Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × South Korea
3 × Canada
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.E.Hudson R.E.Kraut J.Chen J.Mahmud J.Nichols C.Lauckner Y.Lee S.Counts R.Kraut C.Harrison K.R.Wood A.Sellen S.Huang M.(.Suh B.M.Hill Y.Hou I.Chen K.N.Truong J.Horstman J.Lai R.Weber K.D.D.Willis J.Forlizzi J.Mankoff A.K.Dey J.A.Kientz S.Lederer M.Ames
Talks about:
use (4) social (3) market (3) valu (3) understand (2) synchron (2) question (2) communic (2) display (2) credibl (2)
Person: Gary Hsieh
DBLP: Hsieh:Gary
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- CHI-2015-HuangSHH #analysis #how
- How Activists Are Both Born and Made: An Analysis of Users on (SWH, M(S, BMH, GH), pp. 211–220.
- CHI-2014-HsiehCMN #comprehension #what
- You read what you value: understanding personal values and reading interests (GH, JC, JM, JN), pp. 983–986.
- CSCW-2014-ChenHMN #comprehension #social #social media #word
- Understanding individuals’ personal values from social media word use (JC, GH, JM, JN), pp. 405–414.
- CHI-2013-LaucknerH
- The presentation of health-related search results and its impact on negative emotional outcomes (CL, GH), pp. 333–342.
- CHI-2013-LeeH #consistency #online
- Does slacktivism hurt activism?: the effects of moral balancing and consistency in online activism (YHL, GH), pp. 811–820.
- CSCW-2013-HsiehHCT #community #exclamation #online #predict #quote #social #volunteer
- “Welcome!”: social and psychological predictors of volunteer socializers in online communities (GH, YH, IC, KNT), pp. 827–838.
- CHI-2012-HarrisonHHH
- Unlocking the expressivity of point lights (CH, JH, GH, SEH), pp. 1683–1692.
- CHI-2011-HarrisonHWFH #design #named #user interface #using #visual notation
- Kineticons: using iconographic motion in graphical user interface design (CH, GH, KDDW, JF, SEH), pp. 1999–2008.
- CHI-2011-HsiehHK #how
- Donate for credibility: how contribution incentives can improve credibility (GH, SEH, REK), pp. 3435–3438.
- CHI-2010-HsiehKH #how #why
- Why pay?: exploring how financial incentives are used for question & answer (GH, REK, SEH), pp. 305–314.
- CHI-2009-HsiehC #named #realtime
- mimir: a market-based real-time question and answer service (GH, SC), pp. 769–778.
- CHI-2008-HsiehLHK #communication #using
- Using tags to assist near-synchronous communication (GH, JL, SEH, RK), pp. 223–226.
- CSCW-2008-HsiehKHW #communication
- Can markets help?: applying market mechanisms to improve synchronous communication (GH, RK, SEH, RW), pp. 535–544.
- CHI-2006-HsiehWS
- Peripheral display of digital handwritten notes (GH, KRW, AS), pp. 285–288.
- CHI-2003-MankoffDHKLA #evaluation #heuristic
- Heuristic evaluation of ambient displays (JM, AKD, GH, JAK, SL, MA), pp. 169–176.