Travelled to:
1 × Canada
Collaborated with:
Raphael Costa Rongkai Guo G.Samaraweera M.Shonle Tanvir Irfan Chowdhury Brita Munsinger Greg White Bushra Tasnim Zahed Gregory White Anjana Chatta Tyler Hurst Vicente Ferrer Alex Perdomo Hazem Rashed-Ali Carmen Fies
Talks about:
game (6) elementari (2) sedentari (2) children (2) approach (2) realiti (2) exergam (2) augment (2) school (2) usabl (2)
Person: John Quarles
DBLP: Quarles:John
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ICPC-2011-SamaraweeraSQ #approach #programming #towards
- Programming from the Reader’s Perspective: Toward an Expectations Approach (GS, MS, JQ), pp. 211–212.
- CHI-PLAY-2015-ChattaHSGQ #approach #game studies
- Get off the Couch: An Approach to Utilize Sedentary Commercial Games as Exergames (AC, TH, GS, RG, JQ), pp. 47–56.
- VS-Games-2013-FerrerPRFQ #artificial reality #education #game studies #how #motivation #question #usability
- How Does Usability Impact Motivation in Augmented Reality Serious Games for Education? (VF, AP, HRA, CF, JQ), pp. 1–8.
- VS-Games-2013-GuoQ #case study #game studies
- Converting Sedentary Games to Exergames: A Case Study with a Car Racing Game (RG, JQ), pp. 1–8.
- VS-Games-2017-ChowdhuryCQ #mobile #simulation
- Information recall in a mobile VR disability simulation (TIC, RC, JQ), pp. 125–128.
- VS-Games-2019-CostaQ #3d #interactive
- 3D Interaction with Virtual Objects in Real Water (RC, JQ), pp. 1–7.
- VS-Games-2019-MunsingerWQ #artificial reality #education #game studies #usability
- The Usability of the Microsoft HoloLens for an Augmented Reality Game to Teach Elementary School Children (BM, GW, JQ), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2019-ZahedWQ #education #game studies #safety
- Play It Safe: An Educational Cyber Safety Game for Children in Elementary School (BTZ, GW, JQ), pp. 1–4.