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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
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13 × USA
2 × Australia
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2 × China
2 × Switzerland
4 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
L.Zhang J.Wang J.P.Callan S.K.Tyler J.G.Schneider J.Yang T.Li S.P.Iyer W.Xu Q.Xing C.Xu H.Lu Y.Chen P.L.Jones R.P.Jetley S.Zhu Y.Chi C.H.Q.Ding S.R.Wolfe J.Koren B.Liu P.Zigoris P.Tsigas K.Lu P.Masci P.Curzon H.W.Thimbleby Y.Zhang M.Zhang Y.Liu S.Ma H.H.Lin J.Davis K.Munagala K.Taneja T.Xie X.Xing M.Han D.Wang Z.Xu R.Akella T.P.Minka C.H.Cheng A.W.Fu P.Jiang Y.Zhu Q.Yuan Q.Zhao D.Friedman F.Tan S.Wang A.Michelony J.Liu J.Chen Y.Huang J.Liu J.Yang X.He V.Sindhwani Y.Gong A.C.Surendran J.C.Platt M.Narasimhan B.Shao T.Li D.Yao D.Hu J.Guo E.Blais K.Czarnecki P.Peng Jiaxin Zhao Heming Zhang K.Xu Y.Gao R.C.Wilson A.Sun A.Datta K.Chang E.Lim D.P.0001 M.Saxena P.Daian G.Rosu P.Oladimeji G.Lai D.Ganesan M.Lindvall R.Cleaveland C.Zhang J.Yang J.Fan X.Zhang J.Zhao P.Ou
Talks about:
recommend (11) base (8) document (6) model (6) feedback (5) analysi (5) person (5) filter (5) multi (5) learn (5)

Person: Yi Zhang


Facilitated 1 volumes:

CIKM 2008Ed

Contributed to:

CAV 20152015
KDD 20152015
RecSys 20152015
SIGIR 20152015
CIKM 20142014
FASE 20142014
ICPR 20142014
SIGIR 20142014
SIGIR 20132013
CIKM 20122012
ICML 20122012
ICSE 20122012
SIGIR 20122012
VLDB 20122012
CIKM 20112011
SIGIR 20112011
VLDB 20112011
WICSA 20112011
ASE 20102010
CIKM 20102010
ECIR 20102010
ICML 20102010
ICPR 20102010
SIGIR 20102010
RecSys 20092009
SIGIR 20092009
CIKM 20082008
ICPR 20082008
KDD 20082008
SIGIR 20082008
ECIR 20072007
ICPC 20072007
SIGIR 20072007
CIKM 20062006
ICPC 20062006
ICPR v2 20042004
ICML 20032003
PDP 20032003
SIGIR 20022002
SIGIR 20012001
KDD 19991999
ASE 20152015
JCDL 20102010
ESEC/FSE 20182018
CASE 20192019

Wrote 55 papers:

CAV-2015-MasciOZJCT #human-computer
PVSio-web 2.0: Joining PVS to HCI (PM, PO, YZ, PLJ, PC, HWT), pp. 470–478.
KDD-2015-JiangZZY #e-commerce #predict #recommendation
Life-stage Prediction for Product Recommendation in E-commerce (PJ, YZ, YZ, QY), pp. 1879–1888.
RecSys-2015-ZhaoZFT #e-commerce #personalisation #recommendation
E-commerce Recommendation with Personalized Promotion (QZ, YZ, DF, FT), pp. 219–226.
SIGIR-2015-LuZZW #personalisation #recommendation
Exploiting User and Business Attributes for Personalized Business Recommendation (KL, YZ, LZ, SW), pp. 891–894.
CIKM-2014-ZhangZZLM #comprehension #constraints #matrix
Understanding the Sparsity: Augmented Matrix Factorization with Sampled Constraints on Unobservables (YZ, MZ, YZ, YL, SM), pp. 1189–1198.
FASE-2014-MasciZJCT #user interface #using #verification
Formal Verification of Medical Device User Interfaces Using PVS (PM, YZ, PLJ, PC, HWT), pp. 200–214.
ICPR-2014-LuZXGW #approximate #morphism #quantum
Approximate Maximum Common Sub-graph Isomorphism Based on Discrete-Time Quantum Walk (KL, YZ, KX, YG, RCW), pp. 1413–1418.
SIGIR-2014-ZhangL0ZLM #analysis #modelling #recommendation #sentiment
Explicit factor models for explainable recommendation based on phrase-level sentiment analysis (YZ, GL, MZ, YZ, YL, SM), pp. 83–92.
SIGIR-2013-Wang0 #e-commerce #recommendation
Opportunity model for e-commerce recommendation: right product; right time (JW, YZ), pp. 303–312.
CIKM-2012-ChenZMZ #social
4Is of social bully filtering: identity, inference, influence, and intervention (YC, LZ, AM, YZ), pp. 2677–2679.
CIKM-2012-Tyler0 #multi
Multi-session re-search: in pursuit of repetition and diversification (SKT, YZ), pp. 2055–2059.
Maximum Margin Output Coding (YZ, JGS), p. 53.
ICSE-2012-ZhangYZFZZO #api #automation #parametricity #recommendation
Automatic parameter recommendation for practical API usage (CZ, JY, YZ, JF, XZ, JZ, PO), pp. 826–836.
SIGIR-2012-ZhangZC #documentation #effectiveness #interactive
Summarizing highly structured documents for effective search interaction (LZ, YZ, YC), pp. 145–154.
VLDB-2012-ZhangY #array #optimisation
Optimizing I/O for Big Array Analytics (YZ, JY), pp. 764–775.
CIKM-2011-LiuCZH #learning #random
Learning conditional random fields with latent sparse features for acronym expansion finding (JL, JC, YZ, YH), pp. 867–872.
CIKM-2011-XingZZ #bias #feedback #on the #problem
On bias problem in relevance feedback (QX, YZ, LZ), pp. 1965–1968.
SIGIR-2011-LinZD #approximate #documentation #optimisation
Best document selection based on approximate utility optimization (HHL, YZ, JD), pp. 1215–1216.
SIGIR-2011-WangZ #e-commerce #recommendation
Utilizing marginal net utility for recommendation in e-commerce (JW, YZ), pp. 1003–1012.
SIGIR-2011-ZhangZX #documentation #feedback
Filtering semi-structured documents based on faceted feedback (LZ, YZ, QX), pp. 645–654.
VLDB-2011-ZhangM0 #matrix #revisited #theory and practice
Storing Matrices on Disk: Theory and Practice Revisited (YZ, KM, JY), pp. 1075–1086.
WICSA-2011-GanesanLCJJZ #analysis #architecture #re-engineering
Architecture Reconstruction and Analysis of Medical Device Software (DG, ML, RC, RPJ, PLJ, YZ), pp. 194–203.
ASE-2010-TanejaZX #automation #database #generative #named #testing
MODA: automated test generation for database applications via mock objects (KT, YZ, TX), pp. 289–292.
CIKM-2010-TylerWZ #information retrieval #personalisation
Utilizing re-finding for personalized information retrieval (SKT, JW, YZ), pp. 1469–1472.
CIKM-2010-ZhangZ #modelling #personalisation #recommendation
Discriminative factored prior models for personalized content-based recommendation (LZ, YZ), pp. 1569–1572.
ECIR-2010-XingZH #image #predict #query #retrieval
Query Difficulty Prediction for Contextual Image Retrieval (XX, YZ, MH), pp. 581–585.
ICML-2010-ZhangS #reduction
Projection Penalties: Dimension Reduction without Loss (YZ, JGS), pp. 1223–1230.
ICPR-2010-LiuYZH #multi #recognition
Action Recognition by Multiple Features and Hyper-Sphere Multi-class SVM (JL, JY, YZ, XH), pp. 3744–3747.
ICPR-2010-ZhangXL #detection #video
Extracting Key Sub-trajectory Features for Supervised Tactic Detection in Sports Video (YZ, CX, HL), pp. 125–128.
SIGIR-2010-ZhangWL #interactive #multi #named #summary #using #visualisation
VisualSum: an interactive multi-document summarization system using visualization (YZ, DW, TL), pp. 857–858.
SIGIR-2010-ZhangZ #feedback #interactive #retrieval
Interactive retrieval based on faceted feedback (LZ, YZ), pp. 363–370.
RecSys-2009-TylerZCZ #categorisation #recommendation
Ordering innovators and laggards for product categorization and recommendation (SKT, SZ, YC, YZ), pp. 29–36.
SIGIR-2009-LiSDZ #classification #sentiment
Knowledge transformation for cross-domain sentiment classification (TL, VS, CHQD, YZ), pp. 716–717.
SIGIR-2009-WolfeZ #information retrieval #multi
User-centric multi-criteria information retrieval (SRW, YZ), pp. 818–819.
CIKM-2008-ChiZGZ #personalisation #probability #recommendation
Probabilistic polyadic factorization and its application to personalized recommendation (YC, SZ, YG, YZ), pp. 941–950.
ICPR-2008-ZhangLX #video
Collaborate ball and player trajectory extraction in broadcast soccer video (YZ, HL, CX), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-ZhangSPN #documentation #learning #multi #topic #web
Learning from multi-topic web documents for contextual advertisement (YZ, ACS, JCP, MN), pp. 1051–1059.
SIGIR-2008-LiDZS #documentation #word
Knowledge transformation from word space to document space (TL, CHQD, YZ, BS), pp. 187–194.
ECIR-2007-XuAZ #feedback #learning
Incorporating Diversity and Density in Active Learning for Relevance Feedback (ZX, RA, YZ), pp. 246–257.
ICPC-2007-ZhangI #analysis #fault
Error Report Driven Post-Mortem Analysis (YZ, SPI), pp. 208–220.
SIGIR-2007-ZhangK #modelling #performance #recommendation
Efficient bayesian hierarchical user modeling for recommendation system (YZ, JK), pp. 47–54.
SIGIR-2007-ZhangL #classification #semantics
Semantic text classification of disease reporting (YZ, BL), pp. 747–748.
SIGIR-2007-ZhangX #estimation #modelling #performance
Fast exact maximum likelihood estimation for mixture of language models (YZ, WX), pp. 865–866.
CIKM-2006-ZigorisZ #adaptation #feedback #profiling
Bayesian adaptive user profiling with explicit & implicit feedback (PZ, YZ), pp. 397–404.
ICPC-2006-JetleyZI #analysis #slicing #using
Using Abstraction-driven Slicing for Postmortem Analysis of Software (RPJ, YZ, SPI), pp. 107–116.
ICPR-v2-2004-LiZYH #image #performance #robust #segmentation #sequence
FFT Snake: A Robust and Efficient Method for the Segmentation of Arbitrarily Shaped Objects in Image Sequences (TL, YZ, DY, DH), pp. 116–119.
ICML-2003-ZhangXC #adaptation #learning
Exploration and Exploitation in Adaptive Filtering Based on Bayesian Active Learning (YZ, WX, JPC), pp. 896–903.
PDP-2003-TsigasZ #enterprise #evaluation #implementation #parallel #performance
A Simple, Fast Parallel Implementation of Quicksort and its Performance Evaluation on SUN Enterprise 10000 (PT, YZ), p. 372–?.
SIGIR-2002-ZhangCM #adaptation #detection
Novelty and redundancy detection in adaptive filtering (YZ, JPC, TPM), pp. 81–88.
SIGIR-2001-ZhangC #estimation
Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Filtering Thresholds (YZ, JPC), pp. 294–302.
KDD-1999-ChengFZ #clustering #mining
Entropy-based Subspace Clustering for Mining Numerical Data (CHC, AWCF, YZ), pp. 84–93.
ASE-2015-ZhangGBC #configuration management #fourier #learning #performance #predict
Performance Prediction of Configurable Software Systems by Fourier Learning (T) (YZ, JG, EB, KC), pp. 365–373.
JCDL-2010-ZhangSDCL #wiki
Do Wikipedians follow domain experts?: a domain-specific study on Wikipedia knowledge building (YZ, AS, AD, KC, EPL), pp. 119–128.
ESEC-FSE-2018-0001ZSDR #bytecode #verification #virtual machine
A formal verification tool for Ethereum VM bytecode (DP0, YZ, MS, PD, GR), pp. 912–915.
CASE-2019-PengZZZ #analysis #component #detection #fault #kernel #markov #multi #process
Hidden Markov Model Combined with Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Nonlinear Multimode Process Fault Detection (PP, JZ, YZ, HZ), pp. 1586–1591.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.