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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Belgium
1 × China
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × Norway
1 × Spain
2 × Hungary
2 × Portugal
2 × United Kingdom
3 × France
4 × Italy
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
Y.Yu J.L.Fiadeiro S.Butler C.Oliveira H.Sharp A.Lozano A.Lopes L.F.Andrade Andrew Leigh A.Zisman T.Dilshener A.M.Dias J.Gouveia G.Koutsoukos L.Montrieux B.Nuseibeh K.Mens T.Mens M.Goulão N.Fonte F.B.e.Abreu A.G.Torres R.Therón F.J.G.Peñalvo J.G.Hall L.Rapanotti L.Barroca M.Ramage A.K.Bandara
Talks about:
softwar (10) architectur (8) evolut (7) name (7) studi (5) identifi (4) java (4) base (4) languag (3) tool (3)

♂ Person: Michel Wermelinger

DBLP DBLP: Wermelinger:Michel

Facilitated 5 volumes:

SANER 2015PrCo
FASE 2004Ed
FASE 2004PrCh

Contributed to:

ICPC 20152015
ICSE 20152015
ICSME 20152015
MSR 20152015
MSR 20132013
CSMR 20122012
ECOOP 20112011
ESEC/FSE 20112011
ICSM 20112011
CSMR 20102010
GTTSE 20092009
ICSM 20082008
MSR 20082008
WCRE 20082008
MSR 20072007
WICSA 20072007
ITiCSE 20052005
ICSE 20042004
WICSA 20042004
FASE 20022002
FSE 20022002
ICSE 20022002
SEKE 20022002
ASE 20012001
ESEC/FSE 20012001
ESEC/FSE 19991999
WCRE 20092009
WICSA 20162016
ECSA 20172017

Wrote 33 papers:

ICPC-2015-ButlerWY #java #overview
A survey of the forms of Java reference names (SB, MW, YY), pp. 196–206.
ICSE-v2-2015-WermelingerHRBR #education
Teaching Software Systems Thinking at The Open University (MW, JGH, LR, LB, MR, AKB), pp. 307–310.
ICSME-2015-ButlerWY #java
Investigating naming convention adherence in Java references (SB, MW, YY), pp. 41–50.
MSR-2015-WermelingerY #architecture #dataset #evolution
An Architectural Evolution Dataset (MW, YY), pp. 502–505.
MSR-2013-ButlerWYS #dataset #identifier #named
INVocD: identifier name vocabulary dataset (SB, MW, YY, HS), pp. 405–408.
CSMR-2012-GoulaoFWA #analysis #case study #comparative #evolution #predict #using
Software Evolution Prediction Using Seasonal Time Analysis: A Comparative Study (MG, NF, MW, FBeA), pp. 213–222.
ECOOP-2011-ButlerWYS #identifier
Improving the Tokenisation of Identifier Names (SB, MW, YY, HS), pp. 130–154.
ESEC-FSE-2011-MontrieuxWY #data access #specification #tool support #uml #verification
Tool support for UML-based specification and verification of role-based access control properties (LM, MW, YY), pp. 456–459.
ICSM-2011-ButlerWYS #java #mining
Mining java class naming conventions (SB, MW, YY, HS), pp. 93–102.
ICSM-2011-DilshenerW #concept #developer
Relating developers’ concepts and artefact vocabulary in a financial software module (TD, MW), pp. 412–417.
ICSM-2011-TorresTPWY #analysis #evolution #named #visual notation
Maleku: An evolutionary visual software analysis tool for providing insights into software evolution (AGT, RT, FJGP, MW, YY), pp. 594–597.
CSMR-2010-ButlerWYS #empirical #identifier #quality
Exploring the Influence of Identifier Names on Code Quality: An Empirical Study (SB, MW, YY, HS), pp. 156–165.
GTTSE-2009-WermelingerY #evolution
Some Issues in the “Archaeology” of Software Evolution (MW, YY), pp. 426–445.
ICSM-2008-LozanoW #clone tracking
Assessing the effect of clones on changeability (AL, MW), pp. 227–236.
ICSM-2008-WermelingerYL #architecture #case study #design #evolution
Design principles in architectural evolution: A case study (MW, YY, AL), pp. 396–405.
MSR-2008-WermelingerY #eclipse #evolution #plugin
Analyzing the evolution of eclipse plugins (MW, YY), pp. 133–136.
WCRE-2008-YuW #comprehension #evolution #tool support
Graph-Centric Tools for Understanding the Evolution and Relationships of Software Structures (YY, MW), pp. 329–330.
MSR-2007-LozanoWN #empirical
Evaluating the Harmfulness of Cloning: A Change Based Experiment (AL, MW, BN), p. 18.
WICSA-2007-OliveiraW #approach #architecture #modelling
A Model-Driven Approach to Extract Views from an Architecture Description Language (CO, MW), p. 7.
ITiCSE-2005-WermelingerD #automaton #formal method #prolog #tool support
A prolog toolkit for formal languages and automata (MW, AMD), pp. 330–334.
ICSE-2004-OliveiraW #community
The CommUnity Workbench (CO, MW), pp. 709–710.
WICSA-2004-OliveiraWFL #approach #architecture #case study
An Architectural Approach to Mobility — The Handover Case Study (CO, MW, JLF, AL), pp. 305–310.
FASE-2002-GouveiaKWAF #coordination #development
The Coordination Development Environment (JG, GK, MW, LFA, JLF), pp. 323–326.
FSE-2002-LopesFW #architecture
Architectural primitives for distribution and mobility (AL, JLF, MW), pp. 41–50.
ICSE-2002-GouveiaKWAF #contract #coordination #java
Coordination contracts for Java applications (JG, GK, MW, LFA, JLF), p. 714.
ICSE-2002-WermelingerO #community
The community workblench (MW, CO), p. 713.
SEKE-2002-MensMW #maintenance #source code
Maintaining software through intentional source-code views (KM, TM, MW), pp. 289–296.
ASE-2001-AndradeFW #automation #configuration management #policy
Enforcing Business Policies Through Automated Reconfiguration (LFA, JLF, MW), p. 426–?.
ESEC-FSE-2001-WermelingerLF #architecture #graph
A graph based architectural (Re)configuration language (MW, AL, JLF), pp. 21–32.
ESEC-FSE-1999-WermelingerF #algebra #architecture #configuration management
Algebraic Software Architecture Reconfiguration (MW, JLF), pp. 393–409.
WCRE-1999-ButlerWYS99a #empirical #identifier #quality
Relating Identifier Naming Flaws and Code Quality: An Empirical Study (SB, MW, YY, HS), pp. 31–35.
WICSA-2016-LeighWZ #design #evaluation
An Evaluation of Design Rule Spaces as Risk Containers (AL, MW, AZ), pp. 295–298.
ECSA-2017-LeighWZ #architecture
Software Architecture Risk Containers (AL, MW, AZ), pp. 171–179.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.