40 papers:
- CHI-2015-SmeddinckHM #aspect-oriented #functional #game studies
- Exergames for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation: A Medium-term Situated Study of Motivational Aspects and Impact on Functional Reach (JDS, MH, RM), pp. 4143–4146.
- CSCW-2015-VashisthaCT
- Increasing the Reach of Snowball Sampling: The Impact of Fixed versus Lottery Incentives (AV, EC, WT), pp. 1359–1363.
- DATE-2014-BoettcherAEGR #architecture
- Advanced SIMD: Extending the reach of contemporary SIMD architectures (MB, BMAH, ME, GG, AR), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2014-RuhrmairSB #how
- Special session: How secure are PUFs really? On the reach and limits of recent PUF attacks (UR, US, WB), pp. 1–4.
- FM-2014-RinastSG #graph #performance #reduction
- A Graph-Based Transformation Reduction to Reach UPPAAL States Faster (JR, SS, DG), pp. 547–562.
- ILC-2014-RamosL #python
- Reaching Python from Racket (PPR, AML), p. 32.
- CHI-2014-MurerJSS #comprehension
- Taking things apart: reaching common ground and shared material understanding (MM, MJ, SS, PS), pp. 469–472.
- CHI-2014-PlasenciaJS #named
- MisTable: reach-through personal screens for tabletops (DMP, EJ, SS), pp. 3493–3502.
- DUXU-DI-2014-RugenhagenH #design #development #game studies #research
- Game Design Techniques in User Research Methods — A New Way to Reach the High Score in Development Teams (ER, TH), pp. 754–762.
- HPCA-2014-PhamBEL #clustering
- Increasing TLB reach by exploiting clustering in page translations (BP, AB, YE, GHL), pp. 558–567.
- CSCW-2013-DoucetteGMNS #collaboration #how
- Sometimes when we touch: how arm embodiments change reaching and collaboration on digital tables (AD, CG, RLM, MAN, SS), pp. 193–202.
- CSCW-2013-MasonC #contest #exclamation
- Friends FTW! friendship and competition in halo: reach (WAM, AC), pp. 375–386.
- VLDB-2012-ChengSCWY #named
- K-Reach: Who is in Your Small World (JC, ZS, HC, HW, JXY), pp. 1292–1303.
- DHM-2009-Wang #problem #re-engineering
- Problems Encountered in Seated Arm Reach Posture Reconstruction: Need for a More Realistic Spine and Upper Limb Kinematic Model (XW), pp. 160–169.
- CASE-2007-ChalfounBKP #fault #matrix #using
- Calibration Using Generalized Error Matrices of a Long Reach Articulated Carrier (JC, CB, DK, YP), pp. 777–782.
- SCAM-2007-NaylorR
- Finding Inputs that Reach a Target Expression (MN, CR), pp. 133–142.
- DHM-2007-WangCC #approach #capacity #data-driven #modelling
- A Data-Based Modeling Approach of Reach Capacity and Discomfort for Digital Human Models (XW, EC, NC), pp. 215–223.
- DHM-2007-YangWZJW07a #analysis
- Optimal Control and Synergic Pattern Analysis of Upper Limb Reaching-Grasping Movements (YY, RW, MZ, DJ, FW), pp. 268–275.
- SIGIR-2007-MeiYHYYL #named #online #recommendation #video
- VideoReach: an online video recommendation system (TM, BY, XSH, LY, SQY, SL), pp. 767–768.
- CHI-2005-NacentaASG #comparison #multi
- A comparison of techniques for multi-display reaching (MAN, DA, SS, CG), pp. 371–380.
- SAC-2005-Ahmedi #xpath
- Making XPath reach for the web-wide links (LA), pp. 1714–1721.
- KR-2004-AmgoudP #approach
- Reaching Agreement Through Argumentation: A Possibilistic Approach (LA, HP), pp. 175–182.
- ICPR-v2-2002-SatohTWKNY #detection #robust
- Robust Event Detection by Radial Reach Filter (RRF) (YS, HT, CW, SK, YN, KY), pp. 623–627.
- DATE-2001-BayraktarogluO
- Diagnosis for scan-based BIST: reaching deep into the signatures (IB, AO), pp. 102–111.
- CHI-2001-MasonWLM
- Reaching movements to augmented and graphic objects in virtual environments (AHM, MAW, EJL, CLM), pp. 426–433.
- SAT-2001-BejarCFMG #logic #satisfiability
- Extending the Reach of SAT with Many-Valued Logics (RB, AC, CF, FM, CPG), pp. 392–407.
- CSEET-2000-Bach #question #re-engineering
- Software Engineering — Coming of Age or Reaching Too Far? (JB), p. 3–?.
- CSEET-2000-FraileyBDCT #re-engineering
- Software Engineering — Coming of Age or Reaching Too Far? (panel) (DJF, JB, DD, BC, LLT), p. 7–?.
- ICPR-v4-2000-CicirelliDD #recognition #visual notation
- Visual State Recognition for a Target-Reaching Task (GC, TD, AD), pp. 4854–4857.
- CAV-2000-AlfaroHM #detection #fault
- Detecting Errors Before Reaching Them (LdA, TAH, FYCM), pp. 186–201.
- ASE-1999-PoppletonB #named #refinement
- Retrenchment: Extending the Reach of Refinement (MP, RB), pp. 158–165.
- AdaEurope-1998-BliebergerB #ada #analysis #source code
- Symbolic Reaching Definitions Analysis of Ada Programs (JB, BB), pp. 238–250.
- CSMR-1997-TonellaAFM #analysis #maintenance #precise
- Variable Precision Reaching Definitions Analysis for Software Maintenance (PT, GA, RF, EM), pp. 60–67.
- SIGMOD-1995-BuchmannDZH
- The REACH Active OODBMS (APB, AD, JZ, MH), p. 476.
- SAC-1995-FedrizziFPZ
- A dynamical model for reaching consensus in group decision making (MF, MF, RAMP, AZ), pp. 493–496.
- CAiSE-1994-HofmannH #design #information management #quality #requirements #security
- Reaching out for Quality: Considering Security Requirements in the Design of Information Systems (HFH, RH), pp. 105–118.
- STOC-1991-AttiyaDLS #bound #nondeterminism
- Bounds on the Time to Reach Agreement in the Presence of Timing Uncertainty (HA, CD, NAL, LJS), pp. 359–369.
- CHI-1991-MacLeanBYM #design
- Reaching through analogy: a Design Rationale perspective on roles of analogy (AM, VB, RMY, TPM), pp. 167–172.
- CHI-1990-Grudin #design #interface
- The computer reaches out: the historical continuity of interface design (JG), pp. 261–268.
- STOC-1989-GrahamY #on the
- On the Improbability of Reaching Byzantine Agreements (Preliminary Version) (RLG, ACCY), pp. 467–478.