Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × Estonia
1 × Hungary
1 × India
1 × Ireland
1 × Korea
1 × New Zealand
1 × Poland
1 × Portugal
13 × USA
2 × Austria
2 × Canada
2 × Finland
2 × Switzerland
3 × Germany
3 × Spain
4 × Italy
6 × France
9 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
F.Chen A.Stefanescu T.Serbanuta ∅ P.O.Meredith J.Meseguer J.A.Goguen M.Hills C.Ellison D.Jin K.Havelund Q.Luo K.Sen G.Agha K.Lin B.M.Moore J.Whittle D.Marinov J.Huang T.Serbanuta D.Lucanu D.P.0001 C.Hathhorn C.Lee R.P.Venkatesan A.Arusoaie O.Legunsen D.Bogdanas S.Bensalem M.d'Amorim M.Viswanathan M.Saxena S.Ciobaca S.Eker D.Park A.Popescu P.Salverda C.B.Zilles M.R.Lowry T.Pressburger L.Peña R.Mereuta D.Griffith A.Farzan A.Vardhan L.Leustean P.Lincoln D.Guth A.Mori A.Sato W.U.Hassan X.Xu Y.Zhang P.Daian Shijiao Yuwen Y.Li S.Dasgupta T.Kasampalis V.S.Adve V.Rusu V.Jagannath M.Gligoric G.Denker C.L.Talcott M.v.d.Brand D.Lazar
Talks about:
program (14) semant (13) rewrit (13) monitor (12) logic (12) analysi (10) formal (10) parametr (9) effici (9) java (9)
♂ Person: Grigore Rosu
DBLP: Rosu:Grigore
Facilitated 7 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 72 papers:
- ICSE-v1-2015-HuangLR #analysis #concurrent #named #predict
- GPredict: Generic Predictive Concurrency Analysis (JH, QL, GR), pp. 847–857.
- ICSE-v2-2015-LegunsenMR #programming
- Evolution-Aware Monitoring-Oriented Programming (OL, DM, GR), pp. 615–618.
- PLDI-2015-HathhornER #c
- Defining the undefinedness of C (CH, CE, GR), pp. 336–345.
- PLDI-2015-ParkSR #javascript #named #semantics
- KJS: a complete formal semantics of JavaScript (DP, AS, GR), pp. 346–356.
- POPL-2015-BogdanasR #java #named #semantics
- K-Java: A Complete Semantics of Java (DB, GR), pp. 445–456.
- RTA-2015-Rosu #logic
- Matching Logic — Extended Abstract (GR), pp. 5–21.
- PLDI-2014-HuangMR #abstraction #concurrent #control flow #detection #predict
- Maximal sound predictive race detection with control flow abstraction (JH, POM, GR), p. 36.
- RTA-TLCA-2014-StefanescuCMMSR #logic #reachability
- All-Path Reachability Logic (AS, SC, RM, BMM, TFS, GR), pp. 425–440.
- WRLA-2014-ArusoaieLRSSR
- Language Definitions as Rewrite Theories (AA, DL, VR, TFS, AS, GR), pp. 97–112.
- ASE-2013-MeredithR #parametricity #performance #runtime #string #verification
- Efficient parametric runtime verification with deterministic string rewriting (POM, GR), pp. 70–80.
- ISSTA-2013-LuoR #named #parallel #runtime #source code #thread
- EnforceMOP: a runtime property enforcement system for multithreaded programs (QL, GR), pp. 156–166.
- LICS-2013-RosuSCM #logic #reachability
- One-Path Reachability Logic (GR, AS, SC, BMM), pp. 358–367.
- FM-2012-LazarASEMLR #semantics
- Executing Formal Semantics with the K Tool (DL, AA, TFS, CE, RM, DL, GR), pp. 267–271.
- FM-2012-RosuS #hoare #logic #reachability
- From Hoare Logic to Matching Logic Reachability (GR, AS), pp. 387–402.
- ICALP-v2-2012-RosuS #axiom #formal method #semantics #towards
- Towards a Unified Theory of Operational and Axiomatic Semantics (GR, AS), pp. 351–363.
- ICGT-2012-SerbanutaR #concurrent #framework #graph transformation #semantics #𝕂
- A Truly Concurrent Semantics for the 𝕂 Framework Based on Graph Transformations (TFS, GR), pp. 294–310.
- ICSE-2012-JinMLR #framework #monitoring #named #parametricity #performance #runtime
- JavaMOP: Efficient parametric runtime monitoring framework (DJ, POM, CL, GR), pp. 1427–1430.
- OOPSLA-2012-RosuS #logic #reachability #using
- Checking reachability using matching logic (GR, AS), pp. 555–574.
- POPL-2012-EllisonR #c #execution #semantics
- An executable formal semantics of C with applications (CE, GR), pp. 533–544.
- WRLA-2012-ArusoaieSER #interactive #maude
- Making Maude Definitions More Interactive (AA, TFS, CE, GR), pp. 83–98.
- WRLA-2012-LucanuSR #framework #𝕂
- 𝕂 Framework Distilled (DL, TFS, GR), pp. 31–53.
- ESEC-FSE-2011-JagannathGJLRM #parallel #testing #thread
- Improved multithreaded unit testing (VJ, MG, DJ, QL, GR, DM), pp. 223–233.
- ICSE-2011-LeeCR #mining #parametricity #specification
- Mining parametric specifications (CL, FC, GR), pp. 591–600.
- ICSE-2011-RosuS #approach #logic #verification
- Matching logic: a new program verification approach (GR, AS), pp. 868–871.
- PLDI-2011-JinMGR #garbage collection #monitoring #parametricity
- Garbage collection for monitoring parametric properties (DJ, POM, DG, GR), pp. 415–424.
- RTA-2010-HillsR #approach #composition #logic #program analysis #semantics
- A Rewriting Logic Semantics Approach to Modular Program Analysis (MH, GR), pp. 151–160.
- WRLA-2010-SerbanutaR #named #programming language #semantics
- K-Maude: A Rewriting Based Tool for Semantics of Programming Languages (TFS, GR), pp. 104–122.
- ASE-2009-ChenMJR #independence #monitoring #parametricity #performance
- Efficient Formalism-Independent Monitoring of Parametric Properties (FC, POM, DJ, GR), pp. 383–394.
- TACAS-2009-ChenR #monitoring #parametricity #slicing
- Parametric Trace Slicing and Monitoring (FC, GR), pp. 246–261.
- ASE-2008-MeredithJCR #monitoring #parametricity #performance
- Efficient Monitoring of Parametric Context-Free Patterns (POM, DJ, FC, GR), pp. 148–157.
- ICSE-2008-ChenSR #analysis #java #named #predict #runtime
- jPredictor: a predictive runtime analysis tool for java (FC, TFS, GR), pp. 221–230.
- CAV-2007-ChenR #parametricity #slicing
- Parametric and Sliced Causality (FC, GR), pp. 240–253.
- FoSSaCS-2007-Rosu #algorithm #effectiveness #problem #regular expression
- An Effective Algorithm for the Membership Problem for Extended Regular Expressions (GR), pp. 332–345.
- OOPSLA-2007-ChenR #framework #named #performance #runtime #verification
- Mop: an efficient and generic runtime verification framework (FC, GR), pp. 569–588.
- RTA-2007-HillsR #analysis #logic #named #prototype
- KOOL: An Application of Rewriting Logic to Language Prototyping and Analysis (MH, GR), pp. 246–256.
- CAV-2006-RosuB #linear #logic #ltl #monitoring #synthesis
- Allen Linear (Interval) Temporal Logic — Translation to LTL and Monitor Synthesis (GR, SB), pp. 263–277.
- FoSSaCS-2006-PopescuSR #approach #semantics
- A Semantic Approach to Interpolation (AP, TS, GR), pp. 307–321.
- ICFP-2006-Rosu #problem #similarity
- Equality of streams is a Pi0 over 2-complete problem (GR), pp. 184–191.
- RTA-2006-SerbanutaR
- Computationally Equivalent Elimination of Conditions (TFS, GR), pp. 19–34.
- SAS-2006-ChenR #dependence #parametricity
- Parametric and Termination-Sensitive Control Dependence (FC, GR), pp. 387–404.
- WRLA-2006-DenkerTRBES07 #logic
- Rewriting Logic Systems (GD, CLT, GR, MvdB, SE, TFS), pp. 233–247.
- WRLA-2006-HillsSR07 #framework #generative #performance
- A Rewrite Framework for Language Definitions and for Generation of Efficient Interpreters (MH, TS, GR), pp. 215–231.
- CAV-2005-dAmorimR #monitoring #performance
- Efficient Monitoring of ω-Languages (Md, GR), pp. 364–378.
- FM-2005-SalverdaRZ #parallel #verification
- Formally Defining and Verifying Master/Slave Speculative Parallelization (PS, GR, CBZ), pp. 123–138.
- TACAS-2005-ChenR #java #monitoring #named #programming
- Java-MOP: A Monitoring Oriented Programming Environment for Java (FC, GR), pp. 546–550.
- CAV-2004-FarzanCMR #analysis #formal method #java #source code
- Formal Analysis of Java Programs in JavaFAN (AF, FC, JM, GR), pp. 501–505.
- ICALP-2004-Rosu
- Extensional Theories and Rewriting (GR), pp. 1066–1079.
- ICSE-2004-SenVAR #distributed #monitoring #performance #safety
- Efficient Decentralized Monitoring of Safety in Distributed Systems (KS, AV, GA, GR), pp. 418–427.
- IJCAR-2004-MeseguerR #analysis #formal method #logic #semantics #specification #tool support
- Rewriting Logic Semantics: From Language Specifications to Formal Analysis Tools (JM, GR), pp. 1–44.
- TACAS-2004-SenRA #analysis #online #parallel #performance #predict #safety #source code #thread
- Online Efficient Predictive Safety Analysis of Multithreaded Programs (KS, GR, GA), pp. 123–138.
- ASE-2003-RosuC #metric #safety
- Certifying Measurement Unit Safety Polic (GR, FC), pp. 304–309.
- CAV-2003-RosuVWL #estimation #source code
- Certifying Optimality of State Estimation Programs (GR, RPV, JW, LL), pp. 301–314.
- ESEC-FSE-2003-SenRA #analysis #parallel #runtime #safety #source code #thread
- Runtime safety analysis of multithreaded programs (KS, GR, GA), pp. 337–346.
- FME-2003-RosuELM #equation #proving
- Certifying and Synthesizing Membership Equational Proofs (GR, SE, PL, JM), pp. 359–380.
- RTA-2003-ChenRV #analysis #rule-based #safety
- Rule-Based Analysis of Dimensional Safety (FC, GR, RPV), pp. 197–207.
- RTA-2003-RouV #incremental #regular expression #testing
- Testing Extended Regular Language Membership Incrementally by Rewriting (GR, MV), pp. 499–514.
- ASE-2002-RosuW #towards
- Towards Certifying Domain-Specific Properties of Synthesized Code (GR, JW), pp. 289–294.
- ICALP-2002-MeseguerR #algebra #approach #specification
- A Total Approach to Partial Algebraic Specification (JM, GR), pp. 572–584.
- TACAS-2002-HavelundR #monitoring #safety
- Synthesizing Monitors for Safety Properties (KH, GR), pp. 342–356.
- ASE-2001-HavelundR #monitoring #source code #using
- Monitoring Programs Using Rewriting (KH, GR), pp. 135–143.
- ASE-2001-LowryPR #policy
- Certifying Domain-Specific Policies (MRL, TP, GR), pp. 81–90.
- CSL-2001-Rosu #category theory #deduction #equation
- Complete Categorical Equational Deduction (GR), pp. 528–538.
- ASE-2000-GoguenLR #induction
- Circular Coinductive Rewriting (JAG, KL, GR), pp. 123–132.
- WRLA-2000-GoguenLR #behaviour #induction
- Behavioral and Coinductive Rewriting (JAG, KL, GR), pp. 2–23.
- FM-v2-1999-GoguenR #algebra
- Hiding More of Hidden Algebra (JAG, GR), pp. 1704–1719.
- ASE-1997-GoguenLMRS #distributed #formal method #tool support
- Distributed Cooperative Formal Methods Tools (JAG, KL, AM, GR, AS), pp. 55–62.
- ASE-2016-LegunsenHXRM #api #case study #effectiveness #how #java #specification
- How good are the specs? a study of the bug-finding effectiveness of existing Java API specifications (OL, WUH, XX, GR, DM), pp. 602–613.
- ESEC-FSE-2018-0001ZSDR #bytecode #verification #virtual machine
- A formal verification tool for Ethereum VM bytecode (DP0, YZ, MS, PD, GR), pp. 912–915.
- ESOP-2018-MoorePR #induction #verification
- Program Verification by Coinduction (BMM, LP, GR), pp. 589–618.
- CAV-2016-GuthHSR #named #program analysis #semantics
- RV-Match: Practical Semantics-Based Program Analysis (DG, CH, MS, GR), pp. 447–453.
- OOPSLA-2016-StefanescuPYLR #semantics #verification
- Semantics-based program verifiers for all languages (AS, DP0, SY, YL, GR), pp. 74–91.
- PLDI-2019-Dasgupta0KAR #architecture #semantics #set
- A complete formal semantics of x86-64 user-level instruction set architecture (SD, DP0, TK, VSA, GR), pp. 1133–1148.