Travelled to:
1 × USA
2 × Canada
Collaborated with:
F.Müller F.Vetere M.R.Gibbs D.Edge S.Agamanolis J.Heer B.Bongers S.Benford A.Crabtree S.Reeves A.J.Dix M.Flintham A.Drozd
Talks about:
experi (2) design (2) exert (2) framework (1) opportun (1) public (1) balanc (1) stage (1) sport (1) digit (1)
Person: Jennifer G. Sheridan
DBLP: Sheridan:Jennifer_G=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CHI-2012-MuellerVGEASH #case study #experience
- Balancing exertion experiences (FM, FV, MRG, DE, SA, JGS, JH), pp. 1853–1862.
- CHI-2011-MuellerEVGABS #design #framework #game studies
- Designing sports: a framework for exertion games (FM, DE, FV, MRG, SA, BB, JGS), pp. 2651–2660.
- CHI-2006-BenfordCRSDFD #case study #design #experience #risk management #staging
- Designing for the opportunities and risks of staging digital experiences in public settings (SB, AC, SR, JGS, AJD, MF, AD), pp. 427–436.