Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × South Korea
3 × Canada
Collaborated with:
P.Marshall Y.Rogers D.Harrison M.E.Cecchinato A.L.Cox E.Therias I.Akpan M.Balestrini A.Zaro P.Byass K.Kahn P.Mee E.Fottrell J.v.d.Linden R.M.G.Johnson E.Schoonderwaldt S.Gallacher J.O'Connor L.Capra
Talks about:
interact (2) practic (2) studi (2) rural (2) engag (2) play (2) más (2) vibrotactil (1) lightweight (1) understand (1)
Person: Jon Bird
DBLP: Bird:Jon
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- CHI-2015-CecchinatoCB #bound #difference #email
- Working 9-5?: Professional Differences in Email and Boundary Management Practices (MEC, ALC, JB), pp. 3989–3998.
- CHI-2015-TheriasBM #education
- Más Tecnologia, Más Cambio?: Investigating an Educational Technology Project in Rural Peru (ET, JB, PM), pp. 447–456.
- CSCW-2015-GallacherOBRCHM #interactive #lightweight
- Mood Squeezer: Lightening up the Workplace through Playful and Lightweight Interactions (SG, JO, JB, YR, LC, DH, PM), pp. 891–902.
- CHI-2014-BalestriniBMZR #case study #community #comprehension
- Understanding sustained community engagement: a case study in heritage preservation in rural argentina (MB, JB, PM, AZ, YR), pp. 2675–2684.
- CHI-2013-AkpanMBH #interactive
- Exploring the effects of space and place on engagement with an interactive installation (IA, PM, JB, DH), pp. 2213–2222.
- CHI-2013-BirdBKMF #constraints #development #matter #mobile
- A matter of life and death: practical and ethical constraints in the development of a mobile verbal autopsy tool (JB, PB, KK, PM, EF), pp. 1489–1498.
- CHI-2011-LindenJBRS #feedback #game studies #lessons learnt #realtime
- Buzzing to play: lessons learned from an in the wild study of real-time vibrotactile feedback (JvdL, RMGJ, JB, YR, ES), pp. 533–542.