Travelled to:
1 × Germany
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ K.Choi K.Usami J.M.Rabaey D.Sylvester D.Blaauw K.Bernstein M.Horowitz W.Nebel T.Sakurai A.Yang
Talks about:
power (3) design (2) low (2) methodolog (1) analysi (1) reshap (1) physic (1) leakag (1) ultra (1) tool (1)
Person: Jerry Frenkil
DBLP: Frenkil:Jerry
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DATE-2008-FrenkilCU #analysis #design #physics #power management
- Power Gating for Ultra-low Leakage: Physics, Design, and Analysis (JF, KC, KU).
- DAC-2003-RabaeySBBFHNSY
- Reshaping EDA for power (JMR, DS, DB, KB, JF, MH, WN, TS, AY), p. 15.
- DAC-1997-Frenkil #design #power management #tool support
- Tools and Methodologies for Low Power Design (JF), pp. 76–81.