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Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Canada
1 × Finland
1 × India
1 × Japan
1 × Norway
1 × Portugal
11 × USA
2 × Austria
2 × Ireland
4 × Germany
Collaborated with:
H.Bagheri D.Coppit Y.Cai H.Rajan J.C.Knight Y.Song B.W.Boehm R.P.Gabriel J.Magee A.Saxena D.Jackson M.A.Copenhafer W.G.Griswold C.Tang S.H.Son J.Xu J.Socha M.Marchukov G.C.Murphy D.Notkin S.Huynh B.Hallen X.Du S.Geist J.Cockrell S.Zhang M.H.Erdogmus W.Harrison D.J.Reifer M.Aoyama S.Weerawarana H.Maruyama C.A.Szyperski D.Lea M.Shonle N.Tewari
Talks about:
architectur (9) model (8) design (7) softwar (6) tool (6) analysi (5) aspect (5) orient (4) engin (4) modular (3)

♂ Person: Kevin J. Sullivan

DBLP DBLP: Sullivan:Kevin_J=

Facilitated 2 volumes:

MoDELS 2011PrCo
FSE 2010Ed

Contributed to:

ICSE 20142014
ICSE 20132013
GPCE 20122012
SEKE 20122012
SEKE 20112011
ASE 20102010
MoDELS (2) 20102010
OOPSLA 20102010
ICSE 20082008
ASE 20062006
ASE 20052005
ESEC/FSE 20052005
ICSE 20052005
ASE 20042004
ESEC/FSE 20032003
ICSE 20032003
ICSE 20022002
ESEC/FSE 20012001
ICSE 20012001
FSE 20002000
ICSE — Future of SE Track 20002000
ICSE 20002000
ASE 19991999
ICSE 19991999
ICSE 19971997
ICSE 19961996
WPC 19961996
FSE 19951995

Wrote 32 papers:

ICSE-2014-BagheriTS #automation #dynamic analysis #named
TradeMaker: automated dynamic analysis of synthesized tradespaces (HB, CT, KJS), pp. 106–116.
ICSE-2013-BagheriS #bottom-up #development #modelling
Bottom-up model-driven development (HB, KJS), pp. 1221–1224.
GPCE-2012-BagheriS #architecture #framework #named #platform #synthesis
Pol: specification-driven synthesis of architectural code frameworks for platform-based applications (HB, KJS), pp. 93–102.
SEKE-2012-BagheriSS #named #synthesis #trade-off
Spacemaker: Practical Formal Synthesis of Tradeoff Spaces for Object-Relational Mapping (HB, KJS, SHS), pp. 688–693.
SEKE-2011-BagheriS #approach #architecture #formal method
A Formal Approach for Incorporating Architectural Tactics into the Software Architecture (HB, KJS), pp. 770–775.
ASE-2010-BagheriSS #architecture #independence
Architectural style as an independent variable (HB, YS, KJS), pp. 159–162.
MoDELS-v2-2010-BagheriS #architecture #development #modelling #named
Monarch: Model-Based Development of Software Architectures (HB, KJS), pp. 376–390.
Better science through art (RPG, KJS), pp. 885–900.
ICSE-2008-HuynhCSS #automation #composition #consistency
Automatic modularity conformance checking (SH, YC, YS, KJS), pp. 411–420.
ASE-2006-CaiS #analysis #composition #design #logic #modelling
Modularity Analysis of Logical Design Models (YC, KJS), pp. 91–102.
ASE-2005-CaiS #analysis #design #modelling #named
Simon: modeling and analysis of design space structures (YC, KJS), pp. 329–332.
ESEC-FSE-2005-SullivanGSCSTR #aspect-oriented #design #information management #interface
Information hiding interfaces for aspect-oriented design (KJS, WGG, YS, YC, MS, NT, HR), pp. 166–175.
ICSE-2005-RajanS #design #named #object-oriented
Classpects: unifying aspect- and object-oriented language design (HR, KJS), pp. 59–68.
ICSE-2005-SullivanM #design
Science of design (KJS, JM), p. 46.
ASE-2004-XuRS #aspect-oriented #comprehension
Understanding Aspects via Implicit Invocation (JX, HR, KJS), pp. 332–335.
ESEC-FSE-2003-RajanS #aspect-oriented #design #named
Eos: instance-level aspects for integrated system design (HR, KJS), pp. 291–306.
ICSE-2003-CoppitS #analysis #effectiveness #modelling #tool support
Sound Methods and Effective Tools for Engineering Modeling and Analysis (DC, KJS), pp. 198–209.
ICSE-2002-AoyamaWMSSL #challenge #web #web service
Web services engineering: promises and challenges (MA, SW, HM, CAS, KJS, DL), pp. 647–648.
ICSE-2002-ErdogmusBHRS #re-engineering
Software engineering economics: background, current practices, and future directions (MHE, BWB, WH, DJR, KJS), pp. 683–684.
ESEC-FSE-2001-SullivanGCH #composition #design
The structure and value of modularity in software design (KJS, WGG, YC, BH), pp. 99–108.
ICSE-2001-SullivanS #architecture
A Web-Oriented Architectural Aspect for the Emerging Computational Tapestry (KJS, AS), pp. 485–492.
FSE-2000-JacksonS #architecture #framework #modelling
COM revisited: tool-assisted modelling of an architectural framework (DJ, KJS), pp. 149–158.
FoSE-2000-BoehmS #roadmap
Software economics: a roadmap (BWB, KJS), pp. 319–343.
ICSE-2000-CoppitS #component #multi
Multiple mass-market applications as components (DC, KJS), pp. 273–282.
ICSE-2000-CoppitS00a #named
Galileo: a tool built from mass-market applications (DC, KJS), pp. 750–753.
ASE-1999-CopenhaferS #component #interactive
Exploration Harnesses: Tool-Supported Interactive Discovery of Commercial Component Properties (MAC, KJS), pp. 7–14.
ICSE-1999-SullivanKDG #information management
Information Survivability Control Systems (KJS, JCK, XD, SG), pp. 184–192.
ICSE-1997-SullivanCZC #programming #tool support
Package-Oriented Programming of Engineering Tools (KJS, JC, SZ, DC), pp. 616–617.
ICSE-1997-SullivanSM #architecture #formal method #standard #using
Using Formal Methods to Reason about Architectural Standards (KJS, JS, MM), pp. 503–513.
ICSE-1996-SullivanK #approach #architecture #experience #reuse #scalability
Experience Assessing an Architectural Approach to Large-Scale Systematic Reuse (KJS, JCK), pp. 220–229.
WPC-1996-Sullivan #agile #development #program analysis #tool support
Rapid Development of Simple, Custom Program Analysis Tools (KJS), pp. 40–44.
FSE-1995-MurphyNS #modelling
Software Reflexion Models: Bridging the Gap Between Source and High-Level Models (GCM, DN, KJS), pp. 18–28.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.