Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Denmark
1 × France
1 × Hungary
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Portugal
2 × Spain
2 × USA
3 × Germany
3 × The Netherlands
5 × Italy
Collaborated with:
R.V.D.Straeten M.Claes ∅ T.Tourwé M.Goeminne P.Grosjean J.P.Puissant S.Demeyer K.Mens P.Steyaert J.Pérez V.Jonckers F.Kamseu X.Blanc A.Mougenot I.Mounier P.D.Leenheer H.Stenten P.V.Gorp G.Täntzer A.Decan B.Vasilescu A.Serebrenik J.Fernández-Ramil S.Degrandsart D.Müller M.D'Hondt D.Janssens M.Wermelinger C.Lucas R.D.Cosmo J.Vouillon R.Deshayes J.Simmonds L.Doctors N.Habra B.Vanderose B.D.Bois E.Biermann D.Bisztray B.Bohnet I.Boneva A.Boronat L.Geiger R.Geiß Á.Horváth O.Kniemeyer B.Ness D.Plump T.Vajk
Talks about:
model (14) softwar (10) evolut (7) transform (6) inconsist (6) refactor (6) use (6) maintain (5) graph (5) base (5)
♂ Person: Tom Mens
DBLP: Mens:Tom
Facilitated 13 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 35 papers:
- ICSME-2015-GoeminneM #analysis #database #framework #java #towards
- Towards a survival analysis of database framework usage in Java projects (MG, TM), pp. 551–555.
- MSR-2015-ClaesMCV #analysis
- A Historical Analysis of Debian Package Incompatibilities (MC, TM, RDC, JV), pp. 212–223.
- CSMR-WCRE-2014-ClaesMG #maintenance #on the
- On the maintainability of CRAN packages (MC, TM, PG), pp. 308–312.
- CSMR-WCRE-2014-GoeminneDM #co-evolution #data-driven
- Co-evolving code-related and database-related changes in a data-intensive software system (MG, AD, TM), pp. 353–357.
- CSMR-WCRE-2014-MensCG #ecosystem #named #open source
- ECOS: Ecological studies of open source software ecosystems (TM, MC, PG), pp. 403–406.
- ICSME-2014-ClaesMG #maintenance #named
- maintaineR: A Web-Based Dashboard for Maintainers of CRAN Packages (MC, TM, PG), pp. 597–600.
- CSMR-2013-PerezMK #case study #industrial #quality
- A Pilot Study on Software Quality Practices in Belgian Industry (JP, TM, FK), pp. 395–398.
- MSR-2013-GoeminneCM #dataset #ecosystem #gnome
- A historical dataset for the gnome ecosystem (MG, MC, TM), pp. 225–228.
- MSR-2013-VasilescuSM #dataset #re-engineering
- A historical dataset of software engineering conferences (BV, AS, TM), pp. 373–376.
- CSMR-2012-PerezDGM #analysis #ecosystem #named
- SECONDA: Software Ecosystem Analysis Dashboard (JP, RD, MG, TM), pp. 527–530.
- ECMFA-2012-PuissantSM #consistency #design #named #nondeterminism
- Badger: A Regression Planner to Resolve Design Model Inconsistencies (JPP, RVDS, TM), pp. 146–161.
- ECMFA-J-2012-PuissantSM15 #automation #consistency #nondeterminism #using
- Resolving model inconsistencies using automated regression planning (JPP, RVDS, TM), pp. 461–481.
- CSMR-2011-MensDHVK #evolution #modelling #named #quality
- QUALGEN: Modeling and Analysing the Quality of Evolving Software Systems (TM, LD, NH, BV, FK), pp. 351–354.
- ECMFA-2011-StraetenPM #consistency #nondeterminism
- Assessing the Kodkod Model Finder for Resolving Model Inconsistencies (RVDS, JPP, TM), pp. 69–84.
- CAiSE-2009-BlancMMM #consistency #detection #incremental #nondeterminism
- Incremental Detection of Model Inconsistencies Based on Model Operations (XB, AM, IM, TM), pp. 32–46.
- ICSE-2008-BlancMMM #consistency #detection #nondeterminism
- Detecting model inconsistency through operation-based model construction (XB, IM, AM, TM), pp. 511–520.
- ICSM-2008-MensFD #eclipse #evolution
- The evolution of Eclipse (TM, JFR, SD), pp. 386–395.
- AGTIVE-2007-LeenheerM #collaboration #evolution #graph transformation #ontology #using
- Using Graph Transformation to Support Collaborative Ontology Evolution (PDL, TM), pp. 44–58.
- AGTIVE-2007-TaentzerBBBBBGGHKMNPV #case study #generative #graph transformation #tool support
- Generation of Sierpinski Triangles: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools (GT, EB, DB, BB, IB, AB, LG, RG, ÁH, OK, TM, BN, DP, TV), pp. 514–539.
- AGTIVE-2007-TaentzerMM #graph transformation #refactoring #specification
- Specifying Domain-Specific Refactorings for AndroMDA Based on Graph Transformation (GT, DM, TM), pp. 104–119.
- MoDELS-2006-MensSD #analysis #consistency #dependence #detection #nondeterminism #using
- Detecting and Resolving Model Inconsistencies Using Transformation Dependency Analysis (TM, RVDS, MD), pp. 200–214.
- GTTSE-2005-Mens #graph transformation #on the #refactoring #using
- On the Use of Graph Transformations for Model Refactoring (TM), pp. 219–257.
- UML-2004-StraetenJM #behaviour #consistency #inheritance #refactoring
- Supporting Model Refactorings Through Behaviour Inheritance Consistencies (RVDS, VJ, TM), pp. 305–319.
- CSMR-2003-TourweM #identification #logic #metaprogramming #refactoring #using
- Identifying Refactoring Opportunities Using Logic Meta Programming (TT, TM), pp. 91–100.
- ICSM-2003-TourweM #automation #evolution
- Automated Support for Framework-Based Software Evolution (TT, TM), p. 148–?.
- LDTA-2003-MensDBSG #named #refactoring #research #roadmap
- Refactoring: Current Research and Future Trends (TM, SD, BDB, HS, PVG), pp. 483–499.
- UML-2003-GorpSMD #automation #refactoring #towards #uml
- Towards Automating Source-Consistent UML Refactorings (PVG, HS, TM, SD), pp. 144–158.
- UML-2003-StraetenMSJ #consistency #logic #maintenance #modelling #uml #using
- Using Description Logic to Maintain Consistency between UML Models (RVDS, TM, JS, VJ), pp. 326–340.
- ICGT-2002-MensDJ #behaviour #formal method #program transformation
- Formalising Behaviour Preserving Program Transformations (TM, SD, DJ), pp. 286–301.
- SEKE-2002-MensMW #maintenance #source code
- Maintaining software through intentional source-code views (KM, TM, MW), pp. 289–296.
- ICSM-2001-Mens #evolution #formal method #object-oriented
- A Formal Foundation for Object-Oriented Software Evolution (TM), pp. 549–552.
- ICSM-2001-MensT #declarative #design pattern #evolution #framework #object-oriented
- A Declarative Evolution Framework for Object-Oriented Design Patterns (TM, TT), pp. 570–579.
- AGTIVE-1999-Mens #evolution #graph grammar #independence
- Conditional Graph Rewriting as a Domain-Independent Formalism for Software Evolution (TM), pp. 127–143.
- UML-1998-MensLS #evolution #modelling #reuse #uml
- Supporting Disciplined Reuse and Evolution of UML Models (TM, CL, PS), pp. 378–392.
- FME-1994-MensMS #approach #formal method #named #object-oriented
- OPUS: a Formal Approach to Object-Orientation (TM, KM, PS), pp. 326–345.