210 papers:
DATE-2015-ChungSS #identification- Identifying redundant inter-cell margins and its application to reducing routing congestion (WC, SS, YS), pp. 1659–1664.
DATE-2015-PeemenMC #embedded #optimisation #reuse- Inter-tile reuse optimization applied to bandwidth constrained embedded accelerators (MP, BM, HC), pp. 169–174.
ESOP-2015-FrielinghausPS #interprocedural- Inter-procedural Two-Variable Herbrand Equalities (SSF, MP, HS), pp. 457–482.
ICSME-2015-YamashitaZFW #analysis #comparative #industrial #open source #replication #smell- Inter-smell relations in industrial and open source systems: A replication and comparative analysis (AY, MZ, FAF, BW), pp. 121–130.
SAS-2015-AlbertGG #analysis #interprocedural #source code- May-Happen-in-Parallel Analysis for Asynchronous Programs with Inter-Procedural Synchronization (EA, SG, PG), pp. 72–89.
SCSM-2015-ChungM #data transfer #interactive- Interaction Study of Shuriken: User Grouping and Data Transfer Based on Inter-device Relative Positioning (JC, AM), pp. 196–206.
SCSM-2015-PriceMMGBA #multi #named- Inter-Social-Networking: Accounting for Multiple Identities (DP, DM, RM, CG, MAB, SA), pp. 242–252.
SIGIR-2015-LeeCM- Inter-Category Variation in Location Search (CJL, NC, VPM), pp. 863–866.
ICSE-v1-2015-LiBBKTARBOM #android #component #detection #named #privacy- IccTA: Detecting Inter-Component Privacy Leaks in Android Apps (LL, AB, TFB, JK, YLT, SA, SR, EB, DO, PM), pp. 280–291.
ICSE-v1-2015-OcteauLDJM #analysis #android #communication #component #constant- Composite Constant Propagation: Application to Android Inter-Component Communication Analysis (DO, DL, MD, SJ, PM), pp. 77–88.
ICSE-v2-2015-SadeghiBM #analysis #android #security #using- Analysis of Android Inter-App Security Vulnerabilities Using COVERT (AS, HB, SM), pp. 725–728.
ISSTA-2015-HayTP #android #communication #detection- Dynamic detection of inter-application communication vulnerabilities in Android (RH, OT, MP), pp. 118–128.
QoSA-2014-WertOHF #anti #automation #component #detection #performance- Automatic detection of performance anti-patterns in inter-component communications (AW, MO, CH, RF), pp. 3–12.
DAC-2014-0001SMAKV #manycore #optimisation- Reinforcement Learning-Based Inter- and Intra-Application Thermal Optimization for Lifetime Improvement of Multicore Systems (AD, RAS, GVM, BMAH, AK, BV), p. 6.
DAC-2014-PanthSDL #3d #performance- Power-Performance Study of Block-Level Monolithic 3D-ICs Considering Inter-Tier Performance Variations (SP, KS, YD, SKL), p. 6.
DATE-2014-PaternaZR #component #mobile- Ambient variation-tolerant and inter components aware thermal management for mobile system on chips (FP, JZ, TSR), pp. 1–6.
HT-2014-HuangWV #twitter- Inferring nationalities of Twitter users and studying inter-national linking (WH, IW, SV), pp. 237–242.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-AlawnehHML #approach #communication #effectiveness- A contextual approach for effective recovery of inter-process communication patterns from HPC traces (LA, AHL, SSM, YL), pp. 274–282.
ICSME-2014-SvajlenkoIKRM #benchmark #big data #metric #towards- Towards a Big Data Curated Benchmark of Inter-project Code Clones (JS, JFI, IK, CKR, MMM), pp. 476–480.
ICEIS-v2-2014-CasalinoCMGT #effectiveness- Defining a Model for Effective e-Government Services and an Inter-organizational Cooperation in Public Sector (NC, MC, MdM, MG, GT), pp. 400–408.
SEKE-2014-HouMCX #empirical- An Empirical Study on Inter-Commit Times in SVN (QH, YM, JC, YX), pp. 132–137.
SAC-2014-ParkKC #framework #kernel #memory management #online #using- Cooperative kernel: online memory test platform using inter-kernel context switch and memory isolation (HP, DK, JC), pp. 1517–1522.
CC-2014-SurendranBZS #array #using- Inter-iteration Scalar Replacement Using Array SSA Form (RS, RB, JZ, VS), pp. 40–60.
DATE-2013-LefterVTEHC #3d #integration #memory management #question- Is TSV-based 3D integration suitable for inter-die memory repair? (ML, GRV, MT, ME, SH, SDC), pp. 1251–1254.
SIGMOD-2013-SongYYHS #data flow #retrieval #scalability #semistructured data- Inter-media hashing for large-scale retrieval from heterogeneous data sources (JS, YY, YY, ZH, HTS), pp. 785–796.
ICSM-2013-BavotaCPOP13a #ecosystem #evolution- The Evolution of Project Inter-dependencies in a Software Ecosystem: The Case of Apache (GB, GC, MDP, RO, SP), pp. 280–289.
ICEIS-v2-2013-DobsonSO #case study #ontology- Data, Ontologies and Decision Making — An Inter-disciplinary Case Study (SD, AS, TO), pp. 563–568.
CIKM-2013-WhissellC #effectiveness #metric #similarity- Effective measures for inter-document similarity (JSW, CLAC), pp. 1361–1370.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-SaijoSWK #analysis #case study #collaboration #community #multi #process- An Analysis of Multi-disciplinary — Inter-agency Collaboration Process — Case Study of a Japanese Community Care Access Center (MS, TS, MW, SK), pp. 470–475.
SAC-2013-HoangLCMC #network #protocol- A backward-compatible protocol for inter-routing over heterogeneous overlay networks (GNH, LL, VC, PM, HNC), pp. 649–651.
SAC-2013-SchroderN #behaviour #resource management- Inter cloud capable dynamic resource management with model of behavior (KS, WN), pp. 408–410.
ICSE-2013-YamashitaM #empirical #maintenance #smell- Exploring the impact of inter-smell relations on software maintainability: an empirical study (AFY, LM), pp. 682–691.
HPCA-2013-WangDXJ #named- i2WAP: Improving non-volatile cache lifetime by reducing inter- and intra-set write variations (JW, XD, YX, NPJ), pp. 234–245.
CSMR-2012-Koschke #clone detection #detection #scalability #using- Large-Scale Inter-System Clone Detection Using Suffix Trees (RK), pp. 309–318.
ICPC-2012-AlawnehH #communication #identification- Identifying computational phases from inter-process communication traces of HPC applications (LA, AHL), pp. 133–142.
WCRE-2012-IshiharaHHIK #clone detection #detection #empirical #functional #library #towards- Inter-Project Functional Clone Detection Toward Building Libraries — An Empirical Study on 13, 000 Projects (TI, KH, YH, HI, SK), pp. 387–391.
GT-VMT-2012-LaraG #constraints #visual notation- Inter-Modelling with Graphical Constraints: Foundations and Applications (JdL, EG).
CHI-2012-LeyPRW- Supporting improvisation work in inter-organizational crisis management (BL, VP, CR, TW), pp. 1529–1538.
CAiSE-2012-EngelAZPW #case study #mining #modelling #process- Mining Inter-organizational Business Process Models from EDI Messages: A Case Study from the Automotive Sector (RE, WMPvdA, MZ, CP, HW), pp. 222–237.
EDOC-2012-KutvonenNR #ecosystem #transaction- Inter-enterprise Business Transaction Management in Open Service Ecosystems (LK, AN, SR), pp. 31–40.
CIKM-2012-RaiberKT #estimation #using #web- Content-based relevance estimation on the web using inter-document similarities (FR, OK, MT), pp. 1769–1773.
ICPR-2012-ThanhMNMY #detection #recognition #robust #using- Inertial-sensor-based walking action recognition using robust step detection and inter-class relationships (TNT, YM, HN, YM, YY), pp. 3811–3814.
KMIS-2012-LageA12a #approach #process- Information and Knowledge Sharing in Inter-organizational Relationships under the Process Approach (EL, BA), pp. 273–276.
MLDM-2012-PaliwalP #clustering #documentation #segmentation- Investigating Usage of Text Segmentation and Inter-passage Similarities to Improve Text Document Clustering (SP, VP), pp. 555–565.
SIGIR-2012-KhalamanK- Utilizing inter-document similarities in federated search (SK, OK), pp. 1169–1170.
MoDELS-2012-MaraeeB #analysis #comparative #constraints #guidelines #modelling #recommendation #uml- Inter-association Constraints in UML2: Comparative Analysis, Usage Recommendations, and Modeling Guidelines (AM, MB), pp. 302–318.
MoDELS-2012-MaraeeB #analysis #comparative #constraints #guidelines #modelling #recommendation #uml- Inter-association Constraints in UML2: Comparative Analysis, Usage Recommendations, and Modeling Guidelines (AM, MB), pp. 302–318.
OOPSLA-2012-WuZSJGS #behaviour #correlation #predict- Exploiting inter-sequence correlations for program behavior prediction (BW, ZZ, XS, YJ, YG, RS), pp. 851–866.
SAC-2012-SarroMFG #algorithm #analysis #fault #predict #search-based- A further analysis on the use of Genetic Algorithm to configure Support Vector Machines for inter-release fault prediction (FS, SDM, FF, CG), pp. 1215–1220.
SAC-2012-SchluterC #correlation #detection #markov #modelling #predict #using- Hidden markov model-based time series prediction using motifs for detecting inter-time-serial correlations (TS, SC), pp. 158–164.
SAC-2012-WinterB- Explicitly accommodating origin preference for inter-domain traffic engineering (RW, IvB), pp. 583–587.
ICSE-2012-HermansPD #detection #smell #spreadsheet #visualisation- Detecting and visualizing inter-worksheet smells in spreadsheets (FH, MP, AvD), pp. 441–451.
CC-2012-UnkuleSQ #automation #gpu #kernel #locality #thread- Automatic Restructuring of GPU Kernels for Exploiting Inter-thread Data Locality (SU, CS, AQ), pp. 21–40.
VMCAI-2012-AlbarghouthiGC #algorithm #interprocedural #named #verification- Whale: An Interpolation-Based Algorithm for Inter-procedural Verification (AA, AG, MC), pp. 39–55.
DATE-2011-ChiuSH #constraints #pipes and filters #precedence #realtime #streaming #synthesis- Pipeline schedule synthesis for real-time streaming tasks with inter/intra-instance precedence constraints (YSC, CSS, SHH), pp. 1321–1326.
DATE-2011-SabrySATLSBTBM #3d #design #towards- Towards thermally-aware design of 3D MPSoCs with inter-tier cooling (MMS, AS, DA, YT, YL, SS, NB, JRT, TB, BM), pp. 1466–1471.
ICDAR-2011-Epshtein #documentation #using- Determining Document Skew Using Inter-line Spaces (BE), pp. 27–31.
CSMR-2011-AlawnehH #abstraction #communication #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Pattern Recognition Techniques Applied to the Abstraction of Traces of Inter-Process Communication (LA, AHL), pp. 211–220.
PLDI-2011-BouajjaniDES #analysis #interprocedural #on the #source code- On inter-procedural analysis of programs with lists and data (AB, CD, CE, MS), pp. 578–589.
ICEIS-v4-2011-XieH #approach #architecture #quality- An Architectural Approach to Analyze Information Quality for Inter-organizational Service (SX, MH), pp. 438–443.
KDIR-2011-RenC #markov #modelling #predict #transaction- Users Interest Prediction Model — Based on 2nd Markov Model and Inter-transaction Association Rules (YR, ALC), pp. 244–249.
SEKE-2011-WangL #interprocedural #profiling- A Technology of Profiling Inter-procedural Paths (LW, BL), pp. 31–36.
BX-2011-Paige #bidirectional- Bidirectional transformations and inter-modelling (RFP), p. 62.
ASPLOS-2011-KamruzzamanST #manycore #migration #thread #using- Inter-core prefetching for multicore processors using migrating helper threads (MK, SS, DMT), pp. 393–404.
ASE-2010-Letarte #analysis #graph #interprocedural #model checking #precise #representation- Model checking graph representation of precise boolean inter-procedural flow analysis (DL), pp. 511–516.
ASE-2010-LunguRL #dependence #ecosystem- Recovering inter-project dependencies in software ecosystems (ML, RR, ML), pp. 309–312.
DATE-2010-PascaARLC #3d #communication #fault- Error resilience of intra-die and inter-die communication with 3D spidergon STNoC (VP, LA, CR, RL, MC), pp. 275–278.
DATE-2010-RoxE #correlation- Exploiting inter-event stream correlations between output event streams of non-preemptively scheduled tasks (JR, RE), pp. 226–231.
ICSM-2010-Letarte #interprocedural #model checking #performance #static analysis- Conversion of fast inter-procedural static analysis to model checking (DL), pp. 1–2.
PASTE-2010-HaC #communication #concurrent #dynamic analysis- Opportunities for concurrent dynamic analysis with explicit inter-core communication (JH, SPC), pp. 17–20.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-HulstijnG #analysis- Risk Analysis for Inter-organizational Controls (JH, JG), pp. 314–320.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-MakniHYT #constraints #modelling #workflow- Modeling Time Constraints in Inter-organizational Workflows (MM, NBHA, MMY, ST), pp. 221–229.
ICML-2010-DondelingerLH #flexibility #information management #network- Heterogeneous Continuous Dynamic Bayesian Networks with Flexible Structure and Inter-Time Segment Information Sharing (FD, SL, DH), pp. 303–310.
KDD-2010-YanFDR #classification- Medical coding classification by leveraging inter-code relationships (YY, GF, JGD, RR), pp. 193–202.
MoDELS-v1-2010-GuerraLKP #named #theory and practice- Inter-modelling: From Theory to Practice (EG, JdL, DSK, RFP), pp. 376–391.
SAC-2010-IlayperumaZ #collaboration #modelling #perspective- Exploring business value models from the inter-organizational collaboration perspective (TI, JZ), pp. 99–105.
SAC-2010-JouaultVBDBB #coordination #megamodelling #weaving- Inter-DSL coordination support by combining megamodeling and model weaving (FJ, BV, HB, GD, YB, JB), pp. 2011–2018.
SAC-2010-MabuchiSHSK #data access #named- CapaCon: access control mechanism for inter-device communications through TCP connections (MM, YS, KH, AS, KK), pp. 706–712.
ICSE-2010-Brondum #architecture #concept #detection- Software architecture for systems of software intensive systems (S3): the concepts and detection of inter-system relationships (JB), pp. 355–356.
ASPLOS-2010-BhattacharjeeM #multi- Inter-core cooperative TLB for chip multiprocessors (AB, MM), pp. 359–370.
CBSE-2009-Heineman #component #dependence #testing- Unit Testing of Software Components with Inter-component Dependencies (GTH), pp. 262–273.
DATE-2009-GraciaMVBV #latency- Light NUCA: A proposal for bridging the inter-cache latency gap (DSG, TM, FV, RB, VV), pp. 530–535.
HT-2009-CapocciBSL #social #statistics- Statistical properties of inter-arrival times distribution in social tagging systems (AC, AB, VDPS, VL), pp. 239–244.
ICDAR-2009-IbrahimKKAG #analysis #dependence #online #using #verification- On-Line Signature Verification: Directional Analysis of a Signature Using Weighted Relative Angle Partitions for Exploitation of Inter-Feature Dependencies (MTI, MJK, MAK, KSA, LG), pp. 41–45.
CSMR-2009-CapiluppiB #case study #complexity- Structural Complexity and Decay in FLOSS Systems: An Inter-repository Study (AC, KB), pp. 169–178.
WCRE-1999-AckermannLC99a #behaviour #interactive- Recovering Views of Inter-System Interaction Behaviors (CA, ML, RC), pp. 53–61.
WCRE-1999-LetarteM99a #interprocedural #modelling #php- Extraction of Inter-procedural Simple Role Privilege Models from PHP Code (DL, EM), pp. 187–191.
SAS-2009-VoronkovN- Inter-program Properties (AV, IN), pp. 343–359.
DHM-2009-YucelHDR #communication #coordination- Analyzing the Effects of a BCMA in Inter-Provider Communication, Coordination and Cooperation (GY, BH, VGD, MR), pp. 744–753.
CAiSE-2009-BianchiniCAP #design #named #process #web #web service- P2S: A Methodology to Enable Inter-organizational Process Design through Web Services (DB, CC, VDA, BP), pp. 334–348.
ICEIS-J-2009-ShishkovSV #collaboration #flexibility #perspective #towards- Towards Flexible Inter-enterprise Collaboration: A Supply Chain Perspective (BS, MvS, AV), pp. 513–527.
CIKM-2009-KrikonKB #ranking- Utilizing inter-passage and inter-document similarities for re-ranking search results (EK, OK, MB), pp. 1597–1600.
SIGIR-2009-BerminghamS #case study #retrieval- A study of inter-annotator agreement for opinion retrieval (AB, AFS), pp. 784–785.
SAC-2009-ChunLSC #multi #predict #using #video- An enhanced multi-view video compression using the constrained inter-view prediction (SC, SL, KS, KC), pp. 1811–1815.
SAC-2009-KangGC #predict #scalability- A new inter-layer prediction scheme for spatial scalability with different frame rates (JK, GG, KC), pp. 1779–1783.
DAC-2008-FaviC #communication- Techniques for fully integrated intra-/inter-chip optical communication (CF, EC), pp. 343–344.
DATE-2008-WiggersBS #communication #throughput- Computation of Buffer Capacities for Throughput Constrained and Data Dependent Inter-Task Communication (MW, MB, GJMS), pp. 640–645.
ESOP-2008-Muller-OlmS #interprocedural #performance- Upper Adjoints for Fast Inter-procedural Variable Equalities (MMO, HS), pp. 178–192.
SOFTVIS-2008-HarelS #visualisation- Visualizing inter-dependencies between scenarios (DH, IS), pp. 145–153.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-AldeebCS #concept #peer-to-peer #workflow- An Inter-Organizational Peer-to-Peer Workflow Management System — P2P based Virtual Organization Concept (AA, KAC, MJS), pp. 85–92.
ECIR-2008-NaKL08b #evaluation #nearest neighbour- Revisit of Nearest Neighbor Test for Direct Evaluation of Inter-document Similarities (SHN, ISK, JHL), pp. 674–678.
ECIR-2008-NaKL08c #probability #similarity #using- Query-Based Inter-document Similarity Using Probabilistic Co-relevance Model (SHN, ISK, JHL), pp. 684–688.
ICPR-2008-ChoB #dependence #image #using- Image inpainting using wavelet-based inter- and intra-scale dependency (DC, TDB), pp. 1–4.
SIGIR-2008-WebberMZ #comparison #retrieval #standard- Score standardization for inter-collection comparison of retrieval systems (WW, AM, JZ), pp. 51–58.
FSE-2008-LaiCC #control flow #data flow #test coverage #testing- Inter-context control-flow and data-flow test adequacy criteria for nesC applications (ZL, SCC, WKC), pp. 94–104.
HPDC-2008-WangWG #named #network #performance- XenLoop: a transparent high performance inter-vm network loopback (JW, KLW, KG), pp. 109–118.
DATE-2007-HosseinabadyDN #testing #using- Using the inter- and intra-switch regularity in NoC switch testing (MH, AD, ZN), pp. 361–366.
ICDAR-2007-OtaYSS #online #recognition- Online Handwritten Kanji Recognition Based on Inter-stroke Grammar (IO, RY, SS, SS), pp. 1188–1192.
CSMR-2007-LunguL #evolution- Exploring Inter-Module Relationships in Evolving Software Systems (ML, ML), pp. 91–102.
CSMR-2007-SelonenK #metamodelling- Metamodel-Based Inference of Inter-Model Correspondence (PS, MK), pp. 71–80.
WCRE-2007-GermanGR- A Model to Understand the Building and Running Inter-Dependencies of Software (DMG, JMGB, GR), pp. 140–149.
ILC-2007-AkashiTFHS #framework #lisp #network- Lisp-based agent platform and applications for inter-domain network management (OA, AT, KF, TH, TS), p. 14.
OCSC-2007-NuschkeJ #collaboration #communication #framework #information management #tool support #using- A Framework for Inter-organizational Collaboration Using Communication and Knowledge Management Tools (PN, XJ), pp. 406–415.
CAiSE-2007-ZhaoLYS #workflow- Handling Instance Correspondence in Inter-organisational Workflows (XZ, CL, YY, WS), pp. 51–65.
EDOC-2007-TapiaDE #maturity #validation- Validating Adequacy and Suitability of Business-IT Alignment Criteria in an Inter-Enterprise Maturity Model 202 (RST, MD, PvE), pp. 202–213.
ICEIS-J-2007-CardosoABSS #integration- Inter-enterprise System and Application Integration: A Reality Check (JC, WMPvdA, CB, APS, KS), pp. 3–15.
CIKM-2007-ChevalletLL #concept #multi- Domain knowledge conceptual inter-media indexing: application to multilingual multimedia medical reports (JPC, JHL, DTHL), pp. 495–504.
ECIR-2007-MartinetS #documentation #using- Using Visual-Textual Mutual Information and Entropy for Inter-modal Document Indexing (JM, SS), pp. 549–556.
ICML-2007-WangYHLT- Transductive regression piloted by inter-manifold relations (HW, SY, TSH, JL, XT), pp. 967–974.
OOPSLA-2007-TanM #analysis #c #java #named- Ilea: inter-language analysis across java and c (GT, GM), pp. 39–56.
SAC-2007-LinK #array #integration- Exploiting inter-gene information for microarray data integration (KML, JK), pp. 123–127.
CHI-2006-AvrahamiH #communication #latency #modelling #predict- Responsiveness in instant messaging: predictive models supporting inter-personal communication (DA, SEH), pp. 731–740.
CAiSE-2006-KartsevaGT #network- Inter-organisational Controls as Value Objects in Network Organisations (VK, JG, YHT), pp. 336–350.
ICPR-v2-2006-KhanKKA #dependence #online #verification- On-Line Signature Verification by Exploiting Inter-Feature Dependencies (MKK, MAK, MAUK, IA), pp. 796–799.
DATE-2005-MangassarianA #analysis #on the #statistics- On Statistical Timing Analysis with Inter- and Intra-Die Variations (HM, MA), pp. 132–137.
WRLA-2004-MasonT05 #framework #interactive #maude #named- IOP: The InterOperability Platform & IMaude: An Interactive Extension of Maude (IAM, CLT), pp. 315–333.
ICEIS-v3-2005-HafnerBB #architecture #security #standard #web #web service #workflow- A Security Architecture for Inter-Organizational Workflows: Putting Security Standards for Web Services Together (MH, RB, MB), pp. 128–135.
ICEIS-v5-2005-BourguinL #framework- Managing Inter-Activities in CSCW: Supporting Users Emerging Needs in the COOLDA Platform (GB, AL), pp. 134–139.
SEKE-2005-HamzaF #reuse- Stable Atomic Knowledge Pattern (SAK) — Enabling Inter-Domain Knowledge Reuse (HSH, MEF), pp. 127–132.
MoDELS-2005-HafnerB #modelling #security #uml #workflow- Realizing Model Driven Security for Inter-organizational Workflows with WS-CDL and UML 2.0 (MH, RB), pp. 39–53.
MoDELS-2005-HafnerB #modelling #security #uml #workflow- Realizing Model Driven Security for Inter-organizational Workflows with WS-CDL and UML 2.0 (MH, RB), pp. 39–53.
OOPSLA-2005-NandaGC #type system- Deriving object typestates in the presence of inter-object references (MGN, CG, SC), pp. 77–96.
CC-2005-LeLH #interprocedural #jit #optimisation #using- Using Inter-Procedural Side-Effect Information in JIT Optimizations (AL, OL, LJH), pp. 287–304.
HPCA-2005-ChandraGKS #architecture #multi #predict #thread- Predicting Inter-Thread Cache Contention on a Chip Multi-Processor Architecture (DC, FG, SK, YS), pp. 340–351.
HPDC-2005-KonishiOHI #case study #throughput- A case study of instant workbench for InterProScan by Knoppix high throughput computing edition (FK, SO, YH, MI), pp. 301–302.
CAV-2005-ConwayNDE #algorithm #analysis #incremental #interprocedural #safety- Incremental Algorithms for Inter-procedural Analysis of Safety Properties (CLC, KSN, DD, SAE), pp. 449–461.
CSCW-2004-McDonaldWG #authoring #multi- The multiple views of inter-organizational authoring (DWM, CW, JHG), pp. 564–573.
EDOC-2004-YoshiokaHF #coordination #performance #security- Security Patterns: A Method for Constructing Secure and Efficient Inter-Company Coordination Systems (NY, SH, AF), pp. 84–97.
ICEIS-v4-2004-AndradeN #contract- Intelligent Electronic Inter-Systemic Contracting — Issues on Consent and Contract Formation (FA, JN), pp. 403–410.
ICEIS-v4-2004-ChangFT #automation #framework #integration #process- Automatic Integration of Inter-Enterprise Processes with Hierarchical Broker Framework (SFC, LCF, MYT), pp. 62–69.
ICPR-v1-2004-SochmanM- Inter-Stage Feature Propagation in Cascade Building with AdaBoost (JS, JM), pp. 236–239.
ICPR-v1-2004-ZhangJT- Geodesic Closest Point Constrained Inter-Subject Non-Rigid Registration (ZZ, YJ, HTT), pp. 564–567.
ICPR-v3-2004-ChenYC #distance #multi #recognition- Inter-Subspace Distance: A New Method for Face Recognition with Multiple Samples (JHC, SLY, CSC), pp. 140–143.
ICPR-v3-2004-ShimizuYWSTN #detection #mobile- Moving Object Detection with Mobile Stereo Omni-directional System (SOS) based on Motion Compensatory Inter-frame Depth Subtraction (SS, KY, CW, YS, HT, YN), pp. 248–251.
LSO-2004-ChauM #agile #learning #tool support- Tool Support for Inter-team Learning in Agile Software Organizations (TC, FM), pp. 98–109.
DocEng-2003-RodriguesS #adaptation- Inter and intra media-object QoS provisioning in adaptive formatters (RFR, LFGS), pp. 78–87.
ICDAR-2003-KimMO #algorithm #classification #statistics #word- A Text Watermarking Algorithm based on Word Classification and Inter-word Space Statistics (YWK, KAM, ISO), pp. 775–779.
CAiSE-2003-GansJLS #modelling #network #simulation- Deliberation in a Modeling and Simulation Environment for Inter-organizational Networks (GG, MJ, GL, DS), pp. 242–257.
ICEIS-v4-2003-MahmoudV #communication #modelling- Inter-Agent Communication Models (QHM, LV), pp. 448–450.
SEKE-2003-CiancariniPA #communication #design #ontology- An Ontology Driven Design Method for inter-Agent Communication (PC, VP, LA), pp. 90–94.
SEKE-2003-NetiniantiE #approach #aspect-oriented #using #verification- Adding Verification Property of Inter-Processes Using Aspect-Oriented Approach (PN, TE), pp. 54–60.
SAC-2003-Valverde-AlbacetePCDNM #design #named- InterMediActor: an Environment for Instructional Content Design Based on Competences (FJVA, RPJ, JCS, PDP, ANV, HYMB), pp. 575–579.
HPCA-2003-TerechkoTGEC #clustering #communication #modelling- Inter-Cluster Communication Models for Clustered VLIW Processors (AT, ELT, MG, JTJvE, HC), pp. 354–364.
ASE-2002-Griche #automation #generative #interprocedural #testing- Automatic Inter-Procedural Test Case Generation (KCG), p. 316.
DLT-2002-UmeoK #automaton #communication #infinity #realtime #sequence- An Infinite Prime Sequence Can Be Generated in Real-Time by a 1-Bit Inter-cell Communication Cellular Automaton (HU, NK), pp. 339–348.
CAiSE-2002-WetzelK #architecture #concept #process #workflow- Serviceflow Beyond Workflow? Concepts and Architectures for Supporting Inter-organizational Service Processes (IW, RK), pp. 500–515.
EDOC-2002-Kutvonen #automation- Automated Management of Inter-Organisational Applications (LK), pp. 27–38.
EDOC-2002-PiccinelliEZS #automation #framework #interface #process #web #web service- Web Service Interfaces for Inter-Organisational Business Processes: An Infrastructure for Automated Reconciliation (GP, WE, CZ, KS), pp. 285–292.
ICEIS-2002-AminP #enterprise #workflow- Inter-Organizational Workflow Management in Virtual Healthcare Enterprises (TA, HKP), pp. 799–802.
ICEIS-2002-TanTS #data mining #mining #parallel #performance #taxonomy- A Taxonomy for Inter-Model Parallelism in High Performance Data Mining (LT, DT, KAS), pp. 534–539.
KDD-2002-GodboleSC #multi #scalability #using- Scaling multi-class support vector machines using inter-class confusion (SG, SS, SC), pp. 513–518.
LSO-2002-HofmannW #approach #community #learning- Building Communities among Software Engineers: The ViSEK Approach to Intra- and Inter-Organizational Learning (BH, VW), pp. 25–33.
SAC-2002-DiazWB #documentation #problem #xml- Inter-organizational document exchange: facing the conversion problem with XML (LMD, EW, PB), pp. 1043–1047.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-Barthelmann #operating system- Inter-task register-allocation for static operating systems (VB), pp. 149–154.
FASE-2001-BordeleauC #design #on the #state machine- On the Importance of Inter-scenario Relationships in Hierarchical State Machine Design (FB, JPC), pp. 156–170.
TOOLS-USA-2001-GueheneucA #constraints #design pattern #detection #fault #using- Using Design Patterns and Constraints to Automate the Detection and Correction of Inter-Class Design Defects (YGG, HAA), pp. 296–306.
ITiCSE-2000-KleinDHBGLCS #challenge #education- Teaching inter-institutional courses (panel session): sharing challenges and resources (BJK, MD, DH, AB, AG, MZL, TC, ES), pp. 178–179.
ESOP-2000-SeidlS #analysis #constraints #interprocedural #parallel #source code- Constraint-Based Inter-Procedural Analysis of Parallel Programs (HS, BS), pp. 351–365.
IWPC-2000-Goldman #interactive #monitoring #named- Smiley — An Interactive Tool for Monitoring Inter-Module Function Calls (NMG), pp. 109–118.
SIGIR-2000-Ando #metric #precise #scalability #semantics #similarity- Latent semantic-space: iterative scaling improves precision of inter-document similarity measurement (RKA), pp. 216–223.
LOPSTR-2000-BuenoBHMPS #analysis #compilation #optimisation- A model for inter-module analysis and optimizing compilation (FB, MJGdlB, MVH, KM, GP, PJS).
LOPSTR-J-2000-BuenoBHMPS #analysis #compilation #optimisation- A Model for Inter-module Analysis and Optimizing Compilation (FB, MJGdlB, MVH, KM, GP, PJS), pp. 86–102.
PASTE-1999-SouterPH #analysis- Inter-Class Def-Use Analysis with Partial Class Representations (ALS, LLP, DH), pp. 47–56.
CAiSE-1999-McBrienP #approach #model transformation- A Uniform Approach to Inter-model Transformations (PM, AP), pp. 333–348.
EDOC-1999-FellnerT #component #framework- Component framework supporting inter-company cooperation (KJF, KT), pp. 164–171.
CIKM-1999-FengLYH #mining #transaction- Mining Inter-Transaction Associations with Templates (LF, HL, JXY, JH), pp. 225–233.
KDD-1999-TungLHF #mining #transaction- Breaking the Barrier of Transactions: Mining Inter-Transaction Association Rules (AKHT, HL, JH, LF), pp. 297–301.
ICSE-1999-BorgidaD #component #information management #towards- Adding more “DL” to IDL: Towards More Knowledgeable Component Inter-Operability (AB, PTD), pp. 378–387.
ITiCSE-1998-RosenSB #induction #student- An augmented induction for HND computer studies students through an early integrated, inter-disciplinary assignment (CR, DS, JIB), pp. 219–222.
CHI-1998-TerveenH #graph #visualisation- Finding and Visualizing Inter-Site Clan Graphs (LGT, WCH), pp. 448–455.
UML-1998-KandeMPSW #design #uml- Applying UML to Design an Inter-domain Service Management Application (MMK, SM, OP, LS, MW), pp. 200–214.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-MathewSH #bytecode #java #performance- Inter-Server Transport Performance of Java Bytecode in a Metacomputing Environment (JAM, AJS, KAH), p. 264–?.
ITiCSE-1997-PetreS #collaboration #effectiveness- Harnessing technology for effective inter/intra-institutional collaboration (panel) (MP, DS), p. 145.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-SiviterPK #collaboration #effectiveness- Harnessing technology for effective inter- and intra-institutional collaboration (report of the ITiCSE 1997 working group on supporting inter- and intra institutional collaboration) (DS, MP, BJK), pp. 70–93.
HCI-SEC-1997-SadakataYTH- CyberForum on InterSpace (TS, TY, TT, HH), pp. 375–378.
CSCW-1996-SugawaraMKSIYKSTNLTS #video- InterSpace Project — CyberCampus (Video Program) (SS, NM, YK, KS, MI, TY, YK, KS, TT, TN, CL, TT, GS), p. 7.
ICDAR-v1-1995-HongH #visual notation- Visual inter-word relations and their use in OCR postprocessing (TH, JJH), pp. 442–445.
CIKM-1995-TangV #concept #transaction- Transaction-oriented Work-flow Concepts in Inter-Organizational Environments (JT, JV), pp. 250–259.
ESEC-1995-Coen-PorisiniKM #framework #proving- A Formal Framework for ASTRAL Inter-level Proof Obligations (ACP, RAK, DM), pp. 90–108.
HPCA-1995-GargS #architecture #communication- Architectural Support for Inter-Stream Communication in a MSIMD System (VG, DES), pp. 348–357.
ICSM-1994-AmmannC #in the large- Inter-Module Renaming and Reorganizing: Examples of Program Manipulation-in-the-Large (MMA, RDC), pp. 354–361.
SIGIR-1994-EllisFW #consistency #database #effectiveness #hypermedia #metric #on the #retrieval- On the Measurement of Inter-Linker Consistency and Retrieval Effectiveness in Hypertext Databases (DE, JFH, PW), pp. 51–60.
LOPSTR-1994-SolnonR #dependence #type inference- Propagation of Inter-argument Dependencies in “Tuple-distributive” Type Inference Systems (CS, MR), pp. 199–214.
HPDC-1994-BeckerW #dependence- Exploiting Inter-Task Dependencies for Dynamic Load Balancing (WB, GW), pp. 157–165.
SIGMOD-1993-BukhresCELM #multi #named #prototype #type system- InterBase: A Multidatabase Prototype System (OAB, JC, AKE, XL, JGM), pp. 534–539.
SIGMOD-1993-BukhresCP- An InterBase System at BNR (OAB, JC, RP), pp. 426–429.
SIGMOD-1993-MannaiB #information management- Enhancing Inter-Operability and Data Sharing In Medical Information Systems (DNM, KMB), pp. 495–498.
ICSE-1993-KitchenhamK #correlation- Inter-item Correlations among Function Points (BK, KK), pp. 477–480.
SIGMOD-1992-Hong #parallel- Exploiting Inter-Operation Parallelism in XPRS (WH), pp. 19–28.
CSCW-1992-IshiiKG #design #integration- Integration of Inter-Personal Space and Shared Workspace: ClearBoard Design and Experiments (HI, MK, JG), pp. 33–42.
HT-1991-JacksonY #hypermedia #named #prototype- InterMail: A Prototype Hypermedia Mail System (SLJ, NY), pp. 405–410.
VLDB-1990-ElmagarmidLLR #multi #transaction- A Multidatabase Transaction Model for InterBase (AKE, YL, WL, MR), pp. 507–518.
CSCW-1990-HartE #effectiveness #implementation #integration #network- Computer Integration: a Co-Requirement for Effective Inter-Organization Computer Network Implementation (PH, DE), pp. 131–142.
HT-1989-CatlinBY #collaboration #framework #hypermedia #named- InterNote: Extending a Hypermedia Framework to Support Annotative Collaboration (TC, PB, NY), pp. 365–378.
VLDB-1989-DuE #concurrent #correctness- Quasi Serializability: a Correctness Criterion for Global Concurrency Control in InterBase (WD, AKE), pp. 347–355.
NACLP-1989-WilsonB #comparison #constraints #logic programming- Extending Hierarchical Constraint Logic Programming: Nonmonotonicity and Inter-Hierarchy Comparison (MW, AB), pp. 3–19.
DAC-1980-Miller #analysis #automation #design- Inter-active graphic methods for automating mechanical engineering design and analyses (JMM), pp. 114–128.
ICSE-1979-JefferyL #comparison #programming- An Inter-Organizational Comparison of Programming Productivity (DRJ, MJL), pp. 369–377.
DAC-1973-KrawczykD #evaluation #generative- Space plan: A user oriented package for the evaluation and the generation of spatial inter-relationships (RJK, EED), pp. 121–138.
SIGFIDET-1970-Gosden #summary- Translation (Inter-System) (pre-discussion summary) (JAG), p. 284.