112 papers:
STOC-2015-SunW #canonical #performance- Faster Canonical Forms for Primitive Coherent Configurations: Extended Abstract (XS, JW), pp. 693–702.
ICALP-v2-2015-LohreyMP- Compressed Tree Canonization (ML, SM, FP), pp. 337–349.
ICML-2015-MaLF #analysis #canonical #correlation #dataset #linear #scalability- Finding Linear Structure in Large Datasets with Scalable Canonical Correlation Analysis (ZM, YL, DPF), pp. 169–178.
LICS-2015-BallePP #approximate #automaton #canonical- A Canonical Form for Weighted Automata and Applications to Approximate Minimization (BB, PP, DP), pp. 701–712.
DATE-2014-VijaykumarV #analysis #canonical #statistics #using- Statistical static timing analysis using a skew-normal canonical delay model (MV, VV), pp. 1–6.
STOC-2014-ElberfeldK #bound #graph- Embedding and canonizing graphs of bounded genus in logspace (ME, KiK), pp. 383–392.
CIAA-2014-AmorimMR #canonical #finite #linear #transducer #using- Counting Equivalent Linear Finite Transducers Using a Canonical Form (IA, AM, RR), pp. 70–83.
ICGT-2014-CorradiniH #canonical- Canonical Derivations with Negative Application Conditions (AC, RH), pp. 207–221.
CIKM-2014-TaoIWS #analysis #canonical #correlation- Exploring Shared Subspace and Joint Sparsity for Canonical Correlation Analysis (LT, HHSI, YW, XS), pp. 1887–1890.
ICML-c2-2014-0001NKA #estimation #probability- GEV-Canonical Regression for Accurate Binary Class Probability Estimation when One Class is Rare (AA, HN, SK, SA), pp. 1989–1997.
ICML-c2-2014-MukutaH #analysis #canonical #correlation #probability- Probabilistic Partial Canonical Correlation Analysis (YM, TH), pp. 1449–1457.
ICPR-2014-HuangZPZ #canonical #correlation #recognition #robust #using- Robust Facial Expression Recognition Using Revised Canonical Correlation (XH, GZ, MP, WZ), pp. 1734–1739.
ICPR-2014-WangGLYWY #analysis #canonical #correlation- Unsupervised Discriminant Canonical Correlation Analysis for Feature Fusion (SW, XG, JL, JYY, RW, JY), pp. 1550–1555.
KR-2014-ShenZ #canonical #logic programming #source code- Canonical Logic Programs are Succinctly Incomparable with Propositional Formulas (YS, XZ).
DATE-2013-AmaruGM #canonical #logic #novel #synthesis- Biconditional BDD: a novel canonical BDD for logic synthesis targeting XOR-rich circuits (LGA, PEG, GDM), pp. 1014–1017.
DATE-2013-MishchenkoEBCCS- A semi-canonical form for sequential AIGs (AM, NE, RKB, MLC, PC, NS), pp. 797–802.
STOC-2013-BabaiW #canonical #design- Quasipolynomial-time canonical form for steiner designs (LB, JW), pp. 261–270.
ICML-c1-2013-AvronBTZ #analysis #canonical #correlation #performance #reduction- Efficient Dimensionality Reduction for Canonical Correlation Analysis (HA, CB, ST, AZ), pp. 347–355.
ICML-c2-2013-ChangKKZ #analysis #canonical #correlation #independence #kernel- Canonical Correlation Analysis based on Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion and Centered Kernel Target Alignment (BC, UK, RK, JZ), pp. 316–324.
ICML-c3-2013-AndrewABL #analysis #canonical #correlation- Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis (GA, RA, JAB, KL), pp. 1247–1255.
CASE-2012-LiuJCLX #analysis #canonical #correlation #fault #identification #linear #research- Research on fault identification for complex system based on generalized linear canonical correlation analysis (DL, DJ, XC, AL, GX), pp. 474–478.
CIKM-2012-WeiFLC #canonical #dependence #using- Model the complex dependence structures of financial variables by using canonical vine (WW, XF, JL, LC), pp. 1382–1391.
ICML-2012-BiessmannPBH #canonical #detection #roadmap #web- Canonical Trends: Detecting Trend Setters in Web Data (FB, JMP, MLB, AH), p. 170.
ICML-2012-YgerBGR #adaptation #analysis #canonical #correlation #matrix- Adaptive Canonical Correlation Analysis Based On Matrix Manifolds (FY, MB, GG, AR), p. 43.
ICPR-2012-GaoM #analysis #canonical #correlation #detection #kernel #multi #using- Multi-modality movie scene detection using Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis (GG, HM), pp. 3074–3077.
ICPR-2012-SuWF #analysis #canonical #correlation #evaluation #generative- Evaluation of canonical correlation analysis: A Correlation Generation Model (YS, SW, YF), pp. 1751–1754.
POPL-2012-LicataH #2d #type system- Canonicity for 2-dimensional type theory (DRL, RH), pp. 337–348.
CSL-2012-ChaudhuriHM #approach #calculus- A Systematic Approach to Canonicity in the Classical Sequent Calculus (KC, SH, DM), pp. 183–197.
VMCAI-2012-HowarSJC #automaton #canonical- Inferring Canonical Register Automata (FH, BS, BJ, SC), pp. 251–266.
TACAS-2011-ConchonCI #modulo theories- Canonized Rewriting and Ground AC Completion Modulo Shostak Theories (SC, EC, MI), pp. 45–59.
IFL-2011-ReichNR #canonical #generative #lazy evaluation #source code- Lazy Generation of Canonical Test Programs (JSR, MN, CR), pp. 69–84.
RecSys-2011-Faridani #analysis #canonical #correlation #recommendation #sentiment #using- Using canonical correlation analysis for generalized sentiment analysis, product recommendation and search (SF), pp. 355–358.
ICLP-2011-JacksonBS #canonical- Canonical Regular Types (EKJ, NB, WS), pp. 73–83.
ICALP-v1-2010-KoblerKLV #canonical #graph #representation- Interval Graphs: Canonical Representation in Logspace (JK, SK, BL, OV), pp. 384–395.
ECIR-2010-UdupaK #analysis #canonical #correlation #equivalence #using- Transliteration Equivalence Using Canonical Correlation Analysis (RU, MMK), pp. 75–86.
ICPR-2010-DikmenH #canonical #classification #correlation- Improving Classification Accuracy by Comparing Local Features through Canonical Correlations (MD, TSH), pp. 4032–4035.
ICPR-2010-GajsekSM #canonical #correlation #multi #recognition #using- Multi-modal Emotion Recognition Using Canonical Correlations and Acoustic Features (RG, VS, FM), pp. 4133–4136.
ICPR-2010-KamarainenI #canonical #detection #learning- Learning and Detection of Object Landmarks in Canonical Object Space (JKK, JI), pp. 1409–1412.
ICPR-2010-KimuraKSNMSI #canonical #correlation #learning #named #performance- SemiCCA: Efficient Semi-supervised Learning of Canonical Correlations (AK, HK, MS, TN, EM, HS, KI), pp. 2933–2936.
ICPR-2010-MankowskiSS #canonical- Canonical Patterns of Oriented Topologies (WCM, AS, DDS), pp. 1104–1107.
ICPR-2010-SakarK #analysis #canonical #correlation #feature model #hybrid- A Hybrid Method for Feature Selection Based on Mutual Information and Canonical Correlation Analysis (COS, OK), pp. 4360–4363.
ICPR-2010-ZhangZ #analysis #canonical #correlation #image #using- Exposing Digital Image Forgeries by Using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CZ, HZ), pp. 838–841.
ICPR-2010-ZhouLLT #canonical #image #learning #visual notation- Canonical Image Selection by Visual Context Learning (WZ, YL, HL, QT), pp. 834–837.
SAC-2010-ZhangZ #analysis #canonical #correlation #random- Canonical random correlation analysis (JZ, DZ), pp. 1111–1112.
SLE-2010-HostO #canonical #identification #implementation #java #semantics #using- Canonical Method Names for Java — Using Implementation Semantics to Identify Synonymous Verbs (EWH, BMØ), pp. 226–245.
CSL-2010-Santo #canonical #deduction #towards- Towards a Canonical Classical Natural Deduction System (JES), pp. 290–304.
DAC-2009-Wong #canonical #performance- An efficient passivity test for descriptor systems via canonical projector techniques (NW), pp. 957–962.
ICDAR-2009-BloechleLI #canonical #documentation #named- OCD: An Optimized and Canonical Document Format (JLB, DL, RI), pp. 236–240.
CHI-2009-MankowskiBSS #behaviour #canonical #protocol- Finding canonical behaviors in user protocols (WCM, PB, AS, DDS), pp. 1323–1326.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-WangWWL #canonical #modelling #process- Deriving Canonical Business Object Operation Nets from Process Models (ZW, JW, LW, YL), pp. 182–187.
ICML-2009-ChaudhuriKLS #analysis #canonical #clustering #correlation #multi- Multi-view clustering via canonical correlation analysis (KC, SMK, KL, KS), pp. 129–136.
ICML-2008-SunJY #analysis #canonical #correlation- A least squares formulation for canonical correlation analysis (LS, SJ, JY), pp. 1024–1031.
IJCAR-2008-BonacinaD #canonical- Canonical Inference for Implicational Systems (MPB, ND), pp. 380–395.
DAC-2007-AgostaBPS #approach #canonical- A Unified Approach to Canonical Form-based Boolean Matching (GA, FB, GP, DS), pp. 841–846.
WRLA-2006-Reilles07 #abstract syntax tree #canonical #syntax- Canonical Abstract Syntax Trees (AR), pp. 165–179.
PEPM-2007-Lammel #canonical #normalisation- Style normalization for canonical X-to-O mappings (RL), pp. 31–40.
DATE-2006-McConaghyG #canonical #modelling #performance- Double-strength CAFFEINE: fast template-free symbolic modeling of analog circuits via implicit canonical form functions and explicit introns (TM, GGEG), pp. 269–274.
WCRE-2006-KothariDMS #canonical #on the- On Computing the Canonical Features of Software Systems (JK, TD, SM, AS), pp. 93–102.
ICPR-v1-2006-ReiterDLB #3d #analysis #canonical #correlation #re-engineering #using- 3D and Infrared Face Reconstruction from RGB data using Canonical Correlation Analysis (MR, RD, GL, HB), pp. 425–428.
ICPR-v2-2006-EedeMTSD #canonical- Canonical Skeletons for Shape Matching (MvE, DM, ACT, CS, SJD), pp. 64–69.
ECMDA-FA-2006-BezivinBFGJKKP #canonical #composition- A Canonical Scheme for Model Composition (JB, SB, MDDF, MPG, FJ, DSK, IK, RFP), pp. 346–360.
IJCAR-2006-ZamanskyA #calculus #canonical #quantifier- Canonical Gentzen-Type Calculi with (n, k)-ary Quantifiers (AZ, AA), pp. 251–265.
DAC-2005-AbdollahiP #canonical #logic #performance #synthesis #verification- A new canonical form for fast boolean matching in logic synthesis and verification (AA, MP), pp. 379–384.
DATE-2005-McConaghyEG #canonical #generative #named #programming #search-based- CAFFEINE: Template-Free Symbolic Model Generation of Analog Circuits via Canonical Form Functions and Genetic Programming (TM, TE, GGEG), pp. 1082–1087.
DATE-2005-ZhangCHC #analysis #pseudo #statistics- Statistical Timing Analysis with Extended Pseudo-Canonical Timing Model (LZ, WC, YH, CCPC), pp. 952–957.
ICDAR-2005-RigamontiBHLI #canonical #documentation #representation #reverse engineering #towards- Towards a Canonical and Structured Representation of PDF Documents through Reverse Engineering (MR, JLB, KH, DL, RI), pp. 1050–1055.
VMCAI-2005-ManevichYRS #abstraction #canonical- Predicate Abstraction and Canonical Abstraction for Singly-Linked Lists (RM, EY, GR, SS), pp. 181–198.
SIGMOD-2004-RaoPZ #abstraction #canonical #optimisation- Canonical Abstraction for Outerjoin Optimization (JR, HP, CZ), pp. 671–682.
ESOP-2004-Rensink #canonical #graph- Canonical Graph Shapes (AR), pp. 401–415.
FoSSaCS-2004-Power #canonical #modelling- Canonical Models for Computational Effects (JP), pp. 438–452.
ICFP-2004-GauthierP #canonical #first-order #higher-order #matter #recursion- Numbering matters: first-order canonical forms for second-order recursive types (NG, FP), pp. 150–161.
ICPR-v2-2004-DentonDASD #3d #canonical #recognition- Selecting Canonical Views for View-Based 3-D Object Recognition (TD, MFD, JA, AS, SJD), pp. 273–276.
VMCAI-2004-Sagiv #abstraction #canonical #on the #power of- On the Expressive Power of Canonical Abstraction (SS), p. 58.
CADE-2003-KrsticC- Canonization for Disjoint Unions of Theories (SK, SC), pp. 197–211.
DATE-2002-CiesielskiKZR #canonical #diagrams #representation #verification- Taylor Expansion Diagrams: A Compact, Canonical Representation with Applications to Symbolic Verification (MJC, PK, ZZ, BR), pp. 285–289.
CAV-2002-KhomenkoKV #canonical #petri net- Canonical Prefixes of Petri Net Unfoldings (VK, MK, WV), pp. 582–595.
CAV-2002-RybinaV #canonical #infinity #model checking #using- Using Canonical Representations of Solutions to Speed Up Infinite-State Model Checking (TR, AV), pp. 386–400.
RTA-2002-Lucas #canonical #termination- Termination of (Canonical) Context-Sensitive Rewriting (SL), pp. 296–310.
CAV-2001-FilliatreORS #named- ICS: Integrated Canonizer and Solver (JCF, SO, HR, NS), pp. 246–249.
IJCAR-2001-AvronL #canonical #type system- Canonical Propositional Gentzen-Type Systems (AA, IL), pp. 529–544.
DAC-2000-JainMMWL #analysis #canonical #complexity #composition #graph #how- Analysis of composition complexity and how to obtain smaller canonical graphs (JJ, KM, DM, IW, YL), pp. 681–686.
CIAA-2000-ChamparnaudZ #automaton #canonical #finite- New Finite Automaton Constructions Based on Canonical Derivatives (JMC, DZ), pp. 94–104.
ICPR-v2-2000-FyfeL #analysis #canonical #correlation #network- Canonical Correlation Analysis Neural Networks (CF, PLL), pp. 2977–2980.
ICPR-v2-2000-LaiCF #canonical #correlation #using- Power Load Forecasting Using Neural Canonical Correlates (PLL, SJC, CF), pp. 2455–2458.
ICALP-1998-ChuangGHKL #canonical #encoding #graph #multi #order- Compact Encodings of Planar Graphs via Canonical Orderings and Multiple Parentheses (RCNC, AG, XH, MYK, HIL), pp. 118–129.
KR-1998-Renz #calculus #canonical- A Canonical Model of the Region Connection Calculus (JR), pp. 330–341.
KR-1998-Weydert #canonical #how #knowledge base #ranking- SYSTEM JZ — How to Build a Canonical Ranking Model of a Default Knowledge Base (EW), pp. 190–201.
OOPSLA-1998-Simons #canonical- Borrow, Copy or Steal? Loans and Larceny in the Orthodox Canonical Form (AJHS), pp. 65–83.
CADE-1998-HortonS #canonical #named #process #rank- Rank/Activity: A Canonical Form for Binary Resolution (JDH, BS), pp. 412–426.
ICML-1997-Baxter #approximate #canonical- The Canonical Distortion Measure for Vector Quantization and Function Approximation (JB), pp. 39–47.
CSL-1997-Grohe- Canonization for Lk-equivalence is Hard (MG), pp. 220–238.
DAC-1995-ZhouB #canonical #equivalence- Equivalence Checking of Datapaths Based on Canonical Arithmetic Expressions (ZZ, WB), pp. 546–551.
LICS-1995-EtessamiI #transitive- Tree Canonization and Transitive Closure (KE, NI), pp. 331–341.
LICS-1995-Otto- Ptime Canonization for Two Variables with Counting (MO), pp. 342–352.
ICSM-1994-LanningK #canonical #complexity #fault #modelling #process- Canonical Modeling of Software Complexity and Fault Correction Activity (DLL, TMK), pp. 374–381.
DAC-1992-SarabiP #canonical #network #performance- Fast Exact and Quasi-Minimal Minimization of Highly Testable Fixed-Polarity AND/XOR Canonical Networks (AS, MAP), pp. 30–35.
DAC-1992-Sur-KolayB #canonical- Canonical Embedding of Rectangular Duals with Applications to VLSI Floorplanning (SSK, BBB), pp. 69–74.
STOC-1992-Lindell #algorithm- A Logspace Algorithm for Tree Canonization (Extended Abstract) (SL), pp. 400–404.
RTA-1991-NarendranR #canonical #commutative #finite- Any Gound Associative-Commutative Theory Has a Finite Canonical System (PN, MR), pp. 423–434.
RTA-1989-Otto #canonical #congruence #finite #strict #string #term rewriting- Restrictions of Congruence Generated by Finite Canonical String-Rewriting Systems (FO), pp. 359–370.
CADE-1988-DershowitzOS #canonical #term rewriting- Canonical Conditional Rewrite Systems (ND, MO, GS), pp. 538–549.
CADE-1988-GallierNPRS #canonical #equation #finite #polynomial #set #term rewriting- Finding Canonical Rewriting Systems Equivalent to a Finite Set of Ground Equations in Polynomial Time (JHG, PN, DAP, SR, WS), pp. 182–196.
RTA-1987-SquierO #canonical #finite #monad #problem #term rewriting #word- Th Word Problem for Finitely Presented Monoids and Finite Canonical Rewriting Systems (CCS, FO), pp. 74–82.
SLP-1987-ShinNHM87 #canonical #functional #logic #unification- A Functional Logic Language Based on Canonical Unification (DWS, JHN, SH, SM), pp. 328–334.
DAC-1985-RamayyaKP #automation #canonical- An automated data path synthesizer for a canonic structure, implementable in VLSI (KR, AK, SP), pp. 381–387.
PODS-1984-Hegner #algebra #canonical #component- Canonical View Update Support through Boolean Algebras of Components (SJH), pp. 163–173.
CADE-1984-Chenadec #algebra #canonical- Canonical Forms in Finitely Presented Algebras (PlC), pp. 142–165.
PODS-1983-GoodmanST83a #canonical #reduction- GYO Reductions, Canonical Connections, Tree and Cyclic Schemas and Tree Projections (NG, OS, YCT), pp. 267–278.
STOC-1983-BabaiL #canonical #graph- Canonical Labeling of Graphs (LB, EML), pp. 171–183.
CADE-1980-Hullot #canonical #unification- Canonical Forms and Unification (JMH), pp. 318–334.
ICALP-1976-BerryC #canonical #equivalence- Program Equivalence and Canonical Forms in Stable Discrete Interpretations (GB, BC), pp. 168–188.
STOC-1974-Chandra #canonical- Degrees of Translatability and Canonical Forms in Program Schemas: Part I (AKC), pp. 1–12.