102 papers:
DAC-2015-IsmailLS #performance #worst-case- Improving worst-case cache performance through selective bypassing and register-indexed cache (MI, DL, GES), p. 6.
DATE-2015-RamboE #analysis #communication #worst-case- Worst-case communication time analysis of networks-on-chip with shared virtual channels (EAR, RE), pp. 537–542.
PODS-2015-KhamisNRR #geometry #worst-case- Joins via Geometric Resolutions: Worst-case and Beyond (MAK, HQN, CR, AR), pp. 213–228.
SIGMOD-2015-PerelmanR #compilation #named #query #worst-case- DunceCap: Compiling Worst-Case Optimal Query Plans (AP, CR), pp. 2075–2076.
ESOP-2015-CernyHKRZ #abstraction #analysis #execution #worst-case- Segment Abstraction for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (PC, TAH, LK, AR, JZ), pp. 105–131.
CAV-2015-GouwRBBH #java- OpenJDK’s Java.utils.Collection.sort() Is Broken: The Good, the Bad and the Worst Case (SdG, JR, FSdB, RB, RH), pp. 273–289.
ICST-2015-YuC #embedded #generative #stack #testing #worst-case- Guided Test Generation for Finding Worst-Case Stack Usage in Embedded Systems (TY, MBC), pp. 1–10.
LICS-2015-ClementeR #multi #problem #worst-case- Multidimensional beyond Worst-Case and Almost-Sure Problems for Mean-Payoff Objectives (LC, JFR), pp. 257–268.
DAC-2014-LinWC #data mining #design #logic #mining #named #power management #synthesis- C-Mine: Data Mining of Logic Common Cases for Low Power Synthesis of Better-Than-Worst-Case Designs (CHL, LW, DC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-QuintonBHNNE #analysis #design #network- Typical Worst Case Response-Time Analysis and its Use in Automotive Network Design (SQ, TTB, JH, MN, MN, RE), p. 6.
PODS-2014-NgoNRR #analysis #worst-case- Beyond worst-case analysis for joins with minesweeper (HQN, DTN, CR, AR), pp. 234–245.
ICALP-v2-2014-0002HKSV #independence #online #set #worst-case- Online Independent Set Beyond the Worst-Case: Secretaries, Prophets, and Periods (OG, MH, TK, TS, BV), pp. 508–519.
ICALP-v2-2014-KopelowitzKPS #bound #graph #worst-case- Orienting Fully Dynamic Graphs with Worst-Case Time Bounds (TK, RK, EP, SS), pp. 532–543.
ICML-c1-2014-CicaleseLS #optimisation #testing- Diagnosis determination: decision trees optimizing simultaneously worst and expected testing cost (FC, ESL, AMS), pp. 414–422.
ICSE-2014-DIppolitoBKMSU #adaptation #multi- Hope for the best, prepare for the worst: multi-tier control for adaptive systems (ND, VAB, JK, JM, DS, SU), pp. 688–699.
LCTES-2014-HenryAMM #encoding #execution #how #modulo theories #optimisation #semantics #worst-case- How to compute worst-case execution time by optimization modulo theory and a clever encoding of program semantics (JH, MA, DM, CM), pp. 43–52.
ICST-2014-YuSCR #embedded #framework #named #testing #worst-case- SimLatte: A Framework to Support Testing for Worst-Case Interrupt Latencies in Embedded Software (TY, WSa, MBC, GR), pp. 313–322.
CBSE-2013-LednickiCS #analysis #execution #worst-case- Model level worst-case execution time analysis for IEC 61499 (LL, JC, KS), pp. 169–178.
DAC-2013-KimOCHH #distributed #embedded #estimation #novel- A novel analytical method for worst case response time estimation of distributed embedded systems (JK, HO, JC, HH, SH), p. 10.
DATE-2013-ChenHBK #energy #multi #optimisation #pipes and filters #worst-case- Energy optimization with worst-case deadline guarantee for pipelined multiprocessor systems (GC, KH, CB, AK), pp. 45–50.
SIGMOD-2013-LongWYJ #on the #worst-case- On optimal worst-case matching (CL, RCWW, PSY, MJ), pp. 845–856.
STOC-2013-HardtR #analysis #worst-case- Beyond worst-case analysis in private singular vector computation (MH, AR), pp. 331–340.
ICALP-v1-2013-AustrinKKM #algorithm #set #trade-off- Space-Time Tradeoffs for Subset Sum: An Improved Worst Case Algorithm (PA, PK, MK, JM), pp. 45–56.
ICALP-v1-2013-BringmannDNS #online #worst-case- Online Checkpointing with Improved Worst-Case Guarantees (KB, BD, AN, JS), pp. 255–266.
AdaEurope-2013-AsensioLCN #analysis #approach #execution #safety #worst-case- Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis Approach for Safety-Critical Airborne Software (EA, IL, AC, JN), pp. 161–176.
DAC-2012-LoS #analysis #execution #monitoring #parallel #runtime #worst-case- Worst-case execution time analysis for parallel run-time monitoring (DL, GES), pp. 421–429.
DATE-2012-JafariJL #analysis #scheduling #worst-case- Worst-case delay analysis of Variable Bit-Rate flows in network-on-chip with aggregate scheduling (FJ, AJ, ZL), pp. 538–541.
PODS-2012-NgoPRR #algorithm #worst-case- Worst-case optimal join algorithms: [extended abstract] (HQN, EP, CR, AR), pp. 37–48.
KR-2012-Feier #logic programming #reasoning #source code #worst-case- Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs (CF).
DATE-2011-RaiYBCT #analysis #realtime #worst-case- Worst-case temperature analysis for real-time systems (DR, HY, IB, JJC, LT), pp. 631–636.
FM-2011-AlbertGGJST #behaviour #bound #concurrent #simulation #worst-case- Simulating Concurrent Behaviors with Worst-Case Cost Bounds (EA, SG, MGZ, EBJ, RS, SLTT), pp. 353–368.
SAC-2011-LiuZ11a #analysis #distance #performance #stack #worst-case- Stack distance based worst-case instruction cache performance analysis (YL, WZ), pp. 723–728.
DAC-2010-SchranzhoferPCTC #analysis #manycore #modelling #resource management #worst-case- Worst-case response time analysis of resource access models in multi-core systems (AS, RP, JJC, LT, MC), pp. 332–337.
DATE-2010-BauerSF #analysis #network #worst-case- Worst-case end-to-end delay analysis of an avionics AFDX network (HB, JLS, CF), pp. 1220–1224.
DATE-2010-PellizzoniSCCT #analysis #manycore #memory management- Worst case delay analysis for memory interference in multicore systems (RP, AS, JJC, MC, LT), pp. 741–746.
KR-2010-OrtizRS #owl #reasoning #worst-case- Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning for the Horn-DL Fragments of OWL 1 and 2 (MO, SR, MS).
DAC-2009-GandikotaDTB #modelling #worst-case- Worst-case aggressor-victim alignment with current-source driver models (RG, LD, PT, DB), pp. 13–18.
DAC-2009-XuCWZ- Improving STT MRAM storage density through smaller-than-worst-case transistor sizing (WX, YC, XW, TZ), pp. 87–90.
DAC-2009-ZhangCTL #performance #worst-case- Efficient design-specific worst-case corner extraction for integrated circuits (HZ, THC, MYT, XL), pp. 386–389.
DATE-2009-MillbergJ #worst-case- Priority based forced requeue to reduce worst-case latencies for bursty traffic (MM, AJ), pp. 1070–1075.
DATE-2009-PollexKAS #bound #worst-case- Improved worst-case response-time calculations by upper-bound conditions (VP, SK, KA, FS), pp. 105–110.
PODS-2009-Arge #performance #tutorial #worst-case- Worst-case efficient range search indexing: invited tutorial (LA), pp. 175–176.
STOC-2009-Peikert #problem #worst-case- Public-key cryptosystems from the worst-case shortest vector problem: extended abstract (CP), pp. 333–342.
ICALP-v1-2009-ArbitmanNS #performance #worst-case- De-amortized Cuckoo Hashing: Provable Worst-Case Performance and Experimental Results (YA, MN, GS), pp. 107–118.
ICALP-v2-2009-Mosk-AoyamaR #analysis #performance #worst-case- Worst-Case Efficiency Analysis of Queueing Disciplines (DMA, TR), pp. 546–557.
AdaEurope-2009-MarrefB #analysis #worst-case- Predicated Worst-Case Execution-Time Analysis (AM, GB), pp. 134–148.
SAC-2009-LiuZ #distance #performance #stack #worst-case- Exploiting stack distance to estimate worst-case data cache performance (YL, WZ), pp. 1979–1983.
ICSE-2009-BurnimJS #automation #complexity #generative #named #testing #worst-case- WISE: Automated test generation for worst-case complexity (JB, SJ, KS), pp. 463–473.
ISSTA-2009-BotaschanjanH #fault #hardware #modelling #orthogonal #specification- Specifying the worst case: orthogonal modeling of hardware errors (JB, BH), pp. 273–284.
DATE-2008-SamiiREP #distributed #estimation #realtime #simulation #worst-case- A Simulation Methodology for Worst-Case Response Time Estimation of Distributed Real-Time Systems (SS, SR, PE, ZP), pp. 556–561.
DATE-2008-ZhangZYZSPZCMSIC #multi #network- Finding the Worst Voltage Violation in Multi-Domain Clock Gated Power Network (WZ, YZ, WY, LZ, RS, HP, ZZ, LCE, RM, TS, NI, CKC), pp. 537–540.
ICML-2008-Li #approximate #comparison #difference #linear #worst-case- A worst-case comparison between temporal difference and residual gradient with linear function approximation (LL), pp. 560–567.
DAC-2007-KirnerS #analysis #execution #modelling #worst-case- Modeling the Function Cache for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (RK, MS), pp. 471–476.
DATE-2007-AitkenI #design #embedded #worst-case- Worst-case design and margin for embedded SRAM (RCA, SI), pp. 1289–1294.
DATE-2007-SilvaSP #performance- Efficient computation of the worst-delay corner (LGeS, LMS, JRP), pp. 1617–1622.
STOC-2007-PeikertR #worst-case- Lattices that admit logarithmic worst-case to average-case connection factors (CP, AR), pp. 478–487.
LCTES-2007-Kastner #abstract interpretation #analysis #execution #worst-case- Safe worst-case execution time analysis by abstract interpretation of executable code (DK), p. 135.
IFL-2006-BonenfantFHH #execution #functional #worst-case- Worst-Case Execution Times for a Purely Functional Language (AB, CF, KH, RH), pp. 235–252.
DATE-2005-PomeranzR #analysis #detection #testing #worst-case- Worst-Case and Average-Case Analysis of n-Detection Test Sets (IP, SMR), pp. 444–449.
STOC-2005-Thorup #worst-case- Worst-case update times for fully-dynamic all-pairs shortest paths (MT), pp. 112–119.
ICALP-2005-ChiniforooshanFM #evaluation- Worst Case Optimal Union-Intersection Expression Evaluation (EC, AF, MM), pp. 179–190.
SAT-J-2004-PorschenS05 #bound #problem- Worst Case Bounds for Some NP-Complete Modified Horn-SAT Problems (SP, ES), pp. 251–262.
DAC-2004-KouroussisAN #power management #worst-case- Worst-case circuit delay taking into account power supply variations (DK, RA, FNN), pp. 652–657.
DAC-2004-SchueleS #abstraction #analysis #assembly #execution #source code- Abstraction of assembler programs for symbolic worst case execution time analysis (TS, KS), pp. 107–112.
SIGMOD-2004-ArgeBHY #performance #worst-case- The Priority R-Tree: A Practically Efficient and Worst-Case Optimal R-Tree (LA, MdB, HJH, KY), pp. 347–358.
STOC-2004-ChlebusKS #worst-case- Collective asynchronous reading with polylogarithmic worst-case overhead (BSC, DRK, AAS), pp. 321–330.
ICPR-v3-2004-DePiero #bound #graph #memory management #polynomial #worst-case- Structural Graph Matching With Polynomial Bounds On Memory and on Worst-Case Effort (FWD), pp. 379–382.
STOC-2003-Ajtai #algorithm #approximate #behaviour #worst-case- The worst-case behavior of schnorr’s algorithm approximating the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice (MA), pp. 396–406.
DAC-2002-OrshanskyK #analysis #framework #probability- A general probabilistic framework for worst case timing analysis (MO, KK), pp. 556–561.
DATE-2002-SchwenckerSPG #adaptation #parametricity #set #using #worst-case- Analog Circuit Sizing Using Adaptive Worst-Case Parameter Sets (RS, FS, MP, HEG), pp. 581–585.
STOC-2002-Micciancio #encryption #worst-case- Improved cryptographic hash functions with worst-case/average-case connection (DM), pp. 609–618.
KR-2002-Hendler #question #semantics #web- The Semantic Web: KR’s Worst Nightmare? (JAH), p. 630.
ICLP-2002-LoncT #modelling #performance #worst-case- Computing Stable Models: Worst-Case Performance Estimates (ZL, MT), pp. 347–362.
SAT-2002-Schoening #bound #satisfiability- New worst case bounds on k-SAT (Keynote Talk) (US), p. 1.
DAC-2001-SirichotiyakulBOLZZ #modelling #worst-case- Driver Modeling and Alignment for Worst-Case Delay Noise (SS, DB, CO, RL, VZ, JZ), pp. 720–725.
DATE-2000-Balarin #abstraction #analysis #automation #worst-case- Automatic Abstraction for Worst-Case Analysis of Discrete Systems (FB), pp. 494–501.
STOC-2000-AnderssonT #bound #worst-case- Tight(er) worst-case bounds on dynamic searching and priority queues (AA, MT), pp. 335–342.
AdaEurope-2000-Ringler #analysis #execution #source code #worst-case- Static Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis of Synchronous Programs (TR), pp. 56–68.
LCTES-2000-CortiBG #approximate #execution #multi #worst-case- Approximation of Worst-Case Execution Time for Preemptive Multitasking Systems (MC, RB, TRG), pp. 178–198.
STOC-1999-AlstrupBR #worst-case- Worst-Case and Amortised Optimality in Union-Find (Extended Abstract) (SA, AMBA, TR), pp. 499–506.
ICALP-1999-Pagh- Low Redundancy in Static Dictionaries with O(1) Worst Case Lookup Time (RP), pp. 595–604.
DAC-1997-DartuP #worst-case- Calculating Worst-Case Gate Delays Due to Dominant Capacitance Coupling (FD, LTP), pp. 46–51.
STOC-1997-AjtaiD #equivalence #worst-case- A Public-Key Cryptosystem with Worst-Case/Average-Case Equivalence (MA, CD), pp. 284–293.
ICALP-1997-AndreevCR #trade-off #worst-case- Worst-Case Hardness Suffices for Derandomization: A New Method for Hardness-Randomness Trade-Offs (AEA, AEFC, JDPR), pp. 177–187.
DAC-1995-FabbroFCG #modelling #probability #standard #worst-case- An Assigned Probability Technique to Derive Realistic Worst-Case Timing Models of Digital Standard Cells (ADF, BF, LC, CG), pp. 702–706.
DAC-1995-NajmZ #process #worst-case- Extreme Delay Sensitivity and the Worst-Case Switching Activity in VLSI Circuits (FNN, MYZ), pp. 623–627.
LCT-RTS-1995-HuangL #concurrent #execution #predict #worst-case- Predicting the Worst-Case Execution Time of the Concurrent Execution of Instructions and Cycle-Stealing DMA I/O Operations (TYH, JWSL), pp. 1–6.
LCT-RTS-1995-NilsenR #analysis #execution #worst-case- Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis on Modern Processors (KDN, BR), pp. 20–30.
STOC-1994-JakobyRS #complexity- Circuit complexity: from the worst case to the average case (AJ, RR, CS), pp. 58–67.
ICML-1994-SchapireW #algorithm #analysis #learning #on the #worst-case- On the Worst-Case Analysis of Temporal-Difference Learning Algorithms (RES, MKW), pp. 266–274.
SAC-1994-ChaudhuriD #generative #linear #sequence- A note on generating a worst case sequence for Quicksort in linear time (RC, ACD), pp. 566–567.
DAC-1993-DharchoudhuryK #variability #worst-case- Performance-Constrained Worst-Case Variability Minimization of VLSI Circuits (AD, SMK), pp. 154–158.
DAC-1993-GraebWA #analysis #optimisation #worst-case- Improved Methods for Worst-Case Analysis and Optimization Incorporating Operating Tolerances (HEG, CUW, KA), pp. 142–147.
DAC-1992-DharchoudhuryK #approach #design #optimisation #worst-case- An Integrated Approach to Realistic Worst-Case Design Optimization of MOS Analog Circuits (AD, SMK), pp. 704–709.
DAC-1989-GaiottiDR #estimation #worst-case- Worst-case Delay Estimation of Transistor Groups (SG, MD, NCR), pp. 491–495.
PODS-1987-Marchetti-SpaccamelaPS #analysis #complexity #implementation #logic #query #worst-case- Worst-case Complexity Analysis of Methods for Logic Query Implementation (AMS, AP, DS), pp. 294–301.
SIGMOD-1986-Willard #algorithm #worst-case- Good Worst-Case Algorithms for Inserting and Deleting Records in Dense Sequential Files (DEW), pp. 251–260.
ICALP-1980-PapadimitriouB #analysis #nearest neighbour #worst-case- A Worst-Case Analysis of Nearest Neighbor Searching by Projection (CHP, JLB), pp. 470–482.
ICALP-1978-Galil #algorithm #on the #string- On Improving the Worst Case Running Time of the Boyer-Moore String Matching Algorithm (ZG), pp. 241–250.
STOC-1972-GareyGU #algorithm #analysis #memory management #worst-case- Worst-Case Analysis of Memory Allocation Algorithms (MRG, RLG, JDU), pp. 143–150.
DAC-1969-Haas- Trw’s extended sceptre software-dc program (TESS-DC) a non-linear worst case program (BAH), pp. 185–191.
DAC-1968-GarrettV #analysis #worst-case- Circuit frequency response analysis program with worst-case capabilities (FRWC) (SJG, THV).