Travelled to:
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Bentley P.M.Bach ∅ K.Ruhleder P.F.Marty D.M.Nichols D.Randall A.Crabtree J.O'Brien I.Sommerville T.Rodden P.Sawyer D.Pemberton S.Dalhoumi O.Larouk C.Belisle
Talks about:
librari (3) collabor (2) support (2) process (2) develop (2) system (2) design (2) digit (2) ethnographi (1) sociotechn (1)
Person: Michael Twidale
DBLP: Twidale:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- CHI-2010-BachT #design
- Involving reflective users in design (PMB, MT), pp. 2037–2040.
- ICSE-2005-Twidale #development #open source #usability
- Silver bullet or fool’s gold: supporting usability in open source software development (MT), p. 35.
- CSCW-2004-TwidaleR #collaboration
- Where am I and who am I?: issues in collaborative technical help (MT, KR), pp. 378–387.
- CSCW-2000-TwidaleM #fault #process #robust
- Coping with errors: the importance of process data in robust sociotechnical systems (MT, PFM), pp. 269–278.
- ECDL-2000-NicholsPDLBT #collaboration #interface #library #named
- DEBORA: Developing an Interface to Support Collaboration in a Digital Library (DMN, DP, SD, OL, CB, MT), pp. 239–248.
- CSCW-1994-TwidaleRB #evaluation
- Situated Evaluation for Cooperative Systems (MT, DR, RB), pp. 441–452.
- RE-1993-SommervilleRSBT #process #requirements
- Integrating ethnography into the requirements engineering process (IS, TR, PS, RB, MT), pp. 165–173.
- DL-1997-CrabtreeTON #design #library
- Talking in the Library: Implications for the Design of Digital Libraries (AC, MT, JO, DMN), pp. 221–228.