Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Germany
17 × USA
2 × France
3 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
∅ C.Kesselman S.Tuecke M.Wilde A.Iamnitchi S.Taylor J.Gawor K.Czajkowski G.v.Laszewski M.Ripeanu S.Fitzgerald K.Ranganathan W.H.Winsborough A.J.Kusalik K.L.Clark J.M.Wozniak D.S.Katz M.E.Papka R.Kettimuthu R.Butler W.Smith A.S.Balkir A.Rzhetsky G.Turcu S.Nestorov B.Sotomayor K.Keahey D.Nurmi J.Nieplocha H.Dachsel R.L.Stevens N.T.Karonis T.G.Armstrong E.L.Lusk W.E.Allcock J.Bresnahan I.Raicu A.Simonet K.Chard G.Fedak W.Liu B.Tieman L.Qi H.Jin G.Malewicz A.L.Rosenberg C.J.Peña C.Liu L.Yang D.Angulo V.Sander W.A.Adamson A.J.Roy A.Jindal R.A.Overbeek S.Gregory G.A.Ringwood K.Satoh L.Pearlman J.Annis J.Bester Q.Pham S.Thaler T.Malik B.Glavic Z.Zhang L.A.V.C.Meyer M.Mattoso M.Bowman J.S.Chase M.Milenkovic J.Frey T.Tannenbaum M.Livny P.Stelling C.A.Lee G.Koenig J.Geisler B.Nickless S.Meder B.Tierney G.T.Almes J.N.Cummings J.P.Birnholtz T.Hey B.Spencer H.Stockinger A.Samar K.Holtman Y.Zhao P.Little C.Moretti A.Chaudhary D.Thain G.Khanna Ü.V.Çatalyürek T.M.Kurç P.Sadayappan J.H.Saltz S.J.Krieder B.Grimmer J.A.Insley J.M.Link M.Russell G.Allen G.Daues E.Seidel J.Novotny J.Shalf B.R.Toonen D.Ashton W.Gropp E.Gabriel S.Brunett A.E.Johnson J.Leigh S.Gullapalli B.F.S.Jr. J.Futrelle K.Ricker P.Hubbard C.Severance V.Welch F.Siebenlist K.R.Jackson M.Humphrey G.S.Wasson J.Boverhof M.Rodriguez S.Lang S.Pickles M.McKeown J.Lee A.Sim D.Gunter B.Allcock P.Bremer A.Cherry L.Childers E.Dart K.Harms J.Hick M.Link J.Long K.Miller V.Natarajan V.Pascucci K.Raffenetti D.Ressman D.N.Williams L.Wilson L.Winkler J.Gieraltowski S.Gose N.Maltsev E.N.May A.Rodriguez D.Sulakhe A.Vaniachine J.Shank S.Youssef D.Adams R.Baker W.Deng J.Smith D.Yu I.Legrand S.Singh C.Steenberg Y.Xia M.A.Afaq E.Berman L.A.T.Bauerdick M.Ernst I.Fisk L.Giacchetti G.E.Graham A.Heavey J.Kaiser N.Kuropatkin R.Pordes V.Sekhri J.Weigand Y.Wu K.Baker L.Sorrillo J.Huth M.Allen L.Grundhoefer J.Hicks F.Luehring S.Peck R.Quick S.C.Simms G.Fekete J.vandenBerg K.Cho K.Kwon D.Son H.Park S.Canon D.E.Konerding D.Olson I.Sakrejda M.Green R.Miller J.Letts T.Martin D.Bury C.Dumitrescu D.Engh R.Gardner M.Mambelli Y.Smirnov J.Vöckler X.Zhao P.Avery R.Cavanaugh B.Kim C.Prescott J.L.Rodriguez A.Zahn S.McKee C.T.Jordan J.E.Prewett T.L.Thomas H.Severini B.Clifford E.Deelman L.Flon G.Mehta N.Olomu K.Vahi K.De P.McGuigan M.Sosebee D.Bradley P.Couvares A.DeSmet C.Kireyev E.Paulson A.Roy S.Koranda B.Moe B.Brown P.Sheldon
Talks about:
grid (16) distribut (12) comput (11) data (11) applic (8) servic (7) parallel (6) resourc (6) perform (6) program (5)
Person: Ian T. Foster
DBLP: Foster:Ian_T=
Contributed to:
Wrote 54 papers:
- PDP-2015-SimonetCFF #using
- Using Active Data to Provide Smart Data Surveillance to E-Science Users (AS, KC, GF, ITF), pp. 269–273.
- VLDB-2015-PhamTMFG #database
- Sharing and Reproducing Database Applications (QP, ST, TM, ITF, BG), pp. 1988–1999.
- HPDC-2014-KriederWAWKGFR #design #evaluation #framework
- Design and evaluation of the gemtc framework for GPU-enabled many-task computing (SJK, JMW, TGA, MW, DSK, BG, ITF, IR), pp. 153–164.
- HPDC-2013-ZhangKWWF #parallel #scalability
- MTC envelope: defining the capability of large scale computers in the context of parallel scripting applications (ZZ, DSK, MW, JMW, ITF), pp. 37–48.
- PPoPP-2013-WozniakAWKLF #data flow #named #programming #scalability
- Swift/T: scalable data flow programming for many-task applications (JMW, TGA, MW, DSK, ELL, ITF), pp. 309–310.
- HPDC-2011-BalkirFR #architecture #distributed #mining #pipes and filters #using
- A distributed look-up architecture for text mining applications using mapreduce (ASB, ITF, AR), pp. 279–280.
- HPDC-2010-KettimuthuSGABBCCDFHHLLLMNPRRWWW #grid #lessons learnt #network #set
- Lessons learned from moving earth system grid data sets over a 20 Gbps wide-area network (RK, AS, DG, BA, PTB, JB, AC, LC, ED, ITF, KH, JH, JL, ML, JL, KM, VN, VP, KR, DR, DNW, LW, LW), pp. 316–319.
- HPDC-2010-LiuTKF #data transfer #framework #scalability
- A data transfer framework for large-scale science experiments (WL, BT, RK, ITF), pp. 717–724.
- HPDC-2010-TurcuFN #performance
- Reshaping text data for efficient processing on Amazon EC2 (GT, ITF, SN), pp. 435–444.
- HPDC-2009-RaicuFZLMCT #data-driven #distributed #scalability
- The quest for scalable support of data-intensive workloads in distributed systems (IR, ITF, YZ, PL, CM, AC, DT), pp. 207–216.
- HPDC-2008-KhannaCKSSKF #data transfer #multi #network #optimisation #using
- Multi-hop path splitting and multi-pathing optimizations for data transfers over shared wide-area networks using gridFTP (GK, ÜVÇ, TMK, PS, JHS, RK, ITF), pp. 225–226.
- HPDC-2008-SotomayorKF #execution #using #virtual machine
- Combining batch execution and leasing using virtual machines (BS, KK, ITF), pp. 87–96.
- PDP-2007-QiJFG #deployment #framework #named #tool support
- HAND: Highly Available Dynamic Deployment Infrastructure for Globus Toolkit 4 (LQ, HJ, ITF, JG), pp. 155–162.
- HPDC-2006-MalewiczFRW #evaluation
- A Tool for Prioritizing DAGMan Jobs and Its Evaluation (GM, ITF, ALR, MW), pp. 156–168.
- SAC-2006-MeyerAWMF #grid #performance #workflow
- Planning spatial workflows to optimize grid performance (LAVCM, JA, MW, MM, ITF), pp. 786–790.
- HPDC-2005-HumphreyWJBRGBLFMPM #comparison #framework #implementation #web #web service
- State and events for Web services: a comparison of five WS-resource framework and WS-notification implementations (MH, GSW, KRJ, JB, MR, JG, JB, SL, ITF, SM, SP, MM), pp. 3–13.
- HPDC-2005-IamnitchiF #community
- Interest-aware information dissemination in small-world communities (AI, ITF), pp. 167–175.
- CSCW-2004-AlmesCBFHS #challenge
- CSCW and cyberinfrastructure: opportunities and challenges (GTA, JNC, JPB, ITF, TH, BS), pp. 270–273.
- HPDC-2004-FosterGG #grid
- The Grid2003 Production Grid: Principles and Practice (ITF, JG, SG, NM, ENM, AR, DS, AV, JS, SY, DA, RB, WD, JS, DY, IL, SS, CS, YX, MAA, EB, JA, LATB, ME, IF, LG, GEG, AH, JK, NK, RP, VS, JW, YW, KB, LS, JH, MA, LG, JH, FL, SP, RQ, SCS, GF, Jv, KC, KK, DS, HP, SC, KRJ, DEK, JL, DO, IS, BT, MG, RM, JL, TM, DB, CD, DE, RG, MM, YS, JSV, MW, YZ, XZ, PA, RC, BK, CP, JLR, AZ, SM, CTJ, JEP, TLT, HS, BC, ED, LF, CK, GM, NO, KV, KD, PM, MS, DB, PC, AD, CK, EP, AR, SK, BM, BB, PS), pp. 236–245.
- HPDC-2004-PearlmanKGSFRFHS #case study #distributed #experience #grid #hybrid
- Distributed Hybrid Earthquake Engineering Experiments: Experiences with a Ground-Shaking Grid Application (LP, CK, SG, BFSJ, JF, KR, ITF, PH, CS), pp. 14–23.
- HPDC-2004-RipeanuBCFM #resource management
- Globus and PlanetLab Resource Management Solutions Compared (MR, MB, JSC, ITF, MM), pp. 246–255.
- ICSE-2004-Foster #community #distributed #grid #scalability
- Grid Small and Large: Distributed Systems and Global Communities (ITF), p. 27.
- HPDC-2003-WelchSFBCGKMPT #grid #security
- Security for Grid Services (VW, FS, ITF, JB, KC, JG, CK, SM, LP, ST), pp. 48–57.
- HPDC-2002-AllcockBBFGILP #behaviour #distributed #named #scalability #visualisation
- GridMapper: A Tool for Visualizing the Behavior of Large-Scale Distributed Systems (WEA, JB, JB, ITF, JG, JAI, JML, MEP), pp. 179–187.
- HPDC-2002-IamnitchiFN #approach #grid #peer-to-peer
- A Peer-to-Peer Approach to Resource Location in Grid Environments (AI, ITF, DN), p. 419.
- HPDC-2002-LaszewskiGPF #execution #grid #named #query
- InfoGram: A Grid Service that Supports Both Information Queries and Job Execution (GvL, JG, CJP, ITF), pp. 333–342.
- HPDC-2002-LiuYFA #design #evaluation #framework #grid
- Design and Evaluation of a Resource Selection Framework for Grid Applications (CL, LY, ITF, DA), pp. 63–72.
- HPDC-2002-RanganathanF #data-driven #distributed #scheduling
- Decoupling Computation and Data Scheduling in Distributed Data-Intensive Applications (KR, ITF), pp. 352–358.
- HPDC-2002-RipeanuF #adaptation #distributed
- A Decentralized, Adaptive Replica Location Mechanism (MR, ITF), p. 24–?.
- PDP-2002-Foster #grid #web #web service
- Grid Computing and Web Services: A Natural Partnership (ITF), p. 3–?.
- HPDC-2001-CzajkowskiKFF #distributed #grid #information management #resource management
- Grid Information Services for Distributed Resource Sharing (KC, CK, SF, ITF), pp. 181–194.
- HPDC-2001-FreyTLFT #multi #named
- Condor-G: A Computation Management Agent for Multi-Institutional Grids (JF, TT, ML, ITF, ST), p. 55–?.
- HPDC-2001-RussellADFSNSL #community #development #simulation
- The Astrophysics Simulation Collaboratory Portal: A Science Portal Enabling Community Software Development (MR, GA, GD, ITF, ES, JN, JS, GvL), pp. 207–215.
- HPDC-2001-SanderAFR #network #policy
- End-to-End Provision of Policy Information for Network QoS (VS, WAA, ITF, AJR), pp. 115–126.
- HPDC-2001-StockingerSHAFT #replication
- File and Object Replication in Data Grids (HS, AS, KH, WEA, ITF, BT), pp. 76–86.
- HPDC-2001-ToonenALFGGBK #parallel #process
- Interfacing Parallel Jobs to Process Managers (BRT, DA, ELL, ITF, WG, EG, RB, NTK), pp. 431–432.
- PPoPP-2001-Foster #challenge #parallel
- Parallel computing in 2010: opportunities and challenges in a networked world (ITF), p. 1.
- HPDC-1999-CzajkowskiFK #resource management
- Resource Co-Allocation in Computational Grids (KC, ITF, CK), pp. 219–228.
- HPDC-1998-BrunettCFFJKLT #case study #experience #tool support
- Application Experiences with the Globus Toolkit (SB, KC, SF, ITF, AEJ, CK, JL, ST), pp. 81–88.
- HPDC-1998-NieplochaFD
- Distant I/O: One-Sided Access to Secondary Storage on Remote Processors (JN, ITF, HD), pp. 148–154.
- HPDC-1998-StellingFKLL #detection #distributed #fault
- A Fault Detection Service for Wide Area Distributed Computations (PS, ITF, CK, CAL, GvL), pp. 268–278.
- HPDC-1997-FitzgeraldFKLST #configuration management #distributed
- A Directory Service for Configuring High-Performance Distributed Computations (SF, ITF, CK, GvL, WS, ST), pp. 365–376.
- HPDC-1997-FosterKKKT #distributed #framework
- A Secure Communications Infrastructure for High-Performance Distributed Computing (ITF, NTK, CK, GK, ST), pp. 125–136.
- HPDC-1996-FosterGNST #distributed #empirical #framework #performance
- Software Infrastructure for the I-WAY Performance Distributed Computing Experiment (ITF, JG, BN, WS, ST), pp. 562–571.
- HPDC-1996-FosterPS #collaboration #distributed #research #tool support
- Tools for Distributed Collaborative Environments: A Research Agenda (ITF, MEP, RLS), pp. 23–28.
- HPDC-1996-FosterT
- Enabling Technologies for Web-Based Ubiquitious Supercomputing (ITF, ST), pp. 112–119.
- ISLP-1991-FosterKT #composition #parallel #programming #source code #using
- Using Compositional Programming to Write Portable, High-Performance Parallel Programs (ITF, CK, ST), pp. 737–738.
- ISLP-1991-FosterW #analysis #reuse
- Copy Avoidance through Compile-Time Analysis and Local Reuse (ITF, WHW), pp. 455–469.
- CADE-1990-ButlerFJO #parallel #proving #theorem proving
- A High-Performance Parallel Theorem Prover (RB, ITF, AJ, RAO), pp. 649–650.
- NACLP-1989-FosterT #named #parallel #programming
- Strand: A Practical Parallel Programming Tool (ITF, ST), pp. 497–512.
- ICLP-1987-Foster87 #design #logic #operating system
- Logic Operating System: Design Issues (ITF), pp. 910–926.
- ICLP-1986-FosterGRS86 #implementation
- A Sequential Implementation of Parlog (ITF, SG, GAR, KS), pp. 149–156.
- SLP-1986-FosterK86 #logic
- A Logical Treatment of Secondary Storage (ITF, AJK), pp. 58–67.
- AF-1987-ClarkF #concurrent #declarative #logic programming
- A Declarative Environment for Concurrent Logic Programming (KLC, ITF), pp. 212–242.