Stem nondetermin$ (all stems)
64 papers:
FoSSaCS-2015-Mamouras #hoare #logic #nondeterminism #synthesis- Synthesis of Strategies and the Hoare Logic of Angelic Nondeterminism (KM), pp. 25–40.
LICS-2015-TsukadaO #game studies #nondeterminism #semantics- Nondeterminism in Game Semantics via Sheaves (TT, CHLO), pp. 220–231.
CIAA-2014-KoH #nondeterminism- Left is Better than Right for Reducing Nondeterminism of NFAs (SKK, YSH), pp. 238–251.
DLT-2014-OkhotinS #automaton #nondeterminism- Input-Driven Pushdown Automata with Limited Nondeterminism — (Invited Paper) (AO, KS), pp. 84–102.
RTA-TLCA-2014-BizjakBM #nondeterminism #type system- A Model of Countable Nondeterminism in Guarded Type Theory (AB, LB, MM), pp. 108–123.
PLDI-2013-CookK #nondeterminism #reasoning #source code- Reasoning about nondeterminism in programs (BC, EK), pp. 219–230.
DLT-J-2012-HromkovicKKS13 #automaton #logic #nondeterminism #representation- Determinism vs. Nondeterminism for Two-Way Automata: Representing the Meaning of States by Logical Formulæ (JH, RK, RK, RS), pp. 955–978.
ICALP-v2-2013-BokerKKS #nondeterminism- Nondeterminism in the Presence of a Diverse or Unknown Future (UB, DK, OK, MS), pp. 89–100.
OOPSLA-2013-TrippKS #nondeterminism #parallel- Turning nondeterminism into parallelism (OT, EK, MS), pp. 589–604.
ASPLOS-2013-HuntBCG #distributed #named #nondeterminism- DDOS: taming nondeterminism in distributed systems (NH, TB, LC, SDG), pp. 499–508.
STOC-2012-Ajtai #nondeterminism #testing- Determinism versus nondeterminism with arithmetic tests and computation: extended abstract (MA), pp. 249–268.
DLT-2012-HromkovicKKS #automaton #logic #nondeterminism #representation- Determinism vs. Nondeterminism for Two-Way Automata — Representing the Meaning of States by Logical Formulæ (JH, RK, RK, RS), pp. 24–39.
LICS-2012-McIverMM #information management #nondeterminism #probability- A Kantorovich-Monadic Powerdomain for Information Hiding, with Probability and Nondeterminism (AM, LM, CM), pp. 461–470.
CASE-2011-MohajeraniMF #composition #nondeterminism #synthesis- Nondeterminism avoidance in compositional synthesis of discrete event systems (SM, RM, MF), pp. 19–24.
AFL-2011-MedunaVZ #nondeterminism #on the- On Nondeterminism in Programmed Grammars (AM, LV, PZ), pp. 315–327.
ICALP-v2-2011-Kapoutsis #nondeterminism- Nondeterminism Is Essential in Small 2FAs with Few Reversals (CAK), pp. 198–209.
POPL-2011-BocchinoHHAAWS #nondeterminism #parallel- Safe nondeterminism in a deterministic-by-default parallel language (RLBJ, SH, NH, SVA, VSA, AW, TS), pp. 535–548.
CSL-2011-SchwinghammerB #nondeterminism #reasoning #relational- Step-Indexed Relational Reasoning for Countable Nondeterminism (JS, LB), pp. 512–524.
DATE-2010-ChouYCDK #case study #design #nondeterminism #scalability- Finding reset nondeterminism in RTL designs — scalable X-analysis methodology and case study (HZC, HY, KHC, DD, SYK), pp. 1494–1499.
POPL-2010-BodikCGKTBR #nondeterminism #programming- Programming with angelic nondeterminism (RB, SC, JG, DK, NT, SB, CR), pp. 339–352.
FoSSaCS-2009-NeuhausserSK #markov #nondeterminism #process- Delayed Nondeterminism in Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes (MRN, MS, JPK), pp. 364–379.
FM-2009-ChenS #nondeterminism #probability- Unifying Probability with Nondeterminism (YC, JWS), pp. 467–482.
CSL-2009-Laird #nondeterminism- Nondeterminism and Observable Sequentiality (JL), pp. 379–393.
ITiCSE-2007-Ben-Ari #concurrent #education #nondeterminism- Teaching concurrency and nondeterminism with spin (MBA), pp. 363–364.
CIAA-2007-KutribMW #automaton #nondeterminism- Regulated Nondeterminism in Pushdown Automata (MK, AM, LW), pp. 85–96.
CIAA-2007-MrazPO #context-free grammar #nondeterminism- A Measure for the Degree of Nondeterminism of Context-Free Languages (FM, MP, FO), pp. 192–202.
FoSSaCS-2006-Laird #abstraction #nondeterminism- Bidomains and Full Abstraction for Countable Nondeterminism (JL), pp. 352–366.
DLT-2006-KutribM #automaton #nondeterminism- Context-Dependent Nondeterminism for Pushdown Automata (MK, AM), pp. 133–144.
QAPL-2006-WolfBM06a #nondeterminism #probability #semantics- Trace Semantics for Stochastic Systems with Nondeterminism (VW, CB, MEMC), pp. 187–204.
ICLP-2005-BrasselH #analysis #functional #logic programming #nondeterminism #source code- Nondeterminism Analysis of Functional Logic Programs (BB, MH), pp. 265–279.
TestCom-2005-MillerCLH #network #nondeterminism #protocol #testing- Coping with Nondeterminism in Network Protocol Testing (REM, DC, DL, RH), pp. 129–145.
DATE-v1-2004-HeathBH #named #nondeterminism- Synchro-Tokens: Eliminating Nondeterminism to Enable Chip-Level Test of Globally-Asynchronous Locally-Synchronous SoC?s (MWH, WPB, IGH), pp. 410–415.
STOC-2004-HealyVV #nondeterminism #using- Using nondeterminism to amplify hardness (AH, SPV, EV), pp. 192–201.
DLT-2003-HolzerK03a #automaton #nondeterminism- Flip-Pushdown Automata: Nondeterminism Is Better than Determinism (MH, MK), pp. 361–372.
ICALP-2003-HromkovicS03a #automaton #finite #nondeterminism- Nondeterminism versus Determinism for Two-Way Finite Automata: Generalizations of Sipser’s Separation (JH, GS), pp. 439–451.
CSL-2002-Nipkow #bound #hoare #logic #nondeterminism #recursion- Hoare Logics for Recursive Procedures and Unbounded Nondeterminism (TN), pp. 103–119.
ICALP-2000-HromkovicKKSS #automaton #finite #metric #nondeterminism- Measures of Nondeterminism in Finite Automata (JH, JK, HK, GS, SS), pp. 199–210.
KR-2000-Giunchiglia #concurrent #constraints #nondeterminism #satisfiability- Planning as Satisfiability with Expressive Action Languages: Concurrency, Constraints and Nondeterminism (EG), pp. 657–666.
PPDP-2000-HanusS #functional #logic programming #nondeterminism #source code #type system- Type-based nondeterminism checking in functional logic programs (MH, FS), pp. 202–213.
ICLP-1999-PedreschiR #bound #logic programming #nondeterminism #source code- Bounded Nondeterminism of Logic Programs (DP, SR), pp. 350–364.
LICS-1999-HarmerM #finite #game studies #nondeterminism #semantics- A Fully Abstract Game Semantics for Finite Nondeterminism (RH, GM), pp. 422–430.
ICALP-1997-Ablayev #branch #nondeterminism #order #source code- Randomization and Nondeterminism Are Comparable for Ordered Read-Once Branching Programs (FMA), pp. 195–202.
ICALP-1997-BeigelF #bound #nondeterminism #performance #recursion- Molecular Computing, Bounded Nondeterminism, and Efficient Recursion (RB, BF), pp. 816–826.
POPL-1997-PettorossiPR #logic programming #nondeterminism #source code- Reducing Nondeterminism while Specializing Logic Programs (AP, MP, SR), pp. 414–427.
FME-1996-BoerH #communication #nondeterminism #process- Local Nondeterminism in Asynchronously Communicating Processes (FSdB, MvH), pp. 367–384.
DLT-1995-SalomaaY #context-free grammar #nondeterminism- Nondeterminism Degrees for Context-Free Languages (KS, SY), pp. 154–165.
DLT-1993-BordihnD #nondeterminism- A Note on the Degree of Nondeterminism (HB, JD), pp. 70–80.
TLCA-1993-Sieber #call-by #nondeterminism- Call-by-Value and Nondeterminism (KS), pp. 376–390.
ICLP-1991-KorslootT #compilation #concurrent #logic programming #programming language- Compilation Techniques for Nondeterminate Flat Concurrent Logic Programming Languages (MK, ET), pp. 457–471.
FPCA-1989-RufW #functional #logic #nondeterminism #programming #unification- Nondeterminism and Unification in LogScheme: Integrating Logic and Functional Programming (ER, DW), pp. 327–339.
ESOP-1986-Kok #nondeterminism #semantics- Denotational Semantics of Nets with Nondeterminism (JNK), pp. 237–249.
STOC-1983-Kannan83a #nondeterminism #power of- Alternation and the Power of Nondeterminism (RK), pp. 344–346.
ICALP-1982-BermanHT #logic #nondeterminism #on the #power of- On the Power of Nondeterminism in Dynamic Logic (PB, JYH, JT), pp. 48–60.
ICALP-1981-AptP #nondeterminism- A Cook’s Tour of Countable Nondeterminism (KRA, GDP), pp. 479–494.
ICALP-1981-Subrahmanyam #data type #nondeterminism- Nondeterminism in Abstract Data Types (PAS), pp. 148–164.
ICALP-1980-Back #bound #nondeterminism #semantics- Semantics of Unbounded Nondeterminism (RJB), pp. 51–63.
ICALP-1980-HennessyM #concurrent #nondeterminism #on the- On Observing Nondeterminism and Concurrency (MH, RM), pp. 299–309.
ICALP-1980-KennawayH #formal method #nondeterminism- A Theory of Nondeterminism (RK, CARH), pp. 338–350.
ICALP-1979-AstesianoC #nondeterminism- Sharing in Nondeterminism (EA, GC), pp. 1–15.
ICALP-1979-MonienS #nondeterminism #on the #turing machine- On Eliminating Nondeterminism From Turing Machines Which Use Less Than Logarithmic Worktape Space (BM, IHS), pp. 431–445.
STOC-1978-SakodaS #automaton #finite #nondeterminism- Nondeterminism and the Size of Two Way Finite Automata (WJS, MS), pp. 275–286.
POPL-1978-HarelP #logic #nondeterminism #source code- Nondeterminism in Logics of Programs (DH, VRP), pp. 203–213.
STOC-1977-HennessyA #nondeterminism- Parameter-Passing Mechanisms and Nondeterminism (MH, EAA), pp. 306–311.
ICALP-1976-HennessyA #nondeterminism #semantics- The Semantics of Nondeterminism (MH, EAA), pp. 478–493.