Stem temperatur$ (all stems)
96 papers:
CASE-2015-GuptaKMW #coordination #multi- Incentive compatible mechanism for coordinated temperature control in multi-occupant buildings (SKG, KK, SM, JTW), pp. 438–443.
CASE-2015-LuTZ #assessment #design #estimation #industrial #modelling- Model-based temperature estimation methods in design of industrial manipulator and their assessment (QL, GT, JZ), pp. 1242–1248.
CASE-2015-WangZ #modelling #predict #simulation- A prediction method for interior temperature of grain storage via dynamics models: A simulation study (DW, XZ), pp. 1477–1483.
DATE-2015-EgilmezMME #smarttech- User-specific skin temperature-aware DVFS for smartphones (BE, GM, SOM, OE), pp. 1217–1220.
DATE-2015-KamalIAP #algorithm- A thermal stress-aware algorithm for power and temperature management of MPSoCs (MK, AI, AAK, MP), pp. 954–959.
DATE-2015-PaganiCSH #modelling #named #performance- MatEx: efficient transient and peak temperature computation for compact thermal models (SP, JJC, MS, JH), pp. 1515–1520.
DATE-2015-ZhangPJLF #fault #self- Temperature-aware software-based self-testing for delay faults (YZ, ZP, JJ, HL, MF), pp. 423–428.
DATE-2015-ZhuCPP #manycore #named- TAPP: temperature-aware application mapping for NoC-based many-core processors (DZ, LC, TMP, MP), pp. 1241–1244.
SAC-2015-HamataniUH #smarttech #using- Estimating core body temperature based on human thermal model using wearable sensors (TH, AU, TH), pp. 521–526.
ASPLOS-2015-GoiriNB #for free #named- CoolAir: Temperature- and Variation-Aware Management for Free-Cooled Datacenters (IG, TDN, RB), pp. 253–265.
CASE-2014-LongLXJ #distributed #probability- A scenario-based distributed stochastic MPC for building temperature regulation (YL, SL, LX, KHJ), pp. 1091–1096.
CASE-2014-MinakaisMW #learning- Groundhog Day: Iterative learning for building temperature control (MM, SM, JTW), pp. 948–953.
CASE-2014-YangFD #modelling- Modeling on the fluid temperature distribution of a spiral heat exchanger (SY, KF, MD), pp. 170–175.
DAC-2014-ShafiqueGHM #challenge #reliability #variability- The EDA Challenges in the Dark Silicon Era: Temperature, Reliability, and Variability Perspectives (MS, SG, JH, DM), p. 6.
DAC-2014-WangX #on the #performance #simulation- On the Simulation of NBTI-Induced Performance Degradation Considering Arbitrary Temperature and Voltage Variations (TW, QX), p. 6.
DATE-2014-AghaeePE #3d #performance- An efficient temperature-gradient based burn-in technique for 3D stacked ICs (NA, ZP, PE), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-AshammagariMH #configuration management #design #functional #performance #power management- Exploiting STT-NV technology for reconfigurable, high performance, low power, and low temperature functional unit design (ARA, HM, HH), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-DasKV #energy #multi #trade-off- Temperature aware energy-reliability trade-offs for mapping of throughput-constrained applications on multimedia MPSoCs (AD, AK, BV), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-KhanAHKKRC #analysis #bias- Bias Temperature Instability analysis of FinFET based SRAM cells (SK, IA, SH, HK, BK, PR, FC), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-KimSAVG #enterprise #metric- Global fan speed control considering non-ideal temperature measurements in enterprise servers (JK, MMS, DA, KV, KCG), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-Sadri0WWB #3d #energy #optimisation #using- Energy optimization in 3D MPSoCs with Wide-I/O DRAM using temperature variation aware bank-wise refresh (MS, MJ, CW, NW, LB), pp. 1–4.
DHM-2014-ChenCLC #quality- Bedroom Temperature and Sleeping Quality (HCC, CCC, FLL, CLC), pp. 204–211.
ICPR-2014-RingLRE #assessment #using- A Two-Stage Regression Using Bioimpedance and Temperature for Hydration Assessment During Sports (MR, CL, MR, BE), pp. 4519–4524.
CASE-2013-ZhangJYZCPLX #communication #multi- Multichannel subgrade temperature acquisition system based on LabVIEW and serial communication (JZ, SJ, MY, XZ, JC, BP, JL, XX), pp. 558–563.
DAC-2013-NathAR #concurrent #scheduling #thread- Temperature aware thread block scheduling in GPGPUs (RN, RZA, TSR), p. 6.
DAC-2013-TajikHD #3d #architecture #manycore #named #process- VAWOM: temperature and process variation aware wearout management in 3D multicore architecture (HT, HH, ND), p. 8.
DATE-2013-ZapaterAMVGC #energy #performance- Leakage and temperature aware server control for improving energy efficiency in data centers (MZ, JLA, JMM, KV, KCG, AKC), pp. 266–269.
DAC-2012-LionelPSE #monitoring #statistics #testing- Embedding statistical tests for on-chip dynamic voltage and temperature monitoring (LV, PM, SL, EB), pp. 994–999.
DAC-2012-PaekMSSK #markov #named #random- PowerField: a transient temperature-to-power technique based on Markov random field theory (SP, SHM, WS, JS, LSK), pp. 630–635.
DAC-2012-UkhovBEP #analysis #embedded #multi #optimisation #reliability- Steady-state dynamic temperature analysis and reliability optimization for embedded multiprocessor systems (IU, MB, PE, ZP), pp. 197–204.
DAC-2012-ZhouLCKQY #framework #monitoring- An information-theoretic framework for optimal temperature sensor allocation and full-chip thermal monitoring (HZ, XL, CYC, EK, HQ, SCY), pp. 642–647.
DATE-2012-BiZLCP #design- Spintronic memristor based temperature sensor design with CMOS current reference (XB, CZ, HL, YC, REP), pp. 1301–1306.
DATE-2012-RahimiBG #analysis- Analysis of instruction-level vulnerability to dynamic voltage and temperature variations (AR, LB, RKG), pp. 1102–1105.
DATE-2012-SassoneCMMPGMBR #dependence #network- Investigating the effects of Inverted Temperature Dependence (ITD) on clock distribution networks (AS, AC, AM, EM, MP, RG, VM, EB, SR), pp. 165–166.
DATE-2012-SharifiAR #named #predict- TempoMP: Integrated prediction and management of temperature in heterogeneous MPSoCs (SS, RZA, TSR), pp. 593–598.
DATE-2012-WuLMC #approach #correlation- Mitigating lifetime underestimation: A system-level approach considering temperature variations and correlations between failure mechanisms (KCW, MCL, DM, SCC), pp. 1269–1274.
CHI-2012-HalveyWBH #feedback #quote- “Baby it’s cold outside”: the influence of ambient temperature and humidity on thermal feedback (MH, GW, SAB, SAH), pp. 715–724.
ICPR-2012-GiancardoSSPM #multi #segmentation- Segmentation and tracking of multiple interacting mice by temperature and shape information (LG, DS, DS, FP, VM), pp. 2520–2523.
KDIR-2012-Zamora-MartinezRPT #empirical #network- Some Empirical Evaluations of a Temperature Forecasting Module based on Artificial Neural Networks for a Domotic Home Environment (FZM, PR, JP, DT), pp. 206–211.
DAC-2011-HuangQFQ #constraints #realtime #throughput- Throughput maximization for periodic real-time systems under the maximal temperature constraint (HH, GQ, JF, MQ), pp. 363–368.
DAC-2011-KernZSNT #network- Accuracy of ethernet AVB time synchronization under varying temperature conditions for automotive networks (AK, HZ, TS, JN, JT), pp. 597–602.
DATE-2011-ChenZD #optimisation- Integrated circuit white space redistribution for temperature optimization (YC, HZ, RPD), pp. 613–618.
DATE-2011-HuangQ #constraints #energy #realtime- Leakage aware energy minimization for real-time systems under the maximum temperature constraint (HH, GQ), pp. 479–484.
DATE-2011-LiuOXL #energy #reduction- Register allocation for simultaneous reduction of energy and peak temperature on registers (TL, AO, CJX, ML), pp. 20–25.
DATE-2011-RaiYBCT #analysis #realtime #worst-case- Worst-case temperature analysis for real-time systems (DR, HY, IB, JJC, LT), pp. 631–636.
DATE-2011-WangNKWRLMB #configuration management #using- High-temperature (>500°C) reconfigurable computing using silicon carbide NEMS switches (XW, SN, ARK, FGW, SR, THL, MM, SB), pp. 1065–1070.
DUXU-v2-2011-BaughD #design #experience #locality #user interface- Designing Notebook Computers to Ensure a Comfortable User Experience: Effects of Surface Temperature, Material, Locality, and Ambient Temperature (EB, RD), pp. 539–547.
DUXU-v2-2011-Iizuka #empirical #how- An Experiment about How to Feel Temperature Change of Mouse (SI), pp. 575–581.
CASE-2010-KrishnanSPW- Durability studies of PBI-based membrane elect rode assemblies for high temperature PEMFCs (LK, TS, RP, DW), pp. 21–26.
DATE-2010-BaoAEP #energy #optimisation #scalability- Temperature-aware idle time distribution for energy optimization with dynamic voltage scaling (MB, AA, PE, ZP), pp. 21–26.
DATE-2010-HePE #multi #testing- Multi-temperature testing for core-based system-on-chip (ZH, ZP, PE), pp. 208–213.
DATE-2010-LandrockK- High temperature polymer capacitors for aerospace applications (CKL, BK), pp. 1349–1352.
DATE-2010-LiuNCMP #reduction- Post-placement temperature reduction techniques (WL, AN, AC, EM, MP), pp. 634–637.
DATE-2010-LongM10a #dependence #scheduling- Inversed Temperature Dependence aware clock skew scheduling for sequential circuits (JL, SOM), pp. 1657–1660.
DATE-2010-PakbazniaGP #power management #resource management- Temperature-aware dynamic resource provisioning in a power-optimized datacenter (EP, MG, MP), pp. 124–129.
DATE-2010-SeyabH #framework #modelling- NBTI modeling in the framework of temperature variation (S, SH), pp. 283–286.
DATE-2010-YangCTK #energy #realtime #scheduling- Energy-efficient real-time task scheduling with temperature-dependent leakage (CYY, JJC, LT, TWK), pp. 9–14.
DATE-2010-ZhuoSB #process #reliability- Process variation and temperature-aware reliability management (CZ, DS, DB), pp. 580–585.
SAC-2010-KimJJ- Dynamic register-renaming scheme for reducing power-density and temperature (JK, STJ, CSJ), pp. 231–237.
DAC-2009-BaoAEP #dependence #energy #online #optimisation #scalability- On-line thermal aware dynamic voltage scaling for energy optimization with frequency/temperature dependency consideration (MB, AA, PE, ZP), pp. 490–495.
DAC-2009-ZhangS #estimation #using- Accurate temperature estimation using noisy thermal sensors (YZ, AS), pp. 472–477.
DATE-2009-KhajehGDKEKA #design #memory management #named #reliability- TRAM: A tool for Temperature and Reliability Aware Memory Design (AK, AG, ND, FJK, AME, KSK, MSA), pp. 340–345.
DATE-2009-YeoK #behaviour #manycore- Temperature-aware scheduler based on thermal behavior grouping in multicore systems (IY, EJK), pp. 946–951.
SAC-2009-ManuchSS #bound #self- Two lower bounds for self-assemblies at temperature 1 (JM, LS, CS), pp. 808–809.
CASE-2008-WasonGWMHM #modelling #process- Model-based control of a high-temperature crystal growth process (JDW, WG, JTW, KM, JH, SM), pp. 486–491.
DAC-2008-CoskunRG #learning #multi #online #using- Temperature management in multiprocessor SoCs using online learning (AKC, TSR, KCG), pp. 890–893.
DAC-2008-LiuMZM #architecture- A power and temperature aware DRAM architecture (SL, SOM, YZ, GM), pp. 878–883.
DAC-2008-ZhouYP #compilation #reduction- Compiler-driven register re-assignment for register file power-density and temperature reduction (XZ, CY, PP), pp. 750–753.
DATE-2008-BaoAEP #energy #optimisation- Temperature-Aware Voltage Selection for Energy Optimization (MB, AA, PE, ZP), pp. 1083–1086.
DATE-2008-ChantemDH #realtime #scheduling- Temperature-Aware Scheduling and Assignment for Hard Real-Time Applications on MPSoCs (TC, RPD, XSH), pp. 288–293.
DATE-2008-LiCZ #novel- A Novel Technique for Improving Temperature Independency of Ring-ADC (SL, HC, FZ), pp. 694–697.
DATE-2008-MuraliMAGBBM #manycore #optimisation #using- Temperature Control of High-Performance Multi-core Platforms Using Convex Optimization (SM, AM, DA, RG, SPB, LB, GDM), pp. 110–115.
SAC-2008-ShiguemoriVS #approach #network #retrieval- Atmospheric temperature retrieval from satellite data: new non-extensive artificial neural network approach (EHS, HFdCV, JDSdS), pp. 1688–1692.
DATE-2007-CoskunRW #scheduling- Temperature aware task scheduling in MPSoCs (AKC, TSR, KW), pp. 1659–1664.
DATE-2007-GhoshBR #adaptation #scheduling #synthesis #using- Low-overhead circuit synthesis for temperature adaptation using dynamic voltage scheduling (SG, SB, KR), pp. 1532–1537.
DATE-2007-LasbouyguesWAM #analysis- Temperature and voltage aware timing analysis: application to voltage drops (BL, RW, NA, PM), pp. 1012–1017.
DATE-2007-LiuDSY #estimation #power management- Accurate temperature-dependent integrated circuit leakage power estimation is easy (YL, RPD, LS, HY), pp. 1526–1531.
DATE-2007-WangLHLYX #modelling #performance- Temperature-aware NBTI modeling and the impact of input vector control on performance degradation (YW, HL, KH, RL, HY, YX), pp. 546–551.
DHM-2007-LongzhuY #evaluation #research- Experimental Research of Evaluation of Temperature Ergonomics of EVA Spacesuit Glove (HL, XgY), pp. 929–938.
DAC-2006-HuaMSSMJD #3d- Exploring compromises among timing, power and temperature in three-dimensional integrated circuits (HH, CM, KS, AMS, SM, RJ, WRD), pp. 997–1002.
DAC-2006-MukherjeeM- Systematic temperature sensor allocation and placement for microprocessors (RM, SOM), pp. 542–547.
DATE-2006-PaciMPB #design #power management- Exploring “temperature-aware” design in low-power MPSoCs (GP, PM, FP, LB), pp. 838–843.
DATE-2006-YangV #analysis #evaluation #performance #synthesis- Efficient temperature-dependent symbolic sensitivity analysis and symbolic performance evaluation in analog circuit synthesis (HY, RV), pp. 283–284.
ASPLOS-2006-HeathCGRJ- Mercury and freon: temperature emulation and management for server systems (TH, APC, PG, LER, YJ, RB), pp. 106–116.
HPCA-2006-KimGS #comprehension #interactive- Understanding the performance-temperature interactions in disk I/O of server workloads (YK, SG, AS), pp. 176–186.
DAC-2005-MukherjeeMM #resource management #synthesis- Temperature-aware resource allocation and binding in high-level synthesis (RM, SOM, GM), pp. 196–201.
DATE-2005-BotaRRS #testing- Smart Temperature Sensor for Thermal Testing of Cell-Based ICs (SAB, MR, JLR, JS), pp. 464–465.
HPCA-2005-ChaparroMGG #reduction- Distributing the Frontend for Temperature Reduction (PC, GM, JG, AG), pp. 61–70.
DAC-2004-HeLS #reduction- System level leakage reduction considering the interdependence of temperature and leakage (LH, WL, MRS), pp. 12–17.
DAC-2004-HuangSSSGV #design #modelling- Compact thermal modeling for temperature-aware design (WH, MRS, KS, KS, SG, SV), pp. 878–883.
DAC-2004-VassighiKNSYLCSD #design #optimisation- Design optimizations for microprocessors at low temperature (AV, AK, SN, GS, YY, SL, GC, MS, VD), pp. 2–5.
DAC-2001-AjamiBPG #analysis #performance- Analysis of Non-Uniform Temperature-Dependent Interconnect Performance in High Performance ICs (AHA, KB, MP, LPPPvG), pp. 567–572.
DAC-2000-TsaiK #performance #reduction #simulation- Fast temperature calculation for transient electrothermal simulation by mixed frequency/time domain thermal model reduction (CHT, SMK), pp. 750–755.
ICPR-v1-2000-YangPM- Singular Features in Sea Surface Temperature Data (QY, BP, AM), pp. 1516–1520.
HCI-CCAD-1999-NabeshimaTSNIOKS #hybrid #monitoring- Hybrid monitoring system for high temperature gas cooling reactor (KN, ET, TS, SN, KI, TO, KK, KS), pp. 1187–1191.
DATE-1998-DagaOA- Temperature Effect on Delay for Low Voltage Applications (JMD, EO, DA), pp. 680–685.