252 papers:
CASE-2015-WangZ #modelling #predict #simulation- A prediction method for interior temperature of grain storage via dynamics models: A simulation study (DW, XZ), pp. 1477–1483.
DATE-2015-DeyCAM #analysis #difference #fault- Improved practical differential fault analysis of grain-128 (PD, AC, AA, DM), pp. 459–464.
DATE-2015-LiXWNP #fine-grained #multi #power management #reduction #using- Leakage power reduction for deeply-scaled FinFET circuits operating in multiple voltage regimes using fine-grained gate-length biasing technique (JL, QX, YW, SN, MP), pp. 1579–1582.
DocEng-2015-BalinskyM #fine-grained #health #interactive- Fine Grained Access of Interactive Personal Health Records (HB, NM), pp. 207–210.
SIGMOD-2015-ElmoreATPAA #configuration management #database #fine-grained #in memory #memory management #named- Squall: Fine-Grained Live Reconfiguration for Partitioned Main Memory Databases (AJE, VA, RT, AP, DA, AEA), pp. 299–313.
ESOP-2015-CalzavaraBCS #detection #fine-grained- Fine-Grained Detection of Privilege Escalation Attacks on Browser Extensions (SC, MB, SC, ES), pp. 510–534.
TACAS-2015-TomascoI0TP #contest #memory management- MU-CSeq 0.3: Sequentialization by Read-Implicit and Coarse-Grained Memory Unwindings — (Competition Contribution) (ET, OI, BF, SLT, GP), pp. 436–438.
MSR-2015-LinW #fine-grained #why- Why Power Laws? An Explanation from Fine-Grained Code Changes (ZL, JW), pp. 68–75.
SANER-2015-CaiS15a #analysis #dependence #fine-grained #named- TRACERJD: Generic trace-based dynamic dependence analysis with fine-grained logging (HC, RAS), pp. 489–493.
SANER-2015-DiasBGCD #fine-grained- Untangling fine-grained code changes (MD, AB, GG, DC, SD), pp. 341–350.
SANER-2015-HashimotoMI #fine-grained #scalability #source code- A comprehensive and scalable method for analyzing fine-grained source code change patterns (MH, AM, TI), pp. 351–360.
SANER-2015-SilvaCMS #analysis #fine-grained- Niche vs. breadth: Calculating expertise over time through a fine-grained analysis (JRdSJ, EC, LM, AS), pp. 409–418.
PLDI-2015-SergeyNB #concurrent #fine-grained #source code #verification- Mechanized verification of fine-grained concurrent programs (IS, AN, AB), pp. 77–87.
SFM-2015-CastegrenOW #fine-grained- Refined Ownership: — Fine-Grained Controlled Internal Sharing (EC, JÖ, TW), pp. 179–210.
AdaEurope-2015-PinhoMMT #ada #execution #fine-grained #parallel- An Execution Model for Fine-Grained Parallelism in Ada (LMP, BM, SM, STT), pp. 196–211.
KDD-2015-MaLLQGZSZJH #crowdsourcing #fine-grained #named- FaitCrowd: Fine Grained Truth Discovery for Crowdsourced Data Aggregation (FM, YL, QL, MQ, JG, SZ, LS, BZ, HJ, JH), pp. 745–754.
KDD-2015-ZhengYLLSCL #big data #fine-grained #quality- Forecasting Fine-Grained Air Quality Based on Big Data (YZ, XY, ML, RL, ZS, EC, TL), pp. 2267–2276.
SEKE-2015-HuangWSQ #android #fine-grained #named #policy #security- DefDroid: Securing Android with Fine-Grained Security Policy (CH, SW, HS, ZQ), pp. 375–378.
MoDELS-J-2011-BavotaGOLTGC15 #analysis #diagrams #fine-grained #maintenance #uml- A fine-grained analysis of the support provided by UML class diagrams and ER diagrams during data model maintenance (GB, CG, RO, ADL, GT, MG, JACL), pp. 287–306.
MoDELS-J-2011-BavotaGOLTGC15 #analysis #diagrams #fine-grained #maintenance #uml- A fine-grained analysis of the support provided by UML class diagrams and ER diagrams during data model maintenance (GB, CG, RO, ADL, GT, MG, JACL), pp. 287–306.
OOPSLA-2015-BrandauerCW #alias #fine-grained- Disjointness domains for fine-grained aliasing (SB, DC, TW), pp. 898–916.
ICSE-v1-2015-JoblinMASR #approach #community #developer #fine-grained #network- From Developer Networks to Verified Communities: A Fine-Grained Approach (MJ, WM, SA, JS, DR), pp. 563–573.
ICSE-v2-2015-AbreuEP #fine-grained #monitoring #named- CodeAware: Sensor-Based Fine-Grained Monitoring and Management of Software Artifacts (RA, HE, AP), pp. 551–554.
ASPLOS-2015-KimKSZX #comparison #execution #fine-grained #on the fly- Dual Execution for On the Fly Fine Grained Execution Comparison (DK, YK, WNS, XZ, DX), pp. 325–338.
CAV-2015-LeinoW #fine-grained #verification- Fine-Grained Caching of Verification Results (KRML, VW), pp. 380–397.
CBSE-2014-Porter #adaptation #component #composition #fine-grained #runtime- Runtime modularity in complex structures: a component model for fine grained runtime adaptation (BP), pp. 29–34.
ASE-2014-FalleriMBMM #difference #fine-grained #source code- Fine-grained and accurate source code differencing (JRF, FM, XB, MM, MM), pp. 313–324.
DAC-2014-DaviKS #control flow #embedded #fine-grained #performance #towards- Hardware-Assisted Fine-Grained Control-Flow Integrity: Towards Efficient Protection of Embedded Systems Against Software Exploitation (LD, PK, ARS), p. 6.
DAC-2014-LiuGJA #named #pipes and filters- CGPA: Coarse-Grained Pipelined Accelerators (FL, SG, NPJ, DIA), p. 6.
DAC-2014-ZhanXS #fine-grained #named- NoC-Sprinting: Interconnect for Fine-Grained Sprinting in the Dark Silicon Era (JZ, YX, GS), p. 6.
DATE-2014-KimKKYL #design- Coarse-grained Bubble Razor to exploit the potential of two-phase transparent latch designs (HK, DK, JJK, SY, SL), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-KimSXWPC #android #fine-grained #monitoring #named #smarttech- FEPMA: Fine-grained event-driven power meter for android smartphones based on device driver layer event monitoring (KK, DS, QX, YW, MP, NC), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-KondoKSWTNWAMKUKN #design #embedded #evaluation #fine-grained- Design and evaluation of fine-grained power-gating for embedded microprocessors (MK, HK, RS, MW, JT, MN, WW, HA, KM, MK, KU, TK, HN), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-YinOLW #configuration management- Extending lifetime of battery-powered coarse-grained reconfigurable computing platforms (SY, PO, LL, SW), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-ZuoloZMGICPOB #design #fine-grained #framework #named- SSDExplorer: A virtual platform for fine-grained design space exploration of Solid State Drives (LZ, CZ, RM, SG, MI, SDC, PP, PO, DB), pp. 1–6.
DocEng-2014-DohrnR #detection #documentation #fine-grained- Fine-grained change detection in structured text documents (HD, DR), pp. 87–96.
PODS-2014-AmelootKNZ #declarative #fine-grained #network- Weaker forms of monotonicity for declarative networking: a more fine-grained answer to the calm-conjecture (TJA, BK, FN, DZ), pp. 64–75.
SIGMOD-2014-SunFKX #clustering #fine-grained- Fine-grained partitioning for aggressive data skipping (LS, MJF, SK, RSX), pp. 1115–1126.
VLDB-2014-ZhangHSLP #fine-grained #mining #named #semantics- Splitter: Mining Fine-Grained Sequential Patterns in Semantic Trajectories (CZ, JH, LS, JL, TFLP), pp. 769–780.
VLDB-2015-TaftMSDEAPS14 #clustering #distributed #fine-grained #named #transaction- E-Store: Fine-Grained Elastic Partitioning for Distributed Transaction Processing (RT, EM, MS, JD, AJE, AA, AP, MS), pp. 245–256.
ESOP-2014-NanevskiLSD #communication #concurrent #fine-grained- Communicating State Transition Systems for Fine-Grained Concurrent Resources (AN, RLW, IS, GAD), pp. 290–310.
ICSME-2014-MondalRS #analysis #fine-grained- A Fine-Grained Analysis on the Evolutionary Coupling of Cloned Code (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 51–60.
SCAM-2014-MarsavinaRZ #co-evolution #fine-grained- Studying Fine-Grained Co-evolution Patterns of Production and Test Code (CM, DR, AZ), pp. 195–204.
CAiSE-2014-PorriniPB #fine-grained- Extracting Facets from Lost Fine-Grained Categorizations in Dataspaces (RP, MP, CB), pp. 580–594.
CIKM-2014-DuQF #approach #fine-grained #owl- A Practical Fine-grained Approach to Resolving Incoherent OWL 2 DL Terminologies (JD, GQ, XF), pp. 919–928.
ICPR-2014-HanselmannN #2d #categorisation #fine-grained #visual notation- Fine-Grained Visual Categorization with 2D-Warping (HH, HN), pp. 608–613.
ICPR-2014-KrauseGDLF #fine-grained #learning #recognition- Learning Features and Parts for Fine-Grained Recognition (JK, TG, JD, LJL, FFL), pp. 26–33.
SEKE-2014-ZhuangZL #fine-grained #framework #layout #reuse #runtime- Runtime Code Reuse Attacks: A Dynamic Framework Bypassing Fine-Grained Address Space Layout Randomization (YZ, TZ, ZL), pp. 609–614.
SIGIR-2014-LiS #fine-grained #twitter- Fine-grained location extraction from tweets with temporal awareness (CL, AS), pp. 43–52.
RE-2014-GuzmanM #analysis #fine-grained #how #sentiment- How Do Users Like This Feature? A Fine Grained Sentiment Analysis of App Reviews (EG, WM), pp. 153–162.
SAC-2014-WangH #data access #fine-grained #performance- An I/O scheduler based on fine-grained access patterns to improve SSD performance and lifespan (MW, YH), pp. 1511–1516.
ICSE-2014-NegaraCDJ #detection #fine-grained #mining- Mining fine-grained code changes to detect unknown change patterns (SN, MC, DD, REJ), pp. 803–813.
CGO-2014-CastroKAPJ #benchmark #fine-grained #metric- Fine-grained Benchmark Subsetting for System Selection (PdOC, YK, CA, MP, WJ), p. 132.
HPCA-2014-FytrakiVKFG #monitoring #named #programmable- FADE: A programmable filtering accelerator for instruction-grain monitoring (SF, EV, YOK, BF, BG), pp. 108–119.
OSDI-2014-SpahnBLBGK #abstraction #data transformation #fine-grained #named #operating system- Pebbles: Fine-Grained Data Management Abstractions for Modern Operating Systems (RS, JB, ML, SB, RG, GEK), pp. 113–129.
PPoPP-2014-SandesMMMA #comparison #parallel #sequence- Fine-grain parallel megabase sequence comparison with multiple heterogeneous GPUs (EFdOS, GM, ACMAdM, XM, EA), pp. 383–384.
DAC-2013-HamzehSV #architecture #configuration management #named- REGIMap: register-aware application mapping on coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (CGRAs) (MH, AS, SBKV), p. 10.
DATE-2013-BurgioTMB #clustering #fine-grained #memory management- Enabling fine-grained OpenMP tasking on tightly-coupled shared memory clusters (PB, GT, AM, LB), pp. 1504–1509.
DATE-2013-El-NacouziAPZJM #detection #scalability- A dual grain hit-miss detector for large die-stacked DRAM caches (MEN, IA, MP, JZ, NDEJ, AM), pp. 89–92.
DATE-2013-ImagawaTOS #analysis #architecture #configuration management #effectiveness- A cost-effective selective TMR for heterogeneous coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures based on DFG-level vulnerability analysis (TI, HT, HO, TS), pp. 701–706.
DATE-2013-XydisPS #configuration management- Thermal-aware datapath merging for coarse-grained reconfigurable processors (SX, GP, CS), pp. 1649–1654.
SIGMOD-2013-BenderKGK #ecosystem #fine-grained- Fine-grained disclosure control for app ecosystems (GB, LK, JG, CK), pp. 869–880.
AdaEurope-2013-MichellMP #ada #fine-grained #named #parallel- Tasklettes — A Fine Grained Parallelism for Ada on Multicores (SM, BM, LMP), pp. 17–34.
ICEIS-J-2013-SuB13a #fine-grained #graph #identification #security- Foundation for Fine-Grained Security and DRM Control Based on a Service Call Graph Context Identification (ZS, FB), pp. 226–241.
KDD-2013-FeiKSNMH #detection #learning- Heat pump detection from coarse grained smart meter data with positive and unlabeled learning (HF, YK, SS, MRN, SKM, JH), pp. 1330–1338.
SEKE-2013-YuanYL #debugging #fine-grained #predict #source code- Bug Prediction for Fine-Grained Source Code Changes (ZY, LY, CL), pp. 381–387.
MoDELS-2013-CazzolaRAF #evolution #fine-grained #modelling #process #uml #using- Fine-Grained Software Evolution Using UML Activity and Class Models (WC, NAR, MAR, RBF), pp. 271–286.
MoDELS-2013-CazzolaRAF #evolution #fine-grained #modelling #process #uml #using- Fine-Grained Software Evolution Using UML Activity and Class Models (WC, NAR, MAR, RBF), pp. 271–286.
GPCE-2013-0001RN #abstract syntax tree #declarative #fine-grained #mining #source code- Declarative visitors to ease fine-grained source code mining with full history on billions of AST nodes (RD, HR, TNN), pp. 23–32.
POPL-2013-Ley-WildN #concurrent- Subjective auxiliary state for coarse-grained concurrency (RLW, AN), pp. 561–574.
POPL-2013-TuronTABD #concurrent #fine-grained #logic- Logical relations for fine-grained concurrency (AJT, JT, AA, LB, DD), pp. 343–356.
SAC-2013-CazzolaV13a #fine-grained- Fine-grained annotations for pointcuts with a finer granularity (WC, EV), pp. 1706–1711.
SAC-2013-XuTTZ #approach #fault #fine-grained- An instruction-level fine-grained recovery approach for soft errors (JX, QT, LT, HZ), pp. 1511–1516.
ASPLOS-2013-GrossmanKBTDILSTYS #fine-grained #hardware- Hardware support for fine-grained event-driven computation in Anton 2 (JPG, JK, JAB, MT, ROD, DJI, RHL, UBS, BT, CY, DES), pp. 549–560.
ASPLOS-2013-KadavRS #fault tolerance #fine-grained #using- Fine-grained fault tolerance using device checkpoints (AK, MJR, MMS), pp. 473–484.
ASPLOS-2013-ShenSDZC #energy #fine-grained #manycore- Power containers: an OS facility for fine-grained power and energy management on multicore servers (KS, AS, SD, XZ, ZC), pp. 65–76.
CGO-2013-YanTZYS #algorithm #fine-grained #graph #named #parallel #traversal- Vlock: Lock virtualization mechanism for exploiting fine-grained parallelism in graph traversal algorithms (JY, GT, XZ, EY, NS), p. 10.
HPCA-2013-LustigM #cpu #fine-grained #gpu #latency- Reducing GPU offload latency via fine-grained CPU-GPU synchronization (DL, MM), pp. 354–365.
DAC-2012-ZhangWCHL #fine-grained #multi #performance- Heterogeneous multi-channel: fine-grained DRAM control for both system performance and power efficiency (GZ, HW, XC, SH, PL), pp. 876–881.
DATE-2012-GrudnitskyBH #architecture #configuration management- Partial online-synthesis for mixed-grained reconfigurable architectures (AG, LB, JH), pp. 1555–1560.
DATE-2012-HanPC #architecture #configuration management #power management- State-based full predication for low power coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture (KH, SP, KC), pp. 1367–1372.
SIGMOD-2012-EngleLXZFSS #data analysis #distributed #memory management #named #performance #using- Shark: fast data analysis using coarse-grained distributed memory (CE, AL, RX, MZ, MJF, SS, IS), pp. 689–692.
VLDB-2012-BaoDM #dependence #fine-grained #workflow- Labeling Workflow Views with Fine-Grained Dependencies (ZB, SBD, TM), pp. 1208–1219.
CSMR-2012-HashimotoM #analysis #fine-grained #mining- Enhancing History-Based Concern Mining with Fine-Grained Change Analysis (MH, AM), pp. 75–84.
ICSM-2012-YazdanshenasM #component #fine-grained #impact analysis #product line- Fine-grained change impact analysis for component-based product families (ARY, LM), pp. 119–128.
WCRE-2012-RomanoRPK #fine-grained #source code #using- Analyzing the Impact of Antipatterns on Change-Proneness Using Fine-Grained Source Code Changes (DR, PR, MP, FK), pp. 437–446.
WCRE-2012-TianLS #classification #debugging #fine-grained #information retrieval #nearest neighbour #predict- Information Retrieval Based Nearest Neighbor Classification for Fine-Grained Bug Severity Prediction (YT, DL, CS), pp. 215–224.
PLDI-2012-Turon #concurrent #fine-grained #named- Reagents: expressing and composing fine-grained concurrency (AT), pp. 157–168.
CIKM-2012-GuoLA #fine-grained #interactive #predict #web- Predicting web search success with fine-grained interaction data (QG, DL, EA), pp. 2050–2054.
ICPR-2012-SunLI #quality #scalability- A pixel-domain mode-mapping based SVC-to-AVC transcoder with coarse grain quality scalability (LS, ZL, TI), pp. 939–942.
TOOLS-EUROPE-J-2011-SchwarzLN12 #fine-grained #named- Seuss: Decoupling responsibilities from static methods for fine-grained configurability (NS, ML, ON), pp. 1–23.
OOPSLA-2012-Anderson #fine-grained #parallel #policy #resource management #using- Efficiently combining parallel software using fine-grained, language-level, hierarchical resource management policies (ZRA), pp. 717–736.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-WimmerMV #co-evolution- Viewpoint Co-evolution through Coarse-Grained Changes and Coupled Transformations (MW, NM, AV), pp. 336–352.
SAC-2012-ChengZQ #detection #fine-grained #topic- Fine-grained topic detection in news search results (JC, JZ, SQ), pp. 912–917.
FSE-2012-ChandramohanTS #behaviour #clustering #modelling #scalability- Scalable malware clustering through coarse-grained behavior modeling (MC, HBKT, LKS), p. 27.
ICSE-2012-Gu #fine-grained #ide #interactive- Capturing and exploiting fine-grained IDE interactions (ZG), pp. 1630–1631.
ICSE-2012-HataMK #debugging #fine-grained #predict- Bug prediction based on fine-grained module histories (HH, OM, TK), pp. 200–210.
CC-2012-ZhaoSAK #compilation- Compiler Support for Fine-Grain Software-Only Checkpointing (C(Z, JGS, CA, AK), pp. 200–219.
DAC-2011-JooK #fine-grained #named- WaveMin: a fine-grained clock buffer polarity assignment combined with buffer sizing (DJ, TK), pp. 522–527.
DAC-2011-NandakumarM #3d #layout- Layout effects in fine grain 3D integrated regular microprocessor blocks (VSN, MMS), pp. 639–644.
DATE-2011-AhmedSBH #configuration management #multi #named #runtime- mRTS: Run-time system for reconfigurable processors with multi-grained instruction-set extensions (WA, MS, LB, JH), pp. 1554–1559.
DATE-2011-AnsaloniPTD #array #configuration management #scheduling- Slack-aware scheduling on Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (GA, LP, KT, ND), pp. 1513–1516.
DATE-2011-TendulkarPNKNK #communication #hardware #runtime- Fine-grain OpenMP runtime support with explicit communication hardware primitives (PT, VP, GN, SGK, DSN, MK), pp. 891–894.
DATE-2011-ZhaoDX #3d #design #energy #fine-grained #scalability- An energy-efficient 3D CMP design with fine-grained voltage scaling (JZ, XD, YX), pp. 539–542.
MSR-2011-GigerPG #debugging #fine-grained #predict #source code- Comparing fine-grained source code changes and code churn for bug prediction (EG, MP, HCG), pp. 83–92.
ECIR-2011-TackstromM #fine-grained #modelling #predict #sentiment- Discovering Fine-Grained Sentiment with Latent Variable Structured Prediction Models (OT, RTM), pp. 368–374.
OOPSLA-2011-Golan-GuetaBARSY #automation #using- Automatic fine-grain locking using shape properties (GGG, NGB, AA, GR, MS, EY), pp. 225–242.
OOPSLA-2011-PylaRV #parallel- Exploiting coarse-grain speculative parallelism (HKP, CJR, SV), pp. 555–574.
POPL-2011-JacobsP #composition #concurrent #fine-grained #specification- Expressive modular fine-grained concurrency specification (BJ, FP), pp. 271–282.
SAC-2011-JinKKHM #fine-grained- Sector log: fine-grained storage management for solid state drives (SJ, JHK, JK, JH, SM), pp. 360–367.
ICSE-2011-RahmanD #experience #fault #fine-grained- Ownership, experience and defects: a fine-grained study of authorship (FR, PTD), pp. 491–500.
CGO-2011-LeeT #automation #fine-grained #parallel- Automatic parallelization of fine-grained meta-functions on a chip multiprocessor (SL, JT), pp. 130–140.
HPCA-2011-LeeTST #fine-grained #multi #named #thread- HAQu: Hardware-accelerated queueing for fine-grained threading on a chip multiprocessor (SL, DT, YS, JT), pp. 99–110.
HPCA-2011-RanjanLMG #clustering #concurrent #multi #named #thread- Fg-STP: Fine-Grain Single Thread Partitioning on Multicores (RR, FL, PM, AG), pp. 15–24.
LCTES-2011-JangKLKYKKR #architecture #clustering #configuration management- An instruction-scheduling-aware data partitioning technique for coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (CJ, JK, JL, HSK, DY, SK, HK, SR), pp. 151–160.
PPoPP-2011-WillcockHEL #data-driven #fine-grained #parallel #programming- Active pebbles: a programming model for highly parallel fine-grained data-driven computations (JW, TH, NGE, AL), pp. 305–306.
DAC-2010-LeeSC #data access #fine-grained #mobile- Fine-grained I/O access control based on Xen virtualization for 3G/4G mobile devices (SML, SBS, JDC), pp. 108–113.
DATE-2010-KoenigBSSABH #architecture #configuration management #multi #named #novel- KAHRISMA: A novel Hypermorphic Reconfigurable-Instruction-Set Multi-grained-Array architecture (RK, LB, TS, MS, WA, JB, JH), pp. 819–824.
FASE-2010-NguyenNPN #fine-grained #representation #version control- Operation-Based, Fine-Grained Version Control Model for Tree-Based Representation (TTN, HAN, NHP, TNN), pp. 74–90.
ICSM-2010-BhattacharyaN #debugging #fine-grained #graph #incremental #learning #multi- Fine-grained incremental learning and multi-feature tossing graphs to improve bug triaging (PB, IN), pp. 1–10.
CHI-2010-LiaoLLW #fine-grained #gesture #hybrid #interactive #named- Pacer: fine-grained interactive paper via camera-touch hybrid gestures on a cell phone (CL, QL, BL, LW), pp. 2441–2450.
CIKM-2010-CrestanP #fine-grained #taxonomy #web- A fine-grained taxonomy of tables on the web (EC, PP), pp. 1405–1408.
ICPR-2010-MollerSHP #modelling #segmentation- Cascaded Segmentation of Grained Cell Tissue with Active Contour Models (BM, NS, SH, SP), pp. 1481–1484.
POPL-2010-KoskinenPH #transaction- Coarse-grained transactions (EK, MJP, MH), pp. 19–30.
SAC-2010-MatthysAHMJH #data access #fine-grained #network #towards- Towards fine-grained and application-centric access control for wireless sensor networks (NM, SRA, CH, SM, WJ, DH), pp. 793–794.
ASPLOS-2010-SanchezYK #architecture #flexibility #scheduling- Flexible architectural support for fine-grain scheduling (DS, RMY, CK), pp. 311–322.
CGO-2010-StrattonGMAMHH #compilation #fine-grained #manycore #performance #source code #thread- Efficient compilation of fine-grained SPMD-threaded programs for multicore CPUs (JAS, VG, JM, BA, MM, ZH, WmWH), pp. 111–119.
HPDC-2010-DunTY #data-driven #fine-grained #named #profiling #workflow- ParaTrac: a fine-grained profiler for data-intensive workflows (ND, KT, AY), pp. 37–48.
HPDC-2010-LimPF #named #performance #using- SoftPower: fine-grain power estimations using performance counters (MYL, AP, RJF), pp. 308–311.
LCTES-2010-ForoozannejadHHG #analysis #streaming- Look into details: the benefits of fine-grain streaming buffer analysis (MHF, MH, TLH, SG), pp. 27–36.
DATE-2009-AnsaloniBP #architecture #embedded- Heterogeneous coarse-grained processing elements: A template architecture for embedded processing acceleration (GA, PB, LP), pp. 542–547.
DATE-2009-WhittySEP #algorithm #architecture #configuration management- Mapping of a film grain removal algorithm to a heterogeneous reconfigurable architecture (SW, HS, RE, WPR), pp. 27–32.
CSMR-2009-LuciaFST #concurrent #fine-grained #modelling #uml #version control- Concurrent Fine-Grained Versioning of UML Models (ADL, FF, GS, GT), pp. 89–98.
SCAM-2009-Prause #fine-grained #maintenance #metadata- Maintaining Fine-Grained Code Metadata Regardless of Moving, Copying and Merging (CP), pp. 109–118.
PLDI-2009-RoyPBMW #data flow #distributed #fine-grained #named- Laminar: practical fine-grained decentralized information flow control (IR, DEP, MDB, KSM, EW), pp. 63–74.
HCD-2009-NieminenKRM #analysis #fine-grained #testing #towards #usability- Towards Fine-Grained Usability Testing: New Methodological Directions with Conversation Analysis (MN, SK, SR, PM), pp. 879–887.
ECOOP-2009-FischerMMM #data access #fine-grained- Fine-Grained Access Control with Object-Sensitive Roles (JF, DM, RM, TDM), pp. 173–194.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-CaronCMV #adaptation #component #framework #functional- A Coding Framework for Functional Adaptation of Coarse-Grained Components in Extensible EJB Servers (OC, BC, AM, GV), pp. 215–230.
RE-2009-CarvalloF #component #on the #process #requirements- On the Use of Requirements for Driving Call-for-Tender Processes for Procuring Coarse-grained OTS Components (JPC, XF), pp. 287–292.
SAC-2009-ParkH #embedded #fine-grained #operating system #programming #using- Building a customizable embedded operating system with fine-grained joinpoints using the AOX programming environment (JP, SH), pp. 1952–1956.
SPLC-2009-ArboledaCR #fine-grained #modelling- Dealing with fine-grained configurations in model-driven SPLs (HA, RC, JCR), pp. 1–10.
HPCA-2009-Chaudhuri #locality #multi #named #policy #scalability- PageNUCA: Selected policies for page-grain locality management in large shared chip-multiprocessor caches (MC), pp. 227–238.
HPCA-2009-ChenA #fine-grained #first-order #parallel #thread #throughput- A first-order fine-grained multithreaded throughput model (XEC, TMA), pp. 329–340.
LCTES-2009-OhEPM #architecture #configuration management #scheduling- Recurrence cycle aware modulo scheduling for coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (TO, BE, HP, SAM), pp. 21–30.
DATE-2008-BougardSRNADP #array- A Coarse-Grained Array based Baseband Processor for 100Mbps+ Software Defined Radio (BB, BDS, SR, DN, OA, SD, LVdP), pp. 716–721.
DATE-2008-ChattopadhyayCILAM #architecture #configuration management #modelling- High-level Modelling and Exploration of Coarse-grained Re-configurable Architectures (AC, XC, HI, RL, GA, HM), pp. 1334–1339.
DATE-2008-LeinweberB #clustering #composition #fine-grained #reduction- Fine-Grained Supply Gating Through Hypergraph Partitioning and Shannon Decomposition for Active Power Reduction (LL, SB), pp. 373–378.
DATE-2008-PakbazniaP #using- Coarse-Grain MTCMOS Sleep Transistor Sizing Using Delay Budgeting (EP, MP), pp. 385–390.
WCRE-2008-HashimotoM #analysis #fine-grained #named- Diff/TS: A Tool for Fine-Grained Structural Change Analysis (MH, AM), pp. 279–288.
WCRE-2008-RobbesPL #fine-grained #logic- Logical Coupling Based on Fine-Grained Change Information (RR, DP, ML), pp. 42–46.
PLDI-2008-VechevY #concurrent #fine-grained- Deriving linearizable fine-grained concurrent objects (MTV, EY), pp. 125–135.
CIKM-2008-LeeL #clustering #data type #multi #online- A coarse-grain grid-based subspace clustering method for online multi-dimensional data streams (JWL, WSL), pp. 1521–1522.
SIGIR-2008-PanSW #feedback #fine-grained #retrieval #xml- Fine-grained relevance feedback for XML retrieval (HP, RS, GW), p. 887.
CGO-2008-SaxenaSP #fine-grained #performance- Efficient fine-grained binary instrumentationwith applications to taint-tracking (PS, RS, VP), pp. 74–83.
LCTES-2008-SutterCAM #array #configuration management- Placement-and-routing-based register allocation for coarse-grained reconfigurable arrays (BDS, PC, TVA, BM), pp. 151–160.
PPoPP-2008-RulVB #parallel #source code- Extracting coarse-grain parallelism in general-purpose programs (SR, HV, KDB), pp. 281–282.
ASE-2007-Kagdi #fine-grained #mining #predict #source code- Improving change prediction with fine-grained source code mining (HHK), pp. 559–562.
DAC-2007-ChiouJCC #algorithm #fine-grained #power management- Fine-Grained Sleep Transistor Sizing Algorithm for Leakage Power Minimization (DSC, DCJ, YTC, SCC), pp. 81–86.
DAC-2007-KumarSCKS #embedded #memory management- A System For Coarse Grained Memory Protection In Tiny Embedded Processors (RK, AS, AC, EK, MBS), pp. 218–223.
DATE-2007-ArbeloKLLBSM #architecture #configuration management #kernel #video- Mapping control-intensive video kernels onto a coarse-grain reconfigurable architecture: the H.264/AVC deblocking filter (CA, AK, SL, JFL, MB, RS, JYM), pp. 177–182.
VLDB-2007-WangYLLBIB #correctness #data access #database #fine-grained #on the #relational- On the Correctness Criteria of Fine-Grained Access Control in Relational Databases (QW, TY, NL, JL, EB, KI, JWB), pp. 555–566.
ICSM-2007-Fasano #fine-grained- Fine-Grained Management of Software Artefacts (FF), pp. 507–508.
SAS-2007-CalcagnoPV #composition #concurrent #fine-grained #safety- Modular Safety Checking for Fine-Grained Concurrency (CC, MJP, VV), pp. 233–248.
CIAA-2007-Barthelemy #multi- Multi-grain Relations (FB), pp. 243–252.
SIGIR-2007-LeeHJ #fine-grained #recognition- Fine-grained named entity recognition and relation extraction for question answering (CL, YGH, MGJ), pp. 799–800.
HPDC-2007-RenEB #fine-grained- Failure-aware checkpointing in fine-grained cycle sharing systems (XR, RE, SB), pp. 33–42.
LCTES-2007-ChuM #clustering #parallel- Code and data partitioning for fine-grain parallelism (MLC, SAM), pp. 161–164.
PPoPP-2007-GontmakherMS #energy #multi #performance #thread #using- Using fine grain multithreading for energy efficient computing (AG, AM, AS), pp. 259–269.
DATE-2006-AhnYPKKC #algorithm #architecture #configuration management- A spatial mapping algorithm for heterogeneous coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (MA, JWY, YP, YK, MK, KC), pp. 363–368.
DATE-2006-BabighianBMM- Enabling fine-grain leakage management by voltage anchor insertion (PB, LB, AM, EM), pp. 868–873.
DATE-2006-BanerjeeRMB #fine-grained #logic #power management #synthesis #using- Low power synthesis of dynamic logic circuits using fine-grained clock gating (NB, KR, HMM, SB), pp. 862–867.
DATE-2006-KempfKWALM #estimation #fine-grained #framework #performance #using- A SW performance estimation framework for early system-level-design using fine-grained instrumentation (TK, KK, SW, GA, RL, HM), pp. 468–473.
SIGMOD-2006-KabraRS #data access #fine-grained #information management- Redundancy and information leakage in fine-grained access control (GK, RR, SS), pp. 133–144.
MSR-2006-CanforaC #fine-grained #impact analysis #repository- Fine grained indexing of software repositories to support impact analysis (GC, LC), pp. 105–111.
ASPLOS-2006-GordonTA #parallel #pipes and filters #source code- Exploiting coarse-grained task, data, and pipeline parallelism in stream programs (MIG, WT, SPA), pp. 151–162.
HPDC-2006-RenLEB #fine-grained #predict- Resource Availability Prediction in Fine-Grained Cycle Sharing Systems (XR, SL, RE, SB), pp. 93–104.
LCTES-2006-YanSG #architecture #configuration management #estimation #implementation- Area and delay estimation for FPGA implementation of coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (LY, TS, NG), pp. 182–188.
DAC-2005-KaruriFKLAM #design #fine-grained #profiling #source code- Fine-grained application source code profiling for ASIP design (KK, MAAF, SK, RL, GA, HM), pp. 329–334.
DATE-2005-BaradaranD #algorithm #architecture #configuration management- A Register Allocation Algorithm in the Presence of Scalar Replacement for Fine-Grain Configurable Architectures (NB, PCD), pp. 6–11.
DATE-2005-CombazFLS #multi- Fine Grain QoS Control for Multimedia Application Software (JC, JCF, TL, JS), pp. 1038–1043.
DATE-2005-KimKPJC #architecture #configuration management #optimisation #pipes and filters #resource management- Resource Sharing and Pipelining in Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture for Domain-Specific Optimization (YK, MK, CP, JJ, KC), pp. 12–17.
VLDB-2005-AkalTSBGV #correctness #fine-grained #replication #scheduling- Fine-Grained Replication and Scheduling with Freshness and Correctness Guarantees (FA, CT, HJS, YB, TG, LV), pp. 565–576.
SCAM-2005-FluriGP #analysis #fine-grained- Fine-Grained Analysis of Change Couplings (BF, HG, MP), pp. 66–74.
OOPSLA-2005-GrayFF #contract #fine-grained- Fine-grained interoperability through mirrors and contracts (KEG, RBF, MF), pp. 231–245.
DATE-v1-2004-BansalGDNG #architecture #configuration management #network- Network Topology Exploration of Mesh-Based Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architectures (NB, SG, ND, AN, RG), pp. 474–479.
DATE-v1-2004-ChoiSP #energy #fine-grained #performance #precise #scalability #trade-off- Fine-Grained Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling for Precise Energy and Performance Trade-Off Based on the Ratio of Off-Chip Access to On-Chip Computation Times (KC, RS, MP), pp. 4–9.
SIGMOD-2004-RizviMSR #data access #fine-grained #query- Extending Query Rewriting Techniques for Fine-Grained Access Control (SR, AOM, SS, PR), pp. 551–562.
VLDB-2004-KraftS #evaluation #named #optimisation- CHICAGO: A Test and Evaluation Environment for Coarse-Grained Optimization (TK, HS), pp. 1345–1348.
VLDB-2004-RundensteinerDSZPM #adaptation #named #query- CAPE: Continuous Query Engine with Heterogeneous-Grained Adaptivity (EAR, LD, TMS, YZ, BP, NKM), pp. 1353–1356.
FoSSaCS-2004-GhicaM #concurrent #fine-grained #semantics- Angelic Semantics of Fine-Grained Concurrency (DRG, ASM), pp. 211–225.
ICSM-2004-German #empirical #fine-grained- An Empirical Study of Fine-Grained Software Modifications (DMG), pp. 316–325.
CIKM-2004-LuoLLL #data access #fine-grained #named #query #runtime #xml- QFilter: fine-grained run-time XML access control via NFA-based query rewriting (BL, DL, WCL, PL), pp. 543–552.
SAC-2004-UhrigU #fine-grained #parallel #power management #thread- Fine-grained power management for multithreaded processor cores (SU, TU), pp. 907–908.
DATE-2003-BeckerTVB #architecture #configuration management #industrial #integration- An Industrial/Academic Configurable System-on-Chip Project (CSoC): Coarse-Grain XXP-/Leon-Based Architecture Integration (JB, AT, MV, VB), pp. 11120–11121.
DATE-2003-MeiVVML #architecture #configuration management #parallel #scheduling #using- Exploiting Loop-Level Parallelism on Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures Using Modulo Scheduling (BM, SV, DV, HDM, RL), pp. 10296–10301.
VLDB-2003-KraftSRM #optimisation #sequence #sql- Coarse-Grained Optimization: Techniques for Rewriting SQL Statement Sequences (TK, HS, RR, BM), pp. 488–499.
EDOC-2003-BurtBROA #data access #modelling #security #unification- Model Driven Security: Unification of Authorization Models for Fine-Grain Access Control (CCB, BRB, RRR, AMO, MA), pp. 159–173.
SAC-2003-GondraS #algorithm #parallel #search-based- A Coarse-Grain Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Finding Ramsey Numbers (IG, MHS), pp. 2–8.
LCTES-2003-GuoSBH #algorithm #configuration management #graph- A graph covering algorithm for a coarse grain reconfigurable system (YG, GJMS, HB, PMH), pp. 199–208.
LCTES-2003-LeeCD #algorithm #architecture #configuration management- An algorithm for mapping loops onto coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (JeL, KC, NDD), pp. 183–188.
VLDB-2002-Chakrabarti #fine-grained #mining- Searching and Mining Fine-Grained Semi-Structured Data (SC).
TACAS-2002-JinKS #analysis #reachability #scheduling- Fine-Grain Conjunction Scheduling for Symbolic Reachability Analysis (HJ, AK, FS), pp. 312–326.
ICSM-2002-OhstK #analysis #design #fine-grained- A Fine-Grained Version and Configuration Model in Analysis and Design (DO, UK), pp. 521–527.
ICPR-v2-2002-RonnebergerBS #3d #classification #invariant #recognition #set #using- General-Purpose Object Recognition in 3D Volume Data Sets Using Gray-Scale Invariants --- Classification of Airborne Pollen-Grains Recorded with a Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (OR, HB, ES), p. 290–?.
FSE-2002-Chu-CarrollWS #configuration management #fine-grained- Supporting aggregation in fine grained software configuration management (MCC, JLW, DS), pp. 99–108.
ICSE-2002-MehtaH #component #evolution #fine-grained #legacy- Evolving legacy system features into fine-grained components (AM, GTH), pp. 417–427.
HPCA-2002-ZhuZZ #memory management #multi #scheduling- Fine-Grain Priority Scheduling on Multi-Channel Memory Systems (ZZ, ZZ, XZ), pp. 107–116.
OSDI-2002-ElsonGE #fine-grained #network #using- Fine-Grained Network Time Synchronization Using Reference Broadcasts (JE, LG, DE), pp. 147–163.
ICDAR-2001-BagdanovW #classification #documentation #fine-grained #first-order #graph #random #using- Fine-Grained Document Genre Classification Using First Order Random Graphs (ADB, MW), pp. 79–85.
PPoPP-2001-VeldemaHBJB #distributed #memory management #optimisation- Source-level global optimizations for fine-grain distributed shared memory systems (RV, RFHH, RB, CJHJ, HEB), pp. 83–92.
DAC-2000-UmKL #fine-grained #optimisation #power management #synthesis- A fine-grained arithmetic optimization technique for high-performance/low-power data path synthesis (JU, TK, CLL), pp. 98–103.
ICFP-1999-ShiversCM #transaction- Atomic Heap Transactions and Fine-grain Interrupts (OS, JWC, RM), pp. 48–59.
ECOOP-1999-PandeyH #data access #fine-grained #java #source code- Providing Fine-grained Access Control for Java Programs (RP, BH), pp. 449–473.
ESEC-FSE-1999-MascoloPR #fine-grained- A Fine-Grained Model for Code Mobility (CM, GPP, GCR), pp. 39–56.
HPCA-1999-DwarkadasGKSSS #comparative #distributed #evaluation #memory management- Comparative Evaluation of Fine- and Coarse-Grain Approaches for Software Distributed Shared Memory (SD, KG, LIK, DJS, MLS, RS), pp. 260–269.
HPCA-1999-FalsafiW #abstraction #communication #parallel #programming #protocol #queue- Parallel Dispatch Queue: A Queue-Based Programming Abstraction to Parallelize Fine-Grain Communication Protocols (BF, DAW), pp. 182–192.
HPCA-1999-TullsenLEL #fine-grained #multi #thread- Supporting Fine-Grained Synchronization on a Simultaneous Multithreading Processor (DMT, JLL, SJE, HML), pp. 54–58.
OSDI-1999-ItzkovitzS #multi- MultiView and Millipage — Fine-Grain Sharing in Page-Based DSMs (AI, AS), pp. 215–228.
OSDI-1999-TamchesM #fine-grained #kernel #operating system- Fine-Grained Dynamic Instrumentation of Commodity Operating System Kernels (AT, BPM), pp. 117–130.
EDOC-1998-ActonCPS #corba #development #fine-grained #framework- A development framework for building fine-grained CORBA(R) applications (DA, TC, PP, MS), pp. 183–193.
OOPSLA-1998-McAuliffeCS #clustering #fine-grained #flexibility #named- Vclusters: A Flexible, Fine-Grained Object Clustering Mechanism (MLM, MJC, MHS), pp. 230–243.
SAC-1998-Morin #parallel- Coarse grained parallel computing on heterogeneous systems (PM), pp. 628–634.
HPCA-1998-ScalesGA #clustering #distributed #memory management- Fine-Grain Software Distributed Shared Memory on SMP Clusters (DJS, KG, AA), pp. 125–136.
HPDC-1998-ChoWCK #fine-grained #parallel #performance- Parallel I/O Performance of Fine Grained Data Distributions (YC, MW, YC, SWK), pp. 163–170.
HPDC-1998-RussBGJRL #integration #named- Hectiling: An Integration of Fine and Coarse-Grained Load-Balancing Strategies (SHR, IB, SG, BJ, JR, RL), pp. 106–113.
ISMM-1998-HuelsbergenW #concurrent #garbage collection- Very Concurrent Mark-&-Sweep Garbage Collection without Fine-Grain Synchronization (LH, PW), pp. 166–175.
ICSM-2000-MullerWS #framework #standard #using- Wrapping coarse-grained objects using standard infrastructure technology (HAM, KW, MADS), p. 301.
PLDI-1997-TauraY #approach #compilation #effectiveness #implementation #multi #performance #thread- Fine-grain Multithreading with Minimal Compiler Support — A Cost Effective Approach to Implementing Efficient Multithreading Languages (KT, AY), pp. 320–333.
ICALP-1997-CaceresDFFRRSS #algorithm #graph #parallel #performance- Efficient Parallel Graph Algorithms For Coarse Grained Multicomputers and BSP (EC, FKHAD, AF, PF, IR, AR, NS, SWS), pp. 390–400.
HPCA-1997-Abdel-ShafiHAA #communication #evaluation #multi- An Evaluation of Fine-Grain Producer-Initiated Communication in Cache-Coherent Multiprocessors (HAS, JH, SVA, VSA), pp. 204–215.
PPoPP-1997-ChandraL #communication #distributed #memory management #optimisation #source code- Optimizing Communication in HPF programs for Fine-Grain Distributed Shared Memory (SC, JRL), pp. 100–111.
PPoPP-1997-Rinard #automation #effectiveness #source code #using- Effective Fine-Grain Synchronization for Automatically Parallelized Programs Using Optimistic Synchronization Primitives (MCR), pp. 112–123.
ASPLOS-1996-ScalesGT #approach #memory management #named- Shasta: A Low Overhead, Software-Only Approach for Supporting Fine-Grain Shared Memory (DJS, KG, CAT), pp. 174–185.
RTA-1996-KirchnerLS #concurrent #fine-grained- Fine-Grained Concurrent Completion (CK, CL, CS), pp. 3–17.
DAC-1995-ChouB #embedded #fine-grained #scheduling- Interval Scheduling: Fine-Grained Code Scheduling for Embedded Systems (PHC, GB), pp. 462–467.
HPCA-1995-KawanoKTA #architecture #parallel #thread- Fine-Grain Multi-Thread Processor Architecture for Massively Parallel Processing (TK, SK, RiT, MA), pp. 308–317.
EDAC-1994-HarrisO #concurrent #fine-grained #scheduling- Fine-Grained Concurrency in Test Scheduling for Partial-Intrusion BIST (IGH, AO), pp. 119–123.
SIGMOD-1994-CareyFZ #fine-grained- Fine-Grained Sharing in a Page Server OODBMS (MJC, MJF, MZ), pp. 359–370.
PLILP-1994-MetzemakersMSS #performance #using- Improving Arithmetic Performance using Fine-Grain Unfolding (TM, AM, DS, RS), pp. 324–339.
ASPLOS-1994-SchoinasFLRLW #data access #distributed #memory management- Fine-grain Access Control for Distributed Shared Memory (IS, BF, ARL, SKR, JRL, DAW), pp. 297–306.
FSE-1993-MagnussonAM #collaboration #development #fine-grained- Fine-Grained Revision Control for Collaborative Software Development (BM, UA, SM), pp. 33–41.
PPoPP-1993-YeungA #experience- Experience with Fine-Grain Synchronization in MIMD Machines for Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (DY, AA), pp. 187–197.
OOPSLA-1992-RichardsonSC #fine-grained #named #performance- CACL: Efficient Fine-Grained Protection for Objects (JER, PMS, LFC), pp. 263–275.
PLDI-1991-GaoWN #petri net #scheduling- A Timed Petri-Net Model for Fine-Grain Loop Scheduling (GRG, YBW, QN), pp. 204–218.
PLILP-1991-BrogiG #constraints #logic #process- Constraints for Synchronizing Logic Coarse-grained Sequential Logic Processes (AB, MG), pp. 407–418.
ASPLOS-1991-CullerSSEW #automaton #hardware #parallel #thread- Fine-Grain Parallelism with Minimal Hardware Support: A Compiler-Controlled Threaded Abstract Machine (DEC, AS, KES, TvE, JW), pp. 164–175.
PPoPP-1991-LamR #parallel #programming- Coarse-Grain Parallel Programming in Jade (MSL, MCR), pp. 94–105.
PODS-1990-TamH #fine-grained #migration #transaction- Token Transactions: Managing Fine-Grained Migration of Data (VOT, MH), pp. 344–356.
PPEALS-1988-GuptaT #parallel #runtime- Exploiting Variable Grain Parallelism at Runtime (AG, AT), pp. 212–221.
SOSP-1987-JulLHB #fine-grained- Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System (Extended Abstract) (EJ, HML, NCH, APB), pp. 105–106.
LFP-1986-SteeleH #fine-grained #lisp #parallel- Connection Machine LISP: Fine-Grained Parallel Symbolic Processing (GLSJ, WDH), pp. 279–297.
FPCA-1985-HudakG85 #combinator #parallel- Serial Combinators: “Optimal” Grains of Parallelism (PH, BG), pp. 382–399.