77 papers:
CASE-2015-0002KL #evaluation- Quantitative evaluation of coarse-to-fine loading strategies for material rehandling (MM, TK, AJL), pp. 450–455.
TACAS-2015-TomascoI0TP #contest #memory management- MU-CSeq 0.3: Sequentialization by Read-Implicit and Coarse-Grained Memory Unwindings — (Competition Contribution) (ET, OI, BF, SLT, GP), pp. 436–438.
CASE-2014-LeePP #locality #using- Coarse-to-fine robot localization method using radio fingerprint and Particle Filter (YCL, BP, SP), pp. 290–296.
DAC-2014-LiuGJA #named #pipes and filters- CGPA: Coarse-Grained Pipelined Accelerators (FL, SG, NPJ, DIA), p. 6.
DATE-2014-KimKKYL #design- Coarse-grained Bubble Razor to exploit the potential of two-phase transparent latch designs (HK, DK, JJK, SY, SL), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-YinOLW #configuration management- Extending lifetime of battery-powered coarse-grained reconfigurable computing platforms (SY, PO, LL, SW), pp. 1–6.
ICPR-2014-BuiNLYK #detection #order #statistics #using- Boosted Stable Path for Staff-Line Detection Using Order Statistic Downscaling and Coarse-to-Fine Technique (HNB, ISN, GL, HJY, SHK), pp. 522–526.
ICPR-2014-WangEGLLF #approach #distance #documentation #edit distance #graph #word- A Coarse-to-Fine Word Spotting Approach for Historical Handwritten Documents Based on Graph Embedding and Graph Edit Distance (PW, VE, CG, CL, JL, AF), pp. 3074–3079.
SIGIR-2014-HaiCCLC #bibliography #sentiment- Coarse-to-fine review selection via supervised joint aspect and sentiment model (ZH, GC, KC, WL, PC), pp. 617–626.
CASE-2013-WeeklyRZBNS #detection #low cost #matter- Low-cost coarse airborne particulate matter sensing for indoor occupancy detection (KW, DR, LZ, AMB, WWN, CJS), pp. 32–37.
DAC-2013-HamzehSV #architecture #configuration management #named- REGIMap: register-aware application mapping on coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (CGRAs) (MH, AS, SBKV), p. 10.
DATE-2013-ImagawaTOS #analysis #architecture #configuration management #effectiveness- A cost-effective selective TMR for heterogeneous coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures based on DFG-level vulnerability analysis (TI, HT, HO, TS), pp. 701–706.
DATE-2013-XydisPS #configuration management- Thermal-aware datapath merging for coarse-grained reconfigurable processors (SX, GP, CS), pp. 1649–1654.
ICDAR-2013-PapandreouG #estimation #word- A Coarse to Fine Skew Estimation Technique for Handwritten Words (AP, BG), pp. 225–229.
KDD-2013-FeiKSNMH #detection #learning- Heat pump detection from coarse grained smart meter data with positive and unlabeled learning (HF, YK, SS, MRN, SKM, JH), pp. 1330–1338.
POPL-2013-Ley-WildN #concurrent- Subjective auxiliary state for coarse-grained concurrency (RLW, AN), pp. 561–574.
DATE-2012-HanPC #architecture #configuration management #power management- State-based full predication for low power coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture (KH, SP, KC), pp. 1367–1372.
SIGMOD-2012-EngleLXZFSS #data analysis #distributed #memory management #named #performance #using- Shark: fast data analysis using coarse-grained distributed memory (CE, AL, RX, MZ, MJF, SS, IS), pp. 689–692.
CIKM-2012-XuXLW #classification- Coarse-to-fine sentence-level emotion classification based on the intra-sentence features and sentential context (JX, RX, QL, XW), pp. 2455–2458.
ICPR-2012-SunLI #quality #scalability- A pixel-domain mode-mapping based SVC-to-AVC transcoder with coarse grain quality scalability (LS, ZL, TI), pp. 939–942.
ICPR-2012-ZhangLM #composition #multi #recognition #using- Multi-subregion face recognition using coarse-to-fine Quad-tree decomposition (CZ, XL, TM), pp. 1004–1007.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-WimmerMV #co-evolution- Viewpoint Co-evolution through Coarse-Grained Changes and Coupled Transformations (MW, NM, AV), pp. 336–352.
FSE-2012-ChandramohanTS #behaviour #clustering #modelling #scalability- Scalable malware clustering through coarse-grained behavior modeling (MC, HBKT, LKS), p. 27.
DATE-2011-AnsaloniPTD #array #configuration management #scheduling- Slack-aware scheduling on Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (GA, LP, KT, ND), pp. 1513–1516.
ICDAR-2011-ZhuN11a #classification #online #recognition #scalability- A Coarse Classifier Construction Method from a Large Number of Basic Recognizers for On-line Recognition of Handwritten Japanese Characters (BZ, MN), pp. 1090–1094.
CIKM-2011-LuLYYH #classification #modelling #parametricity- Coarse-to-fine classification via parametric and nonparametric models for computer-aided diagnosis (ML, LL, XY, SY, HH), pp. 2509–2512.
OOPSLA-2011-PylaRV #parallel- Exploiting coarse-grain speculative parallelism (HKP, CJR, SV), pp. 555–574.
LCTES-2011-JangKLKYKKR #architecture #clustering #configuration management- An instruction-scheduling-aware data partitioning technique for coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (CJ, JK, JL, HSK, DY, SK, HK, SR), pp. 151–160.
DATE-2010-Jerger #named- SigNet: Network-on-chip filtering for coarse vector directories (NDEJ), pp. 1378–1383.
ICPR-2010-ColemanSG #architecture #feature model #using- Coarse Scale Feature Extraction Using the Spiral Architecture Structure (SAC, BWS, BG), pp. 2370–2373.
ICPR-2010-SungCCB #3d #estimation #mobile- Coarse-to-Fine Particle Filter by Implicit Motion Estimation for 3D Head Tracking on Mobile Devices (HS, KC, SC, HB), pp. 3615–3618.
ICPR-2010-VerschaeR #detection #multi- Coarse-To-Fine Multiclass Nested Cascades for Object Detection (RV, JRdS), pp. 344–347.
POPL-2010-KoskinenPH #transaction- Coarse-grained transactions (EK, MJP, MH), pp. 19–30.
DATE-2009-AnsaloniBP #architecture #embedded- Heterogeneous coarse-grained processing elements: A template architecture for embedded processing acceleration (GA, PB, LP), pp. 542–547.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-CaronCMV #adaptation #component #framework #functional- A Coding Framework for Functional Adaptation of Coarse-Grained Components in Extensible EJB Servers (OC, BC, AM, GV), pp. 215–230.
RE-2009-CarvalloF #component #on the #process #requirements- On the Use of Requirements for Driving Call-for-Tender Processes for Procuring Coarse-grained OTS Components (JPC, XF), pp. 287–292.
LCTES-2009-OhEPM #architecture #configuration management #scheduling- Recurrence cycle aware modulo scheduling for coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (TO, BE, HP, SAM), pp. 21–30.
DATE-2008-BougardSRNADP #array- A Coarse-Grained Array based Baseband Processor for 100Mbps+ Software Defined Radio (BB, BDS, SR, DN, OA, SD, LVdP), pp. 716–721.
DATE-2008-ChattopadhyayCILAM #architecture #configuration management #modelling- High-level Modelling and Exploration of Coarse-grained Re-configurable Architectures (AC, XC, HI, RL, GA, HM), pp. 1334–1339.
DATE-2008-PakbazniaP #using- Coarse-Grain MTCMOS Sleep Transistor Sizing Using Delay Budgeting (EP, MP), pp. 385–390.
CIKM-2008-LeeL #clustering #data type #multi #online- A coarse-grain grid-based subspace clustering method for online multi-dimensional data streams (JWL, WSL), pp. 1521–1522.
LCTES-2008-SutterCAM #array #configuration management- Placement-and-routing-based register allocation for coarse-grained reconfigurable arrays (BDS, PC, TVA, BM), pp. 151–160.
PPoPP-2008-RulVB #parallel #source code- Extracting coarse-grain parallelism in general-purpose programs (SR, HV, KDB), pp. 281–282.
DAC-2007-KumarSCKS #embedded #memory management- A System For Coarse Grained Memory Protection In Tiny Embedded Processors (RK, AS, AC, EK, MBS), pp. 218–223.
DATE-2007-ArbeloKLLBSM #architecture #configuration management #kernel #video- Mapping control-intensive video kernels onto a coarse-grain reconfigurable architecture: the H.264/AVC deblocking filter (CA, AK, SL, JFL, MB, RS, JYM), pp. 177–182.
DATE-2006-AhnYPKKC #algorithm #architecture #configuration management- A spatial mapping algorithm for heterogeneous coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (MA, JWY, YP, YK, MK, KC), pp. 363–368.
ICPR-v1-2006-LiHH #clustering- A Coarse-to-Fine Strategy for Vehicle Motion Trajectory Clustering (XL, WH, WH), pp. 591–594.
ICPR-v2-2006-BourgeoisND #visual notation- Coarse Visual Registration from Closed-Contour Neighborhood Descriptor (SB, SNC, MD), pp. 283–287.
ICPR-v4-2006-FengFDW #locality- Iris Localization with Dual Coarse-to-fine Strategy (XF, CF, XD, YW), pp. 553–556.
ASPLOS-2006-GordonTA #parallel #pipes and filters #source code- Exploiting coarse-grained task, data, and pipeline parallelism in stream programs (MIG, WT, SPA), pp. 151–162.
LCTES-2006-YanSG #architecture #configuration management #estimation #implementation- Area and delay estimation for FPGA implementation of coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (LY, TS, NG), pp. 182–188.
DATE-2005-KimKPJC #architecture #configuration management #optimisation #pipes and filters #resource management- Resource Sharing and Pipelining in Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture for Domain-Specific Optimization (YK, MK, CP, JJ, KC), pp. 12–17.
LICS-2005-AbdullaHM #finite #infinity #markov #verification- Verifying Infinite Markov Chains with a Finite Attractor or the Global Coarseness Property (PAA, NBH, RM), pp. 127–136.
DATE-v1-2004-BansalGDNG #architecture #configuration management #network- Network Topology Exploration of Mesh-Based Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architectures (NB, SG, ND, AN, RG), pp. 474–479.
VLDB-2004-KraftS #evaluation #named #optimisation- CHICAGO: A Test and Evaluation Environment for Coarse-Grained Optimization (TK, HS), pp. 1345–1348.
ICPR-v2-2004-RubeAK #classification #invariant #multi- Coarse-to-Fine Multiscale Affine Invariant Shape Matching and Classification (IER, MA, MK), pp. 163–166.
DATE-2003-BeckerTVB #architecture #configuration management #industrial #integration- An Industrial/Academic Configurable System-on-Chip Project (CSoC): Coarse-Grain XXP-/Leon-Based Architecture Integration (JB, AT, MV, VB), pp. 11120–11121.
DATE-2003-MeiVVML #architecture #configuration management #parallel #scheduling #using- Exploiting Loop-Level Parallelism on Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures Using Modulo Scheduling (BM, SV, DV, HDM, RL), pp. 10296–10301.
VLDB-2003-KraftSRM #optimisation #sequence #sql- Coarse-Grained Optimization: Techniques for Rewriting SQL Statement Sequences (TK, HS, RR, BM), pp. 488–499.
SAC-2003-GondraS #algorithm #parallel #search-based- A Coarse-Grain Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Finding Ramsey Numbers (IG, MHS), pp. 2–8.
LCTES-2003-GuoSBH #algorithm #configuration management #graph- A graph covering algorithm for a coarse grain reconfigurable system (YG, GJMS, HB, PMH), pp. 199–208.
LCTES-2003-LeeCD #algorithm #architecture #configuration management- An algorithm for mapping loops onto coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (JeL, KC, NDD), pp. 183–188.
ICPR-v3-2002-FauqueurB #detection #image #query- Coarse Detection and Fine Color Description for Region-Based Image Queries (JF, NB), pp. 1027–1034.
ICPR-v3-2002-SahbiB #classification #detection- Coarse-to-Fine Support Vector Classifiers for Face Detection (HS, NB), pp. 359–362.
ICPR-v1-2000-Wingbermuhle #modelling #robust- Robust Registration of Coarse Binary Volume Models (JW), p. 1999–?.
HPCA-1999-DwarkadasGKSSS #comparative #distributed #evaluation #memory management- Comparative Evaluation of Fine- and Coarse-Grain Approaches for Software Distributed Shared Memory (SD, KG, LIK, DJS, MLS, RS), pp. 260–269.
ICPR-1998-BorgeforsRB- Coarse-to-fine skeletons from grey-level pyramids (GB, GR, GSdB), pp. 400–402.
ICPR-1998-LiuLH- Facial motion tracking from fine to coarse (QL, CL, TSH), pp. 725–727.
SAC-1998-Morin #parallel- Coarse grained parallel computing on heterogeneous systems (PM), pp. 628–634.
HPDC-1998-RussBGJRL #integration #named- Hectiling: An Integration of Fine and Coarse-Grained Load-Balancing Strategies (SHR, IB, SG, BJ, JR, RL), pp. 106–113.
ICSM-2000-MullerWS #framework #standard #using- Wrapping coarse-grained objects using standard infrastructure technology (HAM, KW, MADS), p. 301.
ICALP-1997-CaceresDFFRRSS #algorithm #graph #parallel #performance- Efficient Parallel Graph Algorithms For Coarse Grained Multicomputers and BSP (EC, FKHAD, AF, PF, IR, AR, NS, SWS), pp. 390–400.
ICPR-1996-Kupeev #algorithm #detection #on the- On significant maxima detection: a fine-to-coarse algorithm (KYK), pp. 270–274.
ICPR-1996-Maver #representation- Necessary views for a coarse representation of a scene (JM), pp. 936–940.
PLILP-1991-BrogiG #constraints #logic #process- Constraints for Synchronizing Logic Coarse-grained Sequential Logic Processes (AB, MG), pp. 407–418.
PPoPP-1991-LamR #parallel #programming- Coarse-Grain Parallel Programming in Jade (MSL, MCR), pp. 94–105.
ICALP-1977-Dieterich #context-free grammar #fault #parsing- Parsing and Syntactic Error Recovery for Context-Free Grammars by Means of Coarse Structures (EWD), pp. 180–192.