Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
10 × USA
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
∅ J.A.Jones M.J.Harrold J.R.Eagan D.R.Hutchings A.Kerren Q.A.Zhao S.Mukherjea Z.Pousman H.Rouzati J.Xiao R.Catrambone E.Newcomb T.Pashley C.Demetrescu I.Finocchi D.F.Jerding T.Ball A.N.Badre C.Lewis A.Orso M.Romero A.Vialard J.Peponis G.D.Abowd M.Hu S.Liu F.Wei Y.Wu K.Ma
Talks about:
visual (8) algorithm (5) anim (4) program (3) techniqu (2) interact (2) softwar (2) multipl (2) analysi (2) inform (2)
Person: John T. Stasko
DBLP: Stasko:John_T=
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 18 papers:
- CHI-2012-HuLWWSM #twitter
- Breaking news on twitter (MH, SL, FW, YW, JTS, KLM), pp. 2751–2754.
- CHI-2011-RomeroVPSA #behaviour #video #visualisation
- Evaluating video visualizations of human behavior (MR, AV, JP, JTS, GDA), pp. 1441–1450.
- CHI-2008-EaganS
- The buzz: supporting user tailorability in awareness applications (JRE, JTS), pp. 1729–1738.
- CSCW-2008-PousmanRS #community #design #visualisation
- Imprint, a community visualization of printer data: designing for open-ended engagement on sustainability (ZP, HR, JTS), pp. 13–16.
- SOFTVIS-2008-Stasko #analysis #visualisation
- Visualization for information exploration and analysis: keynote presentation (JTS), pp. 7–8.
- CHI-2007-HutchingsS #consistency #monitoring #multi
- Consistency, multiple monitors, and multiple windows (DRH, JTS), pp. 211–214.
- CHI-2007-XiaoSC #interactive #performance
- The role of choice and customization on users’ interaction with embodied conversational agents: effects on perception and performance (JX, JTS, RC), pp. 1293–1302.
- ICSE-2004-OrsoJHS #named #visualisation
- Gammatella: Visualization of Program-Execution Data for Deployed Software (AO, JAJ, MJH, JTS), pp. 699–700.
- CHI-2003-NewcombPS #mobile
- Mobile computing in the retail arena (EN, TP, JTS), pp. 337–344.
- ICSE-2002-JonesHS #fault #locality #visualisation
- Visualization of test information to assist fault localization (JAJ, MJH, JTS), pp. 467–477.
- SVIS-2001-DemetrescuFS #algorithm #question #specification #visualisation
- Specifying Algorithm Visualizations: Interesting Events or State Mapping? (CD, IF, JTS), pp. 16–30.
- SVIS-2001-KerrenS #algorithm #animation
- Algorithm Animation — Introduction (AK, JTS), pp. 1–15.
- CSCW-1998-ZhaoS #image
- Evaluating Image Filtering Based Techniques in Media Space Applications (QAZ, JTS), pp. 11–18.
- ICSE-1997-JerdingSB #interactive #visualisation
- Visualizing Interactions in Program Executions (DFJ, JTS, TB), pp. 360–370.
- SEKE-1995-Stasko #visualisation
- Software Visualization in the Year 2000 (JTS), p. 294–?.
- ICSE-1993-MukherjeaS #algorithm #animation #comprehension #debugging
- Applying Algorithm Animation Techniques for Program Tracing, Debugging, and Understanding (SM, JTS), pp. 456–465.
- INTERCHI-1993-StaskoBL #algorithm #analysis #animation #empirical #learning
- Do algorithm animations assist learning?: an empirical study and analysis (JTS, ANB, CL), pp. 61–66.
- CHI-1991-Stasko #algorithm #animation #using
- Using direct manipulation to build algorithm animations by demonstration (JTS), pp. 307–314.