44 papers:
DAC-2015-JungC #embedded #multi #named #performance #simulation- ΣVP: host-GPU multiplexing for efficient simulation of multiple embedded GPUs on virtual platforms (YJ, LPC), p. 6.
SAC-2015-JoCKBO #algorithm #approach #collaboration #cpu #data-driven #on the- On running data-intensive algorithms with intelligent SSD and host CPU: a collaborative approach (YYJ, SC, SWK, DHB, HO), pp. 2060–2065.
HPDC-2015-HeSSI #cost analysis #online #using- Cutting the Cost of Hosting Online Services Using Cloud Spot Markets (XH, PJS, RKS, DEI), pp. 207–218.
HT-2014-KoidlCW #independence #personalisation- Cross-site personalization: assisting users in addressing information needs that span independently hosted websites (KK, OC, VW), pp. 66–76.
MSR-2014-FujiwaraHMFNIM #named #repository- Kataribe: a hosting service of historage repositories (KF, HH, EM, YF, NN, HI, KiM), pp. 380–383.
PLDI-2014-TorlakB #lightweight #virtual machine- A lightweight symbolic virtual machine for solver-aided host languages (ET, RB), p. 54.
OOPSLA-2014-HolkNSL #data type #gpu #memory management #programming language- Region-based memory management for GPU programming languages: enabling rich data structures on a spartan host (EH, RN, JGS, AL), pp. 141–155.
CGO-2014-MargiolasO #communication #optimisation- Portable and Transparent Host-Device Communication Optimization for GPGPU Environments (CM, MFPO), p. 55.
DATE-2013-LuMS #embedded #performance #simulation- Fast cache simulation for host-compiled simulation of embedded software (KL, DMG, US), pp. 637–642.
VLDB-2013-LiuAS #distributed #multitenancy #named- DAX: A Widely Distributed Multi-tenant Storage Service for DBMS Hosting (RL, AA, KS), pp. 253–264.
HIMI-D-2013-Remy #in the cloud #simulation #standard- Quantifying the Impact of Standards When Hosting Robotic Simulations in the Cloud (SLR), pp. 365–374.
KDD-2013-LuB0L #perspective- The bang for the buck: fair competitive viral marketing from the host perspective (WL, FB, AG, LVSL), pp. 928–936.
KDD-2013-MontgomerySCM #experience #predict- Experience from hosting a corporate prediction market: benefits beyond the forecasts (TAM, PMS, MJC, PEM), pp. 1384–1392.
CIKM-2012-ZhukovskiyVPOGGSR #empirical #graph #validation #web- Empirical validation of the buckley-osthus model for the web host graph: degree and edge distributions (MZ, DV, YP, LO, EG, GG, PS, AMR), pp. 1577–1581.
DATE-2011-PorquetGS #architecture #flexibility #memory management #named- NoC-MPU: A secure architecture for flexible co-hosting on shared memory MPSoCs (JP, AG, CS), pp. 591–594.
DATE-2011-RazaghiG #development #embedded #manycore #realtime- Host-compiled multicore RTOS simulator for embedded real-time software development (PR, AG), pp. 222–227.
SAC-2010-ShestakovS #clustering #web- Host-IP clustering technique for deep web characterization (DS, TS), pp. 874–875.
HPDC-2010-ChenCHCH #adaptation #using- Improving host swapping using adaptive prefetching and paging notifier (WZC, HC, WH, XC, DH), pp. 300–303.
OCSC-2009-IshiiOW #named- Ghatcha: GHost Avatar on a Telework CHAir (YI, KO, TW), pp. 216–225.
SAC-2009-EirakuSPKK #network #performance #virtual machine- Fast networking with socket-outsourcing in hosted virtual machine environments (HE, YS, CP, YK, KK), pp. 310–317.
VLDB-2008-CooperRSSBJPWY #exclamation #framework #named- PNUTS: Yahoo!’s hosted data serving platform (BFC, RR, US, AS, PB, HAJ, NP, DW, RY), pp. 1277–1288.
KDD-2007-TandonC #detection #network #validation- Weighting versus pruning in rule validation for detecting network and host anomalies (GT, PKC), pp. 697–706.
DATE-2006-KimHG #execution #parallel #using- Parallel co-simulation using virtual synchronization with redundant host execution (DK, SH, RG), pp. 1151–1156.
ICSM-2006-Sneed #migration #testing- Selective Regression Testing of a Host to DotNet Migration (HMS), pp. 104–112.
AdaEurope-2006-NarayananKBK #execution- Secure Execution of Computations in Untrusted Hosts (SHKN, MTK, RRB, IK), pp. 106–118.
SIGMOD-2004-AchesonBBCEFJKRSSVZ #dot-net #runtime #sql- Hosting the .NET Runtime in Microsoft SQL Server (AA, MB, JAB, PC, EE, JF, XJ, CK, BR, GS, BS, RV, HZ), pp. 860–865.
VLDB-2004-GrustST #sql #xquery- XQuery on SQL Hosts (TG, SS, JT), pp. 252–263.
SAC-2004-CarvalhoCSBF #mobile #network #security #using- Using mobile agents as roaming security guards to test and improve security of hosts and networks (MMC, TBC, NS, MRB, KMF), pp. 87–93.
SAC-2004-CherkasovaT #performance #resource management- Providing resource allocation and performance isolation in a shared streaming-media hosting service (LC, WT), pp. 1213–1218.
VLDB-2003-LiPHCAAT #scalability #web- CachePortal II: Acceleration of Very Large Scale Data Center-Hosted Database-driven Web Applications (WSL, OP, WPH, KSC, DA, YA, KT), pp. 1109–1112.
HPDC-2003-JiangX #architecture #named #on-demand- SODA: A Service-On-Demand Architecture for Application Service Hosting Utility Platforms (XJ, DX), pp. 174–183.
OSDI-2002-UrgaonkarSR #profiling- Resource Overbooking and Application Profiling in Shared Hosting Platforms (BU, PJS, TR), pp. 239–254.
SAC-2001-HaginoHTN #mobile- Location management of mobile hosts by grouping routers (HH, TH, MT, SN), pp. 373–380.
SOSP-2001-ChaseATVD #energy- Managing Energy and Server Resources in Hosting Centres (JSC, DCA, PNT, AV, RPD), pp. 103–116.
SOSP-2001-ZdancewicZNM #clustering- Untrusted Hosts and Confidentiality: Secure Program Partitioning (SZ, LZ, NN, ACM), pp. 1–14.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-Macaire #framework- An Open and Secure Terminal Infrastructure for Hosting Personal Services (AM), pp. 10–21.
HPDC-1999-DindaO #evaluation #linear #modelling #predict- An Evaluation of Linear Models for Host Load Prediction (PAD, DRO), pp. 87–96.
ITiCSE-1998-Culwin #assessment #policy #web- Web hosted assessment — possibilities and policy (FC), pp. 55–58.
OOPSLA-1996-Yelland #case study #design pattern #framework- Creating Host Compliance in a Portable Framework: A Study in the Use of Existing Design Patterns (PMY), pp. 18–29.
ICSE-1993-ArangoSPH #design- The Graft-Host Method for Design Change (GA, ES, RP, JCH), pp. 243–254.
ICLP-1991-MigaultRC #prolog- Prolog as a Host Language (BM, FR, LC), p. 890.
ICLP-1987-GeeMP87 #implementation #prolog- Advantages of Implementing PROLOG by Microprogramming a Host General Purpose Computer (JG, SWM, YNP), pp. 1–20.
DAC-1972-McClure #fault #logic #simulation- Fault simulation of digital logic utilizing a small host machine (RMM), pp. 104–110.
SIGFIDET-1972-Raichelson #concept #information management- A Concept Paper on “Host” vs. “Own” Data Manipulation Languages in Military Information Systems (ER), pp. 67–75.