92 papers:
DocEng-2015-CutterM #documentation #how #mobile #towards- Towards Mobile OCR: How to Take a Good Picture of a Document Without Sight (MPC, RM), pp. 75–84.
LATA-2015-BabariD #automaton #logic #theorem- A Nivat Theorem for Weighted Picture Automata and Weighted MSO Logic (PB, MD), pp. 703–715.
CHI-2015-KimY #3d #towards #visual notation- Toward 3D-Printed Movable Tactile Pictures for Children with Visual Impairments (JK, TY), pp. 2815–2824.
CSCW-2015-GiesbrechtCS #mobile- Back in Sight, Back in Mind: Picture-Centric Support for Mobile Counseling Sessions (TG, TC, GS), pp. 486–495.
CSCW-2015-StateA #online #social- The Diffusion of Support in an Online Social Movement: Evidence from the Adoption of Equal-Sign Profile Pictures (BS, LAA), pp. 1741–1750.
SAC-2015-SampaioEF #coordination- Determining the location of buildings given a single picture, environment maps and inaccurate GPS coordinates (JCS, RSE, LAFF), pp. 542–547.
SCAM-2014-YooBE #slicing- Seeing Is Slicing: Observation Based Slicing of Picture Description Languages (SY, DB, RDE), pp. 175–184.
DLT-J-2013-AnselmoGM14 #2d #decidability- Prefix Picture codes: a Decidable class of Two-Dimensional codes (MA, DG, MM), pp. 1017–1032.
CIAA-2014-Otto #automaton #bibliography- Restarting Automata for Picture Languages: A Survey on Recent Developments (FO), pp. 16–41.
LATA-2014-AnselmoGM #finite- Picture Codes with Finite Deciphering Delay (MA, DG, MM), pp. 88–100.
LATA-2014-OttoM #automaton #order- Extended Two-Way Ordered Restarting Automata for Picture Languages (FO, FM), pp. 541–552.
HCI-TMT-2014-NguyenTD #development #multi #user interface- Picture-Driven User Interface Development for Applications on Multi-platforms (VTN, MTT, ADD), pp. 350–360.
SCSM-2014-TurnerH #network #social #what- What Does Your Profile Picture Say About You? The Accuracy of Thin-Slice Personality Judgments from Social Networking Sites Made at Zero-Acquaintance (MT, NH), pp. 506–516.
CIKM-2014-McParlaneMJ #social #social media #visual notation- “Picture the scene...”;: Visually Summarising Social Media Events (PJM, AJM, JMJ), pp. 1459–1468.
DATE-2013-YuehCM #architecture #quality- Perceptual quality preserving SRAM architecture for color motion pictures (WY, MC, SM), pp. 103–108.
DLT-2013-AnselmoGM #2d- Two Dimensional Prefix Codes of Pictures (MA, DG, MM), pp. 46–57.
HCI-AS-2013-TakanoS #learning- Nature Sound Ensemble Learning in Narrative-Episode Creation with Pictures (KT, SS), pp. 493–502.
HCI-III-2013-ParkCKSK- Emotion Sharing with the Emotional Digital Picture Frame (KSP, YC, MK, KYS, DK), pp. 339–345.
HCI-III-2013-SatoWYR #coordination #named- suGATALOG: Fashion Coordination System That Supports Users to Choose Everyday Fashion with Clothed Pictures (AS, KW, MY, JR), pp. 112–121.
ICEIS-v3-2013-BorgesRMS #facebook #privacy- Who Is This Guy Who Liked My Picture? — Privacy Control Mechanisms on Facebook for Generations X and Y (GB, TR, CM, PCdS), pp. 179–186.
MLDM-2013-ParimiC #predict- Pre-release Box-Office Success Prediction for Motion Pictures (RP, DC), pp. 571–585.
SIGIR-2013-Rodriguez-VaamondeTF #documentation #image #using #web #what- What can pictures tell us about web pages?: improving document search using images (SRV, LT, AWF), pp. 849–852.
CIKM-2012-XuKZ #generative #timeline #word- A picture paints a thousand words: a method of generating image-text timelines (SX, LK, YZ), pp. 2511–2514.
SIGIR-2012-ChenCSX #music #named #recommendation- Pictune: situational music recommendation from geotagged pictures (KC, GC, LS, FX), p. 1011.
CSL-2012-GrandjeanO #complexity- Descriptive complexity for pictures languages (EG, FO), pp. 274–288.
DLT-J-2010-Giammarresi11 #subclass- Exploring inside Tiling Recognizable Picture Languages to Find Deterministic subclasses (DG), pp. 1519–1532.
LATA-2011-AnselmoGM #classification #string- Classification of String Languages via Tiling Recognizable Picture Languages (MA, DG, MM), pp. 105–116.
CSCW-2011-WangFC #difference- From diversity to creativity: stimulating group brainstorming with cultural differences and conversationally-retrieved pictures (HCW, SRF, DC), pp. 265–274.
HCI-MIIE-2011-BlazicaVM #named- ShoeBox: A Natural Way of Organizing Pictures According to User’s Affinities (BB, DV, DM), pp. 519–524.
HIMI-v2-2011-TsaiY #evaluation #interface- Interface Evaluation of Web-Based e-Picture Books in Taiwan (PsT, MlY), pp. 94–102.
SIGIR-2011-PolajnarGA #named #query #taxonomy- JuSe: a picture dictionary query system for children (TP, RG, LA), pp. 1281–1282.
SAC-2011-KusamaI #music #named #user interface- MusCat: a music browser featuring abstract pictures and zooming user interface (KK, TI), pp. 1222–1228.
DocEng-2010-ChiuCD #detection #documentation #image- Picture detection in document page images (PC, FC, LD), pp. 211–214.
SIGIR-2010-GyllstromM #multi- A picture is worth a thousand search results: finding child-oriented multimedia results with collAge (KG, MFM), pp. 731–732.
LATA-2009-BonizzoniFMM- Picture Languages Generated by Assembling Tiles (PB, CF, ARSM, GM), pp. 224–235.
HCD-2009-TavantiC #3d #student- Looking for the 3D Picture: The Spatio-temporal Realm of Student Controllers (MT, MC), pp. 1070–1079.
HCI-NT-2009-BellottiFAS #design #evaluation- User-Centered Design and Evaluation — The Big Picture (VB, SF, TA, SS), pp. 214–223.
VISSOFT-2009-ParkJ #open source #visualisation- Beyond pretty pictures: Examining the benefits of code visualization for Open Source newcomers (YP, CJ), pp. 3–10.
OOPSLA-2009-Mahoney #evolution- Software evolution and the moving picture metaphor (MM), pp. 525–528.
ASPLOS-2009-AleenC #analysis #commutative #parallel #program transformation- Commutativity analysis for software parallelization: letting program transformations see the big picture (FA, NC), pp. 241–252.
CHI-2008-SecretanB #evolution #named #online- Picbreeder: evolving pictures collaboratively online (JS, NB), pp. 1759–1768.
ECIR-2008-DeschachtM #retrieval- Finding the Best Picture: Cross-Media Retrieval of Content (KD, MFM), pp. 539–546.
ICPR-2008-LuoHMJY #image- Recognizing picture-taking environment from satellite images: A feasibility study (JL, WH, DM, DJ, JY), pp. 1–4.
SAC-2008-GronauR #implementation #information management- Information systems implementation: the big picture (NG, MR), pp. 1077–1078.
HT-2007-Lunn #image- Image seeds: a communal picture-based narrative (DL), pp. 141–142.
ITiCSE-2007-Lewis #student #word- Are pictures worth 1000 words? the use of affective imagery surveys to capture student perceptions of the computing discipline (TLL), p. 312.
LATA-2007-BorchertR- Deterministically and Sudoku-Deterministically Recognizable Picture Languages (BB, KR), pp. 175–186.
CHI-2007-MoncurL #multi #usability #visual notation- Pictures at the ATM: exploring the usability of multiple graphical passwords (WM, GL), pp. 887–894.
HCI-MIE-2007-ChungK #classification #using- Classification of a Person Picture and Scenery Picture Using Structured Simplicity (MBC, IJK), pp. 821–828.
HCI-MIE-2007-HilligesKPBK #analysis #automation #classification #image #quality #sorting #using- Browsing and Sorting Digital Pictures Using Automatic Image Classification and Quality Analysis (OH, PK, AP, AB, HPK), pp. 882–891.
CSEET-2006-HayesDHSD #question- Will Johnny/Joanie Make a Good Software Engineer? Are Course Grades Showing the Whole Picture? (JHH, AD, EAH, SKS, OD), pp. 175–184.
CSEET-2005-BleekLS #education #experience #industrial #re-engineering- Transferring Experience from Software Engineering Training in Industry to Mass University Education — The Big Picture (WGB, CL, AS), pp. 195–203.
ESOP-2005-JanvierLM #encryption- Completing the Picture: Soundness of Formal Encryption in the Presence of Active Adversaries (RJ, YL, LM), pp. 172–185.
MLDM-2005-AdegoriteBKS #approach #mining- An Approach to Mining Picture Objects Based on Textual Cues (AIA, OAB, MSK, KBS), pp. 466–475.
DLT-2004-Truthe- A Method for Deciding the Finiteness of Deterministic Tabled Picture Languages (BT), pp. 406–417.
DLT-2002-AltenberndTW #infinity- Tiling Systems over Infinite Pictures and Their Acceptance Conditions (JHA, WT, SW), pp. 297–306.
ITiCSE-2001-LiningtonD #execution- Picture program execution (JL, MD), p. 175.
CAiSE-2001-CombiM #modelling #multi- Data Models with Multiple Temporal Dimensions: Completing the Picture (CC, AM), pp. 187–202.
MLDM-2001-PernerB #data mining #hybrid #mining- A Hybrid Tool for Data Mining in Picture Archiving System (PP, TPB), pp. 141–156.
CIAA-2000-DrewesEKK #grid #image- Computing Raster Images from Grid Picture Grammars (FD, SE, RKH, HJK), pp. 113–121.
ICALP-2000-MannaS #safety- Alternating the Temporal Picture for Safety (ZM, HS), pp. 429–450.
ASE-1999-OHalloranS #verification- Verification of Picture Generated Code (CO, AS), pp. 127–136.
HCI-EI-1999-BussemakersHL #categorisation #design #interface- The effect of auditory accessory stimuli on picture categorisation; implications for interface design (MPB, AdH, PMCL), pp. 436–440.
HCI-EI-1999-ScharKK #concept #learning #multi #named- Multimedia: the Effect of Picture, Voice & Text for the Learning of Concepts and Principles (SGS, JK, HK), pp. 456–460.
HCI-EI-1999-SophianC- A Picture is Worth More Than Two Lines (CS, MEC), pp. 376–380.
FoSSaCS-1998-Matz #on the- On Piecewise Testable, Starfree, and Recognizable Picture Languages (OM), pp. 203–210.
ICFP-1998-Putnik #education #on the #self- On Application of Self-Similar Pictures in Education (ZP), p. 341.
ICPR-1998-ArcelliS #parallel- Parallel lowering of digital pictures by topology preserving operations (CA, LS), pp. 1601–1603.
ICDAR-1997-RochaB #symmetry- Singularities and Regularities on Line Pictures via Symmetrical Trapezoids (JR, RB), pp. 809–812.
SIGMOD-1997-GoyalHKMSZ #programming- Picture Programming Project (NG, CH, RK, BM, MS, MMZ), pp. 514–516.
ICALP-1997-Wilke #first-order #logic #strict- Star-Free Picture Expressions are Strictly Weaker Than First-Order Logic (TW), pp. 347–357.
CSL-1997-Schweikardt #monad #quantifier- The Monadic Quantifier Alternation Hierarchy over Grids and Pictures (NS), pp. 441–460.
ICPR-1996-HuijsmansL #image #performance #retrieval #using- Efficient content-based image retrieval in digital picture collections using projections: (near)-copy location (DPH, MSL), pp. 104–108.
ICPR-1996-SziranyiC #network #segmentation- Picture segmentation with introducing an anisotropic preliminary step to an MRF model with cellular neural networks (TS, LC), pp. 366–370.
PLILP-1996-Scholz #concurrent #constraints #framework #functional #named #programming #user interface- PIDGETS — Unifying Pictures and Widgets in a Constraint-Based Framework for Concurrent Functional GUI Programming (ES), pp. 363–377.
VLDB-1995-SistlaYLL #retrieval #similarity #using- Similarity based Retrieval of Pictures Using Indices on Spatial Relationships (APS, CTY, CL, KLL), pp. 619–629.
DLT-1995-Drewes #on the- On the Connectedness of Pictures Defined by Iterated Function Systems (FD), pp. 289–298.
CHI-1995-KohlertO- Pictures as Input Data (DCK, DRO), pp. 464–471.
VLDB-1994-SistlaYH #reasoning #retrieval- Reasoning About Spatial Relationships in Picture Retrieval Systems (APS, CTY, RH), pp. 570–581.
TAGT-1994-DassowHT- Chain-Code Pictures and Collages Generated by Hyperedge Replacement (JD, AH, ST), pp. 412–427.
ICDAR-1993-InoharaKSS #complexity #database #retrieval #using- Retrieval method of textile pictures database using a complexity scale (TI, KK, HS, SS), pp. 699–702.
INTERCHI-1993-UedaMY #authoring #interactive- IMPACT (abstract): interactive motion picture authoring system for creative talent (HU, TM, SY), p. 525.
OOPSLA-1992-BuhrC #architecture- Architectures with Pictures (RJAB, RSC), pp. 466–483.
ICSE-1992-RomanC #source code #visualisation- Program Visualization: The Art of Mapping Programs to Pictures (GCR, KCC), pp. 412–420.
VLDB-1991-GuptaWJ #query #semantics- Semantic Queries with Pictures: The VIMSYS Model (AG, TEW, RJ), pp. 69–79.
CHI-1991-UedaMY #authoring #interactive #multi #named- IMPACT: an interactive natural-motion-picture dedicated multimedia authoring system (HU, TM, SY), pp. 343–350.
GG-1990-Chytil- Cycle Chain Code Picture Languages (FJB, MC), pp. 157–173.
ICALP-1989-MannaP- Completing the Temporal Picture (ZM, AP), pp. 534–558.
DAC-1983-MayoO #layout- Pictures with parentheses: Combining graphics and procedures in a VLSI layout tool (RNM, JKO), pp. 270–276.
GG-1982-MaurerRW- Chain code picture languages (HAM, GR, EW), pp. 232–244.
DAC-1972-French #generative #interactive- Picture generation for Interactive Graphics (LJF), pp. 326–330.
STOC-1970-Chang #2d #analysis #using- The Analysis of Two-Dimensional Patterns using Picture Processing Grammars (SKC), pp. 206–216.