Travelled to:
1 × Turkey
11 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Devadas D.Lo A.Ferraiuolo D.Y.Deng Y.Wang M.Ismail R.C.Huang D.Zhang A.C.Myers A.H.Chan P.Jain L.Rudolph T.Chen E.Halberg J.W.Lee D.Zhang B.Gassend D.E.Clarke M.v.Dijk Rui Xu
Talks about:
time (6) memori (4) monitor (3) hardwar (3) inform (3) secur (3) flow (3) cach (3) run (3) overhead (2)
Person: G. Edward Suh
DBLP: Suh:G=_Edward
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- ASPLOS-2015-ZhangWSM #data flow #design #hardware #information management #security
- A Hardware Design Language for Timing-Sensitive Information-Flow Security (DZ, YW, GES, ACM), pp. 503–516.
- DAC-2015-IsmailLS #performance #worst-case
- Improving worst-case cache performance through selective bypassing and register-indexed cache (MI, DL, GES), p. 6.
- HPCA-2015-LoCIS #monitoring #runtime #using
- Run-time monitoring with adjustable overhead using dataflow-guided filtering (DL, TC, MI, GES), pp. 662–674.
- HPCA-2014-HuangHFS #concurrent #data transformation #detection #metadata #runtime
- Low-overhead and high coverage run-time race detection through selective meta-data management (RCH, EH, AF, GES), pp. 96–107.
- HPCA-2014-WangFS #memory management
- Timing channel protection for a shared memory controller (YW, AF, GES), pp. 225–236.
- DAC-2012-LoS #analysis #execution #monitoring #parallel #runtime #worst-case
- Worst-case execution time analysis for parallel run-time monitoring (DL, GES), pp. 421–429.
- ASPLOS-2010-HuangDS #multi #named #performance
- Orthrus: efficient software integrity protection on multi-cores (RCH, DYD, GES), pp. 371–384.
- DAC-2009-DengCS #authentication #hardware #performance #simulation
- Hardware authentication leveraging performance limits in detailed simulations and emulations (DYD, AHC, GES), pp. 682–687.
- DAC-2007-SuhD #authentication #generative #physics
- Physical Unclonable Functions for Device Authentication and Secret Key Generation (GES, SD), pp. 9–14.
- ASPLOS-2004-SuhLZD #data flow #execution #information management
- Secure program execution via dynamic information flow tracking (GES, JWL, DZ, SD), pp. 85–96.
- DAC-2003-JainSD #embedded
- Embedded intelligent SRAM (PJ, GES, SD), pp. 869–874.
- HPCA-2003-GassendSCDD #memory management #performance #verification
- Caches and Hash Trees for Efficient Memory Integrity Verification (BG, GES, DEC, MvD, SD), pp. 295–306.
- HPCA-2002-SuhDR #clustering #memory management #monitoring #scheduling
- A New Memory Monitoring Scheme for Memory-Aware Scheduling and Partitioning (GES, SD, LR), pp. 117–128.
- ASPLOS-2017-FerraiuoloXZMS #analysis #architecture #data flow #hardware #security #verification
- Verification of a Practical Hardware Security Architecture Through Static Information Flow Analysis (AF, RX, DZ, ACM, GES), pp. 555–568.