85 papers:
CHI-2015-JungSGS #behaviour #experience #nondeterminism- Displayed Uncertainty Improves Driving Experience and Behavior: The Case of Range Anxiety in an Electric Car (MFJ, DS, TMG, MS), pp. 2201–2210.
CHI-2015-KimCD #detection #interactive #monitoring- Sensors Know When to Interrupt You in the Car: Detecting Driver Interruptibility Through Monitoring of Peripheral Interactions (SK, JC, AKD), pp. 487–496.
DHM-HM-2015-IkemotoMTGH- Effects of Spray Gun Handling of Automobile Repair on Carrier of Car Mechanic (SI, KM, YT, AG, HH), pp. 289–298.
DUXU-DD-2015-WuLLL #design #experience #interface #morphism #navigation- Skeuomorphism and Flat Design: Evaluating Users’ Emotion Experience in Car Navigation Interface Design (LW, TL, JL, BL), pp. 567–575.
DUXU-IXD-2015-GkouskosPKC #experience #user interface- Exploring User Experience in the Wild: Facets of the Modern Car (DG, IP, MK, FC), pp. 450–461.
DUXU-IXD-2015-HalbeyKZ- Going on a Road-Trip with My Electric Car: Acceptance Criteria for Long-Distance-Use of Electric Vehicles (JH, SK, MZ), pp. 473–484.
HCI-IT-2015-BhanushaliMV #embedded #gesture #interface #low cost #recognition- A Dome-Shaped Interface Embedded with Low-Cost Infrared Sensors for Car-Game Control by Gesture Recognition (JB, SPM, KV), pp. 575–583.
MoDELS-2015-LuddeckeSSS #modelling #network #using- Modeling user intentions for in-car infotainment systems using Bayesian networks (DL, CS, JS, IS), pp. 378–385.
DAC-2014-AdirGGS #generative #network #testing #using- Using a High-Level Test Generation Expert System for Testing In-Car Networks (AA, AG, LG, TS), p. 6.
DATE-2014-Bolle #roadmap- The connected car and its implication to the automotive chip roadmap (MB), p. 1.
DUXU-DP-2014-ShimizuINMHKWK #process- Consideration for Interpretation of Brain Activity Pattern during Car Driving Based on Human Movements (SS, HI, HN, FM, NH, SK, EW, SK), pp. 458–468.
DUXU-TMT-2014-FaroughiM #design #idea #on the- On the Idea of Design: Analyzing the Ideal Form of Cars (AF, SM), pp. 64–73.
HCI-AIMT-2014-KuncLMVKKLM- Long Text Reading in a Car (LK, ML, TM, JV, JK, TK, DL, ZM), pp. 440–449.
CIKM-2014-ShiKBLH #learning #named #recommendation- CARS2: Learning Context-aware Representations for Context-aware Recommendations (YS, AK, LB, ML, AH), pp. 291–300.
ICPR-2014-ChenLHLLH #detection #using- Vision-Based Road Bump Detection Using a Front-Mounted Car Camcorder (HTC, CYL, CCH, SYL, BSPL, CPH), pp. 4537–4542.
ICPR-2014-ElmikatyS #detection #image #multi #using- Car Detection in High-Resolution Urban Scenes Using Multiple Image Descriptors (ME, TS), pp. 4299–4304.
SPLC-2014-Lantz #agile #case study #development #modelling #using- Using models to scale agile mechatronics development in cars: case studies at Volvo car group (JL), p. 20.
DAC-2013-GeierBYDSGC #exclamation- Let’s put the car in your phone! (MG, MB, DY, BD, RS, DG, SC), p. 2.
DATE-2013-DaneshtalabEPT #interface #manycore #named #network- CARS: congestion-aware request scheduler for network interfaces in NoC-based manycore systems (MD, ME, JP, HT), pp. 1048–1051.
CSCW-2013-LiaoS #community #microblog- She gets a sports car from our donation: rumor transmission in a Chinese microblogging community (QL, LS), pp. 587–598.
CSCW-2013-PertererSMWT- Come drive with me: an ethnographic study of driver-passenger pairs to inform future in-car assistance (NP, PS, AM, DW, MT), pp. 1539–1548.
DHM-SET-2013-LuL #design #modelling #safety- Constructing Ergonomic Safety Modelling for Evaluating New Designs of Child Car Seats (CYL, HHL), pp. 338–347.
DUXU-NTE-2013-Choi #design #multi #navigation #standard #user interface- Multi-touch Based Standard UI Design of Car Navigation System for Providing Information of Surrounding Areas (JMC), pp. 40–48.
DUXU-NTE-2013-GokturkP #navigation- Effects of In-Car Navigation Systems on User Perception of the Spatial Environment (MG, AP), pp. 57–64.
HCI-AS-2013-AngeliniCCCLKM #gesture #interactive #named- WheelSense: Enabling Tangible Gestures on the Steering Wheel for In-Car Natural Interaction (LA, MC, FC, SC, DL, OAK, EM), pp. 531–540.
HCI-AS-2013-JonssonD #information management- In-Car Information Systems: Matching and Mismatching Personality of Driver with Personality of Car Voice (IMJ, ND), pp. 586–595.
HIMI-HSM-2013-HorieT- Characteristics of Touch Panel Operation with Non-Dominant Hand in Car Driving Context (YH, TT), pp. 577–584.
ICPR-2012-AbdelmaseehBAE #recognition- Car Make and Model recognition combining global and local cues (MA, IB, MFA, MES), pp. 910–913.
ICPR-2012-TaniyamaH #image #recognition #robust- Robust car License Plate Recognition system verified with 163, 574 images captured in fields (KT, KH), pp. 1273–1276.
FSE-2012-ParkHHCGTFX #named #performance- CarFast: achieving higher statement coverage faster (SP, BMMH, IH, CC, MG, KT, CF, QX), p. 35.
DAC-2011-LimVH #challenge #network #realtime- Challenges in a future IP/ethernet-based in-car network for real-time applications (HTL, LV, DH), pp. 7–12.
DATE-2011-DOrazioVD #challenge #network #state of the art- Sensor networks on the car: State of the art and future challenges (LD, FV, MD), pp. 1030–1035.
CIAA-2011-HanK #automaton- A Cellular Automaton Model for Car Traffic with a Form-One-Lane Rule (YSH, SKK), pp. 154–165.
CHI-2011-KimDLF #usability- Usability of car dashboard displays for elder drivers (SK, AKD, JL, JF), pp. 493–502.
DUXU-v2-2011-ArdavanC #3d #exclamation #safety #towards- Listen! Somebody Is Walking towards Your Car (Introducing the Awareness-3D Sound System into the Driver to Increase the Pedestrian’s Safety) (MA, FC), pp. 89–98.
HCI-MIIE-2011-AkahoNYKKN #artificial reality #case study #evaluation #navigation- A Study and Evaluation on Route Guidance of a Car Navigation System Based on Augmented Reality (KA, TN, YY, KK, HK, SN), pp. 357–366.
HCI-MIIE-2011-LabskyMKQC #case study- In-Car Dictation and Driver’s Distraction: A Case Study (ML, TM, JK, HQ, CC), pp. 418–425.
HCI-MIIE-2011-OehlSTHP #approach #detection #human-computer #interactive- Improving Human-Machine Interaction — A Non Invasive Approach to Detect Emotions in Car Drivers (MO, FWS, TKT, RH, HRP), pp. 577–585.
HCI-UA-2011-RhiuRJY #analysis- Analysis of Customer Satisfaction on the Stiffness of Outside Panels of Passenger Cars (IR, TR, BJ, MHY), pp. 257–265.
HIMI-v1-2011-TakahashiSHNIHKWK #analysis #process- Basic Study of Analysis of Human Brain Activities during Car Driving (NT, SS, YH, HN, HI, NH, SK, EW, SK), pp. 627–635.
IDGD-2011-GuoSCWL #case study #fuzzy- Study on the Perception of Car Appearance Based on Fuzzy Inference (FG, YS, CC, HW, CyL), pp. 369–378.
KDD-2011-TrasartiPNG #mining- Mining mobility user profiles for car pooling (RT, FP, MN, FG), pp. 1190–1198.
CASE-2010-EderK #design #framework- Design of an experimental platform for an X-by-wire car with four-wheel steering (ME, AK), pp. 656–661.
CHI-2010-IqbalJH- Cars, calls, and cognition: investigating driving and divided attention (STI, YCJ, EH), pp. 1281–1290.
ICPR-2010-PutzeJS #multimodal #recognition- Multimodal Recognition of Cognitive Workload for Multitasking in the Car (FP, JPJ, TS), pp. 3748–3751.
SAC-2010-YasarMPLCB #information management #interactive #network #people #scalability #social- Where people and cars meet: social interactions to improve information sharing in large scale vehicular networks (AUHY, NM, DP, KL, KC, YB), pp. 1188–1194.
DATE-2009-MadridSNGAVMA #framework #integration- Integration of an advanced emergency call subsystem into a car-gateway platform (NMM, RS, ARN, JSG, AlSA, PSV, CRM, FA), pp. 1100–1105.
CIAA-2009-ClarridgeS #automaton- A Cellular Automaton Model for Car Traffic with a Slow-to-Stop Rule (AC, KS), pp. 44–53.
HCI-AUII-2009-WuHW #case study #design #navigation- A Study on the Design of Voice Navigation of Car Navigation System (CFW, WFH, TCW), pp. 141–150.
SAC-2009-JazayeriCZTB #locality #video- An intelligent video system for vehicle localization and tracking in police cars (AJ, HC, JYZ, MT, HB), pp. 939–940.
SAC-2009-TanakaKTN #navigation #predict #using- A destination prediction method using driving contexts and trajectory for car navigation systems (KT, YK, TT, SN), pp. 190–195.
CASE-2008-LiF- Full-view car navigator (SL, KF), pp. 744–749.
CHI-2008-GrafSSWR #interactive #search-based #user interface #using- In-car interaction using search-based user interfaces (SG, WS, AS, AW, GR), pp. 1685–1688.
CHI-2008-JonssonHN #how #information management- How accurate must an in-car information system be?: consequences of accurate and inaccurate information in cars (IMJ, HH, CN), pp. 1665–1674.
CHI-2008-LeshedVRKS #navigation- In-car gps navigation: engagement with and disengagement from the environment (GL, TV, OR, BJK, PS), pp. 1675–1684.
ICPR-2008-KleinLM #using- Preceding car tracking using belief functions and a particle filter (JK, CL, PM), pp. 1–4.
DAC-2007-Ferguson- Autonomous Automobiles: Developing Cars That Drive Themselves (DF), p. 383.
DHM-2007-BeurierCMTW #approach #data-driven #database #simulation #using- Simulation of Digital Human Hand Postures of Car Controls Using a Data Based Approach (GB, NC, GM, JT, XW), pp. 13–22.
DHM-2007-KuboTA- Two Vibration Modes of a Human Body Sitting on a Car Seat- The Relationship Between Riding Discomfort Affected by the Material Properties of the Seat Cushion and the Two Vibration Modes (MK, FT, HA), pp. 894–903.
DHM-2007-ZhengLZK #assessment #concurrent #experience #usability #user interface #visualisation- Visualizing User Experience Through “Perceptual Maps”: Concurrent Assessment of Perceived Usability and Subjective Appearance in Car Infotainment Systems (XSZ, JJWL, SZ, CK), pp. 536–545.
HCI-MIE-2007-YangCZJ #flexibility #interactive #multi #user interface- Flexible Multi-modal Interaction Technologies and User Interface Specially Designed for Chinese Car Infotainment System (CY, NC, PfZ, ZJ), pp. 243–252.
HIMI-IIE-2007-FujikakeHOTM #navigation #readability- Readability of Character Size for Car Navigation Systems (KF, SH, MO, HT, MM), pp. 503–509.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ParkCHNPCJ #artificial reality #navigation- Disposition of Information Entities and Adequate Level of Information Presentation in an In-Car Augmented Reality Navigation System (KSP, IHC, GBH, TJN, JYP, SIC, IHJ), pp. 1098–1108.
SIGMOD-2006-BychkovskyCGHHMSZBM #data transformation #mobile- Data management in the CarTel mobile sensor computing system (VB, KC, MG, HH, BH, AM, ES, YZ, HB, SM), pp. 730–732.
CHI-2006-EsbjornssonBJNOL #design- Watching the cars go round and round: designing for active spectating (ME, BATB, OJ, DN, MÖ, EL), pp. 1221–1224.
EDOC-2006-Hashemzadeh #navigation #network #performance- A Fast and Efficient Route Finding Method for Car Navigation Systems with Neural Networks (MH), pp. 423–426.
ICPR-v2-2006-FangQ #classification- Car/Non-Car Classification in an Informative Sample Subspace (JF, GQ), pp. 962–965.
DATE-2005-Sangiovanni-Vincentelli #design #evolution #question- Integrated Electronics in the Car and the Design Chain Evolution or Revolution? (ALSV), pp. 532–533.
ICPR-v2-2004-ZhuLHU #detection #integration #multi- Car Detection Based on Multi-Cues Integration (ZZ, HL, JH, KU), pp. 699–702.
ICPR-v3-2004-ChiuDS #embedded #realtime- An Embedded Real-time Vision System for 24-hour Indoor/Outdoor Car-Counting Applications (MYC, RD, TS), pp. 338–341.
KDD-2004-NakataT #mining #predict- Mining traffic data from probe-car system for travel time prediction (TN, JiT), pp. 817–822.
KDD-2004-RamakrishnanKMPH #algorithm #mining- Turning CARTwheels: an alternating algorithm for mining redescriptions (NR, DK, BM, MP, RFH), pp. 266–275.
ICEIS-2002-MarirZO #database #logic #online #retrieval #video- An Integrated Object Database and Description Logic System for Online Content and Event-Based Indexing and Retrieval of a Car Park Surveillance Video (FM, KZ, KO), pp. 129–139.
ICPR-v2-2002-ZengM #multi #performance- An Efficient Vision System for Multiple Car Tracking (ZZ, SM), pp. 609–612.
ICPR-v4-2002-LefaixMB #detection- Motion-Based Obstacle Detection and Tracking for Car Driving Assistance (GL, ÉM, PB), pp. 74–77.
CHI-2001-Salvucci #architecture #interface #predict #using- Predicting the effects of in-car interfaces on driver bahavior using a cognitive architecture (DDS), pp. 120–127.
HPCA-2001-KailasEA #clustering #code generation #framework #named- CARS: A New Code Generation Framework for Clustered ILP Processors (KK, KE, AKA), pp. 133–143.
ICPR-v4-2000-HealeyP #detection #named- SmartCar: Detecting Driver Stress (JH, RWP), pp. 4218–4221.
ICPR-v4-2000-LilienblumMAC #detection- Dent Detection in Car Bodies (TL, BM, PA, RC), pp. 4775–4778.
CAV-1998-HardinWG #concept #design #proving #theorem proving- Transforming the Theorem Prover into a Digital Design Tool: From Concept Car to Off-Road Vehicle (DSH, MW, DAG), pp. 39–44.
HCI-CC-1997-StahreJA #industrial #optimisation #people- Joint Optimization of People and Technology-An Example from the Car Industry (JS, AJ, SA), pp. 265–268.
OOPSLA-1997-HudsonMMM #garbage collection- Garbage Collecting the World: One Car at a Time (RLH, RM, JEBM, DSM), pp. 162–175.
KDD-1996-WirthR #approach #database #detection #multi- Detecting Early Indicator Cars in an Automotive Database: A Multi-Strategy Approach (RW, TPR), pp. 76–81.
HCI-ACS-1993-BrodbeckR #implementation #industrial- Implementing Group Work in the Car Manufacturing Industry: The Foreman as a Focal Factor (FCB, SR), pp. 32–37.
DAC-1969-ChungEH #automation #design #evolution- Evolution of the design of a high volume automatic car merge (KC, JEE, DRH), pp. 333–349.