62 papers:
DATE-2015-WangLWY #gpu- Eliminating intra-warp conflict misses in GPU (BW, ZL, XW, WY), pp. 689–694.
VLDB-2015-DittrichB #research- Janiform Intra-Document Analytics for Reproducible Research (JD, PB), pp. 1972–1983.
ASPLOS-2015-DautenhahnKDCA #architecture #kernel #operating system- Nested Kernel: An Operating System Architecture for Intra-Kernel Privilege Separation (ND, TK, WD, JC, VSA), pp. 191–206.
DAC-2014-0001SMAKV #manycore #optimisation- Reinforcement Learning-Based Inter- and Intra-Application Thermal Optimization for Lifetime Improvement of Multicore Systems (AD, RAS, GVM, BMAH, AK, BV), p. 6.
DATE-2013-KhanBBSH #video- An H.264 Quad-FullHD low-latency intra video encoder (MUKK, JMB, LB, MS, JH), pp. 115–120.
DATE-2013-KhanSGH #collaboration #complexity #reduction- Hardware-software collaborative complexity reduction scheme for the emerging HEVC intra encoder (MUKK, MS, MG, JH), pp. 125–128.
ICEIS-v1-2013-Gandon #semantics #social- Semantic and Social (Intra)Webs (FG), p. VII.
HPCA-2013-WangDXJ #named- i2WAP: Improving non-volatile cache lifetime by reducing inter- and intra-set write variations (JW, XD, YX, NPJ), pp. 234–245.
CIKM-2012-XuXLW #classification- Coarse-to-fine sentence-level emotion classification based on the intra-sentence features and sentential context (JX, RX, QL, XW), pp. 2455–2458.
ECIR-2012-JonassenB #concurrent #distributed #pipes and filters #retrieval- Intra-query Concurrent Pipelined Processing for Distributed Full-Text Retrieval (SJ, SEB), pp. 413–425.
ICPR-2012-LankinenKK #categorisation #comparison #detection #visual notation- A comparison of local feature detectors and descriptors for visual object categorization by intra-class repeatability and matching (JL, VK, JKK), pp. 780–783.
ICPR-2012-VaradarajanZV #3d #video- RGB and depth intra-frame Cross-Compression for low bandwidth 3D video (KMV, KZ, MV), pp. 955–958.
SAC-2012-YuHJSLH #novel #programming #segmentation- A novel segmentation method for convex lesions based on dynamic programming with local intra-class variance (MY, QH, RJ, ES, HL, CCH), pp. 39–44.
DATE-2011-ChiuSH #constraints #pipes and filters #precedence #realtime #streaming #synthesis- Pipeline schedule synthesis for real-time streaming tasks with inter/intra-instance precedence constraints (YSC, CSS, SHH), pp. 1321–1326.
HIMI-v1-2011-VogelZO #analysis- Constructing Phylogenetic Trees Based on Intra-group Analysis of Human Mitochondrial DNA (IV, FZ, PO), pp. 165–169.
DATE-2010-PascaARLC #3d #communication #fault- Error resilience of intra-die and inter-die communication with 3D spidergon STNoC (VP, LA, CR, RL, MC), pp. 275–278.
ICSM-2010-CeccatoT #consistency #legacy #migration #static analysis #thread- Static analysis for enforcing intra-thread consistent locks in the migration of a legacy system (MC, PT), pp. 1–9.
ICPR-2010-CheongL #case study #clustering #detection #topic #twitter- A Study on Detecting Patterns in Twitter Intra-topic User and Message Clustering (MC, VCSL), pp. 3125–3128.
ICPR-2010-SaeediMA #dependence #fuzzy #image- Image Denoising Based on Fuzzy and Intra-scale Dependency in Wavelet Transform Domain (JS, MHM, AA), pp. 2672–2675.
KMIS-2010-AlvaroCPCCGC #information management #microblog #named #semantics- miKrow — An Intra-enterprise Semantic Microblogging Tool as a Micro-knowledge Management Solution (GÁ, CC, VP, MC, FC, JMGP, JC), pp. 36–43.
SIGIR-2010-WooLLSR #ranking #retrieval #using- Achieving high accuracy retrieval using intra-document term ranking (HWW, JTL, SWL, YIS, HCR), pp. 885–886.
PPoPP-2010-MuralidharaKR #clustering #parallel #thread- Intra-application shared cache partitioning for multithreaded applications (SPM, MTK, PR), pp. 329–330.
DAC-2009-VeetilSBSR #analysis #dependence #performance- Efficient smart sampling based full-chip leakage analysis for intra-die variation considering state dependence (VV, DS, DB, SS, SR), pp. 154–159.
DATE-2009-LadharMB #fault #performance- Efficient and accurate method for intra-gate defect diagnoses in nanometer technology and volume data (AL, MM, LB), pp. 988–993.
DATE-2009-ShafiqueBH #approach #design #hardware #parallel #performance #predict #video- A parallel approach for high performance hardware design of intra prediction in H.264/AVC Video Codec (MS, LB, JH), pp. 1434–1439.
CAV-2009-LahiriQGVW- Intra-module Inference (SKL, SQ, JPG, JWV, TW), pp. 493–508.
DAC-2008-FaviC #communication- Techniques for fully integrated intra-/inter-chip optical communication (CF, EC), pp. 343–344.
DATE-2008-SingheeSR #correlation #kernel #performance #statistics- Exploiting Correlation Kernels for Efficient Handling of Intra-Die Spatial Correlation, with Application to Statistical Timing (AS, SS, RAR), pp. 856–861.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-Timbrell #enterprise #lifecycle- Intra-Organisational ERP Lifecycle Knowledge Issues (GT), pp. 226–231.
CIKM-2008-ArnoldC #adaptation- Intra-document structural frequency features for semi-supervised domain adaptation (AA, WWC), pp. 1291–1300.
ICPR-2008-ChoB #dependence #image #using- Image inpainting using wavelet-based inter- and intra-scale dependency (DC, TDB), pp. 1–4.
BX-2008-Xiong1- Operation-Based Synchronization with Intra-Relation Support (YX), p. 46.
ICST-2008-WareWS #metric #predict- The Use of Intra-Release Product Measures in Predicting Release Readiness (MPW, FGW, MS), pp. 230–237.
DATE-2007-HosseinabadyDN #testing #using- Using the inter- and intra-switch regularity in NoC switch testing (MH, AD, ZN), pp. 361–366.
DATE-2007-SahinH #algorithm #architecture #hardware #interactive #performance #predict- Interactive presentation: An efficient hardware architecture for H.264 intra prediction algorithm (ES, IH), pp. 183–188.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-GujoS #combinator #named- COMEX: Combinatorial Auctions for the Intra-Enterprise Exchange of Logistics Services (OG, MS), pp. 5–12.
SIGIR-2007-RuthvenABBNSY #consistency- Intra-assessor consistency in question answering (IR, LA, MB, RB, EN, SOS, MY), pp. 727–728.
DAC-2006-BhardwajVGC #analysis #modelling #optimisation #process- Modeling of intra-die process variations for accurate analysis and optimization of nano-scale circuits (SB, SBKV, PG, YC), pp. 791–796.
DAC-2006-GhantaVBP #analysis #correlation #power management #probability #scalability- Stochastic variational analysis of large power grids considering intra-die correlations (PG, SBKV, SB, RP), pp. 211–216.
DAC-2006-LuoSSKC- An IC manufacturing yield model considering intra-die variations (JL, SS, QS, JK, CC), pp. 749–754.
DATE-2005-MangassarianA #analysis #on the #statistics- On Statistical Timing Analysis with Inter- and Intra-Die Variations (HM, MA), pp. 132–137.
VLDB-2005-ColohanASM #parallel #transaction- Optimistic Intra-Transaction Parallelism on Chip Multiprocessors (CBC, AA, JGS, TCM), pp. 73–84.
COCV-J-2005-SalcianuA #analysis #correctness #data flow #proving- Machine-Checkable Correctness Proofs for Intra-procedural Dataflow Analyses (AS, KA), pp. 53–68.
DAC-2004-SeoKC #realtime #scheduling- Profile-based optimal intra-task voltage scheduling for hard real-time applications (JS, TK, KSC), pp. 87–92.
DATE-v1-2004-ChenG #adaptation #bias #low cost #performance #power management #reduction- A Low Cost Individual-Well Adaptive Body Bias (IWABB) Scheme for Leakage Power Reduction and Performance Enhancement in the Presence of Intra-Die Variations (TWC, JG), pp. 240–245.
DATE-v2-2004-GuptaK #performance #statistics- A Fast Word-Level Statistical Estimator of Intra-Bus Crosstalk (SG, SK), pp. 1110–1115.
ICPR-v4-2004-LiuWLT #classification #recognition- Nearest Intra-Class Space Classifier for Face Recognition (WL, YW, SZL, TT), pp. 495–498.
DocEng-2003-RodriguesS #adaptation- Inter and intra media-object QoS provisioning in adaptive formatters (RFR, LFGS), pp. 78–87.
DATE-2002-Kandemir #approach #reuse- A Compiler-Based Approach for Improving Intra-Iteration Data Reuse (MTK), pp. 984–990.
LSO-2002-HofmannW #approach #community #learning- Building Communities among Software Engineers: The ViSEK Approach to Intra- and Inter-Organizational Learning (BH, VW), pp. 25–33.
DAC-2001-ShinKL #analysis #energy #scheduling #using- Low-Energy Intra-Task Voltage Scheduling Using Static Timing Analysis (DS, JK, SL), pp. 438–443.
ITiCSE-1999-MadejW #education #intranet #named- IntraED — an intranet solution for EDucation (JM, TW), p. 203.
ICML-1998-SuttonPS #learning- Intra-Option Learning about Temporally Abstract Actions (RSS, DP, SPS), pp. 556–564.
ICPR-1998-DuanKC0 #algorithm- Intra-block algorithm for digital watermarking (FYD, IK, LWC, LX), pp. 1589–1591.
ITiCSE-1997-PetreS #collaboration #effectiveness- Harnessing technology for effective inter/intra-institutional collaboration (panel) (MP, DS), p. 145.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-SiviterPK #collaboration #effectiveness- Harnessing technology for effective inter- and intra-institutional collaboration (report of the ITiCSE 1997 working group on supporting inter- and intra institutional collaboration) (DS, MP, BJK), pp. 70–93.
HCI-CC-1997-MarkW #coordination #effectiveness- Coordinating Effective Work Routines with Groupware: Intra- and Intergroup Conventions (GM, VW), pp. 73–76.
VLDB-1996-RysNS #parallel #relational #transaction- Intra-Transaction Parallelism in the Mapping of an Object Model to a Relational Multi-Processor System (MR, MCN, HJS), pp. 460–471.
VLDB-1995-MehtaD #database #parallel- Managing Intra-operator Parallelism in Parallel Database Systems (MM, DJD), pp. 382–394.
HPDC-1995-TachikawaT #communication #multi #protocol- Multimedia Intra-Group Communication Protocol (TT, MT), pp. 180–187.
ESEC-1993-Coen-PorisiniM #framework #proving- A Formal Framework for ASTRAL Intra-Level Proof Obligations (ACP, DM), pp. 483–500.
SIGFIDET-1970-Sibley #summary- Restructuring (Intra-System) (pre-discussion summary) (EHS), pp. 282–283.