27 papers:
CHI-2015-SchofieldBW #named- Bootlegger: Turning Fans into Film Crew (GS, TB, PCW), pp. 767–776.
CASE-2014-HatanoDW- A Cooling and Heat-retention System actuated by Peltier device considering fan-motor control (TH, MD, SW), pp. 164–169.
DATE-2014-KimSAVG #enterprise #metric- Global fan speed control considering non-ideal temperature measurements in enterprise servers (JK, MMS, DA, KV, KCG), pp. 1–6.
STOC-2014-KumarS #all about #reduction- The limits of depth reduction for arithmetic formulas: it’s all about the top fan-in (MK, SS), pp. 136–145.
CHI-2014-SuAL- The implicit fan cursor: a velocity dependent area cursor (XS, OKCA, RWHL), pp. 753–762.
CHI-2013-DunneS #clique #network #readability #visualisation- Motif simplification: improving network visualization readability with fan, connector, and clique glyphs (CD, BS), pp. 3247–3256.
CASE-2012-HamPL #empirical #performance- Experiment for attaching performance of a fan and vacuum pad on grooved vertical concrete walls (YBH, CDP, BJL), pp. 1010–1015.
CSMR-2012-MurgiaTMCCMS #empirical #refactoring- Refactoring and its Relationship with Fan-in and Fan-out: An Empirical Study (AM, RT, MM, GC, SC, JM, SS), pp. 63–72.
STOC-2012-GuptaKL #multi #re-engineering- Reconstruction of depth-4 multilinear circuits with top fan-in 2 (AG, NK, SVL), pp. 625–642.
WCRE-2011-MurgiaTCCM #empirical #refactoring- An Empirical Study of Refactoring in the Context of FanIn and FanOut Coupling (AM, RT, SC, GC, MM), pp. 372–376.
HIMI-v2-2011-BattisteLLNBKJ #question- Is ACARS and FANS-1A Just Another Data Link to the Controller? (VB, JL, SVL, JHN, LPB, RWK, WWJ), pp. 453–462.
STOC-2010-KarninMSV #bound #multi #testing- Deterministic identity testing of depth-4 multilinear circuits with bounded top fan-in (ZSK, PM, AS, IV), pp. 649–658.
CHI-2010-SongKLS #comparative #evaluation #scalability #visualisation- A comparative evaluation on tree visualization methods for hierarchical structures with large fan-outs (HS, BHK, BL, JS), pp. 223–232.
CIKM-2010-NakatsujiFTUFI #music #novel #recommendation- Classical music for rock fans?: novel recommendations for expanding user interests (MN, YF, AT, TU, KF, TI), pp. 949–958.
ASE-2008-ZhangGC #analysis #automation #clustering #recommendation- Automated Aspect Recommendation through Clustering-Based Fan-in Analysis (DZ, YG, XC), pp. 278–287.
SAC-2008-CardenasG #architecture #comparison #network #performance- Performance comparison of Flow Aware Networking (FAN) architectures under GridFTP traffic (CC, MG), pp. 2079–2084.
DAC-2006-DadgourJB #architecture #novel #power management- A novel variation-aware low-power keeper architecture for wide fan-in dynamic gates (HFD, RVJ, KB), pp. 977–982.
VLDB-2004-CooperEFHJKRRW #architecture #named- HiFi: A Unified Architecture for High Fan-in Systems (OC, AE, MJF, WH, SRJ, SK, FR, SR, EW), pp. 1357–1360.
WCRE-2004-MarinDM #analysis #aspect-oriented #identification #using- Identifying Aspects Using Fan-In Analysis (MM, AvD, LM), pp. 132–141.
CHI-2004-OlsenW #multi #named- Fan-out: measuring human control of multiple robots (DRO, SBW), pp. 231–238.
CAV-2004-FarzanCMR #analysis #formal method #java #source code- Formal Analysis of Java Programs in JavaFAN (AF, FC, JM, GR), pp. 501–505.
DATE-2003-OhKWS #architecture #feedback #using- Test Pattern Compression Using Prelude Vectors in Fan-Out Scan Chain with Feedback Architecture (NO, RK, TWW, JS), pp. 10110–10115.
AdaEurope-2002-CzarneckiHRVR #ada #analysis #approach #data flow #named- DataFAN: A Practical Approach to Data Flow Analysis for Ada 95 (KC, MH, ER, FV, AR), pp. 231–244.
RE-2002-CrookILN #anti #requirements #security- Security Requirements Engineering: When Anti-Requirements Hit the Fan (RC, DCI, LL, BN), pp. 203–205.
ICLP-1993-KossovskyS #backtracking #logic programming- Function-Patterns and Fan-Backtracking for Logic Programming (NKK, IPS), p. 843.
STOC-1983-ChandraFL83a #bound- Unbounded Fan-in Circuits and Associative Functions (AKC, SF, RJL), pp. 52–60.
DAC-1978-El-Ziq #automation #constraints #design #logic #network- Logic design automation of MOS combinational networks with fan-in, fan-out constraints (YMEZ), pp. 240–249.