46 papers:
DAC-2015-GnadSKRSH #named #variability- Hayat: harnessing dark silicon and variability for aging deceleration and balancing (DG, MS, FK, SR, DS, JH), p. 6.
DAC-2015-YunPB #adaptation #named #parallel #runtime #self #thread- HARS: a heterogeneity-aware runtime system for self-adaptive multithreaded applications (JY, JP, WB), p. 6.
DUXU-UI-2015-DaggeFR #analysis #comparative #named #process- HARSim: Posterior Load Comparative Analysis Process (RD, EF, FR), pp. 34–44.
SEKE-2015-XuA #component #testing- A JVM-based Testing Harness for Improving Component Testability (WX, OeA), pp. 421–426.
SAC-2015-TudorAP #framework- Harnessing the unknown in advanced metering infrastructure traffic (VT, MA, MP), pp. 2204–2211.
SPLC-2015-AbbasA #adaptation #product line #self #variability- Harnessing variability in product-lines of self-adaptive software systems (NA, JA), pp. 191–200.
DATE-2014-BalckGP #generative #modelling #protocol #testing #using- Model-based protocol log generation for testing a telecommunication test harness using CLP (KB, OG, JP), pp. 1–4.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-DaggeF- The HARSim Application to the Task of Carrying School Supplies (RD, EF), pp. 653–661.
ASPLOS-2014-AgrawalPPTTL #hardware #named #parallel- Rhythm: harnessing data parallel hardware for server workloads (SRA, VP, JP, JT, DT, ARL), pp. 19–34.
HT-2013-CanoVRCH #classification #social #social media #topic- Harnessing linked knowledge sources for topic classification in social media (AEC, AV, MR, FC, YH), pp. 41–50.
DUXU-PMT-2013-Flanagan #feedback #how #interface- Haptic Interface Aesthetics — “Feedback Loops, Live Coding and How to Harness the Potential of Embodied Estrangement in Artistic Practices and Aesthetic Theories within Interface Culture” (PJF), pp. 58–67.
OCSC-2013-JamiesonGHW #game studies #metaheuristic- Metaheuristic Entry Points for Harnessing Human Computation in Mainstream Games (PJ, LG, JH, AW), pp. 156–163.
ICML-c3-2013-MemisevicE #invariant #learning #problem- Learning invariant features by harnessing the aperture problem (RM, GE), pp. 100–108.
DAC-2012-Taylor- Is dark silicon useful?: harnessing the four horsemen of the coming dark silicon apocalypse (MBT), pp. 1131–1136.
ICPR-2012-SahayR #3d #modelling #re-engineering #scalability #self- Harnessing self-similarity for reconstruction of large missing regions in 3D Models (PS, ANR), pp. 101–104.
KDD-2012-ZhangTLCJWL #web- Harnessing the wisdom of the crowds for accurate web page clipping (LZ, LT, PL, EC, LJ, MW, GL), pp. 570–578.
POPL-2012-JoshiLL #debugging- Underspecified harnesses and interleaved bugs (SJ, SKL, AL), pp. 19–30.
SAC-2012-ZankerJS #personalisation #web- Harnessing geo-tagged resources for Web personalization (MZ, MJ, MS), pp. 332–339.
ICST-2012-DurelliOD #mutation testing #testing #towards #virtual machine- Toward Harnessing High-Level Language Virtual Machines for Further Speeding Up Weak Mutation Testing (VHSD, JO, MED), pp. 681–690.
ITiCSE-2011-Cardell-OliverW #java #metric #tool support- UWA Java tools: harnessing software metrics to support novice programmers (RCO, PDW), p. 341.
SAC-2011-ParisAL #on-demand- Accelerated chaining: a better way to harness peer power in video-on-demand applications (JFP, AA, DDEL), pp. 534–539.
CHI-2010-BlomVSGAA #mobile #safety #security- Fear and the city: role of mobile services in harnessing safety and security in urban use contexts (JB, DV, MS, JG, KA, RA), pp. 1841–1850.
SAC-2010-KimHJEY #framework #pipes and filters- Harnessing input redundancy in a MapReduce framework (SGK, HH, HJ, HE, HYY), pp. 362–366.
ICSE-2010-LimQF10a #analysis #crowdsourcing #named #network #power of #social- StakeSource: harnessing the power of crowdsourcing and social networks in stakeholder analysis (SLL, DQ, AF), pp. 239–242.
RecSys-2009-KhezrzadehTW #power of #recommendation- Harnessing the power of “favorites” lists for recommendation systems (MK, AT, WWW), pp. 289–292.
HPDC-2009-YiMEJT #abstraction #clustering #manycore #parallel- Harnessing parallelism in multicore clusters with the all-pairs and wavefront abstractions (LY, CM, SJE, KJ, DT), pp. 1–10.
DATE-2008-LinF #parallel #performance #source code- Harnessing Horizontal Parallelism and Vertical Instruction Packing of Programs to Improve System Overall Efficiency (HL, YF), pp. 758–763.
CSCW-2008-KitturK #coordination #quality #wiki- Harnessing the wisdom of crowds in wikipedia: quality through coordination (AK, REK), pp. 37–46.
OSDI-2008-GuptaLVSSVVV #difference #memory management #virtual machine- Difference Engine: Harnessing Memory Redundancy in Virtual Machines (DG, SL, MV, SS, ACS, GV, GMV, AV), pp. 309–322.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-PrauseKAOC #development #documentation #tool support- Interconnecting Documentation — Harnessing the Different Powers of Current Documentation Tools in Software Development (CP, JK, SA, RO, ABC), pp. 63–68.
ECIR-2007-BriggsS #social #trust- Harnessing Trust in Social Search (PB, BS), pp. 525–532.
SEFM-2006-Rushby #verification- Harnessing Disruptive Innovation in Formal Verification (JMR), pp. 21–30.
CHI-2003-WilsonBBGCCDR #correctness #programming- Harnessing curiosity to increase correctness in end-user programming (AW, MMB, LB, OG, LC, CRC, MD, GR), pp. 305–312.
HPDC-2001-LovasS #framework #prototype- A Metadebugger Prototype for the HARNESS Metacomputing Framework (RL, VSS), pp. 427–428.
ASE-1999-CopenhaferS #component #interactive- Exploration Harnesses: Tool-Supported Interactive Discovery of Commercial Component Properties (MAC, KJS), pp. 7–14.
HCI-EI-1999-FarrellAT #interface- Harnessing New Dimensions for Creating Informed Interfaces (CF, RA, FT), pp. 357–361.
HPDC-1998-DongarraFGKPSSM #adaptation #configuration management #named- HARNESS: Heterogeneous Adaptable Reconfigurable NEtworked SystemS (JD, GEF, AG, JAK, PMP, SLS, VSS, MM), pp. 358–359.
ITiCSE-1997-PetreS #collaboration #effectiveness- Harnessing technology for effective inter/intra-institutional collaboration (panel) (MP, DS), p. 145.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-SiviterPK #collaboration #effectiveness- Harnessing technology for effective inter- and intra-institutional collaboration (report of the ITiCSE 1997 working group on supporting inter- and intra institutional collaboration) (DS, MP, BJK), pp. 70–93.
VLDB-1996-Sheth #adaptation #internet- Bellcore’s ADAPT/X Harness System for Managing Information on Internet and Intranets (APS), p. 585.
AdaEurope-1996-Gliss #ada #fortran #legacy- An Ada 95 Harness for Converting Legacy Fortran Applications (BG), pp. 413–426.
KDD-1996-Grinstein #information management- Harnessing the Human in Knowledge Discovery (GGG), pp. 384–385.
KDD-1996-StolorzC #learning #markov #monte carlo #visual notation- Harnessing Graphical Structure in Markov Chain Monte Carlo Learning (PES, PCC), pp. 134–139.
SIGMOD-1995-ShklarSKT #named #retrieval- InfoHarness: A System for Search and Retrieval of Heterogeneous Information (LAS, APS, VK, ST), p. 478.
CAiSE-1995-ShklarSKS #automation #metadata #named #retrieval- InfoHarness: Use of Automatically Generated Metadata for Search and Retrieval of Heterogeneous Information (LAS, APS, VK, KS), pp. 217–230.
EDAC-1994-BartelsKSS #reliability #requirements #testing- Flow Management Requirements of a Test Harness for Testing the Reliability of an Electronic CAD System (GB, PK, KS, MS), pp. 605–609.