36 papers:
CSCW-2015-WangNMRW #social #social media #student- Coming of Age (Digitally): An Ecological View of Social Media Use among College Students (YW, MN, GM, SMR, MW), pp. 571–582.
LCT-2015-YildirimC #comprehension #student- Understanding Nomophobia: A Modern Age Phobia Among College Students (CY, APC), pp. 724–735.
CHI-2014-LeeLKLKYYGCS #case study #smarttech #student- Hooked on smartphones: an exploratory study on smartphone overuse among college students (UL, JL, MK, CL, YK, SY, KY, GG, KMC, JS), pp. 2327–2336.
CHI-2014-MarkWN #empirical #multi #online #process- Stress and multitasking in everyday college life: an empirical study of online activity (GM, YW, MN), pp. 41–50.
HIMI-DE-2014-JacquesF #case study #information management #student- Personal Information Management Competences: A Case Study of Future College Students (JJ, PF), pp. 320–331.
SCSM-2014-FardounA #approach #community #feedback #framework- Feedback Platform for Community Colleges: An Approach to Knowledge Excellence (HMF, AAMAG), pp. 306–313.
SCSM-2014-TriantafillidouYL #online #student- Antecedents and Consequences of Online Campaign Engagement of Greek College Students (AT, PY, GL), pp. 397–407.
ITiCSE-2013-PorterGGMT- Peer instruction in computer science at small liberal arts colleges (LP, SG, JG, AM, CT), pp. 129–134.
DUXU-WM-2013-Zahabi #interface #online #research #student #tool support- Exploring Information-Triage: Speculative Interface Tools to Help College Students Conduct Online Research (LZ), pp. 611–620.
TFPIE-2012-StutterheimSS #declarative #education #programming #prolog- Forty hours of declarative programming: Teaching Prolog at the Junior College Utrecht (JS, WS, SDS), pp. 50–62.
CSCW-2012-SmithNLLB #communication- Going to college and staying connected: communication between college freshmen and their parents (MES, DTN, CL, GL, EPSB), pp. 789–798.
ITiCSE-2011-CooperDLLRSS #development- A pre-college professional development program (SC, WD, DL, PBL, SHR, MS, RHS), pp. 188–192.
ITiCSE-2011-HawthorneKC #community #education- Findings from an ACM strategic summit on computing education in community colleges (EKH, KJK, RDC), p. 373.
HCI-UA-2011-Wang11a #interactive #learning #network #student #tool support #using- Interactions between Human and Computer Networks: EFL College Students Using Computer Learning Tools in Remedial English Classes (ALW), pp. 107–112.
IDGD-2011-ShenROWZZY #design- Service Design about the Recycle System of College Bicycles (TS, PR, YO, YW, BZ, YZ, LY), pp. 220–227.
HT-2009-KleinHN #performance #web- Comparing the performance of us college football teams in the web and on the field (MK, OH, MLN), pp. 63–72.
ITiCSE-2009-ColeKMP #education #named- Musicomputation: a pilot course exploring a pre-college computer science curriculum (MCC, EK, ALM, SP), p. 381.
ICPR-2008-Chen #metric #pattern matching #pattern recognition #performance #recognition- Stability as performance metric for subjective pattern recognition — application of Electoral College in face recognition (LC), pp. 1–5.
ITiCSE-2007-Dooley #case study #experience- Experiences with CC2001 at a small college (JFD), p. 314.
ITiCSE-2007-HawthorneCK #education- Curricular resources from the acm two-year college education committee (EKH, RDC, KJK), p. 309.
ITiCSE-2006-CampbellHK #education #process- Activities of the ACM two-year college education committee (RDC, EKH, KJK), p. 321.
ITiCSE-2005-CampbellHK #education- Curricular projects of the ACM two-year college education committee (RDC, EKH, KJK), p. 361.
ITiCSE-2004-Dooley- Moving to CC2001 at a small college (JFD), pp. 196–198.
ITiCSE-WGR-2004-Campbell #assurance #security- IT security and data assurance: a new resource for two-year colleges (RDC), p. 20.
ITiCSE-2003-CampbellHK #education- Curricular projects of the ACM two-year college education committee (RDC, EKH, KJK), p. 222.
ITiCSE-2003-CampbellHK03a- The role of two-year colleges in educating the cyber-security workforce (RDC, EKH, KJK), p. 235.
SAT-2002-Zhang #generative #satisfiability- Generating college conference basketball schedules by a SAT solver (HZ), p. 39.
ITiCSE-2000-TjadenT #towards- A worldwide, web-based study of the attitudes of college freshmen toward computing (BJT, BCT), pp. 29–32.
ITiCSE-1996-Tjaden #how #learning #student #visual notation- How visual software influences learning in college students (BJT), p. 229.
KDD-1994-DruzdzeG #case study #student- Application of the TETRAD II Program to the Study of Student Retention in U.S. Colleges (MJD, CG), pp. 419–430.
HCI-ACS-1993-KishinoH #estimation #student- A Code Key-in Time Estimation Method for College Students (SK, YH), pp. 624–629.
CHI-1991-Johnson #interactive- Human computer interaction laboratory Queen Mary and Westfield College University of London (PJ), pp. 475–476.
SEI-1988-AmorosoKWG #education #re-engineering- Revised Graduate Software Engineering Curriculum at Monmouth College (SA, RK, TW, BG), pp. 70–80.
SEI-1988-BrackettKV #re-engineering- The Software Engineering Graduate Program at the Boston University College of Engineering (JWB, TGK, RFV), pp. 56–63.
DAC-1977-Gebert #architecture #design- Computer-aided design and practice in city college school of architecture (GAG), pp. 277–278.
DAC-1977-Kennedy77a #architecture #design- Computer aided design college of architecture University of Kentucky (MK), p. 281.