Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Brazil
1 × Cyprus
1 × Denmark
1 × Greece
1 × Hungary
1 × India
1 × Israel
1 × Spain
19 × USA
2 × Finland
2 × The Netherlands
3 × France
3 × Germany
3 × Italy
3 × Japan
4 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
C.R.Ramakrishnan R.C.Sekar R.Ramesh A.Roychoudhury R.M.Verma D.S.Warren H.Davulcu M.Kifer H.Guo P.Rao G.Yang S.Dawson K.N.Kumar S.Pawagi Y.Dong T.Swift G.Pemmasani S.A.Smolka T.Chen S.Mukherjee M.A.Islam L.Bachmair ∅ P.J.Varman Y.Borodin X.Du K.F.Sagonas P.Mishra Y.S.Ramakrishna F.Ahmed W.Tan A.Seth E.Johnson A.Tiwari J.Freire K.Thirunarayan J.Mahmud A.Stent S.Basu M.Mukund O.Kaser P.Choudhari A.Joglekar A.More S.Patil V.N.Venkatakrishnan S.Skiena O.Sokolsky E.W.Stark B.Cui
Talks about:
program (21) logic (20) tabl (13) base (10) effici (7) use (7) parallel (6) system (6) web (6) transform (5)
Person: I. V. Ramakrishnan
DBLP: Ramakrishnan:I=_V=
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 55 papers:
- ICLP-J-2012-IslamRR #logic programming #probability #random #source code
- Inference in probabilistic logic programs with continuous random variables (MAI, CRR, IVR), pp. 505–523.
- CIKM-2011-IslamABR #experience #visual notation #web
- Tightly coupling visual and linguistic features for enriching audio-based web browsing experience (MAI, FA, YB, IVR), pp. 2085–2088.
- ICDAR-2007-GuoMBSR #approach #clustering #geometry #web
- A General Approach for Partitioning Web Page Content Based on Geometric and Style Information (HFG, JM, YB, AS, IVR), pp. 929–933.
- ICLP-2006-RamakrishnanRW #deduction #logic programming #spreadsheet #using
- Deductive Spreadsheets Using Tabled Logic Programming (CRR, IVR, DSW), pp. 391–405.
- FLOPS-2004-PemmasaniGDRR #logic programming #online #source code
- Online Justification for Tabled Logic Programs (GP, HFG, YD, CRR, IVR), pp. 24–38.
- CIKM-2003-YangRK #complexity #on the #web
- On the complexity of schema inference from web pages in the presence of nullable data attributes (GY, IVR, MK), pp. 224–231.
- ICDAR-2003-MukherjeeYTR #automation #documentation #html #semantics
- Automatic Discovery of Semantic Structures in HTML Documents (SM, GY, WT, IVR), pp. 245–249.
- ICLP-2003-PemmasaniGDRR #logic programming #online #source code
- Online Justification for Tabled Logic Programs (GP, HFG, YD, CRR, IVR), pp. 500–501.
- ICLP-2002-PemmasaniRR #constraints #logic programming #model checking #performance #realtime #using
- Efficient Real-Time Model Checking Using Tabled Logic Programming and Constraints (GP, CRR, IVR), pp. 100–114.
- LOPSTR-2002-GuoRR #program transformation
- Justification Based on Program Transformation (HFG, CRR, IVR), pp. 158–159.
- SIGIR-2002-ChoudhariDJMMPR #mining #named #ontology #web
- YellowPager: a tool for ontology-based mining of service directories from web sources (PC, HD, AJ, AM, SM, SP, IVR), p. 458.
- SIGIR-2002-DavulcuMSR #named
- CuTeX: a system for extracting data from text tables (HD, SM, AS, IVR), p. 457.
- CAV-2001-RoychoudhuryR #automation #induction #protocol #verification
- Automated Inductive Verification of Parameterized Protocols (AR, IVR), pp. 25–37.
- ICLP-2001-BasuMRRV #bisimulation #constraints #logic programming #using
- Local and Symbolic Bisimulation Using Tabled Constraint Logic Programming (SB, MM, CRR, IVR, RMV), pp. 166–180.
- ICLP-2001-GuoRR
- Speculative Beats Conservative Justification (HFG, CRR, IVR), pp. 150–165.
- CAV-2000-RamakrishnanRSDDRV #named #tool support #verification
- XMC: A Logic-Programming-Based Verification Toolset (CRR, IVR, SAS, YD, XD, AR, VNV), pp. 576–580.
- CL-2000-DavulcuYKR #design #experience #implementation #physics
- Design and Implementation of the Physical Layer in WebBases: The XRover Experience (HD, GY, MK, IVR), pp. 1094–1105.
- PADL-2000-Ramakrishnan #logic programming #roadmap
- Current Trends in Logic Programming: Prospects and Promises (IVR), p. 324.
- PODS-2000-DavulcuYKR #aspect-oriented
- Computational Aspects of Resilient Data Extraction from Semistructured Sources (HD, GY, MK, IVR), pp. 136–144.
- PPDP-2000-RoychoudhuryRR #proving #using
- Justifying proofs using memo tables (AR, CRR, IVR), pp. 178–189.
- TACAS-2000-RoychoudhuryKRRS #logic programming #program transformation #using #verification
- Verification of Parameterized Systems Using Logic Program Transformations (AR, KNK, CRR, IVR, SAS), pp. 172–187.
- FLOPS-1999-JohnsonRRR #evaluation #logic programming #performance #source code
- A Space Efficient Engine for Subsumption-Based Tabled Evaluation of Logic Programs (EJ, CRR, IVR, PR), pp. 284–300.
- ICLP-1999-RoychoudhuryKR #logic programming #source code
- Generalized Unfold/fold Transformation Systems for Normal Logic Programs (AR, KNK, IVR), p. 616.
- PPDP-1999-RoychoudhuryKRR #framework #logic programming #source code
- A Parameterized Unfold/Fold Transformation Framework for Definite Logic Programs (AR, KNK, CRR, IVR), pp. 396–413.
- RTA-1999-BachmairRRT #normalisation #term rewriting
- Normalization via Rewrite Closures (LB, CRR, IVR, AT), pp. 190–204.
- SIGMOD-1999-DavulcuFKR #architecture #query #web
- A Layered Architecture for Querying Dynamic Web Content (HD, JF, MK, IVR), pp. 491–502.
- TACAS-1999-DongDRRRSSSW #case study #comparative #concurrent #tool support #verification
- Fighting Livelock in the i-Protocol: A Comparative Study of Verification Tools (YD, XD, YSR, CRR, IVR, SAS, OS, EWS, DSW), pp. 74–88.
- ALP-PLILP-1998-CuiDDKRRRSW #logic programming #model checking
- Logic Programming and Model Checking (BC, YD, XD, KNK, CRR, IVR, AR, SAS, DSW), pp. 1–20.
- JICSLP-1998-RaoRR #on the #scheduling
- On the Optimality of Scheduling Strategies in Subsumption-based Tabled Resolution (PR, CRR, IVR), pp. 310–324.
- PODS-1998-DavulcuKRR #analysis #logic #modelling #workflow
- Logic Based Modeling and Analysis of Workflows (HD, MK, CRR, IVR), pp. 25–33.
- CAV-1997-RamakrishnanRRSSW #model checking #performance #using
- Efficient Model Checking Using Tabled Resolution (YSR, CRR, IVR, SAS, TS, DSW), pp. 143–154.
- JICSLP-1996-RaoRR #concurrent #thread
- A Thread in Time Saves Tabling Time (PR, CRR, IVR), pp. 112–126.
- ICLP-1995-RamakrishnanRSSW #logic programming #performance #source code
- Efficient Tabling Mechanisms for Logic Programs (IVR, PR, KFS, TS, DSW), pp. 697–711.
- ILPS-1995-DawsonRRS #optimisation #unification
- Optimizing Clause Resolution: Beyond Unification Factoring (SD, CRR, IVR, TS), pp. 194–208.
- PEPM-1995-RamakrishnanRS #analysis #constraints #framework #logic programming #source code #theorem proving
- A Symbolic Constraint Solving Framework for Analysis of Logic Programs (CRR, IVR, RCS), pp. 12–23.
- PLILP-1995-DawsonRR #design #implementation #logic programming #performance #source code
- Design and Implementation of Jump Tables for Fast Indexing of Logic Programs (SD, CRR, IVR), pp. 133–150.
- POPL-1995-DawsonRRSSSW #execution #logic programming #performance #source code #unification
- Unification Factoring for Efficient Execution of Logic Programs (SD, CRR, IVR, KFS, SS, TS, DSW), pp. 247–258.
- ICLP-1993-DawsonRRS #logic programming #source code
- Extracting Determinacy in Logic Programs (SD, CRR, IVR, RCS), pp. 424–438.
- CADE-1992-SekarR #equation #evaluation #framework #lazy evaluation #parallel #programming
- Programming with Equations: A Framework for Lazy Parallel Evaluation (RCS, IVR), pp. 618–632.
- ICALP-1992-SekarRR #adaptation #pattern matching
- Adaptive Pattern Matching (RCS, RR, IVR), pp. 247–260.
- JICSLP-1992-ChenRR #algorithm #execution #multi #prolog
- Multistage Indexing Algorithms for Speeding Prolog Execution (TC, IVR, RR), pp. 639–653.
- LFP-1992-KaserPRRS #experience #implementation #lazy evaluation #parallel #performance
- Fast Parallel Implementation of Lazy Languages — The EQUALS Experience (OK, SP, CRR, IVR, RCS), pp. 335–344.
- POPL-1991-SekarMR #abstract interpretation #analysis #on the #strict
- On the Power and Limitation of Strictness Analysis Based on Abstract Interpretation (RCS, PM, IVR), pp. 37–48.
- RTA-1991-RameshR #incremental #normalisation #performance #term rewriting
- Incremental Techniques for Efficient Normalization of Nonlinear Rewrite Systems (RR, IVR), pp. 335–347.
- ICALP-1990-VermaR #algorithm #normalisation #term rewriting
- Nonoblivious Normalization Algorithms for Nonlinear Rewrite Systems (RMV, IVR), pp. 370–385.
- LICS-1990-SekarR #equation #logic #programming
- Programming in Equational Logic: Beyond Strong Sequentiality (RCS, IVR), pp. 230–241.
- POPL-1990-RameshRW #prolog
- Automata-Driven Indexing of Prolog Clauses (RR, IVR, DSW), pp. 281–291.
- POPL-1990-SekarPR #analysis #performance #strict
- Small Domains Spell Fast Strictness Analysis (RCS, SP, IVR), pp. 169–183.
- RTA-1989-SekarPR #execution #parallel #performance #term rewriting
- Transforming Strongly Sequential Rewrite Systems with Constructors for Efficient parallel Execution (RCS, SP, IVR), pp. 404–418.
- CADE-1988-VermaR #bound #parallel
- Optimal Time Bounds for Parallel Term Matching (RMV, IVR), pp. 694–703.
- ICALP-1988-RameshR #pattern matching
- Nonlinear Pattern Matching in Trees (RR, IVR), pp. 473–488.
- ICALP-1987-RameshVKR #parallel
- Term Matching on Parallel Computers (RR, RMV, KT, IVR), pp. 336–346.
- RTA-1987-RameshR #parallel #pattern matching
- Optimal Speedups for Parallel Pattern Matching in Trees (RR, IVR), pp. 274–285.
- ICALP-1985-VarmanR #array #matrix #multi #on the #using
- On Matrix Multiplication Using Array Processors (PJV, IVR), pp. 487–496.
- TAPSOFT-1993-BachmairCR #commutative
- Associative-Commutative Discrimination Nets (LB, TC, IVR), pp. 61–74.