73 papers:
DAC-2015-Bowen #performance #quality- Walking a thin line: performance and quality grading vs. yield overcut (CB), p. 2.
ITiCSE-2015-GrandeP #gender #motivation #programming- Motivation and Grade Gap Related to Gender in a Programming Course (VG, JP), p. 349.
MSR-2015-AltingerSDW #dataset #embedded #fault #industrial #modelling #novel #predict- A Novel Industry Grade Dataset for Fault Prediction Based on Model-Driven Developed Automotive Embedded Software (HA, SS, YD, FW), pp. 494–497.
KDD-2015-ShashidharPA #machine learning- Spoken English Grading: Machine Learning with Crowd Intelligence (VS, NP, VA), pp. 2089–2097.
KDD-2014-RamanJ- Methods for ordinal peer grading (KR, TJ), pp. 1037–1046.
KDD-2014-SrikantA #machine learning #programming #using- A system to grade computer programming skills using machine learning (SS, VA), pp. 1887–1896.
KEOD-2014-TakahashiTTL #automation #industrial #standard #web- An Automatic Coding System with a Three-Grade Confidence Level Corresponding to the National/International Occupation and Industry Standard — Open to the Public on the Web (KT, HT, ST, WL), pp. 369–375.
RecSys-2014-LercheJ #feedback #personalisation #ranking #using- Using graded implicit feedback for bayesian personalized ranking (LL, DJ), pp. 353–356.
ITiCSE-2013-HerreroLOST #student- The influence of students distribution on their grades (CH, ML, JO, JS, ST), p. 316.
ITiCSE-2013-MacWilliamM #feedback #towards- Streamlining grading toward better feedback (TM, DJM), pp. 147–152.
KEOD-2013-DaramolaAAO #information management #ontology #using- Using Ontology-based Information Extraction for Subject-based Auto-grading (JOD, IA, IA, OOO), pp. 373–378.
ITiCSE-2012-BrownPSE #analysis #complexity #generative #named- JUG: a JUnit generation, time complexity analysis and reporting tool to streamline grading (CB, RP, BS, JE), pp. 99–104.
ITiCSE-2012-SharonK #student #what- Grade inflation, what students value, and the necessity of suffering (TS, PK), pp. 116–121.
CSCW-2012-JuAL #game studies #low cost #using- Using low cost game controllers to capture data for 6th grade science labs (WJ, UA, SL), pp. 1115–1124.
CIKM-2012-GutierrezDFG #feedback #information management #ontology #student #summary- Providing grades and feedback for student summaries by ontology-based information extraction (FG, DD, SF, GG), pp. 1722–1726.
ICML-2012-BachrachGMG #adaptation #crowdsourcing #how #testing #visual notation- How To Grade a Test Without Knowing the Answers — A Bayesian Graphical Model for Adaptive Crowdsourcing and Aptitude Testing (YB, TG, TM, JG), p. 108.
ICPR-2012-AtupelageNYAHS #multi- Multifractal feature descriptor for grading Hepatocellular carcinoma (CA, HN, MY, TA, AH, MS), pp. 129–132.
RecSys-2012-SheehanP #named #personalisation #predict #student- pGPA: a personalized grade prediction tool to aid student success (MS, YP), pp. 309–310.
DATE-2011-BernardiGSB #fault #self #testing- Fault grading of software-based self-test procedures for dependable automotive applications (PB, MG, ES, OB), pp. 513–514.
CSEET-2011-ChenT #programming #quality #smell- Grading code quality of programming assignments based on bad smells (WKC, PYT), p. 559.
ITiCSE-2011-HullPK #automation #named #programming #student- Infandango: automated grading for student programming (MJH, DP, EK), p. 330.
DHM-2011-Ng #3d #design- Three-Dimensional Grading of Virtual Garment with Design Signature Curves (RN), pp. 328–336.
ICEIS-v1-2011-DiEM #framework #research- Research and Application of Carrier-grade Mashup Platform on OneAPI (JD, HE, LM), pp. 504–509.
SIGIR-2011-SakaiS #using- Evaluating diversified search results using per-intent graded relevance (TS, RS), pp. 1043–1052.
ICML-2010-ChengDH10a #classification #multi- Graded Multilabel Classification: The Ordinal Case (WC, KD, EH), pp. 223–230.
ICPR-2010-NguyenJA #automation #classification #image #segmentation- Automated Gland Segmentation and Classification for Gleason Grading of Prostate Tissue Images (KN, AKJ, RLA), pp. 1497–1500.
ICPR-2010-VeillardLR #image #scalability- An Exploration Scheme for Large Images: Application to Breast Cancer Grading (AV, NL, DR), pp. 3472–3475.
SIGIR-2010-DupretP #behaviour #precise- A user behavior model for average precision and its generalization to graded judgments (GD, BP), pp. 531–538.
SIGIR-2010-RobertsonKY #precise- Extending average precision to graded relevance judgments (SER, EK, EY), pp. 603–610.
RE-2010-Primrose #category theory #experience #user interface- User Experience Grading Via Kano Categories (MCP), pp. 331–336.
CAV-2010-FerranteMNPS #model checking- A NuSMV Extension for Graded-CTL Model Checking (AF, MM, MN, MP, FS), pp. 670–673.
CSL-2010-BiancoMM #logic- Graded Computation Tree Logic with Binary Coding (AB, FM, AM), pp. 125–139.
ITiCSE-2009-AhoniemiK- Analyzing the use of a rubric-based grading tool (TA, VK), pp. 333–337.
CIKM-2009-ChapelleMZG #rank- Expected reciprocal rank for graded relevance (OC, DM, YZ, PG), pp. 621–630.
CIKM-2009-Jarvelin #feedback #interactive- Interactive relevance feedback with graded relevance and sentence extraction: simulated user experiments (KJ), pp. 2053–2056.
ECIR-2009-BoscCPU #information retrieval- Graded-Inclusion-Based Information Retrieval Systems (PB, VC, OP, LU), pp. 252–263.
KEOD-2009-Reyes-PerezBG #towards- Towards an Expert System for the Manufacturing System Planning of Products with Graded Properties (MRP, JB, JG), pp. 226–232.
LICS-2009-BiancoMM #logic- Graded Computation Tree Logic (AB, FM, AM), pp. 342–351.
LICS-2009-KazakovP #complexity #logic #problem #satisfiability- A Note on the Complexity of the Satisfiability Problem for Graded Modal Logics (YK, IPH), pp. 407–416.
ITiCSE-2008-AitenbichlerR #named #online- Webreg: an online system for registration and grade distribution (EA, GR), p. 336.
ITiCSE-2008-BloomfieldG- A tablet-based paper exam grading system (AB, JFG), pp. 83–87.
ITiCSE-2008-EdwardsP #automation #named #programming- Web-CAT: automatically grading programming assignments (SHE, MAPQ), p. 328.
ICPR-2008-CosattoMGM #morphism- Grading nuclear pleomorphism on histological micrographs (EC, MM, HPG, JM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-YaoADTHM #using- Computer-aided grading of lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) using HRCT (JY, NA, AD, AMTD, OMH, JM), pp. 1–4.
KR-2008-CasaliGS #framework #logic- A Logical Framework to Represent and Reason about Graded Preferences and Intentions (AC, LG, CS), pp. 27–37.
ITiCSE-2007-Helmick #automation #interface #java #programming #source code- Interface-based programming assignments and automatic grading of java programs (MTH), pp. 63–67.
ITiCSE-2007-SandersT #concept #object-oriented #source code- Checklists for grading object-oriented CS1 programs: concepts and misconceptions (KS, LT), pp. 166–170.
CSEET-2006-HayesDHSD #question- Will Johnny/Joanie Make a Good Software Engineer? Are Course Grades Showing the Whole Picture? (JHH, AD, EAH, SKS, OD), pp. 175–184.
ITiCSE-2006-Ellis06a #approach #learning #named #self- Self-grading: an approach to supporting self-directed learning (HJCE), p. 349.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-CuaresmaVRVR #experience- A Practical Experience with NDT — The System to Measure the Grade of Handicap (MJEC, DV, JJGR, JTV, MMR), pp. 212–217.
SIGIR-2006-BeerM #named #towards- Rpref: a generalization of Bpref towards graded relevance judgments (JDB, MFM), pp. 637–638.
DATE-2005-KumarTCJ #fault- Implicit and Exact Path Delay Fault Grading in Sequential Circuits (MMVK, ST, SC, RJ), pp. 990–995.
DATE-2005-Lopez-OngilGPE #fault #performance- Techniques for Fast Transient Fault Grading Based on Autonomous Emulation (CLO, MGV, MPG, LEA), pp. 308–309.
ITiCSE-2005-KrebsLOT #algorithm #assessment #feedback #flexibility #generative #student #visualisation- Student-built algorithm visualizations for assessment: flexible generation, feedback and grading (MK, TL, TO, ST), pp. 281–285.
CSEET-2004-EllisM #re-engineering #self- Self-Grading in a Project-Based Software Engineering Course (HJCE, RM), pp. 138–143.
ITiCSE-2004-PriorL #sql- The backwash effect on SQL skills grading (JCP, RL), pp. 32–36.
ICPR-v3-2004-AiLZ #analysis #automation- Combination of Wavelet Analysis and Color Applied to Automatic Color Grading of Ceramic Tiles (JA, DL, XZ), pp. 235–238.
ITiCSE-2003-Becker03a #programming #using- Grading programming assignments using rubrics (KB), p. 253.
ITiCSE-2003-Hazzan03a #concept #student- Computer science students’ conception of the relationship between reward (grade) and cooperation (OH), pp. 178–182.
ITiCSE-2003-LassCBCPHZ #off the shelf #scalability #tool support #using- Tools and techniques for large scale grading using Web-based commercial off-the-shelf software (RNL, CDC, NTB, BWC, JLP, NH, PZ), pp. 168–172.
DATE-2002-PadmanabanT #fault #multi- Exact Grading of Multiple Path Delay Faults (SP, ST), pp. 84–88.
CIKM-2002-FarahatNC #estimation #named #sorting- AuGEAS: authoritativeness grading, estimation, and sorting (AF, GN, FC), pp. 194–202.
ICPR-v3-2002-ShiWOK02a #automation #prototype #type system- Automatic Grading Prototype System for KANJI Dictation Test (MS, TW, WO, FK), pp. 232–235.
CADE-2002-KupfermanSV #calculus #complexity- The Complexity of the Graded µ-Calculus (OK, US, MYV), pp. 423–437.
ICPR-v4-2000-Kauppinen #fault #recognition- A Two Stage Defect Recognition Method for Parquet Slab Grading (HK), pp. 4803–4806.
CADE-1999-Tobies #algorithm #logic- A PSpace Algorithm for Graded Modal Logic (ST), pp. 52–66.
SIGIR-1998-Larkey #automation #categorisation #using- Automatic Essay Grading Using Text Categorization Techniques (LSL), pp. 90–95.
SAC-1997-MorishimaK #web- World Wide Web based grades management (AM, HK), pp. 65–69.
SAC-1995-Arnow #email #network #programming #using- :-) When you grade that: using e-mail and the network in programming courses (DMA), pp. 10–13.
SEKE-1994-BarzdinsKPEAKKR #automation #development #information management- GRADE Windows: an integrated CASE tool for information system development (JB, AK, KP, IE, AJA, AK, PK, SR), pp. 54–61.
ML-1989-Aha #concept #incremental #independence #learning- Incremental, Instance-Based Learning of Independent and Graded Concept Descriptions (DWA), pp. 387–391.
LICS-1989-NerodeRS #logic- Polynomially Grade Logic I: A Graded Version of System T (AN, JBR, AS), pp. 375–385.
DAC-1978-Dasarathy #automation #design- Automated techniques for product-grading systems design (BVD), pp. 290–296.