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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × Norway
1 × Portugal
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Australia
2 × Greece
26 × USA
5 × Canada
Collaborated with:
M.Balazinska N.N.Dalvi C.Ré W.Gatterbauer A.Y.Levy G.Miklau A.Meliou P.Koutris D.Florescu V.Rastogi P.Upadhyaya T.Milo B.Howe V.Vianu N.Khoussainova P.Beame S.Roy A.K.Jha A.K.Gupta M.F.Fernández B.Mandhani A.Y.Halevy S.Chu R.Kaushik M.Hay T.Jim H.Liefke J.Paredaens V.Tannen E.Welbourne N.Alon F.Neven J.Kang J.Letchner Y.Song K.Schnaitter S.Hong R.Chirkova A.Deutsch C.H.Papadimitriou G.V.d.Broeck E.Gribkoff S.Nath Y.Kwon K.F.Moore I.Manolescu K.Yagoub G.Jacobson B.Krishnamurthy D.Srivastava P.Buneman S.B.Davidson G.G.Hillebrand K.Weitz A.Cheung J.Boulos S.Mathur N.R.Anderson R.Ramamurthy G.Borriello G.Cole Y.Li J.Walke D.Halperin V.T.d.Almeida L.L.Choo D.Moritz J.Ortiz V.Ruamviboonsuk J.Wang A.Whitaker S.Xu
Talks about:
queri (36) data (25) databas (15) probabilist (11) manag (11) view (9) xml (6) use (6) parallel (5) system (5)

Person: Dan Suciu

DBLP DBLP: Suciu:Dan

Contributed to:

PODS 20152015
SIGMOD 20152015
VLDB 20152015
PODS 20142014
SIGMOD 20142014
VLDB 20142014
PODS 20132013
SIGMOD 20132013
PODS 20122012
SIGMOD 20122012
VLDB 20122012
PODS 20112011
SIGMOD 20112011
VLDB 20112011
VLDB 20112010
PODS 20102010
SIGMOD 20102010
VLDB 20102010
PODS 20092009
VLDB 20092009
PODS 20082008
SIGMOD 20082008
VLDB 20082008
CIKM 20072007
PODS 20072007
VLDB 20072007
SIGMOD 20052005
VLDB 20052005
SIGMOD 20042004
VLDB 20042004
PODS 20032003
SIGMOD 20032003
VLDB 20032003
PODS 20022002
LICS 20012001
PODS 20012001
VLDB 20012001
PODS 20002000
SIGMOD 20002000
PODS 19991999
SIGMOD 19991999
VLDB 19991999
CIKM 19981998
PODS 19981998
SIGMOD 19981998
VLDB 19981998
PODS 19971997
SIGMOD 19971997
PODS 19961996
SIGMOD 19961996
VLDB 19961996
PODS 19941994
PLDI 20172017

Wrote 76 papers:

PODS-2015-BeameBGS #first-order #symmetry
Symmetric Weighted First-Order Model Counting (PB, GVdB, EG, DS), pp. 313–328.
SIGMOD-2015-ChuBS #database #evaluation #parallel #performance #query #theory and practice
From Theory to Practice: Efficient Join Query Evaluation in a Parallel Database System (SC, MB, DS), pp. 63–78.
SIGMOD-2015-UpadhyayaBS #automation #policy
Automatic Enforcement of Data Use Policies with DataLawyer (PU, MB, DS), pp. 213–225.
VLDB-2015-GatterbauerS #approximate #database #probability
Approximate Lifted Inference with Probabilistic Databases (WG, DS), pp. 629–640.
PODS-2014-BeameKS #parallel #query
Skew in parallel query processing (PB, PK, DS), pp. 212–223.
SIGMOD-2014-HalperinACCKMORWWXBHS #big data #data transformation
Demonstration of the Myria big data management service (DH, VTdA, LLC, SC, PK, DM, JO, VR, JW, AW, SX, MB, BH, DS), pp. 881–884.
SIGMOD-2014-RoyS #approach #database #formal method #query
A formal approach to finding explanations for database queries (SR, DS), pp. 1579–1590.
VLDB-2014-MeliouRS #database
Causality and Explanations in Databases (AM, SR, DS), pp. 1715–1716.
PODS-2013-BeameKS #communication #parallel #query
Communication steps for parallel query processing (PB, PK, DS), pp. 273–284.
SIGMOD-2013-KoutrisUBHS #query #towards
Toward practical query pricing with QueryMarket (PK, PU, MB, BH, DS), pp. 613–624.
SIGMOD-2013-UpadhyayaABHKRS #power of
The power of data use management in action (PU, NRA, MB, BH, RK, RR, DS), pp. 1117–1120.
Query-based data pricing (PK, PU, MB, BH, DS), pp. 167–178.
SIGMOD-2012-MeliouS #database #named #query
Tiresias: the database oracle for how-to queries (AM, DS), pp. 337–348.
SIGMOD-2012-MeliouSS #named #query
Tiresias: a demonstration of how-to queries (AM, YS, DS), pp. 709–712.
VLDB-2012-JhaS #database #probability
Probabilistic Databases with MarkoViews (AKJ, DS), pp. 1160–1171.
VLDB-2012-KhoussainovaBS #debugging #named #performance #pipes and filters
PerfXplain: Debugging MapReduce Job Performance (NK, MB, DS), pp. 598–609.
VLDB-2012-KoutrisUBHS #online
QueryMarket Demonstration: Pricing for Online Data Markets (PK, PU, MB, BH, DS), pp. 1962–1965.
VLDB-2012-UpadhyayaBS #how #in the cloud #optimisation
How to Price Shared Optimizations in the Cloud (PU, MB, DS), pp. 562–573.
PODS-2011-KoutrisS #evaluation #parallel #query
Parallel evaluation of conjunctive queries (PK, DS), pp. 223–234.
SIGMOD-2011-MeliouGNS #fault
Tracing data errors with view-conditioned causality (AM, WG, SN, DS), pp. 505–516.
VLDB-2011-BalazinskaHS #community #database #in the cloud
Data Markets in the Cloud: An Opportunity for the Database Community (MB, BH, DS), pp. 1482–1485.
VLDB-2011-KhoussainovaKBS #named #sql
SnipSuggest: Context-Aware Autocompletion for SQL (NK, YK, MB, DS), pp. 22–33.
VLDB-2011-MeliouGMS #complexity #query
The Complexity of Causality and Responsibility for Query Answers and non-Answers (AM, WG, KFM, DS), pp. 34–45.
VLDB-2011-MeliouGS #data transformation
Reverse Data Management (AM, WG, DS), pp. 1490–1493.
PODS-2010-DalviSS #algebra #probability #query
Computing query probability with incidence algebras (NND, KS, DS), pp. 203–214.
PODS-2010-ReS #comprehension #estimation #using
Understanding cardinality estimation using entropy maximization (CR, DS), pp. 53–64.
SIGMOD-2010-GatterbauerS #trust #using
Data conflict resolution using trust mappings (WG, DS), pp. 219–230.
VLDB-2010-HayRMS #consistency
Boosting the Accuracy of Differentially Private Histograms Through Consistency (MH, VR, GM, DS), pp. 1021–1032.
PODS-2009-RastogiHMS #privacy #query
Relationship privacy: output perturbation for queries with joins (VR, MH, GM, DS), pp. 107–116.
VLDB-2009-GatterbauerBKS #database
Believe It or Not: Adding Belief Annotations to Databases (WG, MB, NK, DS), pp. 1–12.
VLDB-2009-KaushikS #consistency
Consistent Histograms In The Presence of Distinct Value Counts (RK, DS), pp. 850–861.
PODS-2008-JhaRS #constraints #evaluation #query
Query evaluation with soft-key constraints (AKJ, VR, DS), pp. 119–128.
A demonstration of Cascadia through a digital diary application (NK, EW, MB, GB, GC, JL, YL, CR, DS, JW), pp. 1319–1322.
SIGMOD-2008-ReLBS #correlation #probability #query
Event queries on correlated probabilistic streams (CR, JL, MB, DS), pp. 715–728.
VLDB-2008-BalazinskaRS #aspect-oriented #data transformation #probability
Systems aspects of probabilistic data management (MB, CR, DS), pp. 1520–1521.
VLDB-2008-RastogiSW #data access #nondeterminism
Access control over uncertain data (VR, DS, EW), pp. 821–832.
VLDB-2008-ReS #approximate #database #probability
Approximate lineage for probabilistic databases (CR, DS), pp. 797–808.
CIKM-2007-ReS #nondeterminism
Management of data with uncertainties (CR, DS), pp. 3–8.
PODS-2007-DalviS #challenge #probability
Management of probabilistic data: foundations and challenges (NND, DS), pp. 1–12.
PODS-2007-DalviS07a #probability #query
The dichotomy of conjunctive queries on probabilistic structures (NND, DS), pp. 293–302.
VLDB-2007-RastogiHS #bound #privacy
The Boundary Between Privacy and Utility in Data Publishing (VR, SH, DS), pp. 531–542.
VLDB-2007-ReS #database #optimisation #probability #query
Materialized Views in Probabilistic Databases for Information Exchange and Query Optimization (CR, DS), pp. 51–62.
SIGMOD-2005-BoulosDMMRS #named #using
MYSTIQ: a system for finding more answers by using probabilities (JB, NND, BM, SM, CR, DS), pp. 891–893.
SIGMOD-2005-SuciuD #probability #query
Foundations of probabilistic answers to queries (DS, NND), p. 963.
VLDB-2005-DalviS #probability #query #statistics
Answering Queries from Statistics and Probabilistic Views (NND, DS), pp. 805–816.
VLDB-2005-MandhaniS #database #query #xml
Query Caching and View Selection for XML Databases (BM, DS), pp. 469–480.
SIGMOD-2004-MiklauS #analysis #formal method
A Formal Analysis of Information Disclosure in Data Exchange (GM, DS), pp. 575–586.
VLDB-2004-DalviS #database #evaluation #performance #probability #query
Efficient Query Evaluation on Probabilistic Databases (NND, DS), pp. 864–875.
PODS-2003-GuptaSH #problem #xml
The view selection problem for XML content based routing (AKG, DS, AYH), pp. 68–77.
SIGMOD-2003-GuptaS #query #xpath
Stream Processing of XPath Queries with Predicates (AKG, DS), pp. 419–430.
VLDB-2003-MiklauS #encryption #using
Controlling Access to Published Data Using Cryptography (GM, DS), pp. 898–909.
PODS-2002-MiklauS #equivalence #xpath
Containment and Equivalence for an XPath Fragment (GM, DS), pp. 65–76.
LICS-2001-AlonMNSV #database #relational #xml
Typechecking XML Views of Relational Databases (NA, TM, FN, DS, VV), pp. 421–430.
PODS-2001-AlonMNSV #revisited #xml
XML with Data Values: Typechecking Revisited (NA, TM, FN, DS, VV).
PODS-2001-JimS #distributed #evaluation #query
Dynamically Distributed Query Evaluation (TJ, DS).
VLDB-2001-ChirkovaHS #formal method #problem
A Formal Perspective on the View Selection Problem (RC, AYH, DS), pp. 59–68.
PODS-2000-MiloSV #xml
Typechecking for XML Transformers (TM, DS, VV), pp. 11–22.
SIGMOD-2000-LiefkeS #named #performance #xml
XMILL: An Efficient Compressor for XML Data (HL, DS), pp. 153–164.
PODS-1999-MiloS #query #semistructured data #type inference
Type Inference for Queries on Semistructured Data (TM, DS), pp. 215–226.
SIGMOD-1999-DeutschFS #semistructured data
Storing Semistructured Data with STORED (AD, MFF, DS), pp. 431–442.
SIGMOD-1999-FlorescuLMS #data access #optimisation #query
Query Optimization in the Presence of Limited Access Patterns (DF, AYL, IM, DS), pp. 311–322.
SIGMOD-1999-Suciu #web
Managing Web Data (DS), p. 510.
VLDB-1999-FlorescuLSY #data-driven #optimisation #runtime
Optimization of Run-time Management of Data Intensive Web-sites (DF, AYL, DS, KY), pp. 627–638.
CIKM-1998-JacobsonKSS #set
Focusing Search in Hierarchical Structures with Directory Sets (GJ, BK, DS, DS), pp. 1–9.
PODS-1998-FlorescuLS #query #regular expression
Query Containment for Conjunctive Queries with Regular Expressions (DF, AYL, DS), pp. 139–148.
SIGMOD-1998-FernandezFKLS #case study #experience
Catching the Boat with Strudel: Experiences with a Web-Site Management System (MFF, DF, JK, AYL, DS), pp. 414–425.
VLDB-1998-FlorescuLS #database #problem #question
Is Web-site Management a Database Problem? (DF, AYL, DS), p. 696.
PODS-1997-LevyS #query
Deciding Containment for Queries with Complex Objects (AYL, DS), pp. 20–31.
SIGMOD-1997-FernandezFKLS #named
STRUDEL: A Web-site Management System (MFF, DF, JK, AYL, DS), pp. 549–552.
PODS-1996-PapadimitriouSV #database #query
Topological Queries in Spatial Databases (CHP, DS, VV), pp. 81–92.
SIGMOD-1996-BunemanDHS #optimisation #query #semistructured data
A Query Language and Optimization Techniques for Unstructured Data (PB, SBD, GGH, DS), pp. 505–516.
VLDB-1996-Suciu #composition #maintenance #query #semistructured data
Query Decomposition and View Maintenance for Query Languages for Unstructured Data (DS), pp. 227–238.
VLDB-1996-Suciu96a #analysis #implementation #parallel #query
Implementation and Analysis of a Parallel Collection Query Language (DS), pp. 366–377.
PODS-1994-SuciuP #algebra #algorithm #exponential #set #transitive
Any Algorithm in the Complex Object Algebra with Powerset Needs Exponential Space to Compute Transitive Closure (DS, JP), pp. 201–209.
PODS-1994-SuciuT #query
A Query Language for NC (DS, VT), pp. 167–178.
PLDI-2017-ChuWCS #named #proving #query #semantics #sql
HoTTSQL: proving query rewrites with univalent SQL semantics (SC, KW, AC, DS), pp. 510–524.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.