105 papers:
VLDB-2015-Wu0HZL #crowdsourcing #towards- Hear the Whole Story: Towards the Diversity of Opinion in Crowdsourcing Markets (TW, LC, PH, CJZ, WL), pp. 485–496.
ICEIS-v2-2015-AngioniCT #collaboration #mining- Evaluating Potential Improvements of Collaborative Filtering with Opinion Mining (MA, MLC, FT), pp. 656–661.
ECIR-2015-PelejaM #learning #retrieval #sentiment- Learning Sentiment Based Ranked-Lexicons for Opinion Retrieval (FP, JM), pp. 435–440.
KDD-2015-RayanaA #bibliography #detection #metadata #network- Collective Opinion Spam Detection: Bridging Review Networks and Metadata (SR, LA), pp. 985–994.
SIGIR-2015-Bravo-MarquezFP #twitter #word- From Unlabelled Tweets to Twitter-specific Opinion Words (FBM, EF, BP), pp. 743–746.
SIGIR-2015-ChenC #detection #web- Opinion Spammer Detection in Web Forum (YRC, HHC), pp. 759–762.
SIGIR-2015-LiuCTS0MZ #predict- Different Users, Different Opinions: Predicting Search Satisfaction with Mouse Movement Information (YL, YC, JT, JS, MZ, SM, XZ), pp. 493–502.
SIGIR-2015-ParkKZG #retrieval- Retrieval of Relevant Opinion Sentences for New Products (DHP, HDK, CZ, LG), pp. 393–402.
ICLP-2015-PerchyV #constraints- Opinions and Beliefs as constraint system operators (SP, FV).
CHI-2014-HailpernH #documentation #named- Odin: contextual document opinions on the go (JMH, BAH), pp. 1525–1534.
CHI-2014-LiaoF- Expert voices in echo chambers: effects of source expertise indicators on exposure to diverse opinions (QVL, WTF), pp. 2745–2754.
CIKM-2014-DeBBGC #learning #linear- Learning a Linear Influence Model from Transient Opinion Dynamics (AD, SB, PB, NG, SC), pp. 401–410.
CIKM-2014-LimB #sentiment #topic #twitter- Twitter Opinion Topic Model: Extracting Product Opinions from Tweets by Leveraging Hashtags and Sentiment Lexicon (KWL, WLB), pp. 1319–1328.
CIKM-2014-ZhaoWLZ #framework #mining #refinement #word- A Bootstrapping Based Refinement Framework for Mining Opinion Words and Targets (QZ, HW, PL, CZ), pp. 1995–1998.
ECIR-2014-MarcheggianiTE0 #aspect-oriented #mining #multi #random- Hierarchical Multi-label Conditional Random Fields for Aspect-Oriented Opinion Mining (DM, OT, AE, FS), pp. 273–285.
ECIR-2014-VechtomovaST #approach #information retrieval #word- An Information Retrieval-Based Approach to Determining Contextual Opinion Polarity of Words (OV, KS, JT), pp. 553–559.
KDD-2014-Cao0J #elicitation #online- From labor to trader: opinion elicitation via online crowds as a market (CCC, LC, HVJ), pp. 1067–1076.
KDIR-2014-CainaRV #impact analysis #monitoring- Marble Initiative — Monitoring the Impact of Events on Customers Opinion (MFC, RPDR, AFV), pp. 403–410.
KDIR-2014-MeguebliKDP #ranking #social- Exploiting Social Debates for Opinion Ranking (YM, MK, BLD, FP), pp. 250–260.
KDIR-2014-SuciuICDP #learning #word- Learning Good Opinions from Just Two Words Is Not Bad (DAS, VVI, ACC, MD, RP), pp. 233–241.
KEOD-2014-Exman #named- Opinion-Ontologies — Short and Sharp (IE), pp. 454–458.
KMIS-2014-SelmiHA #feedback #mining #predict- Opinion Mining for Predicting Peer Affective Feedback Helpfulness (MS, HH, EA), pp. 419–425.
RecSys-2014-SureshRE #mining #recommendation- Aspect-based opinion mining and recommendationsystem for restaurant reviews (VS, SR, ME), pp. 361–362.
MoDELS-2014-ReggioLR #bibliography #uml #what- Who Knows/Uses What of the UML: A Personal Opinion Survey (GR, ML, FR), pp. 149–165.
MoDELS-2014-ReggioLR #bibliography #uml #what- Who Knows/Uses What of the UML: A Personal Opinion Survey (GR, ML, FR), pp. 149–165.
SAC-2014-BelbachirBM #modelling #probability- Probabilistic opinion models based on subjective sources (FB, MB, MMSM), pp. 925–926.
SAC-2014-VasconcelosAG #code review #predict #what- What makes your opinion popular?: predicting the popularity of micro-reviews in foursquare (MAV, JMA, MAG), pp. 598–603.
SAC-2014-ZimmermannNS #adaptation #classification- Adaptive semi supervised opinion classifier with forgetting mechanism (MZ, EN, MS), pp. 805–812.
VLDB-2013-ChenOOB #named #semantics- ROSeAnn: Reconciling Opinions of Semantic Annotators (LC, SO, GO, MB), pp. 1238–1241.
STOC-2013-BhawalkarGM #game studies- Coevolutionary opinion formation games (KB, SG, KM), pp. 41–50.
CIKM-2013-DasLM #how #wiki- Manipulation among the arbiters of collective intelligence: how wikipedia administrators mold public opinion (SD, AL, MMI), pp. 1097–1106.
CIKM-2013-DietzWHC- Retrieving opinions from discussion forums (LD, ZW, SH, WBC), pp. 1225–1228.
ECIR-2013-FuNZWJZ #classification- Classification of Opinion Questions (HF, ZN, CZ, LW, PJ, JZ), pp. 714–717.
KDD-2013-MukherjeeKLWHCG #behaviour #using- Spotting opinion spammers using behavioral footprints (AM, AK, BL, JW, MH, MC, RG), pp. 632–640.
SIGIR-2013-KimCHZDG #ranking #summary- Ranking explanatory sentences for opinion summarization (HDK, MC, MH, CZ, UD, RG), pp. 1069–1072.
ICPC-2012-KatzmarskiK #complexity #metric- Program complexity metrics and programmer opinions (BK, RK), pp. 17–26.
CHI-2012-NobaranyORCMM #design #interface #metric #ranking #rating- The design space of opinion measurement interfaces: exploring recall support for rating and ranking (SN, LO, VKR, CHC, JM, TM), pp. 2035–2044.
CHI-2012-PedroS #exclamation #social- Your opinion counts!: leveraging social comments for analyzing aesthetic perception of photographs (JSP, PS), pp. 2519–2522.
CIKM-2012-ChoiKKLLLK #framework #named #summary- CONSENTO: a new framework for opinion based entity search and summarization (JC, DK, SK, JL, SL, SL, JK), pp. 1935–1939.
CIKM-2012-HaiCC #mining- One seed to find them all: mining opinion features via association (ZH, KC, GC), pp. 255–264.
CIKM-2012-KacimiG #mining #named- MOUNA: mining opinions to unveil neglected arguments (MK, JG), pp. 2722–2724.
CIKM-2012-LiSSTDL #microblog #mining #topic- Mining topic-level opinion influence in microblog (DL, XS, GS, JT, YD, ZL), pp. 1562–1566.
CIKM-2012-LuWZR #network- Unsupervised discovery of opposing opinion networks from forum discussions (YL, HW, CZ, DR), pp. 1642–1646.
CIKM-2012-MoghaddamE #design #mining #modelling #on the- On the design of LDA models for aspect-based opinion mining (SM, ME), pp. 803–812.
ECIR-2012-ChelaruAS #query- Analyzing the Polarity of Opinionated Queries (SC, ISA, SS), pp. 463–467.
KDD-2012-MengWLZLW #summary #topic #twitter- Entity-centric topic-oriented opinion summarization in twitter (XM, FW, XL, MZ, SL, HW), pp. 379–387.
SIGIR-2012-Bonzanini #approach #knowledge-based- A knowledge-based approach for summarising opinions (MB), p. 991.
SIGIR-2012-BonzaniniMR #summary- Opinion summarisation through sentence extraction: an investigation with movie reviews (MB, MMA, TR), pp. 1121–1122.
SIGIR-2012-Gao #network #social- Opinion influence and diffusion in social network (DG), p. 997.
SIGIR-2012-Khatiban #mining #trust #using- Building reputation and trust using federated search and opinion mining (SK), p. 994.
SIGIR-2012-MoghaddamE #mining- Aspect-based opinion mining from product reviews (SM, ME), p. 1184.
RE-2012-Ott #fault #legacy #natural language #specification #using- Defects in natural language requirement specifications at Mercedes-Benz: An investigation using a combination of legacy data and expert opinion (DO), pp. 291–296.
HT-2011-ZhangL #documentation #set- Entity set expansion in opinion documents (LZ, BL), pp. 281–290.
CHI-2011-ShiraziRSKMS #mobile #realtime- Real-time nonverbal opinion sharing through mobile phones during sports events (ASS, MR, RS, SGK, AM, AS), pp. 307–310.
ICEIS-v3-2011-LiuT #case study #evolution #network- Study on the Evolution Mechanisms of the Network Public Opinion (HL, ZT), pp. 444–448.
CIKM-2011-AwadallahRW #comprehension #named #network #topic- OpinioNetIt: understanding the opinions-people network for politically controversial topics (RA, MR, GW), pp. 2481–2484.
CIKM-2011-GuoZGS #analysis #aspect-oriented #multi #sentiment- Domain customization for aspect-oriented opinion analysis with multi-level latent sentiment clues (HG, HZ, ZG, ZS), pp. 2493–2496.
ECIR-2011-GeraniKCC #retrieval #using- Personal Blog Retrieval Using Opinion Features (SG, MK, MJC, FC), pp. 747–750.
KDD-2011-GuerraVMA #analysis #approach #bias #realtime #sentiment- From bias to opinion: a transfer-learning approach to real-time sentiment analysis (PHCG, AV, WMJ, VA), pp. 150–158.
SIGIR-2011-GeraniKC #multi #retrieval- Aggregating multiple opinion evidence in proximity-based opinion retrieval (SG, MK, FC), pp. 1199–1200.
CHI-2010-FaridaniBRG #online #scalability- Opinion space: a scalable tool for browsing online comments (SF, EB, KR, KYG), pp. 1175–1184.
CHI-2010-MunsonR #how- Presenting diverse political opinions: how and how much (SAM, PR), pp. 1457–1466.
CIKM-2010-GuoZGZS #analysis #mining #named- OpinionIt: a text mining system for cross-lingual opinion analysis (HG, HZ, ZG, XZ, ZS), pp. 1199–1208.
CIKM-2010-MoghaddamE #mining- Opinion digger: an unsupervised opinion miner from unstructured product reviews (SM, ME), pp. 1825–1828.
ECIR-2010-PotthastB #summary #web- Opinion Summarization of Web Comments (MP, SB), pp. 668–669.
SIGIR-2010-AmatiACGG #on the #performance #retrieval #topic- On performance of topical opinion retrieval (GA, GA, VC, CG, GG), pp. 777–778.
SIGIR-2010-GeraniCC #retrieval- Proximity-based opinion retrieval (SG, MJC, FC), pp. 403–410.
SIGIR-2010-LeeLSR #precise #retrieval #sentiment #using- High precision opinion retrieval using sentiment-relevance flows (SWL, JTL, YIS, HCR), pp. 817–818.
SAC-2010-MissenBC #detection #using- Using passage-based language model for opinion detection in blogs (MMSM, MB, GC), pp. 1821–1822.
ITiCSE-2009-FesakisS #education #programming- Influence of the familiarization with “scratch” on future teachers’ opinions and attitudes about programming and ICT in education (GF, KS), pp. 258–262.
CIKM-2009-FernandezL #retrieval #using- Using opinion-based features to boost sentence retrieval (RTF, DEL), pp. 1617–1620.
CIKM-2009-HuangC #retrieval- A unified relevance model for opinion retrieval (XH, WBC), pp. 947–956.
CIKM-2009-KimZ #comparative #generative #summary- Generating comparative summaries of contradictory opinions in text (HDK, CZ), pp. 385–394.
CIKM-2009-KobayakawaKTOKT #analysis #classification #kernel #using- Opinion classification with tree kernel SVM using linguistic modality analysis (TSK, TK, HT, NO, JDK, JT), pp. 1791–1794.
CIKM-2009-ZhuWTZ #multi- Multi-aspect opinion polling from textual reviews (JZ, HW, BKT, MZ), pp. 1799–1802.
ECIR-2009-GeraniCC #learning #retrieval- Investigating Learning Approaches for Blog Post Opinion Retrieval (SG, MJC, FC), pp. 313–324.
ECIR-2009-MissenB #detection #semantics #using- Using WordNet’s Semantic Relations for Opinion Detection in Blogs (MMSM, MB), pp. 729–733.
ECIR-2009-NaLNL #retrieval #sentiment- Improving Opinion Retrieval Based on Query-Specific Sentiment Lexicon (SHN, YL, SHN, JHL), pp. 734–738.
ECIR-2009-SantosHMO #proximity #retrieval- Integrating Proximity to Subjective Sentences for Blog Opinion Retrieval (RLTS, BH, CM, IO), pp. 325–336.
KDD-2009-DingLZ #mining- Entity discovery and assignment for opinion mining applications (XD, BL, LZ), pp. 1125–1134.
KDD-2009-JinHS #machine learning #mining #named #novel #web- OpinionMiner: a novel machine learning system for web opinion mining and extraction (WJ, HHH, RKS), pp. 1195–1204.
SIGIR-2009-AmatriainLPKO #approach #collaboration #web- The wisdom of the few: a collaborative filtering approach based on expert opinions from the web (XA, NL, JMP, HK, NO), pp. 532–539.
SIGIR-2009-BerminghamS #case study #retrieval- A study of inter-annotator agreement for opinion retrieval (AB, AFS), pp. 784–785.
SIGIR-2009-HePO #retrieval- Fitting score distribution for blog opinion retrieval (BH, JP, IO), pp. 688–689.
SIGIR-2009-MacdonaldOS #question- Is spam an issue for opinionated blog post search? (CM, IO, IS), pp. 710–711.
CIKM-2008-HeMHO #approach #effectiveness #retrieval #statistics- An effective statistical approach to blog post opinion retrieval (BH, CM, JH, IO), pp. 1063–1072.
CIKM-2008-MiaoLD #integration #mining- An integration strategy for mining product features and opinions (QM, QL, RD), pp. 1369–1370.
CIKM-2008-ZhangJYM #classification #effectiveness #retrieval- Improve the effectiveness of the opinion retrieval and opinion polarity classification (WZ, LJ, CTY, WM), pp. 1415–1416.
ECIR-2008-AmatiABGG #ad hoc #automation #retrieval- Automatic Construction of an Opinion-Term Vocabulary for Ad Hoc Retrieval (GA, EA, MB, CG, GG), pp. 89–100.
SIGIR-2008-HeMO08a #ranking #using- Ranking opinionated blog posts using OpinionFinder (BH, CM, IO), pp. 727–728.
SIGIR-2008-MacdonaldHOS- Limits of opinion-finding baseline systems (CM, BH, IO, IS), pp. 747–748.
SIGIR-2008-ZhangY #generative #retrieval #sentiment #topic- A generation model to unify topic relevance and lexicon-based sentiment for opinion retrieval (MZ, XY), pp. 411–418.
CIKM-2007-SongCHT #identification- Identifying opinion leaders in the blogosphere (XS, YC, KH, BLT), pp. 971–974.
CIKM-2007-ZhangYM #retrieval- Opinion retrieval from blogs (WZ, CTY, WM), pp. 831–840.
ECIR-2007-SkomorowskiV #ad hoc #documentation #retrieval #topic- Ad Hoc Retrieval of Documents with Topical Opinion (JS, OV), pp. 405–417.
SIGIR-2007-DingL #mining- The utility of linguistic rules in opinion mining (XD, BL), pp. 811–812.
SIGIR-2007-Seki- Opinion holder extraction from author and authority viewpoints (YS), pp. 841–842.
SIGIR-2007-StepinskiM #classification- A fact/opinion classifier for news articles (AS, VOM), pp. 807–808.
CIKM-2005-KumamotoT #mining #people #web- Web opinion poll: extracting people’s view by impression mining from the web (TK, KT), pp. 265–266.
SIGIR-2005-KuLWC #detection #summary #topic- Major topic detection and its application to opinion summarization (LWK, LYL, THW, HHC), pp. 627–628.
KDD-2004-TanJ #multi- Ordering patterns by combining opinions from multiple sources (PNT, RJ), pp. 695–700.
CHI-2003-CosleyLAKR #how #interface #recommendation- Is seeing believing?: how recommender system interfaces affect users’ opinions (DC, SKL, IA, JAK, JR), pp. 585–592.
CIKM-2001-ConradD #automation #recognition- Automatic Recognition of Distinguishing Negative Indirect History Language in Judicial Opinions (JGC, DPD), pp. 287–294.
HCI-ACS-1993-ArthurB #performance- The Relationship Between Secretaries Opinions of Computing and Their Computer Performance Within a United Kingdom Health-Care Setting (JA, PB), pp. 362–367.
ML-1991-Thompson #approach #information retrieval #machine learning- Machine Learning in the Combination of Expert Opinion Approach to IR (PT), pp. 270–274.