Travelled to:
1 × Germany
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ A.J.d.Geus R.Dahlberg K.Keutzer R.Bingham N.Smith A.Chien C.Hegarty A.L.Sangiovanni-Vincentelli F.Winters R.Puri W.H.Joyner R.Jammy A.Jerraya J.M.Rabaey L.Stok J.Vleeschhouwer W.East M.J.Fister J.Hu R.Cassidy
Talks about:
eda (3) differenti (2) sociolog (1) industri (1) electron (1) challeng (1) serious (1) partner (1) leverag (1) automot (1)
Person: Walden C. Rhines
DBLP: Rhines:Walden_C=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- DAC-2010-PuriJJJRRS #challenge
- EDA challenges and options: investing for the future (RP, WHJ, RJ, AJ, JMR, WCR, LS), pp. 1–2.
- DAC-2007-SmithCHRSW #difference #industrial #named
- Electronics: The New Differential in the Automotive Industry (NS, AC, CH, WCR, ALSV, FW), p. 446.
- DATE-2006-Rhines #design
- Sociology of design and EDA (WCR), p. 2.
- DAC-2005-VleeschhouwerEFGRHC
- Differentiate and deliver: leveraging your partners (JV, WE, MJF, AJdG, WCR, JH, RC), p. 1.
- DAC-2004-DahlbergKBGR #named
- EDA: this is serious business (RD, KK, RB, AJdG, WCR), p. 1.