapore
1 × Spain
1 × United Kingdom
11 × USA
2 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
M.N.Price B.N.Schilit C.C.Marshall ∅ P.Qvarfordt J.Pickens M.H.Chignell T.Dunnigan S.Carter E.Agapie A.Diriye M.Efron J.T.Biehl M.Back M.Cooper M.R.Morris S.Tretter S.M.Branham L.Denoue J.Adcock F.M.S.III J.S.Boreczky A.Girgensohn S.Uchihashi N.Charoenkitkarn J.Tam T.Turner B.v.Melle C.Shah
Talks about:
queri (7) hypertext (5) search (5) retriev (4) inform (4) read (4) link (4) collabor (3) design (3) digit (3)
Person: Gene Golovchinsky
DBLP: Golovchinsky:Gene
Contributed to:
Wrote 28 papers:
- SIGIR-2014-QvarfordtTGD #named
- SearchPanel: framing complex search needs (PQ, ST, GG, TD), pp. 495–504.
- CHI-2013-AgapieGQ #people #query
- Leading people to longer queries (EA, GG, PQ), pp. 3019–3022.
- SIGIR-2013-QvarfordtGDA #query
- Looking ahead: query preview in exploratory search (PQ, GG, TD, EA), pp. 243–252.
- ECIR-2012-DiriyeG #collaboration #named
- Querium: A Session-Based Collaborative Search System (AD, GG), pp. 583–584.
- SIGIR-2011-EfronG #estimation #ranking
- Estimation methods for ranking recent information (ME, GG), pp. 495–504.
- CHI-2010-BranhamGCB #reuse
- Let’s go from the whiteboard: supporting transitions in work through whiteboard capture and reuse (SMB, GG, SC, JTB), pp. 75–84.
- CHI-2010-TurnerQBGB #communication
- Exploring the workplace communication ecology (TT, PQ, JTB, GG, MB), pp. 841–850.
- CIKM-2010-PickensCG #feedback
- Reverted indexing for feedback and expansion (JP, MC, GG), pp. 1049–1058.
- CHI-2009-GolovchinskyQMCD #design #named #usability
- DICE: designing conference rooms for usability (GG, PQ, BvM, SC, TD), pp. 1015–1024.
- HT-2009-DenoueACG #named #performance #web
- WebNC: efficient sharing of web applications (LD, JA, SC, GG), pp. 365–366.
- CIKM-2008-PickensG #ad hoc #modelling #retrieval
- Ranked feature fusion models for ad hoc retrieval (JP, GG), pp. 893–900.
- SIGIR-2008-PickensGSQB #algorithm #collaboration
- Algorithmic mediation for collaborative exploratory search (JP, GG, CS, PQ, MB), pp. 315–322.
- HT-2004-MarshallG #hypermedia #requirements
- Saving private hypertext: requirements and pragmatic dimensions for preservation (CCM, GG), pp. 130–138.
- ECDL-2003-ShipmanPMG #documentation #identification
- Identifying Useful Passages in Documents Based on Annotation Patterns (FMSI, MNP, CCM, GG), pp. 101–112.
- HT-2002-Golovchinsky #hypermedia
- Going back in Hypertext (GG), pp. 82–83.
- CHI-2000-BoreczkyGGU #interactive #video
- An interactive comic book presentation for exploring video (JSB, AG, GG, SU), pp. 185–192.
- HT-2000-GolovchinskyM #hypermedia #interactive #revisited
- Hypertext interaction revisited (GG, CCM), pp. 171–179.
- SIGIR-1999-GolovchinskyPS #query #retrieval
- From Reading to Retrieval: Freeform Ink Annotations as Queries (GG, MNP, BNS), pp. 19–25.
- CHI-1998-SchilitGP
- Beyond Paper: Supporting Active Reading with Free Form Digital Ink Annotations (BNS, GG, MNP), pp. 249–256.
- HT-1998-PriceGS #hypermedia
- Linking by Inking: Trailblazing in a Paper-Like Hypertext (MNP, GG, BNS), pp. 30–39.
- CHI-1997-Golovchinsky #difference #query #question
- Queries? Links? Is there a Difference? (GG), pp. 407–414.
- HT-1997-Golovchinsky #hypermedia #information retrieval #integration #query #what
- What the Query Told the Link: The Integration of Hypertext and Information Retrieval (GG), pp. 67–74.
- HT-1993-CharoenkitkarnTCG #design #query
- Browsing Through Querying: Designing for Electronic Books (NC, JT, MHC, GG), pp. 206–216.
- INTERCHI-1993-GolovchinskyC #named #navigation #visual notation
- Queries-R-Links: graphical markup for test navigation (GG, MHC), pp. 454–460.
- DL-1998-SchilitPG #library
- Digital Library Information Appliances (BNS, MNP, GG), pp. 217–226.
- DL-1999-MarshallPGS #library
- Introducing a Digital Library Reading Appliance into a Reading Group (CCM, MNP, GG, BNS), pp. 77–84.
- JCDL-2001-MarshallPGS #design #research
- Designing e-books for legal research (CCM, MNP, GG, BNS), pp. 41–48.
- JCDL-2008-PickensGM #collaboration #information retrieval
- Collaborative information retrieval (JP, GG, MRM), p. 440.