Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × Germany
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
Q.Xu F.Yuan R.Ye L.Jiang Fuqiang Lu Hualing Bi Wang Bo
Talks about:
schedul (4) reliabl (4) alloc (4) test (4) task (4) lifetim (3) mechan (2) access (2) under (2) multi (2)
Person: Lin Huang
DBLP: Huang:Lin
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- DAC-2011-HuangYX #multi #scheduling
- Customer-aware task allocation and scheduling for multi-mode MPSoCs (LH, RY, QX), pp. 387–392.
- DAC-2010-HuangX #performance #process #scheduling
- Performance yield-driven task allocation and scheduling for MPSoCs under process variation (LH, QX), pp. 326–331.
- DATE-2010-HuangX #framework #named #reliability #simulation
- AgeSim: A simulation framework for evaluating the lifetime reliability of processor-based SoCs (LH, QX), pp. 51–56.
- DATE-2010-HuangX10a #constraints #energy #multi #reliability #scheduling
- Energy-efficient task allocation and scheduling for multi-mode MPSoCs under lifetime reliability constraint (LH, QX), pp. 1584–1589.
- DATE-2009-HuangYX #scheduling
- Lifetime reliability-aware task allocation and scheduling for MPSoC platforms (LH, FY, QX), pp. 51–56.
- DATE-2009-JiangHX #3d #architecture #design #optimisation
- Test architecture design and optimization for three-dimensional SoCs (LJ, LH, QX), pp. 220–225.
- DAC-2008-HuangYX #composition #on the #reliability #testing
- On reliable modular testing with vulnerable test access mechanisms (LH, FY, QX), pp. 834–839.
- DATE-2008-YuanHX
- Re-Examining the Use of Network-on-Chip as Test Access Mechanism (FY, LH, QX), pp. 808–811.
- CASE-2017-LuBHB #algorithm #search-based
- Improved genetic algorithm based delivery time control for Fourth Party Logistics (FL, HB, LH, WB), pp. 390–393.