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Travelled to:
2 × USA
3 × France
3 × Germany
Collaborated with:
T.S.Rosing J.Meng K.C.Gross C.Hankendi T.Zhang D.Atienza Y.Leblebici K.Kawakami K.Whisnant S.Narayanasamy B.Calder J.L.Abellán A.Joshi A.Bartolini M.Sadri J.Furst L.Benini P.Aghera D.Krishnaswamy D.Fang T.Rosing T.Brunschwiler B.Michel J.L.Ayala M.Zapater J.L.Ayala J.M.Moya K.Vaidyanathan A.Cevrero G.Beanato P.Athanasopoulos
Talks about:
effici (8) energi (7) system (4) manag (4) architectur (3) temperatur (3) thermal (3) stack (3) multicor (2) schedul (2)

Person: Ayse Kivilcim Coskun

DBLP DBLP: Coskun:Ayse_Kivilcim

Contributed to:

DATE 20142014
DATE 20132013
DAC 20122012
DATE 20122012
DATE 20102010
DATE 20092009
DAC 20082008
DATE 20072007

Wrote 13 papers:

DATE-2014-ZhangAJC #manycore #network
Thermal management of manycore systems with silicon-photonic networks (TZ, JLA, AJ, AKC), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2013-ZapaterAMVGC #energy #performance
Leakage and temperature aware server control for improving energy efficiency in data centers (MZ, JLA, JMM, KV, KCG, AKC), pp. 266–269.
DATE-2013-ZhangCBACL #3d #architecture #composition #manycore #named #performance
3D-MMC: a modular 3D multi-core architecture with efficient resource pooling (TZ, AC, GB, PA, AKC, YL), pp. 1241–1246.
DAC-2012-MengKC #3d #constraints #energy #manycore #optimisation #performance
Optimizing energy efficiency of 3-D multicore systems with stacked DRAM under power and thermal constraints (JM, KK, AKC), pp. 648–655.
DATE-2012-BartoliniSFCB #energy #performance #scalability
Quantifying the impact of frequency scaling on the energy efficiency of the single-chip cloud computer (AB, MS, JNF, AKC, LB), pp. 181–186.
DATE-2012-HankendiC #energy #parallel #performance
Reducing the energy cost of computing through efficient co-scheduling of parallel workloads (CH, AKC), pp. 994–999.
DATE-2012-MengC #3d #analysis #energy #performance #runtime
Analysis and runtime management of 3D systems with stacked DRAM for boosting energy efficiency (JM, AKC), pp. 611–616.
DATE-2010-AgheraKFCR #energy #named #performance
DynAHeal: Dynamic energy efficient task assignment for wireless healthcare systems (PA, DK, DF, AKC, TR), pp. 1661–1664.
DATE-2010-CoskunARBM #3d #architecture #energy
Energy-efficient variable-flow liquid cooling in 3D stacked architectures (AKC, DA, TSR, TB, BM), pp. 111–116.
DATE-2009-CoskunAARL #3d #architecture #manycore
Dynamic thermal management in 3D multicore architectures (AKC, JLA, DA, TSR, YL), pp. 1410–1415.
DAC-2008-CoskunRG #learning #multi #online #using
Temperature management in multiprocessor SoCs using online learning (AKC, TSR, KCG), pp. 890–893.
DATE-2007-CoskunRW #scheduling
Temperature aware task scheduling in MPSoCs (AKC, TSR, KW), pp. 1659–1664.
DATE-2007-NarayanasamyCC #fault #predict
Transient fault prediction based on anomalies in processor events (SN, AKC, BC), pp. 1140–1145.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.