53 papers:
- CASE-2015-RoyelYLLH #identification #optimisation #parametricity #using
- A hysteresis model and parameter identification for MR pin joints using immune particle swarm optimization (SR, YY, YL, JL, QPH), pp. 1319–1324.
- DAC-2015-XuYGHP #named #self
- PARR: pin access planning and regular routing for self-aligned double patterning (XX, BY, JRG, CLH, DZP), p. 6.
- DATE-2015-KunduBK #design #fault #testing
- Fault diagnosis in designs with extreme low pin test data compressors (SK, PB, RK), pp. 1285–1288.
- CHI-2015-ZezschwitzLBH #named #performance #smarttech
- SwiPIN: Fast and Secure PIN-Entry on Smartphones (EvZ, ADL, BB, HH), pp. 1403–1406.
- ISMM-2015-OsterlundL #concurrent #protocol #using
- Concurrent compaction using a field pinning protocol (EÖ, WL), pp. 56–69.
- DATE-2014-DinhYH #design #logic
- A logic integrated optimal pin-count design for digital microfluidic biochips (TAD, SY, TYH), pp. 1–6.
- GPCE-2014-HillF #framework #object-oriented
- Pin++: an object-oriented framework for writing pintools (JHH, DCF), pp. 133–141.
- CGO-2014-ChabbiLM #tool support
- Call Paths for Pin Tools (MC, XL, JMMC), p. 76.
- DAC-2013-GrissomB #programmable
- A field-programmable pin-constrained digital microfluidic biochip (DG, PB), p. 9.
- CHI-2013-NicholsonCB #authentication #performance
- Age-related performance issues for PIN and face-based authentication systems (JN, LMC, PB), pp. 323–332.
- DAC-2012-LuoC #design
- Design of pin-constrained general-purpose digital microfluidic biochips (YL, KC), pp. 18–25.
- DAC-2012-QiuM #question #scalability
- Can pin access limit the footprint scaling? (XQ, MMS), pp. 1100–1106.
- DATE-2012-RichterC #manycore #reduction
- Test pin count reduction for NoC-based Test delivery in multicore SOCs (MR, KC), pp. 787–792.
- CGO-2012-LueckPP #debugging #interface #named
- PinADX: an interface for customizable debugging with dynamic instrumentation (GL, HP, CP), pp. 114–123.
- DAC-2011-HuangSH #power management
- Progressive network-flow based power-aware broadcast addressing for pin-constrained digital microfluidic biochips (TWH, HYS, TYH), pp. 741–746.
- DAC-2011-Nieberg
- Gridless pin access in detailed routing (TN), pp. 170–175.
- DATE-2011-TsaiLCKCK #bound #on the
- On routing fixed escaped boundary pins for high speed boards (TYT, RJL, CYC, CYK, HMC, YK), pp. 461–466.
- DAC-2010-LinC #design
- Cross-contamination aware design methodology for pin-constrained digital microfluidic biochips (CCYL, YWC), pp. 641–646.
- CHI-2010-LucaHH #named
- ColorPIN: securing PIN entry through indirect input (ADL, KH, HH), pp. 1103–1106.
- CGO-2010-PatilPSLC #analysis #framework #named #parallel #source code
- PinPlay: a framework for deterministic replay and reproducible analysis of parallel programs (HP, CP, MS, GL, JC), pp. 2–11.
- DAC-2009-LinC #design
- ILP-based pin-count aware design methodology for microfluidic biochips (CCYL, YWC), pp. 258–263.
- DATE-2009-WuM #logic #order #performance
- Joint logic restructuring and pin reordering against NBTI-induced performance degradation (KCW, DM), pp. 75–80.
- ICDAR-2009-PalRRK #automation #multi #recognition #string
- Indian Multi-Script Full Pin-code String Recognition for Postal Automation (UP, RKR, KR, FK), pp. 456–460.
- DLT-2009-AlmeidaS #matrix
- Matrix Mortality and the Cerný-Pin Conjecture (JA, BS), pp. 67–80.
- HCI-VAD-2009-Peters #experience #performance
- Influence of Real-World Ten-Pin Bowling Experience on Performance during First-Time Nintendo Wii Bowling Practice (KAP), pp. 396–405.
- DAC-2008-XuC #multi
- Broadcast electrode-addressing for pin-constrained multi-functional digital microfluidic biochips (TX, KC), pp. 173–178.
- DATE-2008-MeisterLT #algorithm #component #novel
- Novel Pin Assignment Algorithms for Components with Very High Pin Counts (TM, JL, GT), pp. 837–842.
- ASPLOS-2008-SrikantaiahKI #adaptation #multi #set
- Adaptive set pinning: managing shared caches in chip multiprocessors (SS, MTK, MJI), pp. 135–144.
- DAC-2007-Ozdal #clustering
- Escape Routing For Dense Pin Clusters In Integrated Circuits (MMO), pp. 49–54.
- DATE-2007-XuC #array
- A cross-referencing-based droplet manipulation method for high-throughput and pin-constrained digital microfluidic arrays (TX, KC), pp. 552–557.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-SantosB #clustering #named #optimisation
- PIN: A partitioning and indexing optimization method for olap (RJS, JB), pp. 170–177.
- CGO-2007-WallaceH #named #performance #realtime
- SuperPin: Parallelizing Dynamic Instrumentation for Real-Time Performance (SW, KMH), pp. 209–220.
- DAC-2006-HwangSC #array #automation #design
- Automated design of pin-constrained digital microfluidic arrays for lab-on-a-chip applications* (WLH, FS, KC), pp. 925–930.
- OOPSLA-2006-Titzer #named
- Virgil: objects on the head of a pin (BT), pp. 191–208.
- PLDI-2005-LukCMPKLWRH #named #program analysis #tool support
- Pin: building customized program analysis tools with dynamic instrumentation (CKL, RSC, RM, HP, AK, PGL, SW, VJR, KMH), pp. 190–200.
- DAC-2004-ZhaoFZSP #power management
- Optimal placement of power supply pads and pins (MZ, YF, VZ, SS, RP), pp. 165–170.
- DATE-v2-2004-MinzPL #3d
- Net and Pin Distribution for 3D Package Global Routing (JRM, MP, SKL), pp. 1410–1411.
- DATE-v2-2004-TehranipourNC #flexibility #testing
- Nine-Coded Compression Technique with Application to Reduced Pin-Count Testing and Flexible On-Chip Decompression (MHT, MN, KC), pp. 1284–1289.
- DAC-2002-XiangWT #algorithm
- An algorithm for integrated pin assignment and buffer planning (HX, DFW, XT), pp. 584–589.
- DATE-2002-ChandraC #clustering #testing
- Test Resource Partitioning and Reduced Pin-Count Testing Based on Test Data Compression (AC, KC), pp. 598–603.
- DAC-1999-CongHX #performance
- Technology Mapping for FPGAs with Nonuniform Pin Delays and Fast Interconnections (JC, YYH, SX), pp. 373–378.
- DAC-1992-HongHCK #algorithm #named #performance
- FARM: An Efficient Feed-Through Pin Assignment Algorithm (XH, JH, CKC, ESK), pp. 530–535.
- DAC-1992-HouC #algorithm #permutation
- A Pin Permutation Algorithm for Improving Over-the-Cell Channel Routing (CYH, CYRC), pp. 594–599.
- DAC-1992-HungP #constraints #design #multi #synthesis
- High-Level Synthesis with Pin Constraints for Multiple-Chip Designs (YHH, ACP), pp. 231–234.
- DAC-1988-YaoYL #approach #problem
- A New Approach to the Pin Assignment Problem (XY, MY, CLL), pp. 566–572.
- DAC-1980-KarpovskyS #component #detection #fault #standard
- Detecting bridging and stuck-at faults at input and output pins of standard digital components (MGK, SYHS), pp. 494–505.
- DAC-1978-Mory-Rauch
- Pin assignment on a printed circuit board (LMR), pp. 70–73.
- DAC-1976-Zobniw #multi #realtime #using
- Multi-defect real time diagnosis using a single pin probe (LMZ), pp. 179–185.
- DAC-1975-Zobniw #realtime #using
- Real time diagnosis using single pin probe (LMZ), pp. 268–285.
- DAC-1973-So #multi
- Pin assignment of circuit cards and the routability of multilayer printed wiring backplanes (HCS), pp. 33–43.
- DAC-1972-Koren #automation #design
- Pin assignment in automated printed circuit board design (NLK), pp. 72–79.
- DAC-1970-Sr #analysis #clustering #graph #logic #reduction
- Partitioning of logic graphs: A theoretical analysis of pin reduction (RBHS), pp. 54–63.
- DAC-1969-Radke #predict
- A justification of, and an improvement on, a useful rule for predicting circuit-to-pin ratios (CER), pp. 257–267.