Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Brazil
1 × Denmark
1 × Ireland
1 × Italy
1 × New Zealand
1 × South Korea
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
2 × Japan
2 × United Kingdom
3 × France
3 × Germany
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Oldevik B.Møller-Pedersen C.Cetina F.Fleurey J.Font M.F.Johansen L.Arcega A.Svendsen A.Vasilevskiy X.Zhang A.Wasowski K.Stølen G.K.Olsen I.Reinhartz-Berger K.Figl M.Wendland M.Schneider K.Czarnecki E.Carlson J.Endresen M.Ballarín A.Solberg F.Chauvel D.Shimbara A.G.Eldegard T.Syversen C.L.Saratxaga C.Alonso-Montes C.Ekelin A.Mitschke V.Pelechano T.Berger S.Stanciulescu O.Øgård B.Larsen T.Wien R.Lind-Tviberg T.Moen K.Alme J.Bayer S.Gérard J.X.Mansell P.Tessier J.Thibault T.Widen
Talks about:
product (15) model (15) line (14) variabl (9) softwar (5) featur (5) transform (3) interact (3) languag (3) semant (3)
♂ Person: Øystein Haugen
DBLP: Haugen:=Oslash=ystein
Facilitated 17 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 30 papers:
- GPCE-2015-FontAHC #metamodelling #modelling #product line
- Addressing metamodel revisions in model-based software product lines (JF, LA, ØH, CC), pp. 161–170.
- SPLC-2015-FontAHC #concept #product line
- Building software product lines from conceptualized model patterns (JF, LA, ØH, CC), pp. 46–55.
- SPLC-2015-FontBHC #automation #formal method #product line #variability
- Automating the variability formalization of a model family by means of common variability language (JF, MB, ØH, CC), pp. 411–418.
- SPLC-2015-VasilevskiyHCJS #product line
- The BVR tool bundle to support product line engineering (AV, ØH, FC, MFJ, DS), pp. 380–384.
- MoDELS-2014-Reinhartz-BergerFH #feature model #modelling
- Comprehending Feature Models Expressed in CVL (IRB, KF, ØH), pp. 501–517.
- MoDELS-2014-VasilevskiyH #product line
- Resolution of Interfering Product Fragments in Software Product Line Engineering (AV, ØH), pp. 467–483.
- SPLC-2014-BergerSOHLW #case study #experience #modelling #variability
- To connect or not to connect: experiences from modeling topological variability (TB, SS, OØ, ØH, BL, AW), pp. 330–339.
- MoDELS-2013-WendlandSH #evolution #interactive #metamodelling #uml
- Evolution of the UML Interactions Metamodel (MFW, MS, ØH), pp. 405–421.
- SPLC-2013-HaugenWC #named #variability
- CVL: common variability language (ØH, AW, KC), p. 277.
- ICTSS-2012-JohansenHFCEW #agile #automation #interactive #product line #testing
- A Technique for Agile and Automatic Interaction Testing for Product Lines (MFJ, ØH, FF, EC, JE, TW), pp. 39–54.
- MoDELS-2012-JohansenHFES #array #generative #modelling #product line
- Generating Better Partial Covering Arrays by Modeling Weights on Sub-product Lines (MFJ, ØH, FF, AGE, TS), pp. 269–284.
- PLEASE-2012-SaratxagaAHEM #product line #variability
- Product line tool-chain: variability in critical systems (CLS, CAM, ØH, CE, AM), pp. 57–60.
- SPLC-2012-JohansenHF #algorithm #array #feature model #generative #modelling #scalability
- An algorithm for generating t-wise covering arrays from large feature models (MFJ, ØH, FF), pp. 46–55.
- ECMFA-2011-SvendsenHM #semantics #variability
- Analyzing Variability: Capturing Semantic Ripple Effects (AS, ØH, BMP), pp. 253–269.
- MoDELS-2011-JohansenHF #combinator #feature model #modelling #product line #testing
- Properties of Realistic Feature Models Make Combinatorial Testing of Product Lines Feasible (MFJ, ØH, FF), pp. 638–652.
- SPLC-2011-ZhangHM #comparison #difference #modelling #product line
- Model Comparison to Synthesize a Model-Driven Software Product Line (XZ, ØH, BMP), pp. 90–99.
- SPLC-2010-SvendsenZLFHMO #case study #product line
- Developing a Software Product Line for Train Control: A Case Study of CVL (AS, XZ, RLT, FF, ØH, BMP, GKO), pp. 106–120.
- FASE-2009-OldevikHM #confluence #independence #product line
- Confluence in Domain-Independent Product Line Transformations (JO, ØH, BMP), pp. 34–48.
- SPLC-2009-CetinaHZFP #runtime #variability
- Strategies for variability transformation at run-time (CC, ØH, XZ, FF, VP), pp. 61–70.
- ECMDA-FA-2008-OldevikH #aspect-oriented #diagrams #semantics #sequence chart
- Semantics Preservation of Sequence Diagram Aspects (JO, ØH), pp. 215–230.
- MoDELS-2008-SvendsenOEMCAH #future of
- The Future of Train Signaling (AS, GKO, JE, TM, EC, KJA, ØH), pp. 128–142.
- SPLC-2008-HaugenMOOS #domain-specific language #standard #variability
- Adding Standardized Variability to Domain Specific Languages (ØH, BMP, JO, GKO, AS), pp. 139–148.
- MoDELS-2007-OldevikH #architecture #aspect-oriented #uml
- Architectural Aspects in UML (JO, ØH), pp. 301–315.
- SPLC-2007-OldevikH #higher-order #product line
- Higher-Order Transformations for Product Lines (JO, ØH), pp. 243–254.
- SPL-BOOK-2006-BayerGHMMOTTW #modelling #product line #variability
- Consolidated Product Line Variability Modeling (JB, SG, ØH, JXM, BMP, JO, PT, JPT, TW), pp. 195–241.
- SPL-BOOK-2006-OldevikSHM #evaluation #framework #modelling #product line #tool support
- Evaluation Framework for Model-Driven Product Line Engineering Tools (JO, AS, ØH, BMP), pp. 589–618.
- SPLC-2005-HaugenMO #comparison #modelling #product line #system family
- Comparison of System Family Modeling Approaches (ØH, BMP, JO), pp. 102–112.
- UML-2003-HaugenS #interactive #named #refinement #semantics
- STAIRS — Steps to Analyze Interactions with Refinement Semantics (ØH, KS), pp. 388–402.
- MoDELS-2016-FontAHC #algorithm #feature model #information retrieval #modelling #search-based
- Feature location in models through a genetic algorithm driven by information retrieval techniques (JF, LA, ØH, CC), pp. 272–282.
- ECMFA-2017-ArcegaFHC #feature model #modelling #on the #runtime
- On the Influence of Models at Run-Time Traces in Dynamic Feature Location (LA, JF, ØH, CC), pp. 90–105.