Travelled to:
1 × USA
2 × Greece
Collaborated with:
T.Photiadis C.Vasiliou A.Ioannou A.Parmaxi U.Pfeil F.Loizides D.Polydorou K.Mavri G.Buchanan
Talks about:
experi (3) interact (2) virtual (2) construction (1) repositori (1) technolog (1) psycholog (1) literatur (1) overview (1) multimod (1)
Person: Panayiotis Zaphiris
DBLP: Zaphiris:Panayiotis
Facilitated 7 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- HCI-TMT-2014-PhotiadisZ #3d #design #experience #user interface #visualisation
- The Formulation and Visualization of 3D Avatar Design, Including Three Basic Theoretical Elements: Aesthetic, User Experience and Psychology (TP, PZ), pp. 134–144.
- LCT-NLE-2014-ParmaxiZ #overview
- The Evolvement of Constructionism: An Overview of the Literature (AP, PZ), pp. 452–461.
- LCT-NLE-2014-VasiliouIZ #case study #experience #learning #multimodal #student
- Measuring Students’ Flow Experience in a Multimodal Learning Environment: A Case Study (CV, AI, PZ), pp. 346–357.
- TPDL-2013-LoizidesPMBZ #documentation #gesture #interactive
- AugDesk. Fusing Reality with the Virtual in Document Triage. Part1: Gesture Interactions (FL, DP, KM, GB, PZ), pp. 228–234.
- TPDL-2012-LoizidesVIZ #interactive #repository #using
- Collaboratively Creating a Thematic Repository Using Interactive Table-Top Technology (FL, CV, AI, PZ), pp. 512–516.
- CHI-2007-PfeilZ #communication #online
- Patterns of empathy in online communication (UP, PZ), pp. 919–928.
- VS-Games-2016-PhotiadisZ #experience
- The Subjective Well-Being via Virtual Worlds Experience (TP, PZ), pp. 1–4.