Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × Ireland
1 × Italy
1 × Switzerland
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.C.Gannod P.V.Anderson ∅ D.C.Brown C.Wallace D.Troy M.T.Helmick M.A.Vouk M.Carter B.Rogers J.Gung Y.Qiao A.Begel M.E.Hoffman S.Heckman D.Wright
Talks about:
communic (6) softwar (6) engin (5) curriculum (3) rational (3) student (3) integr (3) improv (3) teach (3) technic (2)
Person: Janet E. Burge
DBLP: Burge:Janet_E=
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- ICSE-v2-2015-AndersonHVWCBG #student
- CS/SE Instructors Can Improve Student Writing without Reducing Class Time Devoted to Technical Content: Experimental Results (PVA, SH, MAV, DW, MC, JEB, GCG), pp. 455–464.
- ICSE-2012-RogersGQB #documentation
- Exploring techniques for rationale extraction from existing documents (BR, JG, YQ, JEB), pp. 1313–1316.
- CSEET-2011-CarterVGBAH #communication #education #re-engineering
- Communication genres: Integrating communication into the software engineering curriculum (MC, MAV, GCG, JEB, PVA, MEH), pp. 21–30.
- CSEET-2011-GannodABB #communication #education #integration #question #re-engineering
- Is integration of communication and technical instruction across the SE curriculum a viable strategy for improving the real-world communication abilities of software engineering graduates? (GCG, PVA, JEB, AB), pp. 525–529.
- CSEET-2009-Burge #student
- Application and Appreciation: Changing Course Structure to Change Student Attitudes (JEB), pp. 45–52.
- CSEET-2009-BurgeA #communication #student
- Improving Communication Skills of SE Students through Curricular Innovation (JEB, PVA), pp. 292–293.
- CSEET-2009-BurgeG #categorisation
- Dimensions for Categorizing Capstone Projects (JEB, GCG), pp. 166–173.
- CSEET-2008-BurgeW #communication #education #re-engineering
- Teaching Communication Skills in the Software Engineering Curriculum (JEB, CW), pp. 265–266.
- ICSE-2008-BurgeB #named
- SEURAT: integrated rationale management (JEB, DCB), pp. 835–838.
- ICSE-2008-GannodBH #education #re-engineering #using
- Using the inverted classroom to teach software engineering (GCG, JEB, MTH), pp. 777–786.
- CSEET-2007-Burge #education #maintenance #multi #reliability
- Exploiting Multiplicity to Teach Reliability and Maintainability in a Capstone Project (JEB), pp. 29–36.
- CSEET-2006-BurgeT #case study #challenge #education #re-engineering #using
- Rising to the Challenge: Using Business-Oriented Case Studies in Software Engineering Education (JEB, DT), pp. 43–50.
- ASE-2001-BurgeB #design #maintenance
- Design Rationale for Software Maintenance (JEB, DCB), p. 433.