161 papers:
DAC-2015-MilutinovicQAC #estimation #named #performance- PACO: fast average-performance estimation for time-randomized caches (SM, EQ, JA, FJC), p. 6.
DATE-2015-AmirhosseinRBCM #power management- An all-digital spike-based ultra-low-power IR-UWB dynamic average threshold crossing scheme for muscle force wireless transmission (MSA, PMR, AB, MC, MM, DD, GM), pp. 1479–1484.
SIGMOD-2015-CochezM #approximate #clustering #distance #linear- Twister Tries: Approximate Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering for Average Distance in Linear Time (MC, HM), pp. 505–517.
ICALP-v2-2015-Charron-BostFN #algorithm #approximate #network- Approximate Consensus in Highly Dynamic Networks: The Role of Averaging Algorithms (BCB, MF, TN), pp. 528–539.
LATA-2015-BartonIP #approximate #string- Average-Case Optimal Approximate Circular String Matching (CB, CSI, SPP), pp. 85–96.
LATA-2015-PolicritiGP #linear- Average Linear Time and Compressed Space Construction of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (AP, NG, NP), pp. 587–598.
ECIR-2015-HagenPBS #classification #detection #sentiment #twitter #using- Twitter Sentiment Detection via Ensemble Classification Using Averaged Confidence Scores (MH, MP, MB, BS), pp. 741–754.
ICML-2015-MaSJJRT #distributed #optimisation- Adding vs. Averaging in Distributed Primal-Dual Optimization (CM, VS, MJ, MIJ, PR, MT), pp. 1973–1982.
KDD-2015-RiondatoU #mining- Mining Frequent Itemsets through Progressive Sampling with Rademacher Averages (MR, EU), pp. 1005–1014.
KDD-2015-RiondatoU15a #algorithm #learning #statistics- VC-Dimension and Rademacher Averages: From Statistical Learning Theory to Sampling Algorithms (MR, EU), pp. 2321–2322.
SEKE-2015-YungLC #black box #complexity- An Average Case Time Complexity Estimator for Black-box Functions (DY, BL, SKC), pp. 567–570.
LICS-2015-BrazdilKKN #behaviour #probability- Long-Run Average Behaviour of Probabilistic Vector Addition Systems (TB, SK, AK, PN), pp. 44–55.
STOC-2014-DanielyLS #complexity #learning- From average case complexity to improper learning complexity (AD, NL, SSS), pp. 441–448.
STOC-2014-Kane- The average sensitivity of an intersection of half spaces (DMK), pp. 437–440.
DLT-2014-FeliceN #algorithm #automaton #complexity #on the- On the Average Complexity of Brzozowski’s Algorithm for Deterministic Automata with a Small Number of Final States (SDF, CN), pp. 25–36.
ICALP-v1-2014-AllamigeonBG #algorithm #game studies #polynomial- The Tropical Shadow-Vertex Algorithm Solves Mean Payoff Games in Polynomial Time on Average (XA, PB, SG), pp. 89–100.
CSCW-2014-PreistMC #volunteer- Competing or aiming to be average?: normification as a means of engaging digital volunteers (CP, EM, DC), pp. 1222–1233.
ICPR-2014-ChaudhariM #clustering #matrix #semistructured data #symmetry #using- Average Overlap for Clustering Incomplete Data Using Symmetric Non-negative Matrix Factorization (SC, MNM), pp. 1431–1436.
ISMM-2014-LiDL #liveness #modelling #using- Modeling heap data growth using average liveness (PL, CD, HL), pp. 71–82.
STOC-2013-KomargodskiR #bound- Average-case lower bounds for formula size (IK, RR), pp. 171–180.
STOC-2013-SinclairS #complexity #theorem- Lee-Yang theorems and the complexity of computing averages (AS, PS), pp. 625–634.
ICALP-v1-2013-CyganP #algorithm #bound #graph #performance- Faster Exponential-Time Algorithms in Graphs of Bounded Average Degree (MC, MP), pp. 364–375.
ICEIS-v1-2013-BarbosaCRM #estimation #network- Average Speed Estimation for Road Networks based on GPS Raw Trajectories (IB, MAC, CR, JAFdM), pp. 490–497.
ICML-c1-2013-GrinbergP #optimisation- Average Reward Optimization Objective In Partially Observable Domains (YG, DP), pp. 320–328.
ICML-c1-2013-Shamir0 #convergence #optimisation #probability- Stochastic Gradient Descent for Non-smooth Optimization: Convergence Results and Optimal Averaging Schemes (OS, TZ), pp. 71–79.
ICML-c1-2013-Suzuki #multi #online- Dual Averaging and Proximal Gradient Descent for Online Alternating Direction Multiplier Method (TS), pp. 392–400.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-NcirE #clustering #on the #question- On the Extension of k-Means for Overlapping Clustering — Average or Sum of Clusters’ Representatives? (CEBN, NE), pp. 208–213.
DLT-J-2011-BrodaMMR12 #automaton #on the- On the Average Size of Glushkov and Partial derivative Automata (SB, AM, NM, RR), pp. 969–984.
CHI-2012-CorrellAFG- Comparing averages in time series data (MC, DA, SF, MG), pp. 1095–1104.
CIKM-2012-Cummins #on the #precise- On the inference of average precision from score distributions (RC), pp. 2435–2438.
ECIR-2012-Robertson #on the #precise- On Smoothing Average Precision (SR), pp. 158–169.
ICML-2012-LiH #online- On-Line Portfolio Selection with Moving Average Reversion (BL, SCHH), p. 76.
ICPR-2012-YilmazYK #multimodal #network #process- Non-linear weighted averaging for multimodal information fusion by employing Analytical Network Process (TY, AY, MK), pp. 234–237.
DLT-J-2010-BrodaMMR11 #approach #automaton #combinator #complexity #on the- On the Average State Complexity of Partial derivative Automata: an analytic Combinatorics Approach (SB, AM, NM, RR), pp. 1593–1606.
DLT-J-2010-Steinberg11- The Averaging Trick and the černý Conjecture (BS), pp. 1697–1706.
DLT-2011-BrodaMMR #automaton #complexity- The Average Transition Complexity of Glushkov and Partial Derivative Automata (SB, AM, NM, RR), pp. 93–104.
ICML-2011-LeeW #identification #learning #online #probability- Manifold Identification of Dual Averaging Methods for Regularized Stochastic Online Learning (SL, SJW), pp. 1121–1128.
ECOOP-2011-Bergel #execution #smalltalk- Counting Messages as a Proxy for Average Execution Time in Pharo (AB), pp. 533–557.
STOC-2010-DiakonikolasHKMRST #bound #polynomial- Bounding the average sensitivity and noise sensitivity of polynomial threshold functions (ID, PH, AK, RM, PR, RAS, LYT), pp. 533–542.
DLT-J-2008-BassinoGN10 #complexity #finite- The Average State Complexity of Rational Operations on Finite Languages (FB, LG, CN), pp. 495–516.
CIAA-2010-DrosteM #regular expression- Regular Expressions on Average and in the Long Run (MD, IM), pp. 211–221.
DLT-2010-BrodaMMR #automaton #on the- On the Average Number of States of Partial Derivative Automata (SB, AM, NM, RR), pp. 112–123.
DLT-2010-Steinberg- The Averaging Trick and the Cerný Conjecture (BS), pp. 423–431.
ICALP-v1-2010-JacobsCLM #complexity #on the- On the Complexity of Searching in Trees: Average-Case Minimization (TJ, FC, ESL, MM), pp. 527–539.
CHI-2010-SauroL #question #testing #usability #what- Average task times in usability tests: what to report? (JS, JRL), pp. 2347–2350.
ICML-2010-DowneyS #adaptation #difference- Temporal Difference Bayesian Model Averaging: A Bayesian Perspective on Adapting λ (CD, SS), pp. 311–318.
ICPR-2010-MicoO #algorithm #constant #nearest neighbour #performance- A Constant Average Time Algorithm to Allow Insertions in the LAESA Fast Nearest Neighbour Search Index (LM, JO), pp. 3911–3914.
ICPR-2010-Ogawara #approximate- Approximate Belief Propagation by Hierarchical Averaging of Outgoing Messages (KO), pp. 1368–1372.
ICPR-2010-Temerinac-OttKB #evaluation- Evaluation of a New Point Clouds Registration Method Based on Group Averaging Features (MTO, MK, HB), pp. 2452–2455.
ICPR-2010-WangL #encoding- Encoding Actions via Quantized Vocabulary of Averaged Silhouettes (LW, CL), pp. 3657–3660.
SIGIR-2010-DupretP #behaviour #precise- A user behavior model for average precision and its generalization to graded judgments (GD, BP), pp. 531–538.
SIGIR-2010-RobertsonKY #precise- Extending average precision to graded relevance judgments (SER, EK, EY), pp. 603–610.
DATE-2009-VayrynenSL #execution #fault tolerance #multi #optimisation- Fault-tolerant average execution time optimization for general-purpose multi-processor system-on-chips (MV, VS, EL), pp. 484–489.
ICALP-v2-2009-ChaputDPP #approximate #markov #process- Approximating Markov Processes by Averaging (PC, VD, PP, GDP), pp. 127–138.
LATA-2009-Nicaud #automaton #on the- On the Average Size of Glushkov’s Automata (CN), pp. 626–637.
KDIR-2009-DuarteDRF #clustering #consistency #using- Cluster Ensemble Selection — Using Average Cluster Consistency (FJFD, JMMD, FR, ALNF), pp. 85–95.
VMCAI-2009-JurdzinskiLR #automaton #game studies #hybrid- Average-Price-per-Reward Games on Hybrid Automata with Strong Resets (MJ, RL, MR), pp. 167–181.
DLT-2008-BassinoGN #complexity #finite #linear #set #word- The Average State Complexity of the Star of a Finite Set of Words Is Linear (FB, LG, CN), pp. 134–145.
ICPR-2008-HarguessGA #3d #recognition- 3D face recognition with the average-half-face (JH, SG, JKA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-PaclikLND #analysis #estimation #multi #using- Variance estimation for two-class and multi-class ROC analysis using operating point averaging (PP, CL, JN, RPWD), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhaoZG #comparative #evaluation #recognition- A comparative evaluation of Average Face on holistic and local face recognition approaches (SZ, XZ, YG), pp. 1–4.
SIGIR-2008-Robertson #precise- A new interpretation of average precision (SR), pp. 689–690.
ICDAR-2007-Hotta #classification #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Transform-Invariance in Local Averaging Classifier for Handwritten Digit Pattern Recognition (SH), pp. 347–351.
STOC-2007-PeikertR #worst-case- Lattices that admit logarithmic worst-case to average-case connection factors (CP, AR), pp. 478–487.
CIAA-2007-GoldwurmR #modelling #statistics- Average Value and Variance of Pattern Statistics in Rational Models (MG, RR), pp. 62–72.
SIGIR-2007-Efron #semantics- Model-averaged latent semantic indexing (ME), pp. 755–756.
SIGIR-2007-YueFRJ #optimisation #precise- A support vector method for optimizing average precision (YY, TF, FR, TJ), pp. 271–278.
STOC-2006-GargK- Minimizing average flow time on related machines (NG, AK), pp. 730–738.
ICALP-v1-2006-GargK #algorithm- Better Algorithms for Minimizing Average Flow-Time on Related Machines (NG, AK), pp. 181–190.
CIKM-2006-YilmazA #precise- Estimating average precision with incomplete and imperfect judgments (EY, JAA), pp. 102–111.
ECIR-2006-MeaDGM #distance- Experiments on Average Distance Measure (VDM, GD, LDG, SM), pp. 492–495.
ICML-2006-ZhengW #lazy evaluation #performance- Efficient lazy elimination for averaged one-dependence estimators (FZ, GIW), pp. 1113–1120.
ICPR-v2-2006-LuB #image #nearest neighbour #performance #retrieval- Fast Image Retrieval Based on Equal-average Equal-variance K-Nearest Neighbour Search (ZML, HB), p. 853–?.
ICPR-v3-2006-RothausJL #comparison #estimation #parametricity- Comparison of Methods for Hyperspherical Data Averaging and Parameter Estimation (KR, XJ, ML), pp. 395–399.
ICPR-v4-2006-ShibuyaU #image #mobile #self #standard #using- Self-Localization of a Mobile Robot Using Compressed Image Data of Average and Standard Deviation (NS, KU), pp. 614–617.
SIGIR-2006-AslamY #documentation #precise- Inferring document relevance via average precision (JAA, EY), pp. 601–602.
SAT-2006-WatanabeY #analysis #problem #satisfiability- Average-Case Analysis for the MAX-2SAT Problem (OW, MY), pp. 277–282.
DAC-2005-XuNC #constraints #design #embedded #multi #optimisation- Multi-frequency wrapper design and optimization for embedded cores under average power constraints (QX, NN, KC), pp. 123–128.
DATE-2005-PomeranzR #analysis #detection #testing #worst-case- Worst-Case and Average-Case Analysis of n-Detection Test Sets (IP, SMR), pp. 444–449.
STOC-2005-FlaxmanFV #algorithm #approximate #on the #performance #problem- On the average case performance of some greedy approximation algorithms for the uncapacitated facility location problem (AF, AMF, JCV), pp. 441–449.
SIGIR-2005-AslamYP05a #correlation #geometry #precise- A geometric interpretation of r-precision and its correlation with average precision (JAA, EY, VP), pp. 573–574.
STOC-2004-Feige #bound #graph #independence #on the #random- On sums of independent random variables with unbounded variance, and estimating the average degree in a graph (UF), pp. 594–603.
ICPR-v4-2004-HottaKM #category theory #nearest neighbour #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition #using- Pattern Recognition Using Average Patterns of Categorical k-Nearest Neighbors (SH, SK, SM), pp. 412–415.
ICPR-v4-2004-LiuS04a #recognition #representation- Simplest Representation Yet for Gait Recognition: Averaged Silhouette (ZL, SS), pp. 211–214.
CSL-2004-Atserias #complexity #random #satisfiability- Notions of Average-Case Complexity for Random 3-SAT (AA), pp. 1–5.
DRR-2003-Fan #bound #parametricity- Text extraction via an edge-bounded averaging and a parametric character model (JF), pp. 8–19.
ITiCSE-2003-Becker03b #student- Assignments that meet the needs of exceptional students without disadvantaging the average (KB), p. 271.
STOC-2003-Rabinovich #metric #on the- On average distortion of embedding metrics into the line and into L1 (YR), pp. 456–462.
SIGIR-2003-Sakai #evaluation #multi #performance #retrieval- Average gain ratio: a simple retrieval performance measure for evaluation with multiple relevance levels (TS), pp. 417–418.
DAC-2002-VandenbusscheULSG #design- Systematic design of a 200 MS/s 8-bit interpolating/averaging A/D converter (JV, KU, EL, MS, GGEG), pp. 449–454.
STOC-2002-AchlioptasM #graph- Almost all graphs with average degree 4 are 3-colorable (DA, CM), pp. 199–208.
STOC-2002-Bachmat #analysis #scheduling #sequence- Average case analysis for batched disk scheduling and increasing subsequences (EB), pp. 277–286.
STOC-2002-Feige #approximate #complexity- Relations between average case complexity and approximation complexity (UF), pp. 534–543.
STOC-2002-Micciancio #encryption #worst-case- Improved cryptographic hash functions with worst-case/average-case connection (DM), pp. 609–618.
STOC-2002-ScharbrodtSS #analysis #scheduling- A new average case analysis for completion time scheduling (MS, TS, AS), pp. 170–178.
DLT-2002-BassinoCN #standard #word- The Average Lengths of the Factors of the Standard Factorization of Lyndon Words (FB, JC, CN), pp. 307–318.
ICALP-2002-DuchM #data type #multi #on the #orthogonal #performance- On the Average Performance of Orthogonal Range Search in Multidimensional Data Structures (AD, CM), pp. 514–524.
ICML-2002-DashC #classification #naive bayes- Exact model averaging with naive Bayesian classifiers (DD, GFC), pp. 91–98.
ICML-2002-GhavamzadehM #learning- Hierarchically Optimal Average Reward Reinforcement Learning (MG, SM), pp. 195–202.
ICML-2002-SeriT #learning #modelling- Model-based Hierarchical Average-reward Reinforcement Learning (SS, PT), pp. 562–569.
STOC-2001-BecchettiL #parallel #scheduling- Non-clairvoyant scheduling to minimize the average flow time on single and parallel machines (LB, SL), pp. 94–103.
ICALP-2001-FishkinJP #multi #on the- On Minimizing Average Weighted Completion Time of Multiprocessor Tasks with Release Dates (AVF, KJ, LP), pp. 875–886.
ICALP-2001-Woeginger #constraints #on the #precedence #scheduling- On the Approximability of Average Completion Time Scheduling under Precedence Constraints (GJW), pp. 887–897.
ICML-2001-LangfordSM #bound #classification #predict- An Improved Predictive Accuracy Bound for Averaging Classifiers (JL, MWS, NM), pp. 290–297.
ICML-2001-SatoK #learning #markov #problem- Average-Reward Reinforcement Learning for Variance Penalized Markov Decision Problems (MS, SK), pp. 473–480.
ICML-2001-SchefferW #incremental #information management #problem- Incremental Maximization of Non-Instance-Averaging Utility Functions with Applications to Knowledge Discovery Problems (TS, SW), pp. 481–488.
ICALP-2000-AkhaviV #algorithm- Average Bit-Complexity of Euclidean Algorithms (AA, BV), pp. 373–387.
ICML-2000-Domingos #classification #problem- Bayesian Averaging of Classifiers and the Overfitting Problem (PMD), pp. 223–230.
ICML-2000-OkamotoY #algorithm #analysis #nearest neighbour- Generalized Average-Case Analyses of the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (SO, NY), pp. 695–702.
ICPR-v2-2000-AlexandreCK #classification #independence #using- Combining Independent and Unbiased Classifiers Using Weighted Average (LAA, ACC, MSK), pp. 2495–2498.
ICPR-v4-2000-ParkKL #automation #metric #quality- Automatic Quality Measurement of Gray-Scale Handwriting Based on Extended Average Entropy (JSP, HJK, SWL), pp. 4426–4429.
SAC-2000-Shen #distance- The Calculation of Average Distance in Mesh Structures (ZS), pp. 89–93.
STOC-1999-LovaszK #performance- Faster Mixing via Average Conductance (LL, RK), pp. 282–287.
ICALP-1999-JiangLV #complexity- Average-Case Complexity of Shellsort (TJ, ML, PMBV), pp. 453–462.
ICALP-1999-PelegR #complexity #distributed- A Variant of the Arrow Distributed Directory with Low Average Complexity (DP, ER), pp. 615–624.
ICML-1999-LangleyS #analysis #classification #naive bayes- Tractable Average-Case Analysis of Naive Bayesian Classifiers (PL, SS), pp. 220–228.
SAC-1999-Shen #estimation- Average Diameter and Its Estimation in Non-Linear Structures (ZS), pp. 489–490.
SAC-1998-Shen #estimation #network- Average diameter of network structures and its estimation (ZS), pp. 593–597.
LICS-1998-Alfaro #behaviour #how #probability #verification- How to Specify and Verify the Long-Run Average Behavior of Probabilistic Systems (LdA), pp. 454–465.
DAC-1997-BeniniMP #adaptation #design #latency #pipes and filters #throughput- Telescopic Units: Increasing the Average Throughput of Pipelined Designs by Adaptive Latency Control (LB, EM, MP), pp. 22–27.
DAC-1997-YuanTK #estimation #statistics- Statistical Estimation of Average Power Dissipation in Sequential Circuits (LPY, CCT, SMK), pp. 377–382.
ICDAR-1997-HobbyH #clustering #documentation #image- Enhancing Degraded Document Images via Bitmap Clustering and Averaging (JDH, TKH), pp. 394–400.
ICDAR-1997-Wirtz #prototype #verification- Average prototypes for stroke-based signature verification (BW), pp. 268–272.
STOC-1997-AjtaiD #equivalence #worst-case- A Public-Key Cryptosystem with Worst-Case/Average-Case Equivalence (MA, CD), pp. 284–293.
SAC-1997-Shen- The average diameter of binary tree structures (ZS), pp. 40–44.
ICALP-1996-AlbersM #algorithm #analysis- Average Case Analyses of List Update Algorithms, with Applications to Data Compression (SA, MM), pp. 514–525.
ICML-1996-Mahadevan #learning- Sensitive Discount Optimality: Unifying Discounted and Average Reward Reinforcement Learning (SM), pp. 328–336.
ICML-1996-TadepalliO #approximate #domain model #learning #modelling #scalability- Scaling Up Average Reward Reinforcement Learning by Approximating the Domain Models and the Value Function (PT, DO), pp. 471–479.
STOC-1995-AielloBV #statistics- Knowledge on the average-perfect, statistical and logarithmic (WA, MB, RV), pp. 469–478.
STOC-1995-Wang #problem #word- Average-case completeness of a word problem for groups (JW), pp. 325–334.
ICML-1995-OliverH #on the- On Pruning and Averaging Decision Trees (JJO, DJH), pp. 430–437.
STOC-1994-JakobyRS #complexity- Circuit complexity: from the worst case to the average case (AJ, RR, CS), pp. 58–67.
ICALP-1994-JakobyRSW #complexity #parallel #problem- The Average Case Complexity of the Parallel Prefix Problem (AJ, RR, CS, SW), pp. 593–604.
ICALP-1994-Sanchez-CousoF #analysis #pattern matching #probability- Average-Case Analysis of Pattern-Matching in Trees under the BST Probability Model (JRSC, MIFC), pp. 178–190.
STOC-1993-CoffmanJSW #analysis #markov #proving- Markov chains, computer proofs, and average-case analysis of best fit bin packing (EGCJ, DSJ, PWS, RRW), pp. 412–421.
CSL-1993-GoerdtK #backtracking #on the #parallel- On the Reasons for Average Superlinear Speedup in Parallel Backtrack Search (AG, UK), pp. 106–127.
DAC-1992-GhoshDKW #estimation #process- Estimation of Average Switching Activity in Combinational and Sequential Circuits (AG, SD, KK, JW), pp. 253–259.
STOC-1992-VenkatesanR #matrix #problem- Average Case Intractability of Matrix and Diophantine Problems (Extended Abstract) (RV, SR), pp. 632–642.
ICALP-1992-Schmid #algorithm #multi- The Average CRI-Length of a Tree Collision Resolution Algorithm in Presence of Multiplicity-Dependent Capture Effects (US), pp. 223–234.
ML-1992-HirschbergP #analysis #concept #learning- Average Case Analysis of Learning κ-CNF Concepts (DSH, MJP), pp. 206–211.
STOC-1991-CoffmanCGJMSWY #analysis #case study- Fundamental Discrepancies between Average-Case Analyses under Discrete and Continuous Distributions: A Bin Packing Case Study (EGCJ, CC, MRG, DSJ, LAM, PWS, RRW, MY), pp. 230–240.
ICALP-1991-Gurevich #complexity- Average Case Complexity (YG), pp. 615–628.
ML-1990-PazzaniS #algorithm #analysis #learning- Average Case Analysis of Conjunctive Learning Algorithms (MJP, WS), pp. 339–347.
CSL-1990-BlassG #complexity #on the #reduction- On the Reduction Theory for Average Case Complexity (AB, YG), pp. 17–30.
DAC-1989-GuraA- Average Interconnection Length and Interconnection Distribution Based on Rent’s Rule (CVG, JAA), pp. 574–577.
PLDI-1989-Sarkar #execution- Determining Average Program Execution Times and their Variance (VS), pp. 298–312.
STOC-1989-Ben-DavidCGL #complexity #formal method #on the- On the Theory of Average Case Complexity (SBD, BC, OG, ML), pp. 204–216.
STOC-1989-Motwani #algorithm #analysis #graph #problem- Expanding Graphs and the Average-case Analysis of Algorithms for Matchings and Related Problems (RM), pp. 550–561.
CSL-1989-SpeckenmeyerK #clustering #complexity #on the #set- On the Average Time Complexity of Set Partitioning (ES, RK), pp. 369–381.
ICALP-1988-AlbertF #algorithm #analysis #complexity #multi- Average Case Complexity Analysis of the Rete Multi-Pattern Match Algorithm (LA, FF), pp. 18–37.
CSL-1988-Speckenmeyer #question- Is Average Superlinear Speedup Possible? (ES), pp. 301–312.
CSL-1987-Speckenmeyer #backtracking #complexity #on the #problem #satisfiability- On the Average Case Complexity of Backtracking for the Exact-Satisfiability Problem (ES), pp. 281–288.
STOC-1986-LeightonS #algorithm #analysis #bound #grid- Tight Bounds for Minimax Grid Matching, With Applications to the Average Case Analysis of Algorithms (FTL, PWS), pp. 91–103.
ICALP-1985-LubyR #algorithm #behaviour #bidirectional- A Bidirectional Shortest-Path Algorithm With Good Average-Case Behavior (Preliminary Version) (ML, PR), pp. 394–403.
STOC-1984-AdlerM #algorithm #bound #polynomial- A Simplex Algorithm Whose Average Number of Steps is Bounded between Two Quadratic Functions of the Smaller Dimension (IA, NM), pp. 312–323.
STOC-1984-CuntoM- Average Case Selection (WC, JIM), pp. 369–375.
STOC-1984-Levin #problem- Problems, Complete in “Average” Instance (LAL), p. 465.
ICALP-1979-Commentz-Walter #algorithm #performance #string- A String Matching Algorithm Fast on the Average (BCW), pp. 118–132.
ICALP-1979-Kemp #distributed #on the #stack- On the Average Stack Size of Regularly Distributed Binary Trees (RK), pp. 340–355.
STOC-1976-Yao #algorithm #behaviour #on the #set- On the Average Behavior of Set Merging Algorithms (Extended Abstract) (ACCY), pp. 192–195.
ICALP-1976-BloniarzFM #transitive- A Note on the Average Time to Compute Transitive Closures (PAB, MJF, ARM), pp. 425–434.